Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/4

Catching up on last episode, things I didn’t hear / missed etc:

Erika did actually seem somewhat genuine in her convo with Sutton about Sutton’s dad, that she was thankful for sharing what she had gone through, whatever whatever. I don’t know, maybe not.

I saw some comments on Twitter two weeks ago (remember we skipped a week) about Erika looking right at Kathy struggling to carry the suitcase, and Erika looks RIGHT AT HER and was like eff that I’m not helping. Granted Kathy may have been exaggerating her struggle, but still.

I’m chuckling again at Erika talking with Rinna about heating the pool and paying bills blah blah and Lisa tries to pretend she can relate.

Erika tells Kyle that “Erika Jayne” was an expensive business. Guess no one told Erika businesses are supposed to MAKE money not COST money.

The “is my daughter still dating Scott Disik?” did come out of left field, so she could get that in there.

Disik must be so flattered.

I am being repetitive, I did catch this two weeks ago, that none of these dumb bitches are even helping Kyle AT ALL. Crystal is in the kitchen but literally just standing there. They’re all sitting on their asses on the patio while Kyle is in the kitchen busting hers to make these bitches dinner. How rude.

Kyle breaks bottles all over the floor multiple times. Not only is Kathy using a grill brush to “sweep”, but she is also just scattering the glass all over the floor??

Priceless is Dorit’s face when she says she read that courts aren’t allowing Erika to have spousal support ?? This is sad to see women talking like this in this day and age, it really is.

So she thinks Tom was paying for these other women ? Like mistresses ?? or is she making it up ? I can be gullible sometimes.

New episode – Rise and shine – it’s morning So appears as if these lazy bitches couldn’t even help clean up. There’s yucky dirty dishes everywhere.

Ohhh there’s “someone coming??” to do the dishes. Of course there is.

Is it just me or does Kyle always end up on all fours when they’re drinking ?

Erika and Crystal are staying in a hotel – not sure why.

They’re going on a bike ride with electric bikes. Electric Bikes ? again these spoiled bitches are la —– zeeeeeeeeeeeee AF. They can’t even pedal.

Guess the others are all hanging in this disgusting kitchen with gross dirty dishes everywhere. Kyle didn’t even make coffee for the ladies that stayed behind.

It’s possibly finally starting to sink in to these rich bitches that there IS no money to be got for poor Erika !!

She did say that at dinner the previous night. Can they not just let it go ??? I think there was a pre-nup anyway. Can they just TRY REALLY HARD to get through their think 1950 skulls that Erika will NOT be supported “in the manner she has become accustomed” by Tom Girardi. Christ, this is even easier than the simple math problem that Candiace couldn’t figure out on Potomac few weeks ago. (96-28)

So Crystal, Kyle and Dorit gossiping on their electric bike ride about — GUESS WHAT ??? I will repeat this again and again, but they are loving this. They are loving the gossip and the drama, and they are loving the fact that it’s NOT them.

Kitchen is magically clean.

Kyle is asking her if her name is on this other house? The other house(s), is that where the mistresses were kept ?

This play dumb act of Erika’s—- I can’t

Kyle NEEDS to stop smirking. Cameras keep cathching her. I would laugh if she found herself in a similar situation one day. That’s mean I guess. I don’t dislike Kyle really,

They’re out playing croquet — forgot about that game – we used to play that when were kids at our grandparents “cottage” didn’t know it was considered like a hoity toity type game ??? Who knew !! My brother, cousin and I were hoity toity in our teeny little cottage by the “crick”

It looks so beautiful out – it’s December !! God I need Cally in my life some day. Maybe not now.

So Kyle not cooking tonight – thank God!

Erika: “I used to have 2 housekeepers” she has to get that in there. Kathy doesn’t know to what ? Use a debit card ? It’s the same as a credit card ? Or do they mean at an ATM ? Oh god I don’t know.

They are acting 50 – 60 years ago. This is embarrassing for our species ladies.

They bring up her getting his money —– AGAIN ——- at the next dinner. I thought these thick headed women finally realized that that there is none–??? Do they just like putting the nail in the coffin for this woman???

Theses “foresnic people” are going to have the easiet job ever!!! They’ll be like ” so there isn’t any money. Bye” I mean, is it not so completely OBVI if he was taking out these “loans ” from his clients’ winnings to live off of ? Do these ladies need smacked across the head with a cast iron pan to get it through to them that they spent ALL OF THEIR MONEY ?? christ . I can’t . i am trying to stay patient, i AM choosing to watch this, and then write about it , but HOLY SHIT . The blatant stupidity, not even naivety. STUPIDITY.

And it’s 20 goddamned 21. We’re not in an era where women are clueless?

Crystal can’t think of a word to describe herself – she’s related to Confucius. Ok fine I admit I had to look up the spelling. I sort of knew who he was sort of mostly. I cannot believe not one of them said “who is that ?”

What are these things under Kyle’s eyes every morning ? Should I get those ?

so jealous of this hike right now. It is beautiful. And this weather looks perfect. I was in Arizona in the spring . We should have done a hike. But the hotel pools and bars were calling …

Typical out of touch Kyle can’t stop talking about shopping shopping shopping. And why the others aren’t shopping shopping shopping

Garcelle asks nosy questions. Didn’t this get her in trouble before ? Did she get an allowance ? Clearly she did get an “allowance”…. It may not have been called that but she had nothing her own.

I’m not buying all of this ? How did she do all of this shopping ? Clearly she had credit cards to buy all of the horrific clothes ?

Erika did have a heads up this was all coming – that is why she left – you can’t tell me she didn’t know. Why else would she leave her gravy train ?? She is so lying on this cliff right now. This shit was going on for a while, not just the last few years. He calls every day now ? This is new. Is she making this up right now?

Kyle: “I’ll be in Aspen for Christmas” OMG

Erika is now going for Garcelle FOR NO REASON !! Did she not just tell the Tom calls me every day story with cameras in her fucking her face ???? she’s such an ass – she’s the one sharing all of this shit — of course these girls are pouncing on this and want all the juicy deets. Could never stand her when she did this shit before, like on Eileen that time . But NOW it’s just beyond annoying. She’s flapping her yap giving these girls the gossip they are craving, then goes off on Garcelle. Who the hell cares Tom calls you every day. She’s probably making it up anyway. He probably called her one time.

Garcelle has a point. She tells everyone he was cheating on her (at 80 yrs old ??? is what I can’t wrap my head around) But the phone calls are a big fucking secret. She’s a dumbass.

Erika is rolling it out the water works to the nth degree right now, and acting like she’s choking.

Is this real ? Maybe she realized the black tears from few weeks ago didn’t quite do it.

Oh and I am sure that we’re all noticing that her mascara is NOT running !!

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