I feel like it’s been forever since I watched this – One stinkin week was skipped, and it seems like a month. I forget who everyone is.

Challege is — Avant Garde looks using faux fur

Aaron says he has made monkey costumes for the Wizard of Oz?? Love that. I love Wizard of Oz. I MAY have a Wizard of Oz tattoo.

It’s sort of surprising me to that so many of them haven’t worked with faux fur. Faux fur has been popular for a while now, I believe.

So they’re partnering up for the Avant Garde (so fun to say that) challenge, which of course brings on the extra drama. Avant Garde is difficult because there are so many boxes that needs checked.

High Fashion, but weird, but still high fashion. But weird, and unique. But still high fashion.

They’re choosing their fur now, and having the meeting of the minds meeting.

Octavio and Anna feel like they’re a shoe in since they are Avant Garde experts and many of their creations have been Avant Garde. Think they just jinxed themselves. We remember Katie, right? Fabric creation was her wheelhouse, then wah wah wah …

Already seeing disagreements. Chasity is annoyed that Prajje is using up the budget for paint.

There is a car accident on the way home from buying the extras for the challenge, and Anna is hurt.

So turns out Anna is okay and they’re getting a day off to deal with the trauma of the accident.

Bones is annoyed with Aaron that he’s just doing busy work. Well that will come in handy in the event the judges hate it.

I’m already picking a favorite, the pink fur. The leopard has my interest too.

Chasity is TOTALLY NOT feeling paint. There’s a little bit of mild bickering. We’ll see how this shakes out. I’m really curious. I think this will be cool.

I was thinking Octavio and Anna’s looked like a garbage bag, before Octavio said that. Like it really did. Christian intervenes and they decide to start from scratch. Good decision.

Models have arrived. I have a feeling this stuff is going to be really really strange and off the wall. A lot of partners are not agreeing.

Shantall’s and Kristina’s looks like a vagina they all agree. Shantall is not feeling the look and worried because she doesn’t have immunity.

Aaron is insisting his collar thing is going to stay up on it’s own once it’s on the model. Bones says no way, and wants to board it up.

Hardcore bickering between Bones and Aaron now. Aaron is insisting this shit is going to stay up. Yet it’s not. Staying Up. Aaron storms out with his panties all in a bunch. Bones says he knows because he studied physics. (which is strange for a fashion designer) You don’t really have to be a Physics Major to know that fabric is not going to stand up straight on it’s own.

They’re having a low key night on the town. An argument and more bickering erupts between Aaron and Bones. Still fighting about the sticks and the fur. Now slinging insults and name calling. One is white, and one is black so guess where this argument goes.

Anna says “no dirty words” lol – haven’t heard the term “dirty words” since I was like 10. I totally forgot people used to say that.

Aaron tries to talk to Bones about a hair dryer later and he ain’t havin it.

They’re still arguing into the next day, but sort of talk it out, and come to a meeting of the minds, and I think it will be better now.

Bones says black people aren’t allowed to have an outburst but white are. Aaron seems to be going with it and apologizes. Probably good decision.

This fucking collar is STILL not standing up.

Zayden and Coral’s mask and bondage thing is sort of giving me sort of Fifty Shades of Gray Vibes

And the moment we’ve all been waiting for —- THE COLLAR IS STANDING UP. Thanks to Aaron finally swallowing his pride, and realizing Bones was right about securing it with the wood pieces.

Runway Time

Chasity and Prajje – feeling like we could have the winner here right? It really did gel and come together and definitely would call it Avant Garde.

Coral and Zayden – still sticking by my Fifty Shades of Gray. Not sure how judges will feel about this one. Maybe if they’re Fifty Shades of Gray fans, they’ll like it.

Shantall and Kristina – patchwork fur thing. Seems kind of weird – even for Avant Garde. The inside looks like one of those old housecoats that women used to wear.

Anna and Octavio — not sure about this one and they sound worried. It’s a little Flintstoney with some pieces of the Garbage bag.

Aaron and Bones – well it’s standing up, and it’s out there. I can see the judges liking it.

First least fave – Chantel and Kristina – looks like I was on track with my 70’s housecoat vibes. And all of the patchwork? Just not working. It’s like a housecoat and a quilt.

First fave – Zayden and Coral – so the cage and bondage look goes over well. I am a little surprised.

Second fave – and there is a God — after all of that bickering and crying over the collar. It’s one of the faves.

Octavio and Anna – low low lowest – it’s interesting to me on the teamwork episodes, that they still are eliminating one person. Both of them were the Avant gurus and they’re in the bottom. Just like Katie when she lost the challenge on the fabric design. I told ya they jinxed themselves.

Prajje and Chasity – Third Fave – when this all came together I did predict this (see above) if this isn’t Avant Garde, nothing i, s with that painted skirt and structured top. And I of course love the pink. And the model CAN walk in it.

WINNING TEAM is Chasity and Prajje – did I (sort of) predict the winner again ???


Judges tell Kristina she is lucky to have her immunity tonight.

Shantall is out ?? she is going to be so pissed. This is what she was worried would happen.

Kristina seems like she feels bad.

Wait what – the Siriano Save ?? forgot about that little perk. She’s still in!!

Cyndi Lauper next week ?????? So 80’s. Is it going to be an 80’s challenge??

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