Our new ‘Friend Of’ Jennifer Tilly gets some decent air time in this episode. I think we can all agree she should get a full-time slot.
I was seeing these murmurings of how the others, besides Sutton of course don’t want her as a Housewife. Is it jealousy perhaps? Are they threatened? The don’t think she ‘belongs’ apparently.
I feel like she would lighten it up. She wouldn’t even necessarily need a ‘story line’ in my opinion.
She’s cute and funny and rich. She shouldn’t need to be a dysfunctional mess and do fake pot stirring.
Kyle has somehow managed to stay on the show and be known as the ‘main character’ never having anything going on to speak of.
How is it even allowed to hide a lesbian affair and marital troubles??
I was shocked how she commiserated with Dorit last week and opened up about her and Mario’s separation, and how devastated she is and that she thinks they’re most likely headed for divorce. I’m sure she was forced to do that. You could see how hard it was for her because it’s the first time in what – fifteen years she’s done that. And there have been cheating rumors going on for years with him and I believe their marriage was far from perfect as she portrayed all of these years.
Tilly is hosting a caftan/caviar – thing. Do you guys remember Kyle supposedly opening a new boutique like three – four seasons ago in Palm Springs, and her partner was Indian so there were many caftans featured in the store?? What happened to that? Did she get bored? Did it go under? It was like never mentioned again.
I did a little research and apparently it is still open and has her name attached to it, however not in Palm Springs, in Tucson. I wonder if it ever was opened there or if that was fake story line. Guess that’s why she’s never mentioned it. She must have little to absolutely nothing to do with it, other than her name being on it. And getting a check every month. If it’s even profitable.
If you wanted to browse through the fashions, the link is below. Looks extremely overpriced. I can see why she never talks about it, lol. Yikes.
What is with that eyeball print? It’s hideous.
I do like the sequined joggers though. For ONLY $189.00! (On sale from $219.)
You would think with her name on it, she would want to be represented somewhat and take some pride in the merchandise. Apparently not.
She should do a brand for petites. I’m around her size, and the struggle is real with pants and dress lengths, as well as sleeve length. She’s mentioned it several times on the show that it’s annoying. Come on Kyle you have the money and the time.
I went right to the sale rack on the site, and I was mortified. How on earth is this store even open?
I’m assuming she had plenty of caftans to choose from for Jennifer’s event.
I wasn’t sure who Talitha Getty was that Jennifer referred to, so I looked it up if anyone is interested. She was an actress/model/socialite who passed away in 1971 at only 31. Not really sure what she has to do what the event. I kind of just skimmed it. The ‘Getty’ is from marrying into the gasoline family.

I love the Sutton/Tilly friendship. Add Garcelle into the mix and they’ll be unstoppable next season. Maybe they’ll put that little twat Kyle Richards in her place.
Kyle. Girl. Mario doesn’t like you. That’s mean but I don’t care.
And who all is bored shitless with this Dorit vs Sutton feud??
Sutton arrives to check out the space for the event and of course to catch Tilly up who I guess was not invited to the 4th festies.
She is 66! She does not look it, and yes I know that’s thanks to a lot of botox and procedures, but she’s also so young at heart.
Okay I have to say listening to Sutton whine about Dorit ‘perpetuating the rumor that she has a drinking problem’ is a little hard to listen to. Why? Because I do think she is perhaps a semi-functioning alcoholic.
I say ‘semi’ because she doesn’t have to work or do anything at all, really. She can pay people to do whatever, so it’s not really like a problem per se, when she’s had three strong vodka’s and grapefruit by noon.
Thou doth protest too much, Sutton. She should have just laughed off Dorit’s stupid comment.
Yes Kyle we know you have six dogs. Here’s a dumb question: Why does she have a child’s playhouse in her back yard?
She has her ‘life coach’ over to listen to her whine about Mario.
I don’t know why Mario’s not allowed to be out having fun. She seemed to be ‘having fun’ last year, wink wink, if ya get my drift. I think she was trying to make Mario jealous, and as one of my followers on my FaceBook page pointed out on my post, it all backfired on her.
When she has asked for a separation, Mario’s tires were like squealing, getting the hell out of there. He was like “YESSSSSS!!”
But, I do agree with her, this dynamic IS different for men. Even if the marriage was bad, women are mourning the loss of their marriage and the dudes are like “okay who can I fuck??”
If they’re like my EX-HUSBAND they’re already banging some disgusting overweight insecure tramp who portrays herself as an upstanding professional, when I told him I wanted a divorce, and moved in with her three months later. THREE MONTHS.
Listening to her in her yap crying, in that horrible clown dress, I do feel kind of sorry for her.

