Nat and Storm make up after their scuffle over Storm being “”emotional.”

Dave and Trash just need to stop talking to each other unless it’s about food and/or the guests.

There’s no reason to interact. Dave cries to her and she yammers about how it’s ‘awkward’ and it’s getting tired, boring and stupid. Dave says “I’ll do my job you do yours.” She points out that they’re job is to work together. He tells he’s done pussy footing around her and he’s done with it, and we loved this, “I deserve way better than you anyway…”

You can do better than ME????

Sandy walks in, and it’s awkward – Trash’s favorite word. She rats him out to her and says she’s trying to speak to him, and he doesn’t wantt to speak. No bitch you’re sitting here low-key passive aggressively taunting him. She knows damned well he will communicate with her when necessary if it’s job related.

Courtney is docking the tinder, and talks about how complicated it is, and also says there’s a button to go forward, and a button to go backward. So not sure how that sounds complicated, and you’re not exactly talking to captain coordination here. Sandy and the guys fuss all over her completing the task as if she just docked the fucking ship.

There’s a crew of guests boarding that are Kyle’s type and he is quite excited. We know he gets a little too cozy.

This dude of Natasha’s willl NOT stop texting her, and you can tell she needs to keep up her end, or he’ll get pissy. He texts her “you’re the hardest working person I’ve ever met.”

Well dude not necessarily – you have her in a corner texting you half the day. She apologizes she can’t “message him regularly…” What would be the rational behind a grown ass man not realizing his girlfriend, who is a maid, and waitress, on a super yacht catering to a bunch of rich demanding people, can’t be texting you fucking day? Because he sounds like an entitled prick. I wonder if she’s even with him anymore. Can’t wait til the reunion when she has to share “they broke up.”

Sure dude I have time to stand around and text all day.

So the slide arrives and it weighs a mere 500 pounds. So there’s some struggle getting it on board and some Jason/Storm male ego struggle. Sandy of course, as always is lurking around. She tells Courtney to drive the tinder or whatever, she makes some sort of suggestion. I sometimes wonder if this ‘slide’ experience is worth the effort and aggravation it causes the crew.

If anyone would invite me on a yacht, I think I would be fine not going down a fucking slide into the ocean. So she manages driving it like three feet where they need to load the tinder. Sandy gives her accolades for this. I love Courtney and I’m all about positive reinforcement in a job, but it’s starting to feel like the exaggerated praise that you give a little kid when you ask them to do a small little kid friendly task.

The group is a bunch of hot gay dudes and a sister of one of the dudes. Kyle has already scoped out the one he likes.

I didn’t get this “do less” interaction with Storm and Jason. But you can tell they’re not hitting it off as boss and employee.

Jason is the typical newish to the deckhand thing, that thinks he knows everything, and doesn’t want to be told what to do, and is going to argue about every single thing he’s told.

There are definitley some sparks between Kyle and the guest Frank. It’s a lot of flirting. It’s cute. I know it’s not allowed, but it’s cute.

Okay so now that the 500 lb slide has made it to it’s destination, it now of course needs blown and installed. We know with the Jason/Storm, whose dick is bigger energy we have goin on, that this will be no easy task.

Boyfriend texting Trash AGAIN!! Telling her how “great and amazing” she is. Just what she needs to hear … Not. Inflate this hoe’s ego even more. I’ve actually never even seen anyone on any Below Deck ever, that carries their phone a round in their pocket texting all day. Normal people in a relationship with a crew member realizes they can’t ‘text’ all day and are fine with a check-in phone call at the end of their shift. Normal people. This dude is not. This chick clearly needs to always have a boyfriend. She’s one of those. Doesn’t even matter if she likes the dude or not.

So Storm has never done the slide installation before. He admits this in his yap, but is trying to get ‘er done. Sandy is lurking. Storm and Jason argue over what type of fucking knot was tied. Jesus Christ guys are stupid. Jason insists he’s right, but can’t get the knot untied. I don’t know what the hell is going on. Who cares.

This is NOT the wrong KNOT !!!!

I guess Storm’s point is that if it was the correct knot it wouldn’t take forever to untie?? I guess??

It’s really trivial and stupid. Arguing about a knot. Guess the knot drama got worked out, slide is up and running.

Trash tells Dave she’s planning on doing this ‘wine pairing’ for dinner. SM was on fire Monday night that she clearly had NO clue wtf she was doing with this. I’m no sommelier, but I do like wine, and know the basics. That seems to be what Trash knows too, the basics. But if you’re organizing a wine pairing it should be more than that.

It seemed like she was sort of ‘winging it’ to me. And just giving really obvious descriptions of the wines, like ‘light and crisp.’ I have a bartender friend I ‘met’ on one of the Bravo chat groups on FaceBook, that was saying, yeah she had no clue. She needs to read up on wines and how to describe the notes in a more professional way.

Trash talks about dinner with Dave as she’s helping him with the pasta roller, and tells her he wanted to serve the dishes on the table family style. She talks about ‘shot pairing’ instead of wine pairing. I honestly don’t think this is the group to do a wine pairing with. But then again, if she attempted it with a more refined group of guests that knows wines, it would probably be worse, because they would call her bluff. That would be funny though.

Dave also points out, it’s not the type of meal for a wine pairing, since it’s more casual. This is the “around the world” thing they asked for.

Kyle is on a break and sits and hangs with the guests on the deck.

So more dissection in the ranks with the deck crew. Jason wants to do the opposite of what Storm asks him, just for the sake of doing the opposite. He swims away when Storm is telling him what to do, when they’re trying to get the toys back in. Whatever. Always always always a deckhand or stew that acts like this.

Trash just now, shortly before dinner service, decides to let Kyle in on the wine pairing thing.

Kyle’s shirt has suddenly gotten extra unbuttoned.

My shirt accidentally came unbuttoned

Trash describes the Sauvgion Blanc as “dry, crisp and elegant…” okay. Don’t hurt yourself Tash.

She is grinning ear to ear, and looking extra pleased with herself. She thinks she’s doing something like phenomenal. When really, these dudes are pretty easy to please, and would be just as happy if you rolled out some Yellow Tail moscato.

Wow I am really GREAT!! and I annoyed Dave too!!

Now she introduces Pinot Grigio, as being also “quite dry.” Why wouldn’t she at least read the descriptions on the labels? To at least SOUND like she knows what she’s doing. The labels usually tell you the flavors, and the ‘notes.’ Looks like she’s pouring my favorite Pinot Grigio, the brand is Santa Margheritta, and it’s the bomb. It’s “dry and crisp.”!!

Dave is complaining that the food is getting dried out, and cold, since he didn’t realize until last minute everything was getting served one by one. Since they can’t communicate, due to her silly games with this guy.

For the beef sliders, one of the guests ask what country that is from. “America” someone answers. Well duh. Americans aren’t really known for our refined palates. Except Americans wouldn’t eat one, they would eat like ten.

Trash was confused about the sliders and the boa buns. Kyle and Dave bond in the kitchen bitching about Natasha’s cluelessness. She proudly serves champagne and call it a “palate cleanser…” Oh my God.

It gets hairy toward the end, but she doesn’t care. She is still insisting this was a great idea and the guests are loving it.

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