Watching last week’s episode for a little recap . I feel like I was doing a lot of typing and missed key things.

David does not want to be overly helpful because he wants to make to make a move on Malia? So doesn’t want to seem too eager ? God I hope they don’t hook up. I won’t be able to stand it.

Courtney -Girllll you didn’t just kiss Mzi, you were givin him a lap dance , grinding on him.

And I wasn’t getting the origin of the provisions argument with Mathew and Lexi last week . Now I hear she told him “you need to be outside so you can tell us where things go”

Chick DOES need to stop bossing this dude around – like enough already.

I never understand what Courtney is saying. She just talked for 5 minutes and I don’t know what she said. how DID I miss so much of this last week?

Maybe I was on my second glass of wine at 9:00? I usually wait til 9:30 or 10 ? IDK. Well I am catching up.

A never before seen – scene — of Lexi snotting all over her arm while sneezing – could have done without that but SNOT HAPPENS.

Surprised no on freaked out due to covid thing

Junior wasting no time looking for the alcohol upon arrival.

Courtney is struggling with the crib– those pack n plays are impossible to put up – you have to do this pull fast jerk thing on the sides… (that wasn’t sexual I promise)

Mzi is for some reason an expert at the pack n play.

What the hell was I doing last week — certainly wasn’t watching while I was writing ??

Mathew made marinated grilled chicken? I

I Will never forget the “poor people” comment when a chef served chicken a year or so ago – may have been Adrienne the Bahamas dude – guests were like – “did anyone order chicken ? Poor people eat chicken” — classic

Now every time i make chicken , I’m like — wait does this mean I’m poor ?

is that lexis twin? – is anyone else noticing this ? Is this the nanny? Oh yeah she got sent to put the babies to bed. She looks like Lexi , i hope nicer , since Lexi is like — Evil.

did mathew know the cameras were there when he was doing that thing in his phone where he was pretending to be a movie announcer or something ? Was he talking to someone?

This Roy Jr dude is—-BLACKED OUT

omg the looks on the other chick’s faces is priceless – when Roy is acting like a drunk ass fool.

this dickwad is gonna jump on the cement for chrissakes trying to jump off while they’re docking.


Junior should NOT be going shirtless

Real Life Regina George is freaking scary guys ~!

Mzi and David are so cute. I love the bromances with the deckies.

Malia is so not being an ass – I’m proud of her. I agree with everyone saying she is trying to redeem herself after her snitching and ass kissing last season.

Mathew’s demanding to see Katie was weird when Lexi was doing breakfast service, because of the miscommunication previously.

I guess it makes sort of sense. Considering this is Mathew.

It was annoying, but wasn’t THAT big of deal. Burn bitch list could have just let that fly.

Why did she get so angry because Mathew took the plates up to the guests ?

Wasn’t that being uhhhhh helpful ? Then she pitches a fit over that too.

Lexi’s ranting about him being OFFFFFF is quite OFF!

Katie is not dealing with this and taking it seriously because she possibly sees Lexi is being overly-dramatic and stupid over nothing. It’s called picking battles.

Let’s just not talk about the fire alarm going off and the reason. Too much “deoderant”. Guess that is sort of true.

Lexi is just weird. Katie is actually handling this whole situation well. She’s ignoring it.

Roy Orbisons are parting. They were fun (mostly) normal guests. Did I miss the joke about “split” twice ?

Mathew not wanting to make lunch.

So he pouts all through the tip meeting.

The chefs honestly do not get very much down time. So you can see the frustration.

But Mathew IS over the top. I really wouldn’t want someone making my lunch that is pissed off at me, just saying.

He’s pissed at the crew for some reason ?

Placenta– well he is pissed off so you may actually be eating placenta.

What the EFF is this alphabet thing they are talking about ? I don’t get it. They’re making as much sense as shitfaced Roy Orbison.

Mathew starts talking about a “sex party” at dinner. Is he making this up ?

Now hookers and jerking off. Maybe they could have shut him up without screaming “Shut the fuck up!” We do know how sensitive he is.

Did he just say how nice and “clean” he is ?

Do they not catch he is saying he is “going home”, not going back to the boat.

Packing his knives (I hope he’s just packing them ) and GOING !

It is funny they’re all calling their moms and dads when they’re wasted.

I don’t know that Lexi’s issues are really due to her dad passing away. What was she saying in the taxi that she feels like it’s her fault ? What did he die of ? They never really say, only that it was sudden ? I wonder if it was covid related ?

Lexi is going off about her degree (Thank God only one !) – this is a Bravo thing lately.

She is calling Herself EVIL – NOT a good sign.

I don’t know how shitfaced Courtney knew to put her hands down on the cement when she fell off of Mzi’s back. That chick damned near face planted on the cement and lost some teeth.

We have Mzi injured though – bloody teeth. No one seems concerned

Mzi was the child of the family’s housekeeper, (domestic he said ) that the family adopted when his birth mom passed away when he was three ? Interesting story.

Was dinner $300 each ?

What is Lexi going on about being Satan and “has a life” in a Miami high rise ? Guys this crew should just NOT drink. Do they even realize Mathew flew the coop?

What is the kissing ass argument with Lexi and Lloyd ? Trying to follow David hitting on Malia and Lexi screaming at Lloyd at the same time.

Now they’re all trying to shut her up. Not going well. This chick really is the rebirth of Satan.

Now she is acting like the Malia that I know and don’t love – Katie (somehow) had the issue