Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 11/8/23

Ladies arrived in Vegas. Missed last week’s recap because I was in Vegas!

So what’s on the table, at the breakfast table, is why doesn’t Sutton ever have 2nd dates? Well she comes off as a fuddy duddy, #1, however despite that, I think she’s in a constant state of ‘buzzing.’

Backgammon? Is that a joke or was it, you know ‘backgammon?’ Apparently she DOES have ‘game.’ You’re welcome.

Also inviting a guy to a cross country trip with you on the first date is weird. Even the other way around is weird. You don’t go on a trip with someone you barely know.

And I don’t know why she would hand her phone to Kyle. Kyle is such a sneaky little fuck. I hate fucking shysty sneaky people, with a passion.

She FaceTimes from Sutton’s phone, the guy that she had this date with that blew her off. Kyle acts like a teenager, and not in a fun cute way.

But don’t think of doing something like to ME, ever!!

Who would do that’s this funny over the age of 16? FaceTimes a dude Sutton went on one date with, that blew her off, when she tries to show her their text messages? That’s so fucking inappropriate.

If someone did that to Kyle, she would fucking freak out! She would hyperventilate, have diarrhea, cry about it all season, whine about it all next season, she would be so traumatized. It would be a repeat of Crystal when Sutton walked in on her changing.

You get the drift. It would go on, and on, and on, and on. until the fucking end of time if someone FaceTimed her new young tatted lesbian lover from her phone.

It’ such a, dare I say it, ‘violation.’

At what point is she going to think it’s time to stop acting like a bratty little sister. She’s 54. It’s time. And speaking of that, if she would have done something like this to either of her older sisters, they both would have ripped her fucking face off, and cooked it up, and ate it for dinner. Well Kathy would’ve made the butler do it. Kim would do it herself.

At least, Sutton does have a good sense of humor about it, and the so-called intervention, but that was a shitty thing to do. When you are doing shit from someone else’s phone, you are them. What is wrong with her? Now this dude that blew her off, thinks she tried to FaceTime him, and Kyle thinks that’s hilarious, as any teenager would.

Why is Sutton’s voice so raspy?

PK and Dorit must really be broke. She didn’t bring her glam. She’s pissed off Crystal did. This is housewives trying to pretend they’re big time celebs, that aren’t capable of doing their own makeup. And can I be bitchy, and point out that their hair and makeup never looks like anything exceptional.

Sutton seems really condescending and rude to this ‘house manager’ dude that I guess follows her around like her lady in waiting, everywhere she goes. She insists she can’t find pants he was to bring. This dude legit looks scared. She ridicules him for ‘shaking.’ What is wrong with this broad? I used to like her, but now I just do not. That’s nice, let’s scare and intimidate people that work for us, over a pair of fucking ‘ugly white pants.’ That makes for a nice tranquil positive work environment. Idiot.

I also want to add how she had ‘her people’ go to the hotel ahead of her and prepare the room and organize the closet. Who does that sound like from last season? A certain Bosnian one and done loon, that threatened physical violence and murder, several times? And Andy wants that back, he commented at BravoCon??

And don’t tell me she didn’t do that. If you’re a fan, then good for you, be a fan, but it’s all on record. Watch the season back. With a straight face, she threaten to head-butt Sutton several times, and at Garcelle’s party, she threatened to move in for the ‘kill’ to people that cross her. Again straight face, not in any joking way. Kyle and Mario looked speechless and flabbergasted. And it kind of got glazed over. I didn’t even see many comments about it on social media.

Okay, I digress. Avi locates these stupid fucking pants, Just to recap the previous week, they discussed on the plane how if you wanted to get pulled up on stage, you have to wear pants verses a dress or skirt. (although Kyle has a dress on, and she got invited to have whipped cream licked off of her, seems to be a discrepancy in the rules, depending on who you are.)

She tries to blame her rudeness and inability to locate them, that she “doesn’t like this nonsense of not unpacking herself, because she likes complete control.”

I’m confused, didn’t she request her staff to do this? Even if that was his idea, is it correct to blame him that she couldn’t find what was right there in front of her? Lay off the grapefruit woman!

This poor guy, I feel so sorry for him. I really do see why there’s never a second date. She’s fucking weird as fuck. Why in the HELL is HE apologizing to HER, as she shoos him away. And when he does, she dismisses and ridicules him.

