Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Reunion Part 2

Diana is such a dick. Okay, so calling a woman a c*** IS actually, the most insulting word to call a woman.

It’s meant to be highly insulting. It’s the go-to when you want to give the most derogatory jab to a woman. It’s worse than evil, it’s worse than anything. Come on guys. I’m right. I mean, they won’t even SAY the fucking word. You can’t say it on TV. I don’t have a master’s in the English language, but to me, the worse word on the insult meter, would be the one that you do not want to say out loud, and would be bleeped for TV. It’s like the horrible ‘n’ word for black people, that’s so derogatory, we don’t even want to repeat it, even if we’re just repeating a convertsation.

Andy, come ON!

He should have been quick enough to point that out. Did his little sarcastic head to the side thing, with the fake confused look, and said “well the one word you won’t even say, so I would call that the more offensive word, but that’s just me.”

Dijana and Rinnika would have sat there feeling so stupid.

And the mere fact that this crew of 50-somethings are actually sitting here arguing about this, is making me feel like I need to abandon this whole Housewife thing. It’s that ludicrous. And not in a fun way.

I would love to stop looking at this freak on my screen “your sweetheart son.” Cut me a fucking break. Laying it on a little think there. We know you don’t give a rat’s dang ass about Garclle’s kids.

In reference to the ‘bot’ attacks on Jax’ insta, Dijana files a suit against ‘John Doe’ to try to identify who was behind the attacks. Okay Dijana let me help ya out. They don’t have to look very far. How much will you pay ME, to tell you it’s those two smelly mildewey dishrags to the right of Andy.

Maybe she wasn’t involved in this, but Rinnika definitely was. You could tell by Rinnika’s face when it was brought up last week. This is isn’t hard. I’m right again. This is a tough job, being right about everything.

Dijana says I have money and can afford lawyers…” (and Garcelle, you CAN’T because you’re black! don’t be silly!! hhhahaaahhhaa – rich people laugh)

Erika gives some flimsy ass kissy nauseating defense for Dijana.

Andy “thanks her for rallying” to be here (virtually) tonight. Gimme a fucking break, Andy. Could your head be any further up Rinnika’s, Kyle’s, and Dijana’s vaginas and/or assholes? Is it really that enjoyable? Thought you were gay?

So if you haven’t been paying attention to Rinnika talking to each other, or even just talking to the group you need to, they sound like fucking Beevis and Butthead. The one will repeat the other’s last half of their sentence when they’re having a conversation. If you can even call their exchanges ‘conversations.’ They sound like they’re speaking a whole separate language.

All of our kids have been threatened, death threats.”

Death threats.”

The division that it causes in the group

In the group”

Bingo!!” as they act like they just fucking cured cancer or acquired world peace.

This convo is not only excruciating to listen to, because they sound like two 4 year old’s, but they’re trying to minimize/negate Garcelle’s son’s social media threats and attacks, and make it seem like no big deal. Of course they’re behind the attacks, making this all the more excruciating.

Like when is the last time either of your fucking kids were sent threatening messages from supposed Housewives viewers, you ugly hags??

And Erika, your kid is like 35, and carries a gun. I think he’s good and can handle some SM hate. He can fucking fend for himself. And he is getting zero death threats, I’m pretty sure.

I don’t care about your stupid tattoos, Kyle, they look like you got them done at the corner gas station.

Forced to watch Kyle and her ghost face and stringy hair in all of these clips. Except for the disco party, where her long stringy hair, would have been appropriate, but she curled it like an 80’s perm.

Kyle does that weird fucking fake laugh when Andy refers to all of the talk about ‘Mo’ and Dorit having an affair.

Andy seriously says that he didn’t realize there WAS talk about that. Really Andy? Have you been under a rock for the past five months? Have you not watched the show?

Are you not sitting here two feet from Kyle, seeing that she’s suddenly tanned and blonde? Like Dorit? Wow dude. You have one job. Pay attention to the Housewives. And to quote Erin Brockovich, you suck at it.

Kyle, Shut. Up. She explains “people got that idea when they all group hugged after the home invasion.”

