Below Deck SY Premier – 10/7/24 – Leather, Lace, Lamb and Lobster

Sailing Yacht is back after some extra time off. I think it ran last year in early spring- mid summer.

There was some Gary drama when cameras were down with I believe with a production person he got pushy with in a hotel room. I honestly didn’t think they were bringing him back. Of course I already see from the premier that we’re not even talking about it at all.

You know for some reason it’s okay to squabble and bitch about petty social media posts, or bitchy comments made on podcasts, but when there’s actual off-camera drama, they don’t want to address it during filming. It’s quite inauthentic Andy Cohen. Just saying.

Gary vaguely touched on the drama by saying he needed to concentrate on his job, but it was quite cryptic.

They could have had him mention drinking too much and getting himself in trouble with ladies but they didn’t. Just like it didn’t happen. Something like certain Housewife drama that I tend to harp on. (Heather and Gina on OC.)

Well here we go…

Captain Glenn returns of course with all newbies other than Daisy and Gary, and sadly no Colin, but I really don’t blame him.

We’re in the island of Ibiza Spain, in the Med Sea of course. It was nice in the last BDSY season all of the girls got along and there was zero girl drama.

Now was there plenty of other drama? Yes there was if you recall. There was the Daisy/Gary/Colin love triangle, and that Mads chick fooling around with Gary and all of the drama that ensued after that.

I think stew drama on top of that would have actually been too much. I like how Daisy is still not assigning first and second stews after the Trashley/Gabby debacle from two seasons ago.

I’m surprised to see a chef that’s only 22. I do question the maturity of someone that age being able to handle the stress of this job. He could pass for being in his early 30’s. If I were him I’d just lie. He’s American so that’s two red flags already.

Looks like there WILL be stew/girl drama this season from the previews. Honestly last SY season was very much an anomaly in that department.

I think it happened because Mads (besides her hooking up with Gary) and Lucy were both basically normal, sweet and confident girls with similar work ethics and skill levels.

This Diana (pronounced DeeAnna) seems like a handful. She has Kate Chastain resting bitch face, however in the opening scenes she seemed to be doing a lot of laughing and smiling.

Danni seems like kind of a – ho… She would get along with my ex’s trashy fuck-buddy neighbor. Who’s ugly as fuck but he doesn’t mind.

We’ll be seeing Glenn having the shits with all of the excessive partying it seems.

Does he fire Daisy or is that some scene manipulation to fool us? I hate that.

Daisy says in her opening yap that she’s supposedly so mad at Gary for his antics last season and not respecting her ‘relationship’ with Colin.

As they do flashes I’m reminded of how she kept leading him on and sort of encouraging the flirty comments and claims that they did have a thing for each ot her.

She seems to be over dramatizing the awkward silent treatment but we do have a TV show to do.

Colin’s replacement is – interesting. Italian guy with fuck boy energy already I’m seeing.

Danni – South African relocated to Australia.

Keith – deckhand- Australian.

Diana – not sure.

I like to know where everyone is from. I have a theory that it’s usually the Americans with the shitty work ethic and difficult to deal with unfortunately, so I like to keep track of that. Usually they’re the ones fired. I hate how that’s our representation.

Cloyce tells Daisy as they’re having a little getting to know you convo, to avoid taking specific orders.

Yacht chefs are not restaurant chefs, and if they’ve only done yachting (as is the case with this guy) they don’t know how to cook and do the timing with several different dishes. That really is something that takes practice, and a second person. These chefs are frequently kind of ADD too, making it difficult for them to read and follow the preference sheets I’ve noticed.

So 22 year-old Cloyce has an affinity for older women. So we see where this is going already. Daisy seems giddy at his ‘confidence.’

So you like OLDER women huh??

I like how Glenn is standing at the entrance greeting the crew one by one and helping the girls with their bags. I don’t totally dislike Captain Lee, I don’t. I actually gained a lot of respect for him a few years ago when he called out Sandy for her odd tyrannical creepy behavior (not his words but I believe that to be his issue) on the season she stepped in for him. I kind of suspect this is why he was left go, for going public with it.

Anyway my point – you never saw Captain Lee doing anything like this and I feel like viewers normalized that since he was the first Below Deck captain. This man sat up in the wheelhouse never lifting his prima donna little finger to do anything other than steer the boat. Ever.

Never ever did you see him helping the deckhands or stews or even getting his own food and eating in the crew mess. He made the stews serve him in the wheelhouse.

Just a random little obsi.

Glenn holds the first crew meeting of expectations and so forth. Gary smirks through Daisy announcing they’re all a team, and the deckies should help the stews when needed, which I agree with.