Okay, get the fuck out now!!

So the Ocean Spray grapefruit juice, some might say, (honestly it’s been swirling around for a while that Sutton is constantly on the juice,) may not be plain juice in those cute little 10 oz bottles, that she keeps in her purse.

I don’t know if I would have chosen cream church trousers to wear to a Magic Mike show in Vegas. Or anywhere in Vegas. Or anywhere.

Kyle looks very Vegas, on the other hand, as she went for a high end escort look. Maybe not even high end.

Did someone call for an escort service?

Sutton makes several references eluding that she specifically wore pants per the instruction that if you want to be on stage, pants are required. So I took note of that, as did many.

I can’t deal with Erika being this skinny. I feel like her little bit of roundness is what made her, her? Not that being her is anything to proud of, I’m just saying, it looks odd. OF COURSE she’s taking the Ozempic. I crack up at the headlines I see that act like it’s such a mystery. No one even cares. ‘Hormones’ my fucking ass. Why wouldn’t she have done that a long time ago if that was some big ‘secret’ to lose 30 lbs, with no diet or exercise, when she was doing all of that ‘touring.’ Pahlease!!! Hormones.

The tax authority? Its called the IRS Erkia. Jesus. Tax authority?

Erika, it’s too soon to make stupid jokes about money that Tom stole from his clients, money meant for their settlements, to support your extreme spending addiction problem. Too soon. Especially when you factor in that they have still not seen that money, and most likely never will.

Of course Scarika knows the Magic Mike dancers. They get VIP treatment of course.

It’s Crystals fucking birthday!!! (Vanderpump viewers should get that) And we need to get her out of her shell, says Erika.

She’s forty now, so maybe she can stop talking about how young she is.

So long story short, it SEEMS like Sutton gets supposedly upset about the going downtown simulation between Erika and the dancer that ‘she knows’ (I’m sure she does, wink wink.) However, to me, it’s OBVIOUS she was jealous that she didn’t get asked to join, which was probably a good decision. Honestly can anyone even picture her up there?

I wore ugly white pants for nothing…

Also my opinion is that it was planned that Erika and Crystal would be chosen. It was all by design, so you would think Sutton would be seeing that, and just roll with it. But I guess we HAVE to have an altercation at EVERY fucking event.

We can’t even have fun at a guy strip show! Now, that’s a problem! A bunch of post middle aged women, not getting laid, I’m pretty sure, (maybe Crystal is) can’t have fun watching hot naked guys dance??

Apparently PK’s not keeping up with business… Dorit looks like this is the first time she’s seen a dude. She’s definitely intrigued by the entertainment.

So much better than that lame fat loser I have at home

Sutton’s reaction is so stupid. It’s strip show! What did she expect??

Other than Morgan Wade, and she’s a chick, she doesn’t count, I don’t know when the last time is that Kyle, or Dorit, have been laid.

Sutton storms out muttering, and heads to the restroom. Garcelle follows her, and coaxes her out of the bathroom, since I assume, the camera guys aren’t allowed in there.

I’m on the board for the American Ballet Theater.”

I understand that” Garcelle answers. Does she though? We don’t.

Do they know you carry vodka in your purse??

Kyle gets her official invitation to take the stage, even though she didn’t follow the pants instruction. She seems to melt right into this dude. There’s lots of whipped cream involved. I guess she doesn’t mind being all sticky. Don’t think I would either.

Mo’s probably doing this to his girlfriend right now!

She gets the memo that Sutton is whining, and high tails it to the lobby where Garcelle is consoling her. Of course Kyle is going to have no patience with this tantrum.

What happened to you?”

Uhhh, I just got whipped cream licked off of me.”

I guess that’s not an every day sentence, you just mention in passing. It should be though, right?

Sutton approves of that as ‘silly.’ Even though that’s also very sexual, especially the way Kyle was lying on the floor thrusting in an extremely short tight dress. However simulating oral sex, not okay, over clothing, not silly. I mean, it was simulated. Erika will probably getting the real thing later.

Seems like it’s been a while since someone went down on Sutton, and she’s extremely jealous.

I know you just wanted the cameras on your cleaveage!

As silly as I think Sutton is being, I like how she calls out Kyle for following her to get camera time. I mean she literally must have sprinted to the lobby, when she got the lo-down after her naughty little interlude, to get in on the scene.

