Below Deck Med 8/5/24 – Shake It ‘Til You Make It!

This useless so-called reprimanding convo continues between Sandy, Bri and Ellie.

I think the chief stews should be present when the captain speaks to one or two of the stews. I thought that’s how it used to be done.

That way Aesha can interject with what she has been seeing and hearing. No, she conveniently hasn’t been present for their kerfluffles and scuffles, but she knows more of what’s happening than Sandy.

Ellie needed to be corrected for constantly bringing up the feud even when guests where nearby, and for not cleaning the cabins.

Ellie telling Sandy how Bri is being disrespectful to her was so cringy.

She does some fake whimper thing whilst giving herself accolades and claiming that she “has no issue leaving today.”

And let me get this off my chest. Why is she wearing a fuchsia scrunchie with a red shirt? It’s bugging me.

There are not two colors on the entire spectrum of colors that clash more than fuchsia and red. Pink and red, or orange and red aren’t my fave but could live with. Fuchsia and red is where I need to draw the line. If you’ve been paying attention to the overall tasteless way she dresses, it makes sense. Also not to state the obvious but why is she wearing a scrunchie?

Sandy who didn’t help AT ALL, urges/orders them to be kind to each other and they’ll figure it out later.

‘Circle back’ in other words.

Nothing was even close to resolved. Ellie dabs at a fake tear. Someone needs to put their foot down with Ellie, and that’s not going to happen, because they need her to keep acting cunty to keep it moving.

Sandy meets with Aesha to fill her in and we could’ve skipped this step had Aesha been included in on the sit-down. Sandy again threatens she’s letting them both go “if this keeps up.” Which we know would never happen.

This is a random thought that I’m inserting, but I love how Sandy failed to create a wedge between Nate and Joe. She tried though, by praising Nate in front of Joe, which is one of her MO’s for creating tension and hostility between the crew.

Usually she does it between interior and deckies, but hey she’s mixing it up this season and fucking with two deckies. What an outstanding captain right?

Neither one of them took the bait or were interested in that petty ego squabble, which means they probably won’t be back,

But you tried Sandy. Can’t win ‘em all.

Sandy wants them to not be roomies anymore, so Aesha and Gael will switch with Ellie and Bri.


I’m glad Jono got his shit together. Joe sings a corny song about choosing Ellie or Bri. Ellie acts annoyed but she’s probably not that annoyed.

What exactly did Ellie expect she would do to his ego by THROWING herself at him simply to prove a point and piss off Bri? That’s a fucking ho that does shit like that. (ehehh – Lori Eddy – that’s the local town ho trollop in my area)

Usually Americans are the ones that behave this embarrassing, so that’s one part of this drama that makes me happy. I think again we have a crew of no Americans. Other than Sandy Captain Sandy of course.


Slumber party! Guest does not like Ellie’s ‘porn star martini.’ I just recently heard of those when I saw them on possibly Atlanta last season. I posted the recipe, see below if you wanted to give them a try. Just don’t fuck them up like Ellie.

Jacuzzi drama because why wouldn’t there be. Gael didn’t close a valve or something and Nate tries to take the fall for her. That’s sweet. They’re not even official boyfriend and girlfriend and look how he has her back. That’s a man. That’s a real man.

To be fair, Gael to me is a fucking rock star. She’s such a genuinely nice girl that got involved with a piece of narcissistic shit, that she freed herself of when she started to see what a selfish immature twat he was. Anyway what I was really trying to say is has she even made one fucking mistake at all since the charters began? No she hasn’t and she has several times had to tell Iain and Joe how to do their fucking job, the bosun and the lead deckhand.

So let’s just give the girl a break. She more than pulls her weight. She’s a better deckhand than Joe and Iain put together. And it pisses me off when Joe refers to her as a ‘princess.’ which he meant in a derogatory way, as if to say she gets special treatment.

If any deckhand is getting special treatment, honestly, it’s you Joe. You suck ass and have no business being deckhand whatsoever. It should have been Nate all day long. You’ve been kept in the position out of complete charity.

And fucker you have the goddamned nerve to refer to Gael as a princess for making a minor mistake, in which she owned and apologized to Sandy for?

My God. Two chicks are seriously fighting over this jackass?

Then Iain has the fucking gall to say they shouldn’t be making these ‘stupid mistakes’ shouldn’t be happening at this point. Is he fucking for real? The dude has NO CLUE how to dock the boat. He just told Sandy last week the boat’s lines weren’t their lines. Shut up asshole.

Dude you have to fucking kidding,..

Gael nervously apologizes to Sandy.

Geting ready for docking and I would love for Iaian to be confident and not fuck it up as he has been. Dude know what lines are your lines, (duh) listen to instructions open your fucking eyes when looking for the line catchers.

And he pulls it off!! WOW JUST WOW. Good job doing your job asshole.

Guests depart. I’m eating my words. I hate when I’m wrong, which hardly ever happens, but it does happen. These guests weren’t as high maintenance as I expected.

Ellie’s still going with that fuschia scrunchie I see.

No docking drama, but there is certainly still the laundry drama. Bri notices things moved around that don’t correspond to her notes, so she asks Aesha if Ellie cannot be allowed in there.

Aesha shuts that down.

I can’t believe I’m writing about writing ‘notes’ when it come to doing laundry. I feel like Bri just doesn’t have the organization skills to keep it turned over and in order. I don’t mean to be a bitch, I like Bri, but I fail to see how it’s that complicated.

Tip is good and they will be getting treated to a vacay day.

Ellie doesn’t participate in crew night out. No complaint here.

Bri and Aesha have a chat about Bri’s shortcomings, and Gael talks to Joe about her not closing the valve thing which really was a non-issue so I don’t know why the hell it even needs discussed. I feel like Joe is excited that she made a minor mistake since he sucks at everything he does.

You don’t even know your ass from a hole in the ground??


Seems like Bri and Ellie are still roomies. They commiserate over Joe, and agree that the song was a shitty thing to do.

Aesha did her Greece research and is the tour guide for their day off of touring and tanning.

I don’t feel why Ellie feels the need to change her clothes in the van? This outfit wasn’t slutty enough for lunch?

I need to change into my polyester for the beach.

I see what she changes into and yes I was right. Her dress is an evening wear type of dress and she looks ridiculous.

Rest assured, it’s again cheap polyester and slutty. Not really beach wear.

What she had one was much more appropriate for a beach side lunch. She’s still desperate for Joe’s attention even though she’s trying hard to act otherwise.

She brings up the song and whatever -who cares. Over this girl and this whole story line.

It was nice to see a crew day off excursion with literally NO fighting. Someone tell Bravo we don’t need to see everyone screaming at each other constantly?


Undocking also goes smoothly. What is going on? Iain and Joe are finally catching on as to what their jobs entail??

Guests want a Michelin style dining experience.

Sandy has the wrong red tee that looks like a men’s XXL which seems like a stupid mistake.

Aesha suggests to Ellie to only wash rags, napkins and towels, and no uniforms.

That’s going to make it harder for me to sabotage but fine whatever.

Aesha threatens to fire Bri over the constant laundry mix-ups.

A new flirty stew will be arriving, Hopefully she puts Ellie in her place!

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