Gary got all pissy about that a few seasons back and blamed it on yachting ‘rules’ that they have been working since 6 am at that point and can no longer put in any more hours.

True they may be on deck at 6 am, but it’s not like they’re doing non-stop work the whole entire day into evening like the stews do.

It’s funny too how they have FOMO so they don’t hang in their cabins, but wanna lurk around while dinner is getting prepared and served. If you’re standing around – do something!!

After like 5 or 6 pm the deckies are typically done for the day. Stews at that point are still busy cleaning cabins, making cocktails, doing laundry and preparing for dinner service. So yeah they can carry some damned plates and wash some fucking dishes. If they’re not helping then they should go to their cabins. Nothing worse than watching people loaf around when you’re pulling your hair out. Sounds like my marriage.

Sorry that was a rant.

Daisy promises to be focused this season.

Chick deckie Emma is British from the sound of it and seems mostly okay.

Daisy meets with the girls and they’re the same age, but Danni seems to have way more experience and is a lot more confident-sounding.

She would have for sure been the second, but doesn’t seem at all bothered that Daisy didn’t assign rank. I think a big problem with the second and third thing is that the chief stew doesn’t give specific instructions to the seconds to guide them as to how much of a ‘boss’ they’re supposed to be to the third. And when they take it a bit too far, as they often do, it causes immediate contention because the thirds are like – okay so I’m taking orders from two bitches? No one wants that.

To me, I don’t think that the seconds should be deemed the third’s ‘supervisor’ or should be assigning tasks. It’s more just a ‘ranking’ because one is more experienced than the other. If the chief stew made that clear it would eliminate the power struggle.

The other deckie Keith, is American/Australian/British combo. Jeez how do I categorize THAT to make my judgy assessment??

So he’s going to have great British manners, with some Aussie spice and a shitty work ethic??


Guests to be arriving the following day. So I thought this was weird. In the preference sheet meeting we see primaries are going to be Dr. Contessa and her husband Scott from Married to Medicine (kinda shocked they’re still together) but not once do they reference that. Like hello fellow Bravolebs on another Bravo show? We don’t even mention it? It’s strange.

Glenn calls her CON-tessa. Guess he doesn’t watch MTM.

Long story short, their group has A LOT of food dislikes and allergies. Cloyce jokes about the seafood allergy guy hoping he lives. It doesn’t really land.

I hope his food is better than his jokes.

It made ME chuckle, Cloyce. Especially after Jono almost took a bitch out this past BDM season. Allegedly.

The guest Hakim is Bobby Brown’s nephew. Are we supposed to be impressed by that?

Contessa’s picture doesn’t even look like her. She must’ve had stuff done.

Diana is from Portugal. She has some stories about working on boats for Russians where the boats got seized, and she can’t elaborate.

I feel like she didn’t really communicate to Daisy how inexperienced she is. She only knows housekeeping she says and worked in her parent’s coffee shop so she thinks she knows service. But again, how hard is it?

Flirty Danni wants Keith to lick her finger after she stirs a drink with it and he declines not knowing ‘where it’s been.’

So that was weird. Normal dudes will put literally ANYTHING in their mouth.

Okay girl, move on from this one. We don’t need a fuddyduddy. Most guys would think that’s hot. Maybe he’s just not that into her.

Daisy and Gary have a chat which was weird kind of. I don’t get her crying to him about “leaving her all alone” to deal with everything when she needed a friend after she and Colin broke up.

So she wanted Gary console her as a ‘friend?’ When he was the main issue with what went so horribly wrong? Did he not intentionally come between them? Even though he didn’t want her, he just didn’t want Colin to have her.

She’s upset he ‘ignored’ her?

I really just wanted to hook up with you again.

Gary seems to feel bad and remorseful. But who the hell knows with him.

Sorry Dais, I was a little busy fighting off rape charges.

He claims he backed off to let things blow over. I thinks she’s really into him, for whatever reason. I said that clear back from the beginning when she seemed to be jealous about him hooking up with everyone and anyone.

I just feel like Gary was not the one to console her over her break-up with Colin. What the hell is wrong with this chick? You wouldn’t run to an ex as a ‘friend’ to console you over a break-up is kind of what it amounts to. Even though I wouldn’t really call him an ‘ex’ but they did have kind of a messy situationship.

They hug and he apologizes. Whatever. He just wants to move on and not have the awkwardness.

I think they would be cute together except for the minor detail that Gary is a fucking shithead and is not capable of being in a committed relationship and treating his partner with respect. He simply cannot do it.

Hmmm – reminds me of someone. Also when she says Gary doesn’t realize apologizing also means changing your future behavior and not doing the same shit over and over.

