Since filming took place in the fall directly following BravoCon being filmed, a lot of these discussions are revolved around all of the messiness that took place there.
We all know the purpose of BravoCon is to throw shade and insult each other. I feel like we get enough of this on the shows. Can’t it be kind of positive??
The new thing lately is to rehash the arguments from the previous seasons, and now they’re rehashing the rehashing of the previous seasons from BravoCon.
Tell me again why I watch this shit??
I don’t know what’s with Kandi’s mom, other than the obvious. She just likes the attention, I’m assuming. To publicly try to humiliate your son-in-law just for the hell of it, is a little disturbing.
She’s resorting to ridiculing him for being ‘short.’ Think I got ridiculed for being short back in the 7th grade. What’s wrong with this woman? She’s like in her 70’s. and this is how she behaves?
These rock climbing gyms, how many of you have done this? I don’t even know if there are any in my area. They seem kind of cheesy. For me, if I’m not going to climb an actual mountain I’m certainly not climbing a plastic one.
After the oh-so-dramatic rock climbing on plastic ‘rocks’ glued to a wall, she asks Ralphy the Mouthy if it’s ‘okay’ that she’s getting into music instead of being a ‘housewife.’ An actual housewife. But why is she asking him this??
And I thought she was an ‘actress.’ I guess you can call yourself an actress even if you’re not working as an actress. I think these two are so full of shit. I’m finding myself laughing at this scene and I don’t even know why.
Ralph is already bored with this collab he did with Drew on her song, and claims that he just does not have time. He’s so busy and important you know.
He’s such a fucking retard. I know that’s an unPC word but I don’t care. If the shoe fits… To me it’s okay to use it to describe certain people since it’s no long a word we use for true mentally disabled people. He’s mentally disabled in the way that he’s a fucking waste of human life. Is that harsh? If you think it is rewatch last season.
He has so little self-awareness that he refers to the two of them as ‘Ike and Tina’ which is actually sort of fitting. He refers to himself as an infamous known very abusive and controlling husband. Was that a Freudian slip?? Okay, maybe he doesn’t beat Drew (that we know of) but, you know he’s definitely a verbally abusive creep.
Her goal is to perform at BravoCon next year. Okay, so now we get it. And I thought that they weren’t allowed to say ‘Bravo.’ Stop tallking about BravoCon!! He’s putting on his little Ward Cleaver act right now. He’s laying it on really, really thick. It’s so fake, I canNOT with this douche.
I’m pretty sure the extra-ness is due to all of the hate that he got last season for being, you-know how he is. I’m sure his dick is two inches long. He reminds me of my ex-husband. In all departments.
He makes a gas lighting joke that really isn’t funny at all. He really is mentally absive and demonstrated his gas lighting tendencies last season in front of the cameras several times. It’s not fucking funny. Men abusing their wives isn’t fucking funny you stupid twerp.
Kandi meets with her assistant, and again brags about how busy and important she is, and doesn’t have time to deal with some low budget shit that Todd is trying to do. She’s not saying that, but she IS saying that. Poor Todd. He’s getting fucked over all around. Should I really feel sorry for him though? I have said in the past he rubs me the wrong way. He comes off really sketchy to me. Maybe that’s why her mom picks on him, so maybe I should lay off the mom. She is really bitchy though.
I agree with her assistant, that BravoCon should be a positive and fun event, but it’s now turned into everyone just slinging insults to show off in front of the audience. We know they argue and hate each other. We know. We watch it week after week. Do they have to do it for this event, that’s supposed to be somewhat entertaining??
Drew can’t say ‘sauvignon blanc?’ She’s never heard of this very common wine before?? How dumb is she??
Okay, moving on, she shares that Candiace from Potomac invites her to sing a song with her on her tour. Who doesn’t love a little Housewife crossover??
So we find out that Courtney is Ralph’s cousin, and her co-parent/amazing friend/on and off love interest/ baby daddy (I think I got that right) to a 24 year old, Drew knows from acting.
They revisit Courtney’s and Kandi’s ghetto attracting argument, (when Drew decides to FaceTime Kandi when she knows she hates Courtney) and discuss Sanya being kind of a pathetic minion, (I agree) and just goes along with everyone that she’s trying to impress.
She ‘unfollowed’ Drew, and she thought she was a friend, and who cares.
So we’re having a Potomac’s Candiace crossover, along with Married to Medicine Dr Heavenly, although that was all that we saw of Dr. Heavenly, briefly walking in. And that’s fine.
The ladies all arrive at this concert thing, where Drew and Candiace are performing. Courtney, Kandi, and Marlo attend.
Sheree opts out because she’s ‘under the weather.’ I’m trying to recall what the beef is with these two from last season, and I just can’t. There’s only so much space for Bravo material, before it gets deleted.
Drew seems really determined to be ‘a singer’ so we’ll see, but I won’t be holding my breath.
It seems more like a singing competition, than collaboration, with Candiace and Drew, when she takes the stage. Candiace has her repeating everything she sings. Drew’s wardobe choice could have been better. In fact, it’s actually terrible. I know she can’t pull off what Candiace is wearing, but she looks like she threw on a pair of pajamas. And ugly pajamas at that.
It doesn’t take long for all the ladies to critique her, Does seem like Candiace threw her a bone here, and ‘let’ her sing for two seconds, echoing her so everyone could hear that she was the better singer.
Kenya wastes no time asking her, why was it for three seconds?? Why can’t they ever just be nice. These bitches got a free night out. I’m sure Bravo paid for everything, but we’re still gonna bitch and moan she didn’t sing long enough?? Who cares.
Sanya wastes no time bitching at Drew about BravoCon. I don’t even know if I want to hear about all of this BravoCon BS?? Do we?? When these ladies are literally told to throw shade around when they are there.
The ghetto comment is addressed again, and Courtney tries to back track on it. She’s from ‘the hood’ and she LOVES ghetto people, so she really meant it as a compliment. Sure she did. Kandi points out that it’s good to have support from fans and maybe she shouldn’t be so judgy. Not sure if she said that exactly, but that’s what I’m saying.
Marlo and Monyetta’s turn now, and the screaming and screeching, and it’s kind of inaudible. So I can’t recap what I can’t understand.
Kandi doesn’t want to talk about the shooting at one of her restaurants that had taken place recently. And there’s some strife over Kandi not sharing what she doesn’t feel like sharing, and Marlo hates that. She thinks it’s not fair.
Just when you thought it was safe, Drew and Marlo go at it after filming wraps, so I guess the cameras get fired up again.
Stupid ‘triggering’ is being thrown around. Marlo is pissed that Drew let Kandi off easy, when bringing up the shooting, and not pressing her to discuss it. She’s mad Drew didn’t use the word ‘shooting’ and said incident instead. I’m pretty sure they all knew what she was referring to.
Marlo seems like she’s just looking for some sort of condolences and acknowledgment from her cast mates, about her nephew that got into a scuffle a few years prior, and was murdered. Drew really does act like she can’t be bothered about this murdered nephew nonsense, so I guess you can kind of see Marlo going off. Apparently he used to work at one of Kandi’s restaurants, and when she told Kandi via text about it, Kandi didn’t even remember the conversation the next fucking day. So that shows Kandi as kind of self-centered. Or just a really bad memory. Marlo is already pissed about that. And for Drew to not even stop for a sec, and tell her she’s really sorry, is kind of disappointing. What is wrong with these women?? I know Marlo’s no saint but holy shit. It’s simple common courtesy.
I get it. She’s upset, but I told you I was concerned about Marlo being so quiet. She flips out on Drew and storms off. Marlo is back. Really, all she had to do was sit down take her hand and tell her she’s really sorry about her nephew being murdered in cold blood. This isn’t hard. Again, how stupid is she??