Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

Latest Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Articles

Juicy little tid

Hello guys so Twitter has been all abuzz (thanks to Rinna) today with Erika’s cringy crying last night, fake hyperventilating and apparent freak out at Production that was not shown. Apparently / allegedly, Garcelle was not actually present when Erika disclosed that Tom calls her “all the time” begging for her forgiveness or whatever. Only

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/4

Catching up on last episode, things I didn’t hear / missed etc: Erika did actually seem somewhat genuine in her convo with Sutton about Sutton’s dad, that she was thankful for sharing what she had gone through, whatever whatever. I don’t know, maybe not. I saw some comments on Twitter two weeks ago (remember we

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 7/21

Watching the end of last week. Like how many times can this broad insinuate that she was just waiting for the old goat to die so she could inherit the house, the jet, the cash ( of which there was none – unbeknownst to dimwit Erika) Then her comment from last week, she put him

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 7/14

Let me start with a correction from last week : Dorit’s swimwear line, I thought she said it was NOT doing well, but she said it IS doing well. Just minor discrepancy. Yes I know, I’ll turn my hearing aide up. Another thing I didn’t notice from last week: Dorit’s ill fitting and not that

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Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 7-7

WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED WHAT HAPPENED ??? CAN’T WAIT !! We feel so bad for Lisa right ? Wow I don’t want to sound jealous or anything but f*** ME !!! Where do I always go wrong ??? So cute – Erika’s new place. Wonder if there will be Gina/Shannon moment when her new digs

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Beverly Hills 6-30

Why does Erika alwaysssss sound like someone is holding her nose ? Rich people divorce? In the flash backs where they’re showing Tom’s nastiness towards Erika, (apparently he doesn’t like to be interrupted either – guess Dorit can relate ) I didn’t totally recall Tom being so rude in public to her. I think maybe

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