Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 9/15

Watching last week’s ‘rerun’ to see what I may have missed last week while in deep concentration mode.

So I see what people were saying on Twitter about Erika forgetting her pants. Like for real, what

in the literal EFF is she wearing ???? like chaps ?

Sometimes I miss details while writing this for you guys, (see what I do for you?) no all

kidding aside, I am really enjoying doing this, and I do HOPE I have some people actually reading

it, and MAYBE even have one or two, like, looking forward to it even ?

A girl can have hope.

So having to sit through again, Dorit with PK fell in love with her, over her cooking,

sure that’s it Dorit. Wink wink, you’re a 10 year younger hottie, he’s a chubby old man that sits around all day in

hoodies, it was definitely your cooking. And you totally fell in love with him over his killer body and dry English charm, right ??? his wallet had NOTHING

to do with it !!

Also having to deal with Rinna. “I ate fish, I did it !” and I think it was Rinna who said “oh it’s not ??” to Garcelle pointing out that Creme Brulee is not Haitan food.

Commmme onnnn Rinna, listen to the fucking word. Like how dumb is she ??? I am going to agree with some of my Twitter Bravo peeps, who are hilarious, by the way, that her diet consists of twinkies, spam and campbell’s tomato soup.

Erika is annoying AFF. Scrolling her phone at the dinner table, walking off putting on lipstick. This gathering seems so forced and fake nice.

Rinna telling Erika “you weren’t invited that night” to get the shit goin, and get EJ allll riled up.

Because we all love that.

Sutton’s kid’s big big problem is about not having a hair brush???? there is NO WHERE she can get a brush? There’s no internet in Virginia ???? No corner store ?

It seems like everyone cannot WAIT to get out of there. They’re all complaining, It’s so cold, it’s so chilly.

What is chilly to them???

Like 65?

Garcelle is ‘switching lanes’ as you- know- who puts it, and that analogy makes NO SENSE, Kyle. But who is surprised? She can’t read an article.

No Kyle you sound like fucking hyprocrite, the way you announced, if someone has a problem with you, say it to your face. I wish

when you were trying to stutter out excuses, that also made no sense , Garcelle should have said, you sound like a hyprocrite

just now, given what you did to me at the reunion, that’s all, and I thought you might like to know.” Who would have been dow for THAT ???

I may have said something like that last week too, this is all sounding familiar. I hope I don’t

lose my four readers over being repetitive.

Tonight’s Episode 9/15

this door to door invite dude, I didn’t even know this was a thing anymore.

Dorit with her giant giant logo shirt. So she is having a “launch party” for her wedding dresses.

Ok why did I NOT foresee this coming ???

“it ne —– –ver rains in California …” could not NOT do that.

Erika is wearing the smurf thing again. There is a facial party at Kathy’s.

Lisa is ripping off her shirt in front of cameras and everyone with. Zero. Hesitation

Kathy trying to explain about the “third eye.”

Producers, please don’t ask these ladies hard questions. Keep it limited to lip gloss and stemware.

Dear Kathy Hilton, the “third eye” is your fucking brain !! (of which you clearly do not utilize ) WOW — STUPID MUCH ????

Erika and the house getting broken into, and the car rolling, and the eye surgery and glaucoma,

and the stress, and this one time at band camp, and this other time at band camp … GOD HELP US .

Question : who the eff is going to believe her, when that other car accident story was a load of fucking

crap? And another “car roll???????” and dragging her poor cop kid into this mess that is NOT

at all pretty.

Got a call at 3am… blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I can’t even finish listening or writing anything about it. So obviously exaggerated, and that voice.

Popped over to Twitter, and it’s allllll abuzz making fun of this assinine story. Let me work on my surprised face about that !! i knew they would all be freaking!!!

Garcelle is meeting with a matchmaker. In her confessional she says she wants to meet someone old school, a matchmaker isn’t exactly the old fashioned way, or is it ?

I guess maybe it is, if you compare it to online dating? Oh wow he IS hot. Matchmaker Matchmaker make Garcelle a match…

this convo with Kyle and Crystal talking about her finishing basement project, and dropping price tags is so inappropriate and weird. I can’t imagine having someone over while I’m remodeling and telling them how much it costs, whether it’s $500g’s or $1,000. it’s tacky. Giving me Erika vibes actually, and all of those constant pretentious comments in the past, letting everyone know how much money she spends.

She totally sounded like Erika in her confessional too, about the purses and shit, same monotone shit, ridiculous bragging about spending her husband’s money , just less nasly. Equally as pathetic.