No Kyle, Dorit KISSED your husband’s shoulder. You could even hear the kissing sound. That’s sexual, sorry. If they’re not having a full on affair, and I KIND of doubt they are, I think there might have been a brief encounter of some sort. Maybe even just some flirty shit over the phone. It’s for damned certain, there is sexual tension and attraction. You just have to be a living person to not have noticed it this season in some other interactions.

Yeah this is perfectly normal

Such as the ‘sausage’ comment at dinner in Aspen. And And the way he looks at her??

First of all Kyle’s fake forced over reactionary laugh shows that she has a problem with it, and has noticed. I’m sure there was a convo with Mario about it. And he I’m sure he got a tongue lashing, and is probably not allowed to look in her direction ever again.

Dorit starts nervously fidgeting with her pony, jewelry, and dress. It’s clear that she’s uncomfortable, in the guilty as charged way. And overly excitedly exclaiming “yes yes!!” when Kyle starts to explain the ‘group hug.’

Did it suddenly get really hot in here??

Who says you can’t learn from watching Reality TV? I’ve learned a lot about picking up on body language queue’s, and also things like nervous laughter, guilty or lying expressions. Over reactions when they’re pretending something isn’t true. Remember Wendy on Potomac Reunion last year when Andy brought up the rumors of Eddie and his inappropriate online behavior? She started clapping and fake laughing and throwing her head back at the ridiculousness. Yeah that’s when I knew it was true.

Kyle does that laugh again over PK’s and Mario’s discussion as to which wife they would bang if they couldn’t bang their own?

And guess who Mario chose before he realized that Dorit and Kyle were out of the equation?? He wasn’t even worried about the connotation of telling his bestie that he wants to bang his wife?

Erika tells a story that seems like she can’t wait to tell. Not sure why she hasn’t divulged this fun fact in the past whatever years since she’s been on, seems like an eternity, that PK in Berlin, asked her if she’s a porn star. (too dumb to realize that it’s bad to be randomly asked if you’re in porn?)

Dorit looks mortified. So the breakdown here is, PK is infatuated with Erika, and ‘Mo’ is infatuated with Dorit. This could all be getting interesting. Honestly, I could totally picture PK and Erika together, and I can totally see Mo and Dorit together. I actually think they would make a really cute couple.

Guess that kind of leaves Vyle out of the equation?? So sad for her. There’s always Tom. Or, how about this? Terry DuBrow from OC, sounds like they sold their hotel, (not bragging but totally predicted that, after seeing last season. Thought it might be another year or two away, but I told you that I am always right. Check out my OC recaps from last season, I probably said it like ten times.)

Anyway, they are making the move to LA, to a ‘penthouse.’ I also predict the cheating rumors are true, and they’re in the process of splitting up. Hmmmm, so right as cheating allegations surface, they suddenly unload this fucking house? Such a coicidence. So they spent two plus years building a 400,000 SF house, to live in for six. Mmkay.

Okay, so back to this shit, they all laugh at her story, and Erika lovingly refers to PK as “being himself and sassy…” So, seems like there’s even a mutual attraction going on here. I mean, she does like short bald old men. Not sure she wants a broke ass one, but beggers can’t be choosers. Ain’t no loaded dude on the planet, (okay maybe someone in a far far away, country that has never seen or heard of Housewives) that will be marrying her greedy spending addicted ass.

Dorit now looks more annoyed. Don’t forget we had the whole ‘no panties’ thing like five years ago with PK and Erika.

Erika, you can have PK, if I can have MO.

As they play flashes of the Birkin get-together, I can’t get over how Kyle really did look like a sickly beetle. Don’t they sell tinted moisturizer in Beverly Hills? Thought she was obsessed with how she looks. Can we talk again aboout her constant jabs at Kathy for not being glamorous enough in Aspen? Kathy wasn’t trying, Kyle is.

Kathy WISHES she could look this good.

Under extreme peer pressure, Garcelle is now the owner of a $14,000 purse. What a relief, maybe the cool kids will let her sit at the lunch table now.

Sutton doesn’t think that was a good price, Kyle does. I would lean toward believing Sutton over Kyle about anything having to do with fashion. Sutton’s style may be a little quirky and questionable sometimes, but she is all about high fashion.