I love when Housewives that aren’t used to getting certain things said to them, get certain things said to them.

Sutton has a weird shaped body. Maybe that’s why she’s so mad. She should probably wear pants more often. Those chicken legs are not what people want to see.

I’m sorry I’m being bitchy, it’s late. But her body shape IS weird. I guess that would make you cranky.

Kyle cannot stand Sutton lipping off to her, and seems to be kind of shocked. I love it, so if she could keep that up, but lose the old fuddy duddy weirdness, that would be good. Who wants a Buzzkill Betty on a fun night in Vegas? NO ONE. You don’t bitch about anything taking place in Vegas, you just don’t! Can you even fathom being on a girls trip, and some goody-two-shoes having a hissy about NOTHING??

I’m conflicted because I liked Sutton telling Kyle to shut the fuck up, but the whole thing is stupid and such a drag, and I kind of agree with Kyle.

Kyle explains that ‘Mo’ (can we stop trying to make ‘Mo’ happen??) would never care about her getting whipped cream licked off of her by a male dancer. Well that’s true. ‘Mo’ don’t give two fucks what the hell she’s doing. That’s probably not a great thing, but as we know they’re not even really ‘together’ anymore. I mean, they both have girlfriends.

On the dreaded sprinter, Sutton tries to explain, her tantrum, and no one can believe that Erika is taking it so well. She must be on some serious tranquilizers, or something. She does do this very over exaggerated condescending laughter, as the other ladies try to explain she’s being stupid.

At dinner, Sutton sits her ‘juice’ bottle right on the table. Restaurants usually frown on bringing your own beverages to the bar or table. Dorit eye balls it. Sutton seems to be trying to bring attention to her purse beverage. Maybe she wants her problem as her storyline, since it worked for Erika.

Let me assess the color of the grapefruit.

They discuss Oliver and his past issues and divorce. Dorit delivers a little speech that reeks of disingenuousness and over-compensation about Oliver, and what a great mom she is. Which is of course, due to the horrible faux pas she, Kyle and the husbands committed last season by laughing about Erika telling one of her younger kids, to get the fuck out, when she was blacked out.

You are really an amazing and admirable mother, and I TOTALLY mean it!

Garcelle seems to see right through it, and says in her yap she really doesn’t want to discuss her kids with the women due to last season.

You’re so fucking full of shit.

Someone appears to have been ‘hitting the juice.’ Possibly this inability to eat a piece of fish, may have been due to the fact that it was hot, or due to the fact that she was shitfaced. Or both. That fish who gave his life for this should feel offended.

No second date, no wonder.” Okay Erika, that was funny. She’s usually not that quick and resorts to really nasty and crude insults.

Ughhh! Why do we have to play fucking games?? We’re in a bougee Vegas restaurant, and we gotta whip out a silly risque card game, to instigate a fight.

Whats your favorite song to fuck to? Boyz to Men?? Dorit. No, just no.

I don’t get everyone’s reaction over Crystal’s best compliment being that she has perfect nipples. Is it unexpected because she says that, or that she has good nipples. I wasn’t sure.

And Sutton I doubt with your pancake tits, that you have perfect nipples, if you have nipples at all. With all of her money, you would think at this point she would have tweaked her chest a little bit.

Crystal takes offense to the commentary about her nipples.

My nipples are real, and they’re fabulous!!

Sutton IS clearly drunk as a skunk as she slurs her words, claiming her nips are also fab.

Sutton’s attire choice was strange. That top does look like it was extremely uncomfortable and itchy. She makes Garcelle scratch her back. Euuw. Now you have all of this skin and sweat under your nails. Yuck.

Kyle and Dorit discuss how it was the cocktails making Sutton overshare and say odd things. Funny, we didn’t even see her drinking a cocktail right?? See? It’s in the Ocean Spray!

She tells Garcelle if you play with vibrators too much it desensitizes your clitoris. Wonder what the snooty ballet people would say that she announces that one? I don’t even know what to do with that statement. She continues to flit around the room acting pretty buzzed. Garcelle begs her to get in bed and shut up.

Kyle gets up bright and early to work out. Well yeah, she has her new young edgy lovahhh to impress!! I would too!

Garcelle shares that he convo the previous night about Oliver bothered her, and that she still has resentment about last season, and that whole thing with Jax.