She gets some Big Kathy shade in. I think she has a lot of animosity towards her mom and the chaotic way she was raised. Long story short, if you don’t know Big Kathy history, her mom was kind of the town drunk and ho and was very open and proud of using guys for money, and telling her daughters to do that as well.
She even says she didn’t have a good role model. That stings for poor Big Kathy who is no longer with us.
I can’t help but be curious if she was still alive, what their relationship would be like.
I could see her living with/off of Kathy. In Kyle’s recent conversations with Kim and Kathy, it seems they are okay with Big Kathy and how they were raised, but it seems Kyle is salty.
Big Kathy did not want to work, and lived off of her kids’ child acting income (Kim, mostly, obviously) and men she was sleeping with.
That was Kyle’s Kim’s and Kathy’s role model.
Back to this, I think it’s kind of funny that Kyle actually thinks she and Mario may get back together. How is she not seeing he cannot stomach to be in her presence?
And those big bear hugs in their scenes? Just stop. He hates it. He has no attraction to her whatsoever.
She needs someone to be blunt with her.
Kyle he didn’t ‘fight for you’ because he wanted out. He wanted out for a while and took the out when it was offered. I hate to take the dude’s side, but I am here.
It just boils down to who’s the asshole and who’s not. I never ever saw Mario acting like an asshole or being disrespectful. Ever.
If he was cheating on her, then that is disappointing and I don’t approve of that.
I think I missed the episode last season, and never got back to it, where they were hosting a big family dinner with their daughters and Mario’s family, and Kyle acted like a spoiled teenager the entire time, yammering about her stupid fucking tats.
I heard a lot about it, and Mario and even her teenage/young adult daughters were looking at her like “shut the fuck up Mom, you’re embarrassing!!”
I feel like she’s not good at ‘reading the room.’
That behavior is one reason why Mario wants out. It’s been brewing and all over his face for several seasons.
Sorry Kyle, not sorry.
Okay, Boz. Thought she was talking to her cousin on last week’s ep about ditching this baby thing, but here we are again. Guess we’re not ditching it.
Or she’s pretending to not be ditching it? We don’t know.
It’s hard to take seriously a 47 and 48 year old, who haven’t even said ‘I love you’ to each other, having a baby together.
And then when you add into the mix her past pregnancy issues, it’s a little hard to buy that this is real. Not to mention this dude’s body language tells you that he’s not into this at all.

She even says ‘babies.’ It’s plural now? She’s having two kids in her late 40’s/early 50’s??? OhhhhhKAY BOZ if you say so.
Boz for some reason can’t be bothered to put shoes on, and leave her fucking house, and has the fertility doc haul the ultrasound equipment to her boudoir to do an ultrasound to see if she has eggs left, since she’s like 50.
I guess that’s why we watch this, to see people living in a way we cannot fathom.
I’d rather see this than some trashy ho like Mia on Potomac, so pick your Bravo battles, right?
Sure let’s have an ultrasound done while you lay in your bed. Why not??
Did Boz really not know your odds of getting pregnant after 40 are very minimal?
Not to mention all of the risks to the health of the baby? And it’s not likes she’s 40, she’s 47, NOW, and this could not even be happening for another year or two.
Is she okay?? This is not real is it?? Why wouldnn’t she be getting a surrogate?
Keely couldn’t be less interested in this.
Boz has a huge photo of herself in her bedroom. I think that’s so weird to have pictures of yourself on the wall, in your bedroom is even worse.
That seems very egotistical. And weird. Other Housewives and Bravolebs I’ve noticed doing that? Lindsay Hubbard on Summer House, Caroline Brooks on Dubai, Heather DuBrow on OC. And what do all of those women have in common? I’ll let you figure that out.
Okay she has eggs, yay. This doctor is telling her she has an overabundance of them for her age.
Of course she does.
I think it’s hilarious how Kyle now has a glam squad now that she’s not with Mario anymore. I guess she’s not so budget-conscious when he’s just sending her free money.
I’m so over the Sutton/Dorit feud. I know I already say that. Dorit is much more annoying about it, than Sutton for some reason.
I saw this on social media today and I’m going to steal the sentiment:
If Dorit can call Sutton an alcoholic, then Sutton can call Dorit broke.
I missed the first time I watched, Sutton calling her ‘Poorit’ in her yap.
Not sure I’m getting the correlation between caftans and caviar. Other then they two words both start ‘c’ and sort of flow together.
Why is Kathy dragging the very corrupt Faye Resnick to this party? Why? Can this woman go away? Forever.
Erika is so jealous of Jennifer. All of these divorcees that are beyond loaded from their big fat divorce settlements is where Erika thought she was going to be when she divorced Tom, or he croaked, whichever came first.
And you know I’m right. You don’t have to agree with me, but you should.
She forgot to not spend every cent to his name, making any type of ‘settlement’ impossible… She’s can’t help that she’s so dumb.
And he was too egotistical to tell her he was running out of money.
Dorit missed the caftan dress code on the invite.
You can tell she feels embarrassed, when she notices but plays it off that she doesn’t like them anyway and doesn’t look good in them, Well nobody looks good in them Dorit. They add like 50 pounds to your body.
She actually looks mortified. Why couldn’t she just say in her yap, “I was mortified when I saw everyone in caftans but you know I’m a little preoccupied and didn’t read the invitation.” Like be honest, Dorit. We see your face!! It’s not the end of the world you were not dressed accordingly. No one cares.

I guess her good friend Boz didn’t mention it on the way over? They did arrive together. Funny. Maybe she was afraid to break it to her.
This got long – stay tuned for Part 2!!