Kyle dresses like she’s in high school, and getting her clothes from Express.

Garcelle shares her Bill Cosby story. Disturbing. I watched a thing on Showtime about his antics, and that was totally his thing in the 80’s when The Cosby Show was on. To have these hot chicks as guest stars (and he always got them from modeling agencies, rather then looking for aspiring actresses) then he totally tried to rape them, or actually raped them. As she tells the story, it was unclear if she tasted something weird in the drink, when she said she took a drink and “something about it didn’t feel right.” As in the whole situation? You can kind of pick up when a dude is about to hit on you. Guess it doesn’t matter, what matters is she was getting a creepy vibe and got the fuck out.

So I missed this whole social media buzz, about throwing Garcelle’s book in the trash. I do remember hearing the story being referenced, right as the season was starting. I just didn’t realize it was such a big thing. I was assuming it was something that was going to take place on the show. I could totally picture either of those two hags throwing her book in the trash right in front of Garcelle.

I don’t get Rinna’s drama and supposed irritation over the section on her book where Garcelle just retold the story of what happened on the show about their discussion in reference to Amelia’s eating disorder, and Rinna’s constant dancing half naked on TikTok.

It was ALREADY a discussion played out on the show? Like am I going to sued by this hag for referencing it here?

Doesn’t Bravo constantly play the old seasons? Can’t you play all of past seasons on You Tube, Netflix, Hulu etc? If it’s such a thing for Rinna, why wouldn’t she have that episode removed from all of the platforms? If there even is such a thing? Bravo would probably tell her to eat a dick.

It was a convo that already aired, and is out there in the universe for eternity. Garcelle merely recapped it in her book. So this is just another example of Rinna being a fucking dick, just to be fucking dick.

The conclusion to this very riveting situation, is that Rinna and Garcelle come to an agreement to take that section out of the second publication and Rinna was “fine with that.” You know, because in actual ‘real’ reality, she doesn’t really give two fucking shits about it.

Just an excuse to trash and pick on the black lady in the group, that doesn’t belong in Beverly Hills, and doesn’t belong on ‘their’ show. According to them.

Rinnika collabbed on taking a picture of the book, throwin it in the trash can, and posted it on social media. Then proceeded to send it in a group chat video to the other ladies minus Garcelle and Sutton. That’s so mature right?

Erika is the one that actually took the picture, but Rinna was getting blamed for it. Or am I backwards?? Who fucking cares, they’re literally the same fucking EVIL CU**Y person. There. Now we don’t have to argue if evil or c*** is worse, because I just called them both.

So they were all having a field day, and laughing at Garcelle’s expense. “Snickering” as Garcelle puts it.

Then Rinnika:

I don’t know about snickering.”

I don’t know about snickering.” Am I the only one noticing this? I can’t be.

Stupid Erika was annoyed about Garcelle posting her clip telling Erika she can look bad all on her own, and she goes on to talk about using Oscar the Grouch, and her posting to her ‘story’ and blah blah blah, who the fuck cares you stupid bitch. How OLD are these women?

By the way, her tits look like tumors int that dress. Super sexy.

Does this dress make my tits look weird??

Now the recycling convo, and oh my God she was getting more shit for throwing the book away in a mountain of trash, that could have been recycled, such as a phone. Somebody shoot me.

Andy just grazes by this, even thought this was so disrespectful, and now makes it more about the fucking lack of recycling.

Andy is getting some heat about this on Twitter. His total alliance and loyalty to Rinnika, and Kyle, irregardless of ANYTHING they do or say. ANYTHING. They could pull a pistol out of their purse right now and blow off Garcelle’s and Sutton’s heads, and he would make excuses for how they probably deserved it. He would then continue with the reunion.

Kyle would say she “respects them for showing showing how they feel.” I would like to say I’m being sarcastic, but I don’t even think I am, from the way this is going.

If you have extra time on your hands, pull up the Pototmac Reunion from last season and see how he speaks to Candaice in comparison to how he treats Rinna about their social medias being a “disaster.” Rinna makes Candiace look like Glinda from The fucking Wizard of Oz.

