Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 12/13/23

That was one awkward kiss between Mario and Kyle – yikes. And he grabbed her kind of aggressively.


She scolds him after, and says “don’t kiss me!” Come ON, so clear they had already called it quits by this time. So stupid, this game we’re playing. Just fucking say it.


Sutton is preparing to host an event of some sort at the store.

I hate the way she is bragging how she did this on her own with her own money, and a producer asks if she used her spousal support. Dude, her spousal support is HER money. She paid her damned dues. It’s what the court decided that she’s entitled to, therefore, it’s her money. I don’t know why she doesn’t point that out to the producer. I don’t think she put it together as to why he was asking that.

I’ve had snarky comments made to me about my divorce settlement, and NO not $300g/month, not close, not even enough to live on, so I still need to work, but it’s a supplement. The snarky commenters can eat a dick. I earned that shit believe me. It actually should be 300g/month given what I put up with. Too bad he was just a stupid cop, and not a big bougee businessman.


Kyle has a therapy life coach whatever session. I still think it’s weird how they have these therapy sessions aired. This shit should be private.

Kyle is upset and shares with him, and I do remember reading about this about her friend that killed herself, so she talks about that, and cries talks about Kathy, but doesn’t seem to mention her marital issues.


We peek in on Anne-Marie and her family. I was a little disturbed about her ‘bragging’ about her husband saying she’s “a solid 8.50 in everything, and not many people can say that.” “You’re not a 10 in looks” (what??) you’re not a 10 as an athlete.” Why wouldn’t you just fucking tell your wife she’s a 10? I mean, If you’re absolutely needing to put a score on her, why not just say “you’re a 10, babe.” That was just weird. And the fact that she thinks this is a huge compliment is disturbing. And how did he come up with 8 1/2?? And what’s his score??

My husband tells me that I’m not that pretty or talented at anything.


Seeing Erica living in a pool house just never gets tiring. She calls her mom to deliver the news that she got a contract to do Vegas, where the tickets are selling for a dollar. That never gets tiring either.

Her mom seems happy for her, but still gets a dig in about being allowed to come see her opening night performance. I honestly can’t believe the venue in Vegas thought that she was going to be profitable. Have they watched the past two seasons?? People fucking hate her.

If she wasn’t such a fucking twat, she possibly could’ve milked this Tom shit, and made out similar to Ariana on Vanderpump did. Then again if she wasn’t such a greedy fucking twat, I don’t think Tom would have been in the desperate position he was in.


It’s Sutton store event thing, There are barely any clothes in the store. It sort of looks like it’s a front for something else. You never know about these fucking housewives. They’re all pretty sketchy in their own ways. Or their husbands.

Sutton and this ‘property manager’ Avi’s dynamic is kind of a little strange. Their banter It’s not really cute to me. It seems more combative.

He kind of reminds me of Dustin Hoffman, the way he runs after her, and I’m not sure what movie. Would it be mean to say Rain Man?

Kyle FaceTimes her new girlfriend while she’s getting ready. She makes jokes about the necklace she’s wearing, and if it’s going to be question. Is Kyle really this stupid, or is she just playing dumb?

All of these jokes about her jewelry, does she not understand that when you are married, and you are wearing a different ring on your left ring finger, it’s symbolic. Is she fucking retarded? She’s not comprehending this?

She’s bringing Kim with her, obviously because Sutton made a remark that neither of her sisters can stand her, so she had to show off that oh this one can stand her for one night. I think Kim is just fucking exhausted from arguing with her or so she’s just decided to act like she like her. Kim is a good actress, unlike Kyle. I’m sure she still can’t stand her. No one can fucking stand her. Her husband can’t, her daughters can’t, he sisters can’t.

In her yap, tells us her relationship with Morgan is ‘different’ from that with with her other friends. Yeah Kyle, we kinda get that, we don’t think you’re having sex with your other friends. Is she fucking with us?

Morgan is my lover, not my friend!!

So relieved that Dorit has a ‘heads up’ about the headcount!! At what point is she going to stop this?

And her outfit, it’s way too many accessories. You don’t put hounds tooth boots with a hounds tooth jacket, and then the gaudy belt? It’s just too much, and she should know better. I don’t get what parties or crowds have to do with the robbery I just don’t.

I’m not loving Crystal’s green eye shadow.

Kim is also nervous to be in a big crowds since she was frightened into not leaving her house for the past four fucking years. That’s so sad to me. Couldn’t Kathy have talked some sense into her, or somebody??

Kim is so cute and teeny. I love my fellow teeny girls.

Sutton makes a point to tell Kyle she’s having her first drink of the day. So now that gets started up again, and if that’s not bad enough, we have to start on the fucking jewelry. Jesus Christ.

I actually do think these tattoos, and different rings on her wedding ring finger are symbols of her relationship with Morgan.

They quickly move on to Sutton’s cocktail habit. Kim looks bored shitless, and I don’t fucking blame her. Kim, girl, we’re all bored, believe me.

I forgot how miserable this was.

Kyle and Sutton apologize to each other. Wonderful.

Crystal is funny this season!! Her dry sense of humor, I’m digging it!! I’m into it.

Dorit drones on and on in her Dorit way. Crystal lets her know that she just needs to shut the fuck up.

As if that wasn’t dull enough, after the commercial break, we move on to Annmarie trying to pretend like she’s a fucking doctor, when she’s basically the anesthesiologist’s assistant, telling Sutton her condition isn’t a real thing and the meds shouldn’t be mixed with alcohol. Let’s be honest, most prescriptions that you’re taking on a regular basis, shouldn’t be mixed with a ton of alcohol.

She continues to lecture Sutton, that her esophagus issue, is not a medical diagnosis, however, it has a name.

I’m not a doctor, but I’m playing one on TV…

She is striking me as kind of a busybody dumbass. That feels the need to run around telling everybody she’s a nurse anesthetist.

I don’t know what’s going on with Erica giving some accolades to Sutton. Is it this Ozempic making her
fucking nice? Is that a side effect, in addition to the various others, like death?

I don’t know what the big deal is with Sutton’s ex moving to England. Erica pretends like she can relate to her situation.

Erica wish she could relate to Sutton’s divorce situation. I think I like Ozempic Erica a lot better.

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