Here we go- In the words of Andy, ‘so much to unpack.’
About Kyle. Again she manages to be the ‘main character’ whilst not sharing barely anything about her life. Maybe I should stop calling her slow.
I do think that things are starting to come crashing down for her after the scene was filmed at Boz’s. She literally hid under her bed for a week and didn’t come out due to her embarrassment of finally realizing as she was reading that message to the crowd, that it does implicate her as having an in-depth friendship/texting rapport with PK, and more than likely gossiping about Dorito.
Her entire face, neck and jaw is completely clenched when she paused and I guess the fucking light bulb went off that in her teeny little pea brain that the line of “I won’t repeat anything you’ve told me” directly contradicts what she’s been trying to sell about ‘memes and jokes.’
Not sure why when at some point, it didn’t dawn on her before this.
I’m just going to chalk it up to what I’ve always believe since I’ve been watching the show, is that Kyle Richards is just not very bright.
I don’t mean to be mean, I’m not exactly a brain surgeon either, but she’s on the slow spectrum in my opinion.
I so love when she said she doesn’t watch TV and reads every night. Yeah Kyle, I need you to name the last five books that you’ve read.
Anyhow, just my opinion, moving on.
Looks like Sutton may have had a glow up. Who else has noticed that?
I definitely like her hair better. It looks like it’s maybe her natural hair and no extensions. I like the length, good length for women in this age range. Someone needs to tell Kyle and Dorit that. A lot of housewives need to hear that, come to think of it.
Boss’s house is exquisite. It’s hard to believe she totally lost this in the fires.
She think she’s ‘fixing this mess’ by hosting this very peaceful and serene soirée at her home.
This is housewives and she knows that makes no sense.
Boz calls Dorit and they discuss the fucking text messages.
It’s literally like the game of telephone on crack. It does sound very very juvenile.
I’m assuming this was a Bravo-approved story line. We have to remember none of this is organic anymore.
Maybe that’s what that message meant between her and PK about not repeating anything? It’s really hard to really follow this, because listening to Kyle explain it, is like listening to a three-year-old trying to ** explain** something.
Was the message about Kyle and PK conspiring how she was going to be introducing their communication as her big ‘story line.’
I think we all get it, at this point, how Bravo meets with the cast prior to filming to see what they gots goin’ on, and give ‘suggestions’ if there isn’t anything such as a divorce or a huge issue with another Housewife.
They literally allowed Kyle’s pathetic offering of ‘I’m going to talk about text messages between me and PK to get Dorit all riled up.’
Keeps the attention off of her separation, impending divorce, Mario’s past affairs and new girlfriend(s), and her lesbian love affair…
Kyle’s house always looks to me like a very large dollhouse. In a good way.
I love Boz’s imitation of Kyle’s little passe click’s reaction to that fucking message she keeps reading.
“Oh girl you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s all right.
Can we not stop acting like this is the only message that was sent that was not a ‘meme or joke?’
I do respect Kyle FaceTiming Kathy with her phone leined up against a candle holder and not some stupid contraction.
She tells Kathy that PK is like ‘her brother.’ Kyle okay.
I find it so difficult to take this woman seriously. I can’t be the only one. I know, who takes these ladies seriously anyway, but even when she’s having like a ‘normal’ moment, I just have to laugh at her,

I think I’m jealous of Sutton and her day drinking and roadies. I wish I could hold my alcohol better. I’d love to drink all day long and still be able to function.
You would think my tolerance would be better than what it is, but I literally still like can’t function after two drinks. And I think there’s straight vodka in her roadies, with a splash of Ocean Spray.