He gives her such a hard time, and looks at her like he’s so disgusted with her. Yet he sits here and smiles at Rinna like it’s so cute. I don’t get Andy Cohen, I hate to say it, but he’s coming off a little racist.

Garcelle looks like she wants to throw up as Andy leads the convo in the direction of how hilarious the old land line phone in the garbage is.

Why can’t Garcelle film with LVP for Pump Rules? Rinna says, “wow, all right” as they discuss this.

So let me get this straight, NONE of you stupid ho’s are even friends with Garcelle, you’re not. You all (Kyle and Rinnika) treat her like fucking crap, like CRAP, but ACCORDING TO YOU, she’s forbidden from being friends with someone that YOU are not friends with?? What world do these bitches live in?

Is it like 200 years ago where white people were so entitled over people of color, that they could literally order them around, and tell them who they can and can’t speak to?? My. God. I hate to jump on the ‘micro aggression’ term band wagon. But that is a fucking MEGA micro fucking aggression. Which to me, is the sign of a true racist. Like Dorit pointing out last season that she teaches her brats diversity, by hiring minorities as her help?

I just can’t imagine her telling any of the other ladies they can’t speak with someone. that they don’t like.

And what the fuck is Rinna’s issue with LVP? Because she and Kyle had a friendship break-up five fucking years ago? So now she hates her too?? And also it’s starting to look like Rinna was the one behind ‘leaking the story’ about the puppy thing, which LVP got blamed for, which is the reason Kyle is not friends with her anymore. But Rinna hates LVP ??

Lois is the subject, and Rinna’s ‘anger’ over her mom dying. Okay so, guys I am happy to say I have not lost a parent, and I know people who have, and I know it sucks. But show of hands for everyone who has lost their mom or dad and acted like Lisa fucking Rinna has acted. No one.

Her despicable behavior had nothing to do with the passing of her 90 year old mother. We know this. Everyone knows this. All viewers, Andy, all of the cast, everyone. Yet she sticks with the story.

Lois Rinna, in heaven, I am so sorry that you gave birth to the devil. It must have hurt like hell, no pun intended. You gave birth to someone so vile, that they would use your death as an excuse to act like a horrible bully for reality TV, for money, and the ‘first chair.’ Such an insult to her legacy.

I thought Naomie on Southern Charm was despicable for sucking Whitney off for money, and the first chair, but Rinna, you take the fucking cake for being the worst human on earth.

When they replayed that clip of her ‘crying’ at the Toothless event, I didn’t realize how bad she was faking her crying and that supposed ‘breakdown.’

She apologizes for being “crazy and a maniac” and it was all Lois’ fault for dying. Honest it was. I can’t even listen to this fake lying hag talk about her mom. I really can’t.

A viewer asks “looks like you’re using you mother’s death as a scapegoat for your despicable behavior when you were equally as disgusting to LVP, Denise and Kim.” The hag seems to think that’s fucking hilarious. She’s doing the over reacting laugh, which means she’s lying or guilty as charged. She proceeds to utter some sort of incoherent Kamala Harris word salad, of making excuses.

Rinna: “She got a big kick out of me” (Lois) “And I got a big kick out of her.” Erika: “And you got a big kick out of her.” Guys, this is getting weird. What is this? This has to be some sort of diagnosed behavior that is quite dysfunctional, when you have two friends repeating after each other like this, and they don’t even realize it. It has to be something a little more serious, than just the village idiots.

Here we go, Sutton on WWHL last season, and her story that Rinna never sent her a separate “thank you” note, or text, whatever, for inviting her to a $10,000/ticket, Elton John charity event. I think we’ve all had enough of this, but By God here we are, again. Sutton was merely pointing out hypocrisy. That’s all. It’s not ‘rock science’ (if you know that joke about Tara Reid and Jessica Simpson) or rocket science, or brain surgery, or even an Algebra problem.

