Real Housewives of Beverly Hills – 3/4/25 – Fashionably Great

Kathy grills Kyle about how she’s doing since the Mario and chick he’s kissing at the airport surfaced.

Kathy tells she knew something like that was going to be coming out. She tries to say it casually but it seems like she maybe really did know he was seeing someone and who it was.

She’s worried Mario won’t be “nice to her” if he has a girlfriend.

She’s funny. From what I see on camera he doesn’t seem as nice to her as what she thinks. Yeah he’s not a complete jerk, he’s just has no feelings nor attraction to her whatsoever, so he’s cordial but I don’t think she realizes how he is cringing in her presence.


Erika loves showing off her remodel on her pool house rental, paid for with stolen funds, since between two of them, mostly Erika, they spent stolen money on themselves and have no interest whatsoever in paying it back. Worse yet, they’re not being ordered by the courts. Which I’m sorry but I still don’t get.

Not such a fan of that loud wallpaper. Her mom points out the seams.


Kyle and Kathy get mammo’s and discuss Mario. They make fun of him for saying “100%” constantly.

I noticed a few years ago, first he was always stoned, and he kept repeating “beauuuuuuuutifulllllll” every time Kyle tried to have a conversation or ask him a question. I think I compared him to a robot. Like why is he walking around the house, looking incoherent saying “beauuuuuuuuutifulllll” no matter what is said to him?

Did you all know ‘The Agency’ is a franchise? So when Kyle brags about all of these branches they’re opening in other cities and countries, it’s not Mario’s doing if they’re just franchises. I’m not saying he’s not doing well, clearly he is (I assume) but just wanted to point that out.

Who’s got bigger boobs, Kyle or me?” Only Kathy would ask a radiologist that.

Why does she think Mario would send her a text about the photo? And say what exactly? Did she ‘text’ Mario every time a pic went online of her and her lesbian lover last year? No. she didn’t. And was she staging paps pictures too? 100%.

So in other words, Kyle shut up.

And she is SHOWING HIM!! She is removing ‘wife’ from her IG bio.

Okay Kyle who stopped maturing at 13. That’ll teach him! Is she serious.

Sadly, yes she is serious.

Not to nitpick, but Kyle needs for her face to match her spray tan color on her arms. I should probably just be happy she’s spray tanning. I do tend to bitch about how pale she is.

Kathy is loving this so much, and wants to keep gossiping about Mario, and who the chick is. Kyle claims she doesn’t care and wants her to drop it. OF course she cares and is also curious but has to pretend for the cameras. She is Kyle after all, and is inauthentic and phony.

Maybe she needs the book entitled ‘How To Be Authentic.’

I think it was the DWTS chick wasn’t it?? We watch this now six months later, when it’s all old news so it’s kind of hard to remember, or care.

They both pass the mammo test. It is scary for them that their mom died of breast cancer.


Did you all hear that Sutton closed her store?? She claims it has nothing to do with a lack of business, and she’s concentrating on strictly online sales.

I honestly can’t fathom that she gets much foot traffic through that store, so the above news does not shock me at all.

Garcelle drops into her boutique where there is no one shopping. Sutton shares that her very pleasant mom’s flight for the following morning has been canceled, due the tech outage that I think I kind of recall.

You know how we’re all dying to hear from again.

They gossip about Mario and the airport bikini chick.


Erika is insufferable. She brags to her mom that she thinks of Tom less now.

She gives not one fuck about this man and I guess I can’t blame her. I don’t know.

I think it’s kind of an anomaly to have two narcissists in a relationship but it does happen. Usually one is more of an asshole than the other. I know of a double NPD couple and it’s absolutely pathetic how they give no fucks about the pain they have inflicted with their pathetic lies and obscene jealousy.

I know Tom is an asshole, but it’s hard to imagine her life with him was that traumatic as she is making it out to be. She seemed to be having a pretty good time to me, spending money non-stop.

Her mom is proud of her. Okay Mom. Have you been watching the past seasons? You’re proud of that?

And now she’s cackling and bragging about buying herself a Porsche that she so deserves, after everything that SHE’S been through

I can’t fathom being this fucking tone deaf and stupid. Cannot make this shit up.


Garcelle and Dorito meet for dinner or lunch, wasn’t sure.

Yeah they still can’t stand each other. Garcelle can’t wait to bring up Sutton after they gossip and Kyle and Mario of course. Dorit shares that she will be attending the fashion show. Of course she is. She wouldn’t miss the opportunity for camera time.

She’d have serious FOMO if she sat this one out.


Sutton and Tilly arrive to the hotel for the fashion show and immediately demand bellhops to wait on them.

Tilly is modeling for the show and says in her yap she doesn’t think Sutton realizes she’s a celebrity, as she lets us know, and this is such a second rate fashion show compared to what she’s done in the past. Because she’s a ‘celebrity.’ That I’ve never heard of until she became a Housewife.

That was a very pretentious comment, Jennifer Tilly. The point is that you’re supporting your friend, so lose the Megan Markle, “you know I’m Sussex now” type commentary. It’s kind of gross.

I feel like if you have to announce you’re a celebrity, you’re probably not a celebrity.

Sutton’s mom is officially not making the show due to the tech outage that was going on during this time.

Kyle refuses to talk to press as she arrives. Dorit thinks she’s here for an apology from Sutton.

Kyle claims conveniently attending one of Morgan’s concerts amidst the Mario bikini chick at the airport is purely coincidental.

Kyle just does not get that he doesn’t give a shit.

She did hear from Mario about it. I’m sure she reached out to him first demanding an explanation. She tells Dorit it seems sus that a pap would be right there in that moment, so it seems the girl set it up. I’m sure she did. Mario may have known or maybe even was in on it. She echos Kathy’s Brad Pitt comment. It’s not like he’s Elvis or something, or Brad Pitt.

What would possess Kathy to randomly ask Sutton two seconds before it’s ready to start if she wants to Dorit to introduce and narrate? Wouldn’t you have to sort of prepare for that? I think she loves this dumb blonde schtick she plays on here. I’m not saying she’s not dumb, but pretty sure she likes to exaggerate it when she’s on Housewives.

She acts like more of a bitch when she’s around her people. That Hermes tray clip from a few years ago? That Paris wasn’t allowed to have anything on? What the hell was that??

She’s oblivious of being right in the way of the models as they begin to walk ‘the runway.’ AKA the cement alongside the pool.

Sutton keeps yelling at the models to slow down.

The clothes are nice. I don’t hate anything. There’s nothing over the top and costumey. It’s regular clothes a regular person does to do regular things.

The price tags might not be for the ‘regular’ folk now.

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