Maybe Sutton’s ‘glow up’ is just a spray tan. They really do work wonders. I think Erica and Kyle should look into them too.
Is this not California? Why would you want to walk around looking like an albino ghost? Heather on OC is another one. At the very least get ya some Jergens Natural Glow for $8.00/tube. So worth it.
Dorit immediately shades Kyle‘s outfit as not adhering to the ‘comfy’ dress code, and also it’s from 2004. Okay Regina George.
So quick question – is there ever a chef that’s not cute and that the women don’t immediately hit on? Just asking. Not just Beverly, but all of the shows. I think Garcelle is one of the biggest offenders.
I think he’s sorry he calls them all beautiful.

For some reason Sutton didn’t seem amused, but she may possibly be shitfaced at this point and trying to hide it.

Remember that’s how Carole Radziwill from RHONY me the much younger guy she dated for a few years.
Boz spared no expense of Bravo’s money and has gotten everyone robes with their names on, in the event they have too many drinks and forget them (ahem Sutton.)
Garcelle seems to have some sort of close personal relationship with the masseuse dudes.
What kind of ‘massages’ are you getting Garcelle? Wink wink.
Actually this whole scene with the ladies in robes and stuffing food in their faces whilst getting rubbed down by a bunch of dudes is kind of awkward to watch.
Sutton girl, did ya really HAVE to go into your foot neuropathy? Do you want laid or not? Way to sound really really old to these hot young studs muffins.

It all looks a little — strange. It’s giving ‘massage parlor’ if ya know what I mean. How about just some pedi’s next time Boz??
I’m not really sure these dudes are massage therapists to be honest with you. I was mostly kidding above about Garcelle now I’m thinking maybe it’s a valid question. She does seem really popular with these guys. Just saying.
Dorit approaches Garcelle, and as we know their relationship has always been contentious basically because Dorit is racist as fuck and absolutely hates black people.

She ends up apologizing for the words they had a The Viper when she was all cranked up and screaming at Kyle and Garcelle asked her how she was doing. Which was kind of dumb timing. Like how do you think she’s doing Garcelle?? She had to finally admit after probably at least four seasons of lying and pretending, that her marriage fucking blows, and it’s over.
Okay great Dorit. Can we let Garcelle have her moment with her man?
Her ‘masseuse’ Wonder how much she pays her ‘masseuse.’
Dorit seems genuine, but I think it’s 99% damage control, before Garcelle calls her racist again. Why do I think that you ask?
Because if you watch past seasons since Garcelle joined the cast, Dorit talks to her in such a demeaning and sometimes slightly aggressive tone compared to the others. You know how she’s talking to Kyle this season, which is extremely NOT her norm? That’s how she always spoke to Garcelle. And always for no reason. I was always thinking, where the hell did THAT come from, Dorit?? She has reason to be bitchy to Kyle,
Boz approaches Kyle, and right away, Kyle is looking like ‘euuww why is this large black lady talking to me?’
Sorry. Not saying I agree, just seeing what I see.
She puts on her sunglasses immediately and gives her the hairy eyeball as Boz proceeds to bring up ‘the texts.’

She wants to know why she didn’t read the message to her but read it to the others (but not Dorit.)
I’m honestly having trouble continuing to say ‘the texts’ and ‘the messages’ because I feel so ridiculous when we’re talking about people the ages of approximately 55 (Kyle) 47 (Dorit) and 58 (PK). Kyle does have a point with the “how old are we?” bit, however the problem is that it’s extremely hypocritical coming from her. Especially when she behaves like she’s in middle school constantly.
Kyle repeats the message, because she ‘has a good memory’ you know. She just can’t seem to recall that there’s been countless other messages, and a lot of bitching about Dorit.
THIS WAS NOT THE ONLY MESSAGE. This is the one she chose to share. And if this was the one she chose to share, then the others must be a little more juicy.
Boz immediately questions the “I won’t repeat anything you said to me” portion. Is Kyle this dumb that she doesn’t fully comprehend this?
She starts unraveling.
Boz asks point blank if she can have read it to her as well. She’s feeling a little slighted.
Kyle in her yap is SO perplexed as to how on EARTH this random black lady (this is Kyle’s POV, in my opinion, not mine) that she doesn’t even KNOWWWW, has the actual nerve to take it upon herself to make this her business??
‘This weird lady knows NOTHING about my friendship and relationship with Dorit and PK, and I am SO insulted!’