Not sure why you’re now the victim, when it was my kid that was cursed and laughed at???

Dorit takes it extremely personally for some reason, and gets all defensive, instead of just maybe reiterating an apology of how inappropriate that all was last season. I find Dorit to be low-key racist.

In case you’re not aware, or just forget, Erika’s drunken comment to Jax, got laughed at, and supported by Mario, (my name for him – I can’t do Mo) because in the previous season, Jax had insulted Kyle for being a dick to his mom. Kyle WAS a dick to her. Remember she called Garcelle out at the reunion for not paying her charity pledge? That was so fucking dirty!

Back to Dorit being racist, she also made a racist comment that she didn’t mean to sound racist (that’s how you know when someone is covertly racist, when they say something they think is okay.) People like that wouldn’t make a blatant inappropriate comment.

Remember when she tried to explain how non-racist she was (also a sign you are, when you make a point to claim you’re not, just like dudes that are terrible people, constantly say what a stand-up ‘good guy’ they are) a few seasons back, because she’s perfectly fine to hire black and brown help, to driver her around and clean her toilets.

She thought that demonstrated to her kids, how inclusive she is, and how much respect she has for minorities.

So she literally attacks Garcelle in a very nasty and dismissive way merely for expressing this feeling. I mean, this is her kids. I really do think they (Kyle and Dorit) treat Garcelle and her kids as kind of second class citizens, as if their feelings and voices don’t matter.

We are basically the same annoying AF person now.

Dorit is acting like a fucking cunt to be honest.

I want to add too, I don’t make a habit of calling people racist. In my real life, so it’s not like I go there simply when there is someone of color involved in a disagreement. I don’t, because I know that’s a damaging and serious accusation.

There are only a few people I know that I would label as racist. One would be my ex-husband who said horrible racist things on a regular basis. Things that came out of his mouth, I just could not fathom. He dropped the ‘n’ word as if it were nothing.

Second would be a previous co-worker who was doing the ‘unaware’ (which is just as bad) racist commentary at the office, in front of two black co-workers. She also treated them differently. I actually reported her to corporate. In addition to this, she was supposedly our supervisor, she fucking sucked, and didn’t do jack shit all day long, which also pissed me off.

Well, she got fired. I didn’t feel bad at all, even though ‘reporting people’ isn’t something I normally do either. Her racist comments, and treating the two women of color badly, in conjunction sitting there all day with her stripper nails up her asshole, put me over the edge.

99.99 % of the time, I have good intentions if I say or do something controversial. I wasn’t out to ruin this chick’s life because I didn’t like her. If I were the owner of company or business, big or small, I wouldn’t want to pay same racist cunt that does fucking nothing all day. I’m just crazy like that, I guess.

I don’t set out to ruin someone, and spread lies about them or misrepresent them in order to get myself off the hook for my own shitty behavior. Look over there, not here !! Nope, nothing to see here!!

If I do something wrong I own it like an adult. I don’t try to destroy and cause trauma to innocent people, and wreck lives and marriages.

Back to this. A mom sitting there getting choked up about her children being treated and spoken about poorly, and for another woman, also a mother, to just be dismissive and basically saying get the fuck over it, is fucking atrocious.

Would she react this way to precious Kyle with the same scenario about one of her daughters??

And lets not forget Erika’s reaction to Eileen several years ago, when Eileen referenced Erika’s adult son, which she worded in a bad way, I admit, but wasn’t saying anything disparaging about the dude. Erika had one of her frightening snarly shitfit meltdowns.

I didn’t laugh at Jax.” Okay Ranch Dorito, roll the fuckingtape, you absolutely did. She then condescendingly scolds her, that “it’s been a year.”

This coming from someone still milking a fake robbery, organized by her broke-ass loser husband, from TWO fucking years ago.

The back and forth is tiresome.

I’m telling you my feeling.”

Well I’m telling you MY feelings.”

You’re tuning it around on me,”

No you’re turning it around on me.”

It sounds very ‘I know you are, but what am I?’ No one really comes to Garcelle’s defense.

It doesn’t seem like anyone is really hearing her, nor cares.

I just want to point out that they’re both separated from their husbands, and seeming unhappy, so maybe the universe intervened on Garcelle’s and Jax’ behalf.

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