Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 6/23

Erika waltzes in with her dramatic entrance and acts like nothing is going on.

We’re on the Kyle/Dorit thing – they’re talking it out later – I can hardly wait.

We’re acknowledging that Dorit talks (about herself) a lot.

So all the poor people they stole money from, and she bought a RANGE ROVER (and that’s a downgrade) and had to let go of the 16,000 SF home and Lamborghini?? is this happening ??? Is she saying this and aware that people they ripped off may be watching? Does she have no self- awareness?

She spent all of his money. I don’t mean to judge, I like clothes and cute stuff too, but I feel like I would know that it’s out of control and stop at a point where my wealthy successful husband is taking out loans against his business to shut me up. Like a normal person, she should have seen that as a red flag.

She clearly planned out her whole entrance tonight. She couldn’t have planned something better to say to NOT make her look like a TOTAL gold digger.

So she was actually paying out (Tom was that is) to perform at her little “concerts.” I feel like she did say that one time on an episode a few seasons back. I was like – that’s weird. But she likes her attention. And she thought the incessant money spending was not an issue.

This is kind of ho-hum on past Housewives. Been here, done this. People with these huge houses and lavish lifestyles- suddenly admit they’re broke due to poor money management. Then we’re forced to try to feel sorry for them. Maybe they should invest in a calculator, or look at bank statements?

Kyle and Dorit hashing it out – snapping, snapped back – snip snap – don’t cut me off. I hate that! Hugs – mwa mwa – awesome – for the love of all that is holy – Don’t interrupt Princess Dorit !!! EVER !!

There was a previous season episode where she got all huffy at PK for interrupting her, but he didn’t cut her off really – he just cut in briefly with a random two second thought in the middle of her sentence, and she went off. So it IS her thing.

Conversation about if Tom will remain in the mansion … she says of course, it’s his house. But as we now know, 7- 8 months after filming, he’s not staying there – he can’t afford it, poor dude is broke, he’s been supporting her “lifestyle” for 20 years. I guess she knows at this point that he’s broke and was stealing clients’ winnings?

Now Crystal feels “violated”– yes as we whisper down the lane – more adjectives are being added

about the bedroom barge in.

First it was awkward, now it’s violated. My opinion, not that you asked, that Sutton should not have entered until Crystal came to the door, or said “come in”. It is someone’s bedroom. And I think Sutton was making a joke about, “what’s going on in here”, when she was crouched on the floor, naked.

She seems to like to say the word “naked.”

This has to be degrading and embarrassing for Erika, even though she is trying to NOT act like it.

I mean, guys, she did play the part, and milk the part, of the spoiled rich wife. I recall her being an ass on her “PJ” (that’s the lingo right? or was that just LaLa- lingo ?) one time to the attendant, about a drink or something. She wasn’t a total ass, she wasn’t like “bitch this isn’t right” !! buuuuut she could have been nicer. I was feeling like c’mon girl, you used to be a waitress right?? these are people trying to earn a living! Be nice. Be a little extra nice.

Looks like the rest of the ladies are trying hard to not grin ear to ear. I mean we ALL know that they love when divorce and/or money issues happen to one of the other ladies.

Of course her other peeps (her “staff”) are trying their best and choosing their words carefully, and kissing her ass, but that may stop soon, since she’s (Tom I mean ) not paying them.

In Erika’s interview, she divulges this story that Tom said at a dinner gathering amongst other gentlemen “If you can afford her you can have her.” That is it in a nutshell. I feel like he didn’t MEAN for that to be so MEAN, but it does underscore how she was blowing through his bank account, and he was probably feeling the hurt at that point. Poor guy. He could have put the breaks on the spending, right ?

Hopefully Erika has a business idea like Rinna soon too, cuz she ain’t gettin no huge alimony payments out of this poor old dude. I’m sure there are no more concerts and performances for her either.

I keep calling him a poor old dude. Sorry I mean no disrespect. He’s a grown -up, and he could have told her “STOP SPENDING MONEY !! IT’S NOT A BOTTOMLESS PIT. YOU’RE NOT A ROCK STAR.”

But he didn’t, so here we are. And I read he’s having health issues too.

She seems to be laying the groundwork for everything that is to come. With things like “He’s got challenges ahead of him…” yeah to say the least! At this point the girls are probably confused by her cryptic phrasing. They’re assuming she’s going to be a Sutton or an Elizabeth from OC, the loaded EX with big alimony CHEX, but nope not the case here. So what, he handled and won the Erin Brockovich case…” (biggest law suit in history, or something like that.) Erika needs STUFF!!

Garcelle says she looks like sex in heels –

Actually she kind of looks like an actual hooker — in heels. Thought this was a Girls Night? Her outfit is giving me Pretty Woman flashbacks. I just mentioned two Julia Roberts movies totally by accident.

Back to the Bedroom Barge – Sutton seriously, shutta eff up – I agree with Crystal in the interview. She IS trying to help you out, so drop it. Yes! she’s different and kooky, I can relate, I really can. My bank account and house are much smaller, and I’m not on TV, but I can relate. I like Sutton, I think she means well. I try to give her a break. The girls should too.

I think Erika does need some one night stands. She probably has not had some good sex in a while. I have a feeling some 40 or 50-something dude will be HAPPY to have her. He better hold on to his wallet, but he will be happy to have her.

In the interview she is divulging that there is more to come. We know. This is just really sad. Making for a great storyline (Her job’s safe, thank goodness, she needs it !), but sad.

Andy was probably foaming at the mouth when this broke, aaaaannnnd they were even filming! ??

Whaaaaaaaaaaat??? Maybe he should help them out.

So what did you all think of this week’s episode ?

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