Oh I don’t know Kyle, first off you’re filming a reality show and you should have caught on by now how this all works, but we know you’re slow, and not to mention YOU did bring this up to her on your fake post-op drop-in.
Therefore that gives her every right to bring this up to you ‘on camera’ as we say.
Remember last season she was SO MAD that Dorit would have the actual nerve to ask her about Mario ‘with a camera in her face.’
Well the broad is consistently fucking dumb I see.
“You pulled out the phone” Sutton reminds her.
Nasly Erika voice: “No let’s not do thaaaaaaaat. You have to have a warrant to open peoples’ phones.” She is such a fucking moron.

Hello shit-for-brains, she willingly reading the fucking message. No one is taking her phone and trying to break her code to see her messages to PK. Although I am sure they would love to.
We don’t need Erika’s two cents, or half a cent because it’s Erika, and her acting like she knows the least little thing about law because she was married to crooked Tom Girardi.
Please just sit there and look not that pretty, $2.00 tickets. She thinks her current and past issues of spending and profiting from others’ stolen money, makes her some sort of voice of reason.
And the absolute blind loyalty to Kyle? I don’t get it. Well I get it, I just wish I had the specs and deets on it. Is it Bravo ordered? Is it Kyle ordered? Does Kyle have something on Erika?? Is is some sort of mutual agreement they have, and if so why? So curious.
Kyle starts doing that tick where she nervously smooths her stringy hair strands continuously, and in her nails-on-a-chalkboard-voice, announces she’s going to “step away for a minute.” You do that Kyle.

Erika gets SUPER soapboxy and annoying, in her pink hair yap trying to sound like a fucking smart educated person. Girl, save it. SAVE. IT.
Yes Erika she has done something wrong, by confiding in and engaging in a slightly flirty and gossipy ‘texting’ relationship with her friend’s ex.
I don’t mean to sound basic and state the obvi, but all of these dumb bitches and their pearl-clutching and insistence that Kyle has done NOTHING wrong would NOT have been happy about any of these bitches texting their exes.
Can you FATHOM one of hem communicating with Tom amid the early days of their separation, or now even. What if someone was his jail pen pal?
And Kyle would be fucking stroking out if Dorit started having this ‘friendship’ with Mario of ‘sending memes and jokes.’
Erika shut up. Just shut up
Erika flies out of her chair as she was getting a hand rub, to cater to the weepy and whiney Kyle Bitchards.
“I can’t do this anymore, I just can’t.” Boo fucking hoo.
Dorit becomes increasingly agitated that she is not involved in any of these convos about the said texts. Which I hate to say, I kind of get.
Erika does say, surprisingly that she owes an explanation to Dorit. Kyle is like “I don’t owe her anything.” Uhhhh okay?? Yeah, you kinda do.
Kyle ever the terrible actress, puts on this little show of announcing she’s going to read the text to everyone and then she IS LEAVING. SHE IS! Stop trying to talk her out of it.
Boz is funny. “No – please don’t” in an extreme monotone and low flat voice. Pretty sure she’s thinking ‘I know we’re outside but don’t let the door hit you in the ass.’
This scene is funny because I think it’s this second when it sinks into her fucking pea brain that it sounds kind of bad to say “I won’t repeat anything you’ve told me…” It contradicts her entire story.
You can see her pausing and gulping and her entire face, jaw and neck tense up. I mean a picture does not lie people, so see for yourself. You can almost see the light bulb above her head if you squint really hard. Jesus can someone hook her up to a lie detector right now??
She’s got forehead veins popping out everywhere.

