Chastity’s daughters are “sew” cute.

What is the challenge??? Flowery and they have to design the fabric.! There’s some flower designer dude describing the challenge, and showing some of his designs. His designs are pretty cool!!! Good use of a phone booth!

You have to hand it to these guys for sure !! this is so impressive, everything that they are capable of doing for these challenges. I feel like I could MAYBE design something. Not sure how anyone else would like it, and definitely could NOT sew it !!! It looks fun. It’s just so much pressure!!!

Well I gotta say – this is up my alley too !! just like the Halloween theme last week !! (wasn’t into the street wear on the first episode)

I love when they work together and help each other out. So teamworky.

So Katie should really kill it on this challenge right ?? this is her wheelhouse. she is having issues with her graphic designer. Apparently the designer doesn’t like the yellow.

I really like what im seeing of Zayden’s so far – between the colors and the style. And last week my fave as soon as I saw it on the mannequin, was the WINNER !! Not bragging, just reminding.

Darren’s fabric is inspired by Sponge Bob. I will hold judgment on that (for now). We’ll see.

This would be so exciting right ? Receiving the fabrics that you designed. So cool.

Katie’s fabric doesn’t really look like flowers to me. I like the colors, but I wasn’t really seeing flowers.

Shantall says hers is different from the others, not as flowery. Different isn’t bad. Remember on the Halloween challenge, Christian wasn’t particularly that thrilled everyone was going the black or red route.

And speaking of Christian, where the heck is he?? I didn’t even miss him until I wrote that! (Sorry Christian…) he does annoy me a little. I think he gets in their head too much and makes them more anxious. But some of his suggestions have been good suggestions. Not sure why he’s not walking around pestering yet.

Oh no Bones is using a stiff fabric. Good thing Christian isn’t here. Wasn’t bones the one that used the too -stiff, with no give fabric last week?

Oh speak of the Devil !!!! he already makes a snarky comment about someone going with a black fabric. I have to agree with Christian though. I think women do too much black. But this isn’t plain black, there are the flowers involved!

Anna wonders if she can say vagina on camera. Yes she’s not in Afghanistan anymore.

I love Coral’s little black cute number with super vibrant colors.

Christian doesn’t like the sack looking dress. Neither do I.

He’s sort of digging Darren’s Sponge Bobbish motif. Kinda glad he didn’t say “Sponge Bob” to Christian.

Christian does not like Katie’s AT ALL, he calls it a clown costume. You do see the way she dresses?? He hates the shorts/jumpsuit look. He has her changing up the whole concept and style. That’s not stressful at all.

Christian calls one of the prints a couch. Ouch.

Enter the lovely models. They need some petite models.

Kinda digging Shantall’s blue checkers with subtle flowers, even though I AM a “flower person.”

‘Bag lady in couture fabric’ he calls Kristina’s. Kinda rude, even if I do agree

Twist … no not a twist. He leaves. Byeeeeee.

They have to be soooo exhausted when the go home in the evening. Katie looks really stressed. You can almost see her wheels turning as she is sitting there. Tomorrow is the big day.

RUNWAY TIME: (was this always on for an hour and half ? – I haven’t watched in forever)

Aaron’s is really really yellow. It’s pretty, i like it.

Prajje’s is cute. Vibrant. Isn’t this the one Christian said looked like a couch?

Shantall’s blue checkered – in love.

Aaron – the very yellow one – love the crop with the jacket. Different. Really bright. Think he’s safe.

Anna — not sure — not liking the square pointy black corners … ??? Judges may like it. I just have hard time criticizing these designs, because I think it’s so amazing what they’re doing.

Bones – it’s pretty – lots of midriff seems to be the thing tonight. You would think that would be too casual for what they’re looking for, but since it’s trendy now? Was it ever really not trendy ??

Coral – I like – I like the criss crossy things and the buckle in the front. Kind of an oriental vibe to the fabric design. Listen to me. i sound like a pro.

Chastity – it’s cute with big poofy sleeve things. I don’t care for it, but it’s not awful. well i guess those big poof balls are awful. she has immunity – probably good.

Darren – really young and fresh – I like the subtle cartoonish graphic flowers actually. The model is adorbs.

Octavio – again another big saggy dress that is not something I like or think it flattering on anyone. Even the curvier models, I think it makes them look – curvier. The black and white is different since most did more vibrant colors. “Without sounding cocky, I’m not too concerned,” he says.

Sabrina – it’s all right I think. – skirt seems to have issues . Not sure how this is going to go over. It’s very creative. And they do like that.

Katie – I think she did a good job on hers considering she changed it all up at the last minute — it’s definitely different. But we expected that.

Prajje -love the colors the bright electric blue with the coral flowers. It’s an unexpected color combo, which I like. I like to do turquoise with a coral color.

Zayden -short and fun and really cute – the back is cool. I like an open back.

Kristina – (there’s a lot of coral reddish tones) not feeling that one totally. So baggy. I like more form fitting and structured.

1stFave – Kristina’s this week one of the faves is the one I didn’t like at all. I just don’t care for a loose baggy all over the place dress. If I wear a dress like that type of style, I always wear a belt. Even just one of those loose chain belts makes me feel like I’m not wearing a sack. I sort of can’t believe this was a fave. Christian didn’t like this one either. Gigi calls it a red carpet look. To me it looks like she’s just wearing a big hunk of red carpet.

2ndFave – Shantall’s yay !!! the blue checkers with the subtle yellow flowers — told YA! I knew that they would like this one when I saw it on the model. Called that one !! yay me ! I also like blue, and I like the way it hugs the model’s body. I love the crisscross straps in the back. I just love it !! (not crazy about the jacket though, it hides the cuteness of the top!)

1stNot Fave – Darren – I liked this. thought it was really cute. I love love love the back. Reminds me of my prom dress 1000 years ago. It just looks fun and flirty.

2ndNot Fave – Sabrina – they didn’t go for the burka look. I was worried about that. Yeah no shit women have it rough in Afghanistan. Even more so now. But we probably shouldn’t get into that right now.

1stfave fave – Prajje. don’t like when they do this – “do you think you’re in the top or bottom?” that’s just cruel and unusual punishment. I think they’re going to like his. I liked his, and I seem to know what I’m talking about so far, not always, but for the most part, mostly, most of the time.

I KNEW IT !! yes the fit, it just hugs this model’s body and is so flattering. And I love this open back, and the colors just work!!

Katie’s, well they hate it. Christian may have fucked her over by making her redo it. MAYBE the jumpsuit thing would have worked. What adds insult to injury is that she is a textile designer so this should have been her thing. She throws Christian under the bus that he didn’t like her original design. She’s not totally BLAMING him totally, but she is stating that she followed his advice. I don’t think it’s wrong that she mentions that. They do ask what their train of thoughts were, and how they settle on their designs…

They also don’t like Darren’s nor Sabrina’s.

Bummer- I was kind of rooting for Darren.

Judges are discussing who should be the winner. They point out that Shantall’s wasn’t screaming flowers, and this is a flower challenge. But there WERE flowers on the fabric. You know what would have been super extra cute though? A bold yellow or purple flower in the model’s hair. RIGHT ??? that would have had them get over the lack of flowers on the material. But it still won !!!

I think Katie is goin home. I kinda like her. She’s cool and corky. Kinda does her own thing. I think that is why she may not last.

Again one of the ones I like is the winner. Shantall’s!! (Granted one of the faves is one I hated.) And her little guy’s birthday ! I love that !!!

Darren gets the ax. I hate this part. I didn’t think his was that bad. I thought it was actually cute.

And I DID like that fabric!

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