Real Housewives of Dubai 6/25/24 – Queen For a Day

Did Taleen’s sister really say “where’s the beach?” As in the ocean? That huge body of water right behind you?? Was that a joke? It didn’t seem to be.

If people think you’re crazy you’re doing something right.”

Words to live by perhaps.

Raffi wants her to have another child – a boy.


Sergio Sergio Sergio. He does need to be less clingy, let’s be honest. He’s following her around the house and wants to cuddle in the middle of packing.

And the constant “Honny.” It’s so cringy.

I don’t get his tantrum that happens later when she tells Michael she’s handling online moving details, then claiming he didn’t know what she was doing.

Maybe if he’s stop repeating “honny” and listen he would know what the hell is going on.

I know Stanbury is abrasive and a bitch, but honestly that would annoy anyone. All the kid has to do is throw shit in boxes, and he can’t that without her guidance?

Michael asks her if everything is okay, and she complains to him that Sergio is being a pest about purses.

She lets Michael know exactly what she was doing on the phone, and Sergio has a hissy that she didn’t tell him that.

No she didn’t share the exact details of what she was doing, but she told him multiple time she was busy handling last minute issues.

I would think a grown-ass man would be able to comprehend this, and not continue to whine that she was ignoring him.

I did tell you, if you could shut up and listen!!

Sergio gets pissed and isn’t he so funny? Trying to be a tough guy. Referring to himself as “the man of the house.” So cute that he actually thinks that. Caroline completely ignores him. He tried.

Sure you are Sergio! now go get a juice box.


Ayan is having a tooth analysis to determine her age. Her new bestie Stanbury is invited because it’s this whole thing about her age since Ayan was age-shaming Stanbury last season. I guess it’s good they’re able to joke about it.

So has she been making up a birth date her entire life??

So this was a bust. Thought this doctor could determine her age based on the X-ray. But he needs to do ‘his study.’ Whatever.


Caroline Brooks’ son is getting a little lippy to say the least. Seems like he’s getting little to no discipline.

And for this I’m getting nothing??

I’m so over her trying to sell us constantly that she got ‘nothing’ from her ex-husband. I really doubt that is true.

I’m glad to see she is no longer requiring her housekeeper, who is now being shown as her nanny, to dress in normal clothes. It looks like it’s the same woman. I recall he name being Sara.

She spoke to her horribly and made her wear a horrible cheap frumpy white uniform.


I’m feeling like Saba, Sara’s good friend and business partner is very much hoping to be a Season 3 Housewife.

Yes Sara please go for this Akin guy. He lives in Germany so I guess that’s a challenge. It’s only a 5 – 8 hour flight. That’s nothing!!


Caroline and Sergio’s house is ridick!! Those light fixtures!

Sergio apologizes to her for acting like he’s ten and says he was stressed out.


I’m not sure why Taleen thinks that wealthy people in ‘The States’ don’t have chefs, drivers and nannies?? Apparently she’s never watched Real Housewives.

Those bitches aren’t even wealthy, they just pretend to be and they have all of that.

No one in America has a nanny I am sure!!

I found that comment very comical. “You can’t get that kind of help in the States.” Pretty sure you can.

I remember Lesa saying last season “everything in Dubai is a phone all away.”

As if the US and other countries are third world and Dubai is the only country with technology. It’s not like this shit is free, they are paying for it, are they not??

Pretty sure things are ‘a phone call away’ in the US too, if you can afford it. We have phones and internet here.

Maybe they’re just trying to justify living in Dubai and really want to live in the US so they’re convincing themselves everything is so divine there.

Whatever makes them feel better.

There was a guys’ night where Sergio opened up and blabbed to the guys about how disrespected he is by Caroline and her kids.

I LOVE Taleen’s husband. He is the perfect man. Is he not?? I challenge anyone to say one negative thing about this man.

They don’t have to view Sergio as a father figure, but they can certainly be respectful to him.

They discuss how utterly awful Yasmine was to Sergio at the ‘Get the Fuck Out Party.’


Ayan is hosting a Queen’s dinner, because you know, she’s a Queen and wants everyone to aspire to be like her.

The Beyonce ‘VVIP’ thing is getting so overdone.

She arrives on time, and everyone is ‘fashionably late.’

So the instructions were to dress like a ‘queen’ which I guess is up to interpretation, but you would think the assumption would be to wear a crown which only Brooks and Stanbury seemed to understand the assignment.

The shit gets really deep as Ayan has them choosing a Wife to give accolades and praise to.

Stanbury especially loves her admirations as narcissists often do. She is on the spectrum, although she’s not the worst I’ve seen.

Oh go on!! Please, go on!!

Taleen pulls Stanbury aside to discuss what Sergio shared on the guys’ night.

The ladies get a little too worked up as to what they’re talking about.

After getting filled in, Stanbury is annoyed with Sergio, and I feel kind of bad for him. Maybe Taleen should have considered Sergio and just kept her mouth shut.

The bottom line is Sergio is too young for Caroline Stanbury. In huge age gap marriages, it helps if the younger partner is mature for their age, and Sergio is actually very immature for his age. This isn’t going to work.

What Stanbury says to her is a little disconcerting to be honest. She acts like she could care less if he comes or goes.

The door is open…”

Taleen is flabbergasted as I’m sure we all were.

She goes on to say she gives the marriage 10 – 15.

Wow. And she’s talking about having a child with this man.

Lesa and Taleen start to bicker when they return to the table over the reason they had a private chat. If you want to call it that, since it was on camera.

How dare you have a private talk in front of a million people!



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