How it took her this long, I don’t know. I feel like someone possibly told her this message was fine and cleared her of any wrongdoing, and again due to her mental slowness, she listened.
You all saw where she took a week hiatus from filming? I believe it’s after this day was filmed that the fucktard hid in bed for a week pouting, and refused to film.
“How old are we Kyle??”
She gets superrrrrr melodramatic shrieking she can’t do ‘this’ anymore as she references the cameras. Okay Kyle, settle down. Go hide in bed until everyone feels sorry for you and drops it. I so wish she’d stop saying ‘the text.’ As if they weren’t chatting almost on the daily, which is what I think. Otherwise she wouldn’t have screen shotted that ONE message. Am I right? Of course I’m right.
She has nothing to hide she reassures the ladies as she reads this ONE message. There were NO others, honest.
‘I wouldn’t repeat anything’ has NOTHING to do with Dorit you know, EVEN THOUGH this exchange was sent the day they announced they were separated.
And never mind that it’s so inappropriate and weird that she would even reach out to PK and express her sorrow when Dorit is her friend. Clearly there were a lot of messages exchanged prior to this. Clearly.
So she realizes this and backpedals and tries to explain how that reference referred to filming. What ?
Dorit knows she’s full of shit.

Garcelle don’t get it either. No one does, Kyle because you literally just made this up now. She’s such a nincompoop.
She scurries out yelling ‘she’s done’ acting like a toddler having a tantrum.
“I’m done!! I’m not doing this anymore!!!”
No one really wants to go comfort her, except Erika of course. She must be getting some sort of Kyle bonus from Bravo.
Dorit and Erika argue over who gets the honors of babying Kyle Richards.
Dorit doesn’t want to, but feels like she should be the one to speak to her since this is about HER.
The tears seem to disappear really fast as they get away from the group to chat. But there could have been a pause there. It was still funny though.
Kyle plays dumb and tells her had she told her that it bothered her and not to chat with PK she would havvvvvve.
Why would you have to be asked, Kyle? Dorit makes that point in her yap.
Dorit immediately goes into PK yelling at her.
Which has never been mentioned before, in fact it was the complete opposite according to her. But that is neither here nor there at this point. I certainly don’t condone a dude screaming at his wife or girlfriend.
Kyle immediately takes PK’s side and says she can’t picture that. I learned today via mindless TikTok scrolling that Kyle has a history of defending the man when told by a woman of abusive behavior. She always indicates if she doesn’t see it, she doesn’t believe it.
That’s so disturbing to me. Kyle you dummy, there is a 0001% chance a woman would make this up. Why? Because it’s fucking embarrassing to admit.
I didn’t watch the early years but apparently that Taylor chick who was definitely being abused by that wack job that ended up hanging himself (byeeeeee!!) confided in her that he was abusive and she said she didn’t believe it.
I can definitely picture PK yelling at Dorit. She’s annoying AF. And Kyle’s claim of Dorit wearing the pants’ in their marriage. Again, I have to revert to her lack of mental acuity, which I hate to keep harping on (ladies this is what happens when you don’t have to use your brain for thirty years) but it in no way appeared that Dorit ‘wore the pants.’ It was quite easy to see PK was running the show.
Unbelievably in her yap, Kyle basically accuses her of lying stating she thinks she’s taking advantage of this moment to ‘paint her own picture’ of OK.
What a cunty fucking thing to say Kyle.
Dorit brings up the confusing statement in the ONE text message that they shared, the ONE message. There were no others.
Kyle starts the nervous hair-caress tick as she stammers “it’s not about YOU, it’s not about YOU.” Say it a few more times, Kyle, we might start believing you, Not!
Kyle tries to reassure Dorit he doesn’t talk about her to her.
You can tell she’s lying, she’s talking so fast she says something that I couldn’t even understand.
Now in her yap, she says “if you have a brain you would know after ten years of friendship it’s more than memes.”
Well which is it? She was very, very adamant last week, it was simply ‘memes and jokes.’ Now she’s insulting the people that believed her??
Erika, as the only one that believed her, hate to break it to you, but you don’t have a brain. According to Kyle Richards, who also doesn’t have one.
I already knew that but perhaps she didn’t.
Dorito in her yap shares that PK told her he discussed their marriage with Kyle when he and Mario were hanging out at the house. Kyle would also bitch to him about Dorito. She’s getting caught in so many fucking lies.
She doesn’t seem to care that much as she checks herself out in her mirror and talks about grabbing her stuff from inside the house so she can leave.
She doesn’t even bother getting dressed and leaves in her bathrobe carrying her 2004 dress. Looks like a walk of shame.

