New Jen, Big Emily, and Gina meet up for drinks and snacks. Gina is not drinking, she claims. Maybe just not in public. She’s smoking pot though. I think they just like saying ‘California Sober.’ I don’t now about her several cheap gaudy necklaces look. We’ll see how long this lasts when everyone else is partying their asses off.

I’m California sober, but that could change any second with the right margarita.

New Jen is pretty much Braunwyn 2.0.

Except her marriage is already over, and she’s already moved on, has a new boyfriend, (as opposed to girlfriend) so we’re spared the ‘I have the perfect marriage and perfect husband’  BS. 

Her whole thing about having several kids and animals, to fill the void of being in a shitty relationship sounds so Braunwyn. Maybe not the animals though. Did they have pets? I don’t remember. I don’t think so.

Everyone is obsessed with the fact that she had an affair. As if this is anything new on Housewives. It’s not even interesting. Who cares. A long, fizzling marriage, and one of the parties starts banging someone else, who gives them more attention. So riveting, and such a unique situation and story line. This never happens!!

I’m not a fan of cheating, but I just don’t really care that much. If this is going to be a talking point, for the next three fucking months, whether or not she banged Ryan while she was married, I might have to abandon the season. Clearly, she did. Tamra, her good friend, seems okay with telling everyone.  New Jen denies it.

What’s a new Housewife season without a themed soiree, where you’re ordered to wear a certain color.


Shannon and Tamra meet to possibly make amends. The don’t. They quarrel over who dropped the ball and who stopped checking in with whom. Okay.

You know, I was thinking a little further about what I wrote on last week’s ep about Tamra’s theory that Shannon purposely contrived this little spat for relevance and a ‘story line.’

I just don’t think that Shannon is that calculated when it comes to her Housewife persona, and ‘story line’ for filming. She’s just more real than that.

That sounds more like something, I don’t know, say Tamra would do. Does it not? I have become a big believer in the ‘finger pointing’ personality, that whatever the hell they’re accusing others of doing, (BlaBla on Vanderpump is a perfect example) they are absolutely doing themselves. Projection, in other words, or, actually, psychotic behavior, in other, other words. And, yes it kind of is, if you think about it,  that she could sit there accusing Shannon of doing exactly what she’s doing. 

Their meeting place looks like the exact same establishment that Shannon and Gemily went to last season when they sat there telling Shannon how glad they were that they were all besties, all the while planning a take-down. Assholes.

I’m hoping for better of them this season. I kind of think maybe it will be, if Gina sticks to sobriety, and also because there was a lot of backlash last season, with the fake ‘story lines’ creating strife due to fake issues, and the subsequent bully style behavior.

Emily acted like a dang nincompoop at the reunion, in that awful ill-fitting dress, complete with back fat, way too much make up, to the points she looked like a dang clown, literally, and flailing her chubby arms around, over whatever points she thought she was making. Mostly her obsession with everyone else’s life. Maybe this is why her mom doesn’t want to be around her. Oopsie, did I say that? Don’t care. She needs to do better.

Back to this season, Tamra is sitting here waiting for Shannon. Is she puckering her lips, or are those really her lips?? Shannon arrives in what else? White jeans of course. I feel like something is off about her appearance. I’m not throwing shade, but she looks almost not well. Her eyes seem really puffy. Maybe it’s just too much filler, making her eyes squinty.

Does this shirt make my lips look big??

They’re both wearing their hair too long. I mean wearing their extensions too long.

They bicker about Tamra attacking her publicly with words like drunk, fake friend, user, and neurotic,. Tamra says that Shannon ghosted her. And sorry,  but is Tamra really in any position to be calling someone a ‘drunk?’ And the ghosting, she probably did after hearing all of the insults, and character attacks.  

I love this. Right as they discuss Shannon having a drinking problem possibly, she orders a Belvey and soda. They leave it as trying to smooth things over and hear each other. Or something like that. I may have lost interest. Tamra was glaring at her for ordering one drink.

I’m finding New Jen to be kind of annoying, and a little too holier than thou.

Supposedly, everyone is at home exercising, even Gemily. I can buy Tamra, New Jen and Heather, but not those two.

So explain to me having a ‘party’ to celebrate closing down the business that you own, when you’re sad and devastated to be closing it, due to lack of revenue. (I’m assuming) The scene of him taking down the sign is so sad.

