OC Dinner Party from Hell – 12/1

Let’s break down the Hots and Nots on the premier of OC on Wednesday!

Believe me, I’ve got lots to say about some of the things these ladies were wearing! Unfortunately I have a lot of “nots.” And one HOT.

And Just like Project Runway, I even have a winner!

I’m going to need to start with NOT ! #1 – I feel like most of you would be in agreement with this one, and I don’t mean to pick on the newbies. But holy hell !! Who in the holy HELLLLL dresses like this for a casual lunch with girls ??? I put my opinion on one of the FB chat groups for Bravo shows, and the chick was like remember they’re showing up for “work.”

I forget what I said back, but later I thought what I should have said, (I tend to do that, anyone else?) was yes, correct, and if two women showed up at your job (unless you’re an escort, or an entertainer), dressed like this, what would YOU think? Sorry not sorry, they looked stupid. Did they even call each otherand plan to wear those crop top and skirt things? Didn’t ONE of them, as they were getting dressed, look in the mirror, and think, this is going to come off as desperate as my first day ‘filming’ – getting overly dressed up, and NOT really dressed for my age, for a lunch, during the day, in an empty restaurant.

NOT #2 – I also wasn’t feeling Heather’s thick high fake pony thing. I won’t go too much into it, but I

think maybe she borrowed it from Coco.

NOT #3 – Dr. Jen’s “sexy nurse” as she put it. Do we really think this is what she wears to work (and this really is a job) on a normal day ??? I’m feeling like NO. Again, I think these ladies need to remember this is supposed to be (mostly) reality and natural. I get maybe kicking it up notch for TV, but there’s overdoing it. She looked like she was the sexy nurse or secretary in a soft porn movie.

NOT #4 – Heather’s party – too much black. Heather, Shannon, Emily all in basic boring blahhhck. The dresses were ok, just boring. And Emily and Heather’s were the same one sleeved style. And this was even like July. In California. How about some print or color ????

Which brings me to my Winner of the Night ! Gina, look was effortless (actually she is looking really radiant this season, and FINALLY has the hair right ! Some of those past colors/styles/extensions- YIKES !!!!) and sexy/cute in this adorbs bubble gum pink mini dress! Not trashy, pretty and classy, and my FAVORITE color !!

You GO girl!!!!

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