Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 12/6/23

Continuation of the weed dinner, sorry to say, and Kyle and Sutton still having this ongoing dispute about what’s going on with her.”

Sutton just wants her to admit that her marriage is in the toilet. Not “this isn’t our best year.” That IS called denial. What cracks me up is that I kind of had Mario pegged for being gay, not Kyle.

But okay, every now and then I get it wrong.

Is Sutton gloating a bit? Possibly. But, that’s her right. Kyle sure as hell does. They all do. She sure as fuck was gloating about Erika two seasons ago, when the news first broke about Tom. They expected Erika to share her whole story, not just bits and pieces. Honestly they didn’t even know what really was going on. Erika wasn’t admitting to what a sloppy mess her life really was. The didn’t know what was going on until that big LA Times article, that Kyle the avid reader, couldn’t finish reading, so had to ask Sutton to tell her what it said.

Sutton points out the not wearing of her wedding rings is strange. Which it is, if she’s always worn it.

Dorit looks shocked she would have the audacity to question Kyle the Queen Richards.

As Garcelle points out in her yap, that the stupid fucking ‘replacement ring’ that she’s wearing on her left ring finger, and it’s origin, who bought it, why it was bought, is not the real question, but Kyle seems happy to focus on that.

They all know she and Mario are separated, at this point (although living together, but hey the house is big.) They all know that he has again been accused of cheating on her, and this time, it’s not blowing over.

They all know she’s suddenly hanging around some random chick. Why we are continuing this dance, I don’t know. But I’m bored.

Sutton apologizes for the name ‘em, name ‘em quarrel, and tells her she should also be sorry. Kyle ain’t apologizing, Sutton, are you fucking serious?

Atlanta’s Cynthia Bailey being here is so random. I have to address my embarrassing mistake from last week’s recap. First of all, I thought she was introduced as ‘Nancy.’ Kind of sounds like Cynthia. And she was barely shown, so I legit didn’t realize it was Cynthia. I even said, that she reminded me of Cynthia. Wow I feel like a dummy. She’s an Atlanta flipping OG, and she’s here as ‘Sutton’s friend?’ She kind of looks different too, in my defense. She appears to have gained weight, not to sound bitchy. I like her, I’d like to see her back on Atlanta.

yeah, now I’m just Sutton’s friend.

As they discuss the ‘sanctity’ of marriage (yeah okay, marriage is basically a joke now, as are so-called committed relationships, for that matter.) Erika needs to be the center of attention, and carries on about how she wants this hot steamy love affair, and doesn’t care if the dude is rich or poor…

Okay Erika. Shut up. Just shut up. I liked her better last season when she was constantly fucking inebriated. She gets called out on that comment. She refers to her marriage with Tom as ‘an arrangement.’ We all knew that. Not sure if she did that on purpose or not.

This dinner feel like it’s been going on for three years.

As we already know Denise arrived here already under the influence of something. I’m assuming just alcohol. She wants to know why Erica treated her so shitty in her first season. I’m assuming this is why alcohol was consumed, because she wanted to confront Erika. I guess I don’t blame her for needing a little liquid courage. Erica’s fucking scary.

She just needed to have more actual facts and examples of her shitty treatment. So it really doesn’t get very far, and Denise ends up looking stupid because Erica wants to know what specifically she did to offend her, and Denise has nothing, except “you know, you know what you did.” Sounds exactly like the Kyle and Sutton rhetoric.

She does give Denise a very insincere apology, just to make her go away and drop it.

Erica pretends to look confused. Denise’s mistake was she overdid the liquid courage, to the point where she is unable to articulate anything at all. You know these ladies like their specifics, and the whole table is like playing dumb. Erica treats everybody shitty;they all know this. Denise advises her to watch the season and then come back and they’ll have the conversation. I

Nobody really seems to be high to me, but they claim to be, Sutton whips out a joint. Who cares. Please let this be over.

Denise stumbles out of her chair, puts her fuzzy jacket on, upside down, and leaves the table.

Sutton and Garcelle follow. Denise continues to call Erica names that are actually pretty accurate. No one else will say it, so thank you Denise Fucking Richards. It just sucks that she sounds like a damned fucktard.

There was a lot of bleeping, but we get the picture.

Dorit notices the jacket, and Denise is highly offended at her pointing it out, and is insisting that it’s not upside down. She leaves. Kyle escorts her out, to make sure she doesn’t change her mind as she’s still mumbling “she knows, she knows.

Yes, we know she knows.

And Erica no, hot pink and lime green are not ‘primary colors’ but nice try at trying to sound like you know something, other than being a bitchy bitter slutty old hag. I don’t think she even knows what primary colors are. Think this was taught in first grade, maybe second? Crystal doesn’t correct her, because I don’t think she knows either.

What would RHOB be without Kyle, and this open-mouth gasp ‘omg’ face. Looks like she’s lost the head tilt. She probably thinks that makes it look more realistic. It doesn’t.

I’ve been working on this!!

The reason behind the fake shock is Dorit announcing to her Sutton’s ‘in denial about something’ comment.

Is this really that shocking Kyle?? You know that you’re purposely withholding your info, to keep the cameras on you all season.

Sutton, what am I in denial about??” I mean girl, you’re fucking kidding me. Haven’t we covered this, numerous fucking times?? Bravo Bravo BravOH!!! Come ON. And can we lose this dramatic fucking music, and zooming in on everyone’s ‘shocked’ face.

