Beverly Hills – Erika goes off on Sutton – previous season 2021

Ok so first off – I do not own the rights to this video or whatever.

This is a you tube video recappping and discussing the episode we won’t soon forget, of Erika going all ape shit like a gangsta bitch in her fake gangsta voice on Sutton at Kathy’s dinner.

After Kyle sits there and says “that’s not what you said last night Sutton, be honest, be honest …” Starts all the trouble then sits there with her face in her fucking wine glass looking guilty as hell. I really began to dislike her after this episode. Especially since she was saying a lot of the same things behind her back and in the interviews.

No one even sticks up for her and that did bother me too at the time. Not even Garcelle. Sorry Gacelle, love ya, but you should have interfered there and your excuse sucks.

Anywho, I’ll stop breaking it down for you. The video is 17 minutes long but the first eight minutes are about the dinner and what went down with scarika and Sutton.

Buy the way, i could not STAND what Sutton was wearing that night. Looked like she was going to a Halloween Party.

Garcelle looks stunning in this interview.

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