Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/18

Does Sutton realize that Erika is also spewing this crap out on National TV? I’m thinking being worried about the fact that she is involved or whatever is just dramatic. She’s literally just pissed that the bitch is lying I think.

Again Kyle admits she couldn’t read a news article because it is “too long.” An article. Maybe Mauricio can read it to her ?

How does she not know that this sounds dumb? Not to mention, she wants all of this information so badly, a lot of which is right there, in a public newspaper article. Again not a 500 page disscertation. An article.

Dorit’s “advice” was from Boy George.

Rinna is standing by Erika ride or die. For Rinna to be acting like this, you KNOW there is something in it for Rinna. She didn’t stand by Denise, she didn’t stand by Garcelle, her longtime friends.

This must be true, there is a financial interest here with her lip gloss or some shit. It’s so obvious that there is a reason for this.

Sutton knows someone who knows someone who was married to an attorney from his firm,

and there were red flags ten years ago, with some of his shady dealings.

kind of debunks of Erika’s claims that this has to do with the car accident and head injury three years ago. Also there is a lot of online info about sketchy shit way back in the Pacific Gas Co in the early 90’s. (Erin Brockovich movie) Dude’s always been sketchy it appears.

Sutton has the receipts !!

These dumbasses STILL ( and I was excited last week when I thought they did ) can’t get through their skulls that they spent all of this money. They still want to hang on to this thread , that there is some damned money SOMEPLACE for poor poor destitute Erika who has been BLOWING millions and millions of dollars !!!! she doesn’t need pity , she doesn’t need money. she needs to get a fucking job, or come out with make up or swim suits or some shit.

I liked Sutton’s, “no they didn’t bury it somewhere, they spent. it. How is Sleuth Sutton the only one seeing this ??? It doe not take Matlock to figure this out !!!!!!!!! ERRRRRR. i hate when they play dumb.

Erika’s stupid little fake rock star thing, she has boasted in several confessionals on the show, she was spending $40g/month on hair and makeup ALONE. There was no profit made from her concerts or whatever the hell you want to call them, not to mention the cost for the venues, clothes, video production, lessons (since she’s not spilling over with talent , let’s just be real) several employees, etc etc , and I cannot imagine those ticket prices were very high. I mean did anyone ever hear of her before this show ? i sure never have.

This family scene with Garcelle with her older son and his family, and her younger kids, having dinner, is the S – WEETEST.

that food is making me hungry. I LOVE PLANTAINS.

They’re so weird but so good.

and don’t be callin her Granny. Garcelle ain’t no flippin Granny !!!

Oh ok Kyle — we didn’t know what the meeting was about ??? THEY TOTALLY knew it was to gossip about Erika. PLAY DUMB. Guess she wants that statement on camera. She annoys me A LOT sometimes.

Garcelle arrives at Kyle’s Christmas get – together where they are apparently throwing Erika under the bus, or at least asking a few questions finally other than – “Ok, so like, why is he not ——- like, paying youuuuuuuuu????

FINALLY they are going to confront her, and the housewives are finally not going to act like ‘Stepford Wives’ But at the holiday party ?

That’s just plain old mean isn’t it ? Talk about killin the dang mood. Christ. It’s fucking Christmas !!

Is there not a doorbell ?? Dorito cannot open up the door.

Kyle, who does not know how to read, says Erika must be smarter than Dorit since she didn’t have trouble with the door. Sometimes Kyle sounds like she is still in seventh grade.

keep forgetting that Crystal and Teddi are friends. Think that had a lot to do with her being such a douche to Sutton. Remember when Sutton called Teddi boring last season? And it was a whole big thing ?

Erika drives herself, if you can imagine that at all. None of these flipping bitches can ever drive themselves around, apparently.

When Erika refused a beverage, and said she drove, surprised they didn’t all put their hands on their hearts and say, “you drove YOURSELF?”

Wait, who offered to help ? No one offered to help Kyle at the other house when there was no housekeeper, maid , chef etc . And not to beat a dead horse, but fussed about carrying their plates to the kitchen.

they are all acting so awkward and overly polite. Guess she senses what is about to go down. I mean the tension is palpable pretty much.

why is she saying there was no chef or help, there was a chef in the kitchen in addition to the “housekeeper” ?? whatever who cares. Kyle is annoying.

oh jeez are they really going to hit her now when she’s so down?? oh yes they are.