It’s simply pointing out sounding like a hypocrite. Looking back I think Rinna scolding Garcelle for not sending a thank-you text, was another micro-aggression situation. She wouldn’t have scolded any of the other women for not sending a thank you note. She wouldn’t have. We know this for a fact, or at least I do. And when you compare a jar of Harry’s Prego sauce, and pricey tickets to an Elton John affair, well it’s a little different. Rinna just needed to suck it up, and admit she was called out. Instead she argued that Sutton didn’t really pay for the tickets, and THEY were invited, and wah wah wah, it went on all fucking season.

She turns it into this fucking torment, and bullying event towards Sutton in almost every episode every time there was an event. Harry’s birthday, Toothless thing, wine tasting thing. They talked it out, and Sutton apologized I don’t know how many times. She didn’t need to, she needed to do the Ramona shoulder shrug and just say “I called you out on your hypocrisy, and lack of manners, and micro-aggression towards Garcelle, fucking deal with it.”

Instead she bent over and took it up the ass for all four months that the show aired.

Her disclosure on WWHL was actually kind of genius. But for some reason, she let Rinna, who was clearly embarrassed, bully her around into being remorseful and apologizing over and over. She did the typical narcissist thing, where she took something SHE did wrong, and spun it around to be Sutton’s mistake. No, Sutton just spoke up on her friend’s behalf, and made a valid point.

Sutton shouldn’t have said what she said about her French designer and the gun to her head thing to Kyle.

However, there was no fucking gun, Dorit made that up for theatrics. Dorit’s life was never in danger.

They play the ‘that’s confusing’ clip to Diana, and while that wasn’t a great delivery either, is it really any worse than what the rest of these bitches do? I mean, IS IT? Kyle and Rinnika say some pretty horrid fucking things, and they behave in a pretty vile way like 90% of the time. Isn’t she just doing her ‘Housewife’ job? Being a bitch? But it’s the end of the world when Sutton, Garcelle or Crystal say or do something bitchy?? Not to mention they all thougt it was strange after she sent a six paragraph group text out, with a snarky remark about Garcelle, about how she was fucking bed ridden and bleeding everywhere. Then she shows up at a birthday party. At which the ‘gift’ she brings for the guest of honor, is a big hunk of passive aggression.

Why is Erika using the word ‘liability?’ Does she even know what it means? That’s a lot of syllables.

That whole thing was ridiculous as we all know, because what Sutton and Garcelle are to each other, Rinnika and Kyle are to each other times like a million. They make excuses for each other no matter what the hell they do.

Sutton says that’s the worst thing she’s ever said in her life, and she’ll regret it til the day she dies, when she discounted the ‘robbery’ and how Doirt might be feeling. That seems a bit over the top.

Kyle looks at Sutton, and is trying to laugh off the way she was man handling her. Looks like she thought Sutton was going to agree with her to protect her.

Kyle calls the way Brandi showed her what’s what in a seasons past “very different.” No it was not. The only difference, is that Kyle and Sutton were sitting during the physical altercation, and Kyle and Brandi were standing. Again own the hypocrisy. Rules for me and not for thee, is getting to be too much.

Kyle spews out a whole diatribe of fucking reasons, excuses, stories, mathematical equations of why grabbing Sutton by the arms and shaking her was super okay. Kyle wants Sutton to corroborate her story that she didn’t hurt her.

Sutton, agree with me! don’t make me have to throw you up against the wall again.

Sutton says “you pulled quite aggressively.”

Kyle is expecting her to fall in line and defend her. So glad she’s not. When Kyle knows she’s wrong or embarrassed, she does that weird laugh, I’m starting to pick up on. She ends up apologizing for the miscarriage thing, but not for yanking her around and shaking her.

I mean guys, we can’t expect TWO fucking apologies out of this spoiled entitled rat in one sitting.

Garcelle admits Sutton does sometimes make things about herself, when asked.

We go into this ‘ Sutton is a liability’ thing, and again, or still.

Sutton does point out the same thing can be said about all of them, and Garcelle even goes on to point out “I’ve never had to usher Sutton out of a party to protect her.” I mean that scene alone, just fucking debunks Erika’s accusation and criticism.

Erika: “well she has.”

Okay then shut up and apologize for scolding and criticizing someone for doing what YOU do!

Andy lets Crystal speak, that’s nice of him right? And she utters a quite accurate and profound comment.