Kyle, I thought was going to admit she felt like a hypocrite with that comment about “letting her know if she pisses you off”. But wtf was I thinking ? Again Garcelle if you’re reading this, (just kidding) why didn’t you call her a hypocrite ??? and I can’t tweet to her because I am still in jail til Friday !! others are thinking this too – I thought it was just me !!!

Kyle, who LOVES to gossip about Erika’s unfortunate events, starts gossiping about it to PK and Dorit at dinner.

oh wait is Erika going to be pissed that Kyle relayed this stupid burglary and car rolling story without her written express consent — no actually I think it was 5 times the car rolled, not 6. Get it right guys. You don’t want to set Erika off. We don’t wanna see her fake teeth again.

Guys, is Salmon, Broccolini, and lasagna the only things Kyle knows how to cook ? PK demands mayo or TAR TAR sauce with his salmon. Apparently this is how they procounce it in England. We lazy unrefined Americans just say “tarter” . Kyle and Dorit trip over each other running to the kitchen to make him a “TAR TAR” sauce bragging who can make it better. He ultimately says nevermind. THank God.

THis scene actually did remind me of this great salmon recipe that i have where you make a sour cream/mayo concoction and spread over it and bake it.

It is actually really good. Salmon tends to be blahhh and needs help. (maybe he thought her salmon looked dry) Stay tuned i will post the recipe on my blog page. i have been kicking around doing a section on housewifey things like cooking and decorating ideas.

And is PK in a hoodie for dinner ? Guys he literally is dressed like my ex-husband used to , every day , no matter where we went. And that is NOT a compliment believe me. (although I think he dresses better now since he lives in a nicer neighborhood with this hideous ‘curvy’ bitch he cheated on me with—one of them – he chose the one with the nicest house and fattest paycheck… no pun intended)

I feel like this story is being used to further corroborate the Tom having mental issues and “can’t remember” things story, and also to generate pity.

Kyle in her confessional : oh hearing actual intelligent people’s take on this ridic story, (PK and Mauricio, sorry ladies) now she’s

beginning to wonderrrrrrrr… hmmmmmm, two stories of rolled cars, another outlandish story of a car accident, and now sprinkle in a robbery confrontation, just to make it more interesting.

And 80 year old Tom CONFRONTED the “burglar(s)” ??? do these ladies realize how dumb they make themselves out to be?

Do they not know this ??? is this seriously from just lack of use ???? makes me glad I have been forced to use my brain all my life.

Crystal is wearing color ? I’m super excited! All of them having someone doing their hair and make up, always, is just so pretentious to me.

Did they always ask each other what they were wearing before every event ? I never noticed before.

I love when people say “if it wasn’t covid… this or that ?” (Dorit talking about her wedding dress thing)

does that even make sense – (if it wasn’t covid??) If what wasn’t covid ? Is covid like an actual

material thing ?

(I didn’t know Sutton had a BF.)

and you’re STILL having a large get together, no masks and no “social distancing”. Not that I am, or ever was, a fan of all of that aforementioned drama, just stating if you’re going to drop the “c” word, as people love to do, make freaking sense !! If you’re so worried about it, then don’t have a larger gathering!!! And I still wonder about all of these HW get togethers last winter and over the holidays when our dictators were telling actual FAMILIES to not have gatherings. JUST SAYING.

Breaking News: PK is not wearing a ratty V neck t shirt, or hoodie.

Kathy’s “architect” is her date ??

Do we have Boy George again ??? “behind the curtain?” I wouldn’t be upset.

Mauricio describing the style of the dresses is cracking me up. I do really really like these dresses, actually. The sparkly one and the pearly one especially.

Harry Ham graced us with his presence this evening. he is off to Canada to portray Tom Broke jaw apparently. Looking forward to that (not)

PK to Mauricio: “you’re really busy, I’m not that busy”

He doesn’t say. Coulda fooled me! I mean in every scene he’s sitting on his arse in the house, in a you guessed —a HOODIE!! So if he is broke, like what income is coming into this very large and lavish household ? Bravo checks and Dorit’s bathing suits, and now wedding gowns?

What in the holy hell is with this birth control gel commercial ? Welcome to my vagina , really ?

Guess who stirred the spot now with Garcelle’s comment on Ellen or whatever about some of the treatment that she has been enduring.

So Garcelle is being told by the bully bunch to be honest, but when she is being honest, they’re telling

her she’s wrong ? LIKE WHAT THE LITERAL EFF ????

I’m trying to hold the F word,

but I haven’t been doing a really good job.

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