So, guys I did not write about the first two eps due to some technical difficulty with my DVR. Maybe the universe is trying to tell me something, like DON’T WATCH THIS SHIT ? Even though I have my DVR set up to record BH, all runs, and has been recording it all day long, at 8pm, when the new ep is on, it is not recording it. It’s the weirdest thing. It even shows that it’s recording in the Guide.
who knows.
I watched last week’s that was on at 7, so I saw the birthday party, and all of that awkwardness.
Still not sure if Sutton was proven right or not. Or since her communication skills are not great, she just gave in and let everyone convince her she was wrong?
“I’m not trying to spark more issues” says Kyle, as she literally tries to spark more issues. She divulges Sutton’s weird comments about the robbery.
Of course Erika is jumping all over this. Because you know, Sutton was the only one gossiping and asking questions.
Get-together at Crystal’s, minus Sutton, since she is out of town.
So why is Erika being so awful, even for Erika, to Sutton? Is she still pouting about the shit that Sutton was saying about her stupid lying ass? Were they not all talking about it?
Sutton is on the chopping block apparently this season. Again. Garcelle shuts it down since she’s not there to defend herself. It does get shut down.
They’re going to Kyle’s vacay house “in the desert” – aka “Kim’s goddamned house” for the opening of her new store in this area. She talks about having to close all of her other stores because people don’t go to stores no more !!!
How annoying is it to see Erika having an “assistant” when her husband stole so much money from his clients, that lost family and were entitled to this money, that SHE then spent ALL OF.
Kyle to Dorit: “that looks so good on you.” Dorit: “I know.”
Diana, Crystal, and Sutton are banished to the hotel. Diana sends her peeps to hotels before she arrives to rearrange things and make the room exactly how she likes it.
Crystal approaches Sutton about those now very infamous insensitive comments that Kyle had to tell everyone. Sutton uses the excuse about getting robbed when she was 14 and her dad killing himself with a gun. Not sure what to make of this. I would think that might make you MORE sensitive to someone getting robbed, if you also experienced it?
Erika is seething with jealousy of Diana. Seething. (this is my new favorite word) This is what she thought she was going to be when Tom croaked. Fifty-something woman living in a mansion, traveling, shopping, dripping in diamonds, performing her stupid trashy shows. Not a care in the world. Sucks to be her.
Arrive at her store, and Kyle is wearing something so hideous, that I am flabbergasted. An oversized robe kimono thing that is swallowing her petite body. And the print is AWFUL. Whoever buys this shit is insane. I’m with Diana, sort of. I wouldn’t even wear this shit around my house. My God what if someone saw me when I got the mail wearing a housecoat at 1pm?
Everything hanging on the racks looks like these loud ugly robe things. Why does Kyle insist she’s so stylish? She’s not. This looks awful on her petite body. Why doesn’t she start a line of clothes for petites?
Sutton explains to Dorit at Kyle’s store, that she was ‘triggered’ by her childhood robbery, which caused her to say really awkward dumb things. I think that Sutton is just all together awkward.
Why is Crystal acting like a broke ass bitch? Talking about shopping at outlets, Diana buying her something because she “forgot” her card.
Erika seems to be living vicariously through Diana. Erika tells her that she HAS to get this ring for herself that Erika actually wants. I thinks she is just hoping Diana buys it for her.
They all gather at Kyle’s goddamned house. Diana is confused on what her sign is. Kyle knows she’s wrong, but sees that Diana is not going to not budge on what she says her sign is.

Why would Kyle bring those two big ass dogs to this house? They’re running around taking everyone’s food. what the fuck? bad hostessing.
This gathering seems awkward. They keep saying that the food is good and making awkward small talk.
Now more Sutton ‘air clearing.’ which Garcelle instigates. Meaning pick on Sutton. Not sure why Garcelle brought it up. Sutton explained it at the store. But let’s beat a dead horse, as Housewives always do.
Out of nowhere, (almost as if she was put up to it by oh I don’t know – Erica) Diana calls her weird and awkward. But points out she did apologize. Again Kyle won’t let it go. Diana also calls her clumsy with her behavior and words. But I guess that’s a fair assessment. Just not to blurt out to her in front of a crowd.
This is like a rerun of last season when she got all freaked out and extra at the restaurant, because she thought she was purposely left out of a joke, when Crystal was trying to let her in on the joke.
Crystal starts talking about last year and that whole fucking ‘violated’ comment.
Not sure why Garcelle is so dead set on being this crowd mediator.
Kyle is so hypocritical, as usual. This argument is fucking ridick. I don’t even know what to write about this. It’s off the chain stupid. They’re literally simultaneously arguing about Crystal’s ‘violation’ last year, Erika’s marital and legal troubles, and Sutton’s questions and comments last year, Dorito’s robbery, and Suttons comments to Kyle about it. How in the FUCK is this possible?
Now Erika is getting in here with her broke ass criminal husband bullshit. Then she passes out.

Shut up Dorito, yes we know, you and your super sweet thoughtful robber, that was nice enough to leave your phone by the gate for you. Tell PK to lay off the gambling. Then they won’t have to send thugs to your house to collect! and pretty sure you made up the gun part.
Why is Diana calling herself Crystal’s bodyguard?
Tired of hearing feeling validated, violated and triggered. Kyle calls Crystal dramatic ????
This is what life is like in Beverly Hills ????
Wow I need a fuckin drink.