Real Housewives of Dubai 6/11/24

Taleen – so she’s a lot. Her life seems like a fantasy. And she does like to brag about it. Her husband is the MAN, basically built Dubai from the ground up, according to her.

And he’s SO cute, and he doesn’t seem like a douchy asshole that insults his wife as a hobby and has 14 hissy-pissy-sissy fits per day. Imagine!! A successful well-mannered confident man. Love that.

I don’t get why she needs to drink excessively. If that was my life I would want to be stone cold sober to enjoy it.

Brooks and Sara are visit. She wants to fix Sara up with a friend of her husband’s. Brooks appears to be arriving drunk again.

Taleen lives on the ‘Palm’ which we get informed, her husband “actually helped to build” and it’s expensive ass Real Estate and if ya live there, ya did somethin’ right!! AKA, Ya married the right dude!!

Not one to brag but bitch I’m hooked up!!

Sara claims she doesn’t want to live on the Palm, and it’s for people that want to show-off. Well I don’t see Taleen doing any type of showing off, at all!!! NOT!!

Yes Brooks is definitely shitfaced as they settle on the balcony of Taleen’s de -luxe apartment in the Palm, as we’re listening to her trying to talk. About what we don’t know.

I don’t know what I’m saying, where’s the tequila??

She’s all cranked up and rambling about Stanbury, Lesa and Ayan. Guess she’s doing her Housewife job. I’m loving these champagne glasses. They’re Versace I was told.

Speaking of the devils, they are all meeting for lunch. Ayan arrives last making her entrance. Looks like she’s wearing shoes she can maybe walk in this time. I feel Like Stanbury is really jealous of her.

Back and forth scenes talking about each other. Back to the ‘victim’ thing with Ayan. Here’s what I have to say about it, not that you asked. Victim was the wrong terminology for her to use.

Ayan has her moments, but it’s not like she’s a terrible person like other Housewives such as Rinna, Erika, or Teresa. She means well. Those three ho’s do not.

Brooks is still all in her feelings and fuming about Stanbury’s snarky comment about Taleen’s sloppy drunken fall with her lady parts on display onto Sergio’s lap.

What’s funny is how Brooks is more pissed off about it than Taleen is.

I don’t know – this is a lot of fuss over nothing, is it not?


Ayan has started a makeup line. Guess Stanbury making her feel like she was ‘just a model’ last season inspired her.

She won the husband jackpot too. He is a sweetie pie. Some men have to be horribly abusive monsters in order to feel manly. That’s so sad to me. And weird. A lot weirder than walking fast. Sad and pathetic. Chris seems to really respect his wife and knows how to treat a lady. I love their banter.

I hate to sound like a broken record, but it really does seem like the Dubai ladies hit the husband jackpot. Lesa’s guy is a sweetheart and stand-up guy as well. He offers to put her mom up in an apartment if she wants to move to Dubai. He seems like he actually means it. Doesn’t appear to be talking out his asshole.


Ayan and Sara meet and this time it goes better and they make up. Sara actually apologizes, which she struggles with.


Glass Houses is still leaking. People that live in glass houses… I don’t know but there’s a joke in there somewhere, I’m pretty sure. Who all thinks her ex did this on purpose? Who all thinks she bit off a little more than she can chew running this salon?

Taleen drops by and informs Brooks she’s having a little soiree and is inviting Stanbury.

Back to Taleen having the most awesome fucking husband everrrrrr, he enters their apartment pushing a shopping cart full of “liquor and cookies.” WHAT?? You had me at liquor and cookies. This is like my dream.

You had me at liquor...And cookies!

I think Taleen may have a bit of an alcohol problem as well, as she is pre-gaming here slurping what appears to be straight tequila or vodka – from a straw. I did think it was water – but apparently not when she tells her husband she’s “taking the edge off.”

Just taking the edge off of my terrible life!


Sergio is still clingy and a crybaby, but he’s not terrible. He’s sad he’s not invited to go to the US with Caroline and her daughter and ex to look at schools. He’s not having a hisspy-pissy-sissy fit, but he’s annoyed. I kind of get it but what’s his purpose there? He can suck it up and be a big boy.

But I wanna come too mom!!! No fair!!


Taleen’s party, Brooks is like the first to arrive and feeling good. Sara has also arrived and not sure what she’s wearing. I think she tries to follow some sort of ‘conservative’ rules that the country has. I think last season she refused to wear a bathing suit.

Stanbury arrives and Brooks is losing her shit and no one gets it. I don’t get it. Do you get it?

Stanbury says she would have had to get to the party before it started to see Brooks and Taleen not wasted. They’re drinking buddies, for sure.

The guy Taleen is trying to fix Sara up with, yeah – NO. Just no. I think she’s pissed when she sees him not because she’s being fixed up, but what she’s being fixed up with.

It would be more of a pleasure to not meet you.

Brooks drunkenly slurs her request to Stanbury to meet her on the balcony to talk.

Sara actually thinks this is a good idea right now when Brook can’t even hold her head up. Stanbury looks kind of afraid as Sara takes off.

Stanbury accuses her of winding up Taleen. Brooks runs to retrieve her. Great, two shitfaced broads trying to have a normal conversation. Well, a normal Housewife conversation.

You’re really leaving me with this drunk bitch??

The alcohol’s free and most likely top shelf. Not sure why Stanbury didn’t get a good buzz on for this shit.

Taleen is flattered everyone wants to talk about her vagina. The other ladies join this nonsense argument. Stanbury leaves the nonsense conversation.

That was painful.



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