What do you know, or think you know?”

I don’t know, why don’t you tell me.”

I don’ t know, you tell me”

Bloody fucking hell.

I swear to God, this CANNOT go on. I am going to spoon out my fucking eyeballs, I swear.

The argument moves to the kitchen, and now we’re onto Sutton pushing her food around on her plate, and not eating. But oh wait, that’s due to a throat swallowing esophageal condition, or some fucking shit.

I specifically noted that you didn’t clean your plate at dinner!!

Very dramatic and mysterious music plays, as this very important topic is discussed. Did I just start noticing this, or are they playing it more, or louder?? I don’t know, but it’s annoying and hilar at the same time, because this suspenseful music is ridiculous, given these discussions, and also when there is NO suspense!! We know!!

Is anyone even legit stoned? Doesn’t seem like it. What a rip-ff.

So apparently folks, hold onto your hats, but Sutton and Kathy had some sort of little tiff over Sutton saying she’s not necessarily on Kathy’s side in the ‘Rinna vs Kathy’ sprinter van disagreement, and she believes that the truth is somewhere in the middle. She shares that she has experienced the wrath of Kathy Hilton’s anger, and understands what Kyle refers to as her dark side.

The mother of all awkward silence situations as Kyle storms out of the kitchen, with everyone standing there feeling, I assume, stupid. Dorit tells everyone to get the hell out.

There is a funny fleeting scene when they’re approaching their vehicle to leave, and Sutton stands completely still, and is very eerily and angrily glaring at the driver. Did he say something to her?? Cynthia (aka Nancy) urges her to get into the car.

I’m casting an evil spell on you!

So that was weird, and I’m kind of dying to know what transpired there. Did he say something snarky to her, and if so what? Or was she just having a Sutton moment?


Three besties, along with Denise, Garcelle, Sutton and Crystal meet for lunch, and can we ever even guess what they’re going to discuss??

Crystal seems to be unusually chipper and cheerful this season. What’s going on?? She’s even extra funny with some witty commentary in her yaps, when in the past, not so much. She’s usually so monotone and well, boring. I’m actually shocked to see her return every season, to be honest with you. She seems sort of glowy too.

I’m trying this happy thing for something new.

I agree with Garcelle. Kyle dragging someone for drinking too heavily when she just got sober five minutes ago, is not cool. Although she has not been known being a raging alcoholic, but certainly getting way too carried away at events. They flash to her humping the floor in her body suit, at Garelle’s birthday party last year.

Back and forth scenes.

Kyle and Annmarie, a nurse, never heard of Sutton’s esophagus condition. It must be a thing, because Garcelle said she saw a commercial advertising a drug for it. She uses her profession and alleged knowledge of being as previously being nurse anesthetist, that since she never heard of it, it must not be a thing.


Dorit and PK discuss home schooling their kids due to the ‘break-in.’ PK feels that they need the socialization, and Dorit thinks he doesn’t now wtf he’s talking about, because he’s never around. Both can be true. He’s always ‘traveling.’ Doing what, we don’t know. Racking up more gambling debt and organizing another robbery per haps

He calls her fears, and PTSD not rational. Who cares about them. Another Housewife marriage bites the dust. Another Housewife who came onto the show pretending her husband was oh-so loaded and successful, and is a big giant FAKE ASS SKETCHY FRAUD.


Erika meets with one of her dancers from good old days, when Tom was funding her running around performing as poor man’s Madonna. Making ZERO PROFIT. Why? Because no one would pay anything substantial to see this broad. As we are seeing in her Vegas debut.

She refers to her 5th grade self in her yap, as being mesmerized by Vegas, the costumes, show girls and MONEY, she adds at the end. Well that explains a lot doesn’t it? In 5th fucking grade, she was already scheming to pick up a rich old man so she could have MONEY. Wonder if she was predicting that she was going to spend every last fucking cent of it. Tom was a legit wealthy man, as we know. You have to admit, it’s quite an accomplishment, to be able to say you spent ALL OF someone’s wealth, with little to nothing to show for it. Tom Girardi’s net worth in 2015 was approximately 264 million. Now, that is online info that may not be accurate, and not all liquid of course. But even if you even take half of that, it gives you some perspective of what she was spending on herself. That is quite an accomplishment. He is now worth zero.


Kyle and Dorito discuss this stupid fucking ring. The question, Kyle is why aren’t you wearing your wedding rings, and you know this. When a married person, a woman especially, is not wearing her rings, that is usually for a reason, and not because she just decided to wear a different one.

Side note, she has really ugly hands. You would think she would want to get the focus off of this ring dilemma, so they stop zooming in on those nasty claws.

I’m going to keep showing my hands, if you don’t drop it about my ring!

Kim meets them on their walk. Wasn’t expecting that. I kind of miss her. They seem to be on good terms for the time being, or at least at filming.

You’re still a fucking twat, I’m just tired of fighting!

It makes me sad that Kim took the scamdemic that seriously, and wouldn’t leave her house. With her addiction issues, the last thing she needed is to be cooped up in her house 24/7 by herself.

If you’re spending that much time at home with nothing to do, you would think you would do research and see that there was no reason to be afraid, and to isolate yourself from society. She started painting in her free time, so that’s a positive creative outlet. Her murals are – interesting. Isn’t it funny that Kim and Kathy never seem to be at odds with each other. It’s always Kim and Kyle arguing, or Kathy and Kyle. So, let’s do the math. Who’s the common denominator?

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