In her yap, Kyle accuses Dorit of doing exactly what she’s doing. ‘Achieving what she wanted – everyone’s talking about this now instead of how Dorit wasn’t a good friend to me.’
You dumb bitch you’re the one that brought this shit to the table?
And in what universe do you reside that Dorit wasn’t being a good friend to YOU, when you’re fucking bad mouthing her to her husband that she’s not getting along with.
I think something is wrong with this woman. Not just Housewife-wrong, but really wrong.
YOU achieved what YOU wanted. No one is talking about YOUR marriage woes and separation, we’re talking about Dorit’s.
And where’s Morgan??
Why hasn’t she been mentioned Kyle?? According to you, you were just friends? So was there a falling out? Was there a tattoo spat or something? What happened?? Why would two ‘friends’ that didn’t know each other that long have a falling out? Or perhaps you were more than friends and you had a fight and broke up?
But again, why are not talking about it?? We don’t know. She gets picked up and zooms off because she got caught in a lie.
Boz calls Dorit the common denominator in all of the conflict. Also she doesn’t get Erica’s blind loyalty of Kyle.
Sutton tries to have moment with her and she does say “agreed” but seems to dismiss her and comments on “the yummy food.”
Kyle is the focus once again. It’s Portia’s 16th birthday and what does she get gifted with?? A Porsche of course.
Mario joins in the birthday festies and again his and Kyle’s interaction is awkward. As they hug, he can’t wait to break fee. He pretends to be excited about the doughnuts to get her off of him. Kyle your husband is more into doughnuts than you. He literally threw you aside. Please hang it up.

Why doesn’t she divorce him? Why would you want to be married to someone who is repulsed by you? I would think if she watched this scene, she would have gone directly to the courthouse.
Can’t wait until he has a serious girlfriend and wants to bring her to family events. Kyle is going to lose her fucking mind and I am HERE FOR IT.
He’s more excited to see the donuts than her.
I don’t know that I’ve ever seen them hug when they were together, have you?
Sutton and Garcelle convene at Garcelle’s new beach house.
Let’s discuss center-of-attention Kyle, of course.
Sutton vows that she will most definitely ‘not bow down at the altar of Kyle Richards.’
Mmkay, not sure I’m believing that one.
Erika and Dorit meet for facials. Dorit is pouty that Erika has been taking Kyle’s side.
Erika looks a little frightening with no makeup. Dorit calls Kyle’s behavior about the fucking texts a cop out.

She continues to defend Kyle.
She needs proof she says? Has she been hangin’ around SLC’s Whitney?
She also needs some Jergens.

Okay calm down married to a trial lawyer for over 20 years. “You gotta have proof man, you do.”
I feel like she’s been an active participant in many accusations over her Housewife years. Now suddenly, she needs ‘proof.’
Is she too dumb to see that message itself is ‘proof?’ And if she needs more, has she like ASKED Kyle to open her string of messages with PK over the past few months?
Did Tom not teach her how to obtain ‘proof?’ Or ask questions?? Why didn’t a producer say “Have you asked her for any?”
I mean really. You have to GET the proof. The accused person is PROBABALY not going to offer it you fucking dummy.
Are these bitches fucking retarded? I’m being for real. These producers filming these yaps HAVE to have such a hard time keeping a straight face.