Why does Erika alwaysssss sound like someone is holding her nose ?

Rich people divorce?

In the flash backs where they’re showing Tom’s nastiness towards Erika, (apparently he doesn’t like to be interrupted either – guess Dorit can relate ) I didn’t totally recall Tom being so rude in public to her.

I think maybe the first season he came in kinda hot. DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM ?

Then is the subsequent seasons when he appeared, he seemed to have softened. Maybe he watched those back and was like wow I look like an asshole, or did she nicely ask him to NOT do that while they’re filming? Who knows. It is clear though that he appeared arrogant and difficult to be with.

Erika’s marriage was different as she says. She married a sugar daddy for money, it sort of appears. It does. But, he didn’t need to treat her that way. I totally am against a man belittling his wife or girlfriend. ESPECIALLY IN FRONT OF PEOPLE.

I love Erika’s black & white large print hounds tooth dress in the interview. I don’t always love her outfits. But this look I LOVE. And it fits her great. She needs red lipstick though.

What is Dorky Dissik doing what a 19 year old girl?

Seriously. He’s 37 – COME ON. that’s just embarrassing. It makes him seem kind of pervy. She’s one year past being legal and he is pushing FORTY. I think big age gaps are different depending on the ages. Like someone in their 30’s/40’s as the one younger, and an 18 year gap, different. A girl barely legal, and technically a teenager, and guy 18 years older. CREEPY. ACTUALLY CREEPY. Not Sutton coming into Crystal’s room creepy.

I feel so bad for these ladies. oh my Gawwwddd – this has been soooo hard! They’re “locked up”

inside fabulous resort-like huge homes complete with ridiculous swimming pools!!! and hired help. wahhh wahhhhhh

Porsha’s fave sister surprised them at dinner ! So awesome! But of course covid drama. we’re doing this covid game. She won’t EVEN hug her sister. So stupid !! how come all the ladies are hugging and interacting and Not wearing masks ? Were they like testing every day? I find that hard to believe.

And Sophia tested negative. I have hated this fear mongering from Day One.

I have traveled and done so many things “over covid” because I was Not Scared. Cannot fathom sitting and hiding in my house all of last year. Never got sick , not dead. (sorry) . Here I still am.

Have your steak and eat it too Erika ! Hahahahhahhahaaa

Is Kathy filing/smoothing her nails in the car? She’s so funny – she doesn’t give a shit – Did she just order a Coke ? Not even diet?

I consider myself fashionable, but not feeling Sutton’s big ass bow.

What’s with Erika and the hot toddy’s ? weird thing to order every time they’re out. And she always says “can you do a hot toddy ???” Aren’t they literally tea & whiskey?

I feel like Lisa kinda likes that her daughter is dating the famous Scott Dissik. She seems to come off as name dropping to me.

Also, no one is talking about your daughter’s eating disorder because , ohhhh I don’t know, NO ONE CARES !! there are A LOT of IMPORTANT things going on right now? Like a country that is falling apart??

Maybe get out of your bubble for like a second Rinna ??

Nobody cares what your daughter is eating/not eating ??? WOW.

So Erika is already “joking” about looking for a loaded dude. Don’t think she’s joking.

why ARE we talking about this AGAIN ?????? Crystal LOVES saying “I was naked.” I stand by that.

did we not agree last week to NOT talk about the barge in again ??

Did the peeping tom joke start this ?

This is worse that Erika with no panties few years ago. Much worse because NOW we are breaking down the word “violated.” I think the Webster definition is kind of like different, from how we view the word “violated.”

“You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” Does Sutton like turn into the Hulk when she’s angry ?

Crystal just laughs at her when she acts all big and tough. It is kind of funny because Sutton is so not intimidating.

I am sick of this “moving” shit too with her – how much did Sutton ACTUALLY EVEN DO with this “move?”

I am sure she didn’t pack one single box. Or lift one single finger. When normal people are “stressed about moving” it is from all of the work involved. UGH !! These spoiled entitled ladies sometimes!

Ok, What did you all think of this week’s episode ? Think I’m going to make a hot toddy now.

If I can handle it. I’ll do my best. It’s complicated putting a shot of whiskey in hot tea.

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