Erika loves to keep driving in this 3- 4 years ago car wreck thing, so she can convince us all, that all of the stealing of victims’ funds was one hundred fifty percent due to this accident, on the cliff, where he hurt his ankle, his clavicle, got a concussion, was unconscious , but called her, but then she found him unconscious, with another woman.

So Dorit is getting thrown under the bus also, a little by Garcelle, so she’s gonna tattle on Sutton.

It was all Sutton’s idea – she started it !!!!”

(“Uhhhhhhhh – My maids are black !”)

Yes it WAS kind of a committee, Erika, so what. You have been telling everyone several different stories and versions of things. She liked it better when they were all playing dumb.

Thank Goodness, there are placecards.

Has anyone noticed there is nary a word from Crystal’s evil lips since she’s not picking on Sutton anymore ? It’s difficult now for her to pick on Sutton, when Sutton is sounding intelligent and articulate.

Erika announces she’s not answering anybody’s questions ??? Previously she has been ALL ABOUT answering all of the questions, when they were idiotic. Now that she senses they’re picking up on her lies, she’s not answering anyone’s questions. Hmmmm that is reminding me of someone else right now, in the public eye, that is refusing to answer questions. But we won’t go there .

Oh for the love, Rinna shut up, Sutton is NOT a total asshole, so she’s trying to ask Erika about all of these inconsistencies a little delicately. Back it down. You are only sticking by her because she paid for your stupid lip gloss enterprise. Just what the world needs. More fucking lip gloss. That’s original rinna.

There’s Kyle, kissing her ass. She keeps poking Sutton.

Erika KNEW there were money problems and he was doing shady shit. No one will ever convince me differently. It’s common damned sense guys. There’s info all over the internet about his shady dealings way before all of this. All she cared about was money, and money, and more money. Remember that interview where she was bragging up a storm, “you wanna do this, it costs money, you wanna have that, it costs money.

Money this, money that. Fuck. Read this, this is what i have been saying – she was spending an exorbitant amount of money and tom i guess could not keep up. THis sort of breaks it down, as i have been saying, her spending was out of control. it’s so obvious if you’ve been watching the shows in past seasons.

i guess it’s much easier to use this type of rhetoric when you’re NOT EARINING OR WORKING FOR ANY OF IT.

Did she know EXACT details, or how much he was helping himself to from his clients ? No, but she knew Tom was finagling money around to cater to her whims. If it’s true where she claims she was asking questions and was getting shut down, then is that not a red flag ??? a very large, very red flag ??

She did not care and assumed, or hoped, it would not all run out.

“Go talk to Tom.” Go talk to Tom ????

Erika needs to take some responsibility in this, for her off the fucking hook spending habits.

80 mill IS a lot , but refer to above.

Erika is lying that she hasn’t been in contact with the attorneys. I think this, because she is being too nice.

This is Icy Erika for Godssake. If she were completely innocent in all of this, she would be flying off the handle right now.

Did we not see two weeks ago after Garcelle’s innocent commentary?

Oh here we go with the mental thing. They had to know she would play this card as soon as she was confronted.

I love that Garcelle isn’t taking this bullshit.

Teddi points out they’re trying to make this about them, and it’s NOT about them, She isn’t wrong. These spoiled little brats, HAVE to make it everything about them.

Erika FINALLY mentions the victims. She has NEVER mentioned the victims, and the Stepford Wives, I mean housewives, have merely mentioned the victims in passing. They have been 95% of the time, demanding to know why Tom is not paying her???

Erika is PISSED THE EFF OFF. But maintaining her cool. Not like her.

She is used to everyone slobbering on her. Has she even apologized to Garcelle at all? Nope she has not.

Bitch is out of there. Jesus this went fast . It is seriously over.

Next week – Garcelle finally gets pissed off !!! You go girl.

Cannot STAND Chatroom! Even without Kate Bully Chastain, it’s still terrible.

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