He should take advice from my ex and just not apologize. You know – do horrendous horrific things to people and just not give a fuck. And not even pretend to give a fuck.


Dannie says she’s nervous for crew drama. So I see she watches the show.

The cabin with three dudes – can you even imagine how bad that must smell?

Cloyce slicing an onion blindfolded was very disturbing to me. He tells Daisy he started making his own breakfast when he was four because he his parents were asleep and he was hungry. As he’s filleting a giant fish.

Daisy thinks he’s kind of full of shit, bragging about his skills.


Contessa and crew arrive. She gets complimented on her very ugly and very strippery shoes and is immediately pretentious – “don’t lose them.” Bitch no one wants them fucking things. Daisy was being polite because she sees you need attention.

Yes Contessa the yacht peasants are going to ‘lose’ your shoes. How is it even possible to lose the things? They’re like the size of the boat.

Who’s shocked that they order espresso martini’s??

Cloyce wants Daisy to check with the guest that doesn’t eat beef as to what she would like in place of the ‘turf.’ He wants to make sure chicken is okay, because you know how that is.

In asking this, it gets kind of out of control with everyone having different preferences for their ‘surf and turf.’

Daisy could have shut it down. It’s not a restaurant. The chef determines the menu based on requests and preferences, and those that have allergies and/or dislikes get replacements. End of discussion. There is one chef and no sous chefs, as there are in restaurants.

Not sure where the ‘lamb’ request came from. That’s kind of random. Daisy could have told them they didn’t have lamb. Who the hell asks for lamb in place of steak?? If Daisy was doing the cooking she would’ve shut that shit down.

I feel like these guests should have the self-awareness or just the ‘awareness’ to know this. This is why they’re not given a menu, because there’s one fucking guy doing all of the preparation and cooking. One guy. There’s no kitchen ‘staff.’

Did production put them up to this? Is this a setting up for failure type of situation with this kid? It’s also his first time on a sailing yacht. He seems to sweat a lot.

This Emma deckie chick – she kind of painted herself as being experienced in the opening yaps. I mean she’s like 35 so you would thinks she’s experienced?

I became concerned when I saw she couldn’t get in the top bunk of the bed. If you’re that un-agile how one earth can you do this job? And she’s tall so I was extra-confused.

Well, I can’t even get in my bed so…

I don’t know what Danni sees in this Keith dude. He seems kind of stuffy and meh.

Take things slow??” Dude you have six weeks to get the job done. Also it’s not a real relationship. Lighten up.

I’m on a 5 year plan, to date for 2 years, and get married and have kid by 2029.

Danni just wants to get busy. The role reversals are kind of funny I do have to say.

I should stop complaining and just be happy she hasn’t even given Gary a second glance.

I would think he should be being very careful at this point. The girl he would be into historically speaking, is Diana.

Looks like Dr. Contessa’s been hittin’ the gym and workin’ on her fitness to hang onto her man. I don’t follow every season of MTM, but I think I did watch the one where Scott was being a complete fucking douchebag and I think their kids even heard him talking to another woman on the phone when she was working.

Why she’s still with him, I don’t fucking know.

So this dinner is already a fucking mess with all of the different orders. Literally have never heard of ‘surf and turf’ served with lamb. Technically yes lamb is on turf, but it’s fucking LAMB, and that’s why I think this was a produced situation. Like why would they assume there was lamb on board. Who eats fucking lamb?

I’m sounding really bitchy and a little extra but I am right.

Daisy sends Diana to hand out silverware which is all different due to the meat people and the non meat people. Of course she doesn’t remember what was instructed. She probably doesn’t even know who is who?? How would she?

They’re not wearing fucking name tags. And wouldn’t it be so much easier to just give everyone steak knives? Whether they need them or not?

So the chef kid is missing a lobster. I don’t know why he didn’t write down how many of each protein and have that in front of him as he was cooking?

To add to all of this there’s a well done steak that’s supposed to be medium. It’s just Scott, the lying cheating asshole. Shut up and eat it dickwad.

Cloyce blames that it sat too long but that wouldn’t have taken it from medium to well done.

Again this kid admitted to Daisy he does not know how to cook simultaneous various dishes and to please avoid encouraging that.

Glenn is Captain Sandy lurking and witnessing all of this. He’s sort of taking Daisy down with Cloyce, which I don’t disagree with. She shouldn’t have allowed them to demand all different dishes and combos. It’s not a fucking restaurant. And Scott the cheater could’ve sucked it up and not sent his plate back.

I don’t feel bad for them. They’re getting a discount. I’m wondering if Contessa asked to not have ‘Married to Medicine’ mentioned??

Usually it’s a big deal when there’s a crossover.

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