The four of them protect each other MORE than those two.” Duh. That shuts them up.

Viewer question to Sutton, “why can’t you realize Rinna is not your friend?” Sutton says she doesn’t understand why Rinna hates her so much.

Rinna claims she doesn’t hate her. She’s in the hot seat right now. Of course she’s going to say that. That’s one of those accusations that the accusee is going to automatically deny. Because admitting it would be embarrassing. Like if you accuse someone of jealousy, of course they’re going to say “OhmiGod I’m not jealous of you!” Because why? How pathetic does it sound to admit you have been mistreating someone because you’re jealous? Same when someone says “why do you hate me??”

Sutton calls her out on her behavior towards her and her social media posts even after filming ended. Rinna does the Lois go-to, but Sutton ain’t havin it and points out, why only me then??

She tells her she does not consider her a friend. Like freaking duhh–uhhhh. Rinna is acting surprised over this.

She starts doing that one tear look thing, (only there’s no tear) like ‘I’m so sad’ from the reunion past, when Kim gives her back the blue bunny.

Viewer question about the wine tasting/screaming event. Rinna has nothing valid to say, because she can’t sit here and say she just wanted camera time, story line, first chair …. and we all know that’s really what it was all about.

Sutton demands an apology. Rinna gives her a fake apology.

Dorit doesn’t know glue is made from horses.

Discussion about Rinna and her weird posting habits. Dorito makes excuses for her. They all laugh about it. It’s not really funny. This chick is deranged.

Rinna made a post that if they ‘fight’ with Garcelle, suddenly they’re ‘racist.’

And normally I would agree with a post like that, even if it’s Lisa Rinna. However the aggression towards Garcelle DOES, to me, sometimes seem a little different. And it’s not like Garcelle is a Lisa Rinna, or Ramona Singer, or even a Bethenney the bragger Frankel. If she was, then I would get it.

The fact that they get very aggressive towards her and throw EXTRA shade her way, for little or no reason, I’m sorry is questionable.

Garcelle points out something that you say might not be all out in your face racist, might be perceived differently, and could be a micro-aggression.

Crystal then wants to contribute, by claiming that’s how she felt about Sutton’s ‘girls in the jacuzzi’ story.

Not to pick on horses again, but we have beat this dead horse. This horse has died like a hundred times. I do get sort of what Crystal is trying to say, and why she brought it up yet again. She wants to point out while Sutton’s story wasn’t really offensive, she took it that way.

Anything Sutton said on that trip, Crystal would have been pissed at, and twisted it into being racist. She was just in that kind of mood, she need a ‘thing’ and she already was annoyed at Sutton for other instances on the trip. She was on the ‘I’m Asian and no one here understands me’ campaign to the nth degree. And she wasn’t stopping until everyone felt guilty, that she’s Asian and they’re not.

I think honestly she probably just thought Sutton was trying too hard to NOT sound racist, so it came off sounding racist. Dorit’s comment last season when she was trying really hard to not sounded racist, sounded racist. Sutton reflecting and appreciating the diversity of her daughter’s friends, not racist.

We could have just let Crystal have that moment, since she really hasn’t said much the whole hour, but Kyle has to say “I think it’s a little different though.” It is different, she didn’t say it was exactly the same, she’s just making the comparison. That’s what a comparison is. I mean can we dumb it down for Kyle fucking Richards?

How about, Okay Kyyyle, this is a short blue dress, and this is a long blue dress. Similar, but different. They argue because Kyle has to be right and really won’t let her talk. Whatever. Wrap this shit up already. Kyle couldn’t just let her have this. We’ve already established that she exaggerated.

Now Rinna is pacing around in circles, coincidentally right in front of the cameras, faking that she’s psyching herself up for being confronted by Kathy. “All I have to do is tell the truth, all I have to do is tell the truth…” Very poorly acted, as usual.

Bitch, save. It. You look and sound stupid. Also, most viewers are not discounting that Kathy had a meltdown and bitched about everyone. We just don’t give a shit.

Kathy arrives in slippers, her bathrobe, and tequila in tow. She looks a little like a crazy person, but we are here for it!!

Just like her reunion photo is with a purse. Love it.

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