Well, honey we tried but there was the empty parking lot and all…

It’s not like they’re ‘retiring’ and decided to close it. Whatever. I know, it’s Housewives, and just roll with it.

Tamra shares in her yap, since she’s so anxious to judge everyone’s life, that going out with John and Shannon is not exactly fun, since they tend to drink too much and argue.


Gina failed the daily covid test, (it’s California, guess we’re still doing that?) and now she can’t attend her Flamingo event.

Emily steps in as the hostess.

Flamingos are pink because they eat so much shrimp. I feel like I used to know that.

Here’s everything that you ever wanted to know about Flamingos:

Why are Flamingos Pink? And Other Flamingo FactsThere is more to a flamingo than its bright pink feathers. Get to know these delightfully unusual birds with 10 fun facts — some of which may surprise you!

Shannon had to look up the definition of ‘ghosting?’ Really? I feel like I’m in Jersey right now.

That’s so something that the Jersey ladies would do. No, maybe not, they wouldn’t bother to look it up. As of the Jersey reunion, Melissa STILL didn’t know the definition of ‘arsenal.’ Remember when she said she spent the lockdown ‘reading?’

At least she looked it up, I guess.

I thought that they were closing Cut Fitness the last time that Tamra was on OC, like three years ago, due to the scamdemic, so I’m kind of surprised they’re just now closing it down. Tamra seems to be making this her thing now. Poor Eddie. This was his baby.

But I’m not really surprised. I think Vickie was making fun of the empty parking lot being several years ago, shortly after they opened. I would think a gym would be successful in this area. Maybe there are just a lot of them in a small radius? Maybe theirs sucked? I don’t know. It is kind of sad though.

I can’t get on board with feeling bad that Simon has cancer. Is this like an attention grab for Tamra? Sorry, but I’m not really sorry. I try to be very frank here, and not always PC. He was a fucking little dick energy, prick. And he treated Tamra like crap. I don’t get how she acts like she needs a casserole because her nasty abusive narc ex-husband has cancer. I get it, it’s the ‘father of her kids’ but whatever. He sucks. You reap what you sow.

BIG Emily Simpson. Yuck and ick, and yuck and ick, and ick ick ick. Blaggggghhhhh.

She wants Shane to haul her fat ass to to eat at Taco Bell on the way home.  Really? You’re not in Ohio anymore. You’re in Southern California, where grown ass fucking women don’t eat at Taco bell. She’s disgusting. I know she thinks this is cute, but it’s not.


The boat trip gets underway, and everyone has donned their hot pink, and their stripper heels, for some reason, to wear on a boat.

So, we have Taylor of early Beverly Hills infamy, when I’m sorry I have to admit, I was not watching Beverly Hills at that time, I know!! Can you believe it? But I have heard, and I kind of know from hearing and reading over the years, that her husband or ex-husband hung himself, over stress from the show. So naturally, she still wants to be a Housewife.

So Shannon is buzzing already, and I guess and is more interested in possibly spotting John’s son on the water, and dolphins, just as New Jen is talking about her adopted son.  She really wants to get into the nitty gritty of it, and I know Shannon was rude for interrupting, but this really was an ill-suited place for this deep convo. And she starts from Day One. Everyone is like buzzed, and wanting to be goofy, not have a serious emotional conversation. She clearly wants everyone to tell that she’s wonderful.

Talk about my journey of adopting a child? Sure, why not??

I don’t really even think that Shannon caught on to the fact that everyone was bitching under their breath at her interrupting, and not caring about New Jenn’s story about her newly adopted son.  Emily pretends to care, just because Shannon didn’t. Again, they’re all drunk. so save it for another time.

Shannon, can you please pay attention to this very deep and emotional story right now.

Emily tells Shannon to apologize for  interrupting New Jen talking about her son.  

Tamra, while intoxicated, accuses Shannon of being ‘a drunk’ and an alcoholoic,  while drunk off her ass.

So there’s a lot of screeching, and inaudible arguing. Tamra is shitfaced.  Keep in mind she just reprimanded Shannon for drinking too much. See what I mean about finger pointers?? Tamra also tends to overdo it.

Shannon, you really should cut down on the drinking.

You can’t make this shit up. And I don’t think Shannon is that drunk, believe it or not. So that’s kind of funny.

Tamra please stop acting drunk and stupid and making up issues!!

Can’t deal with Big Emily being the mediator. One of the chief troublemakers last season. It’s so NOT on brand.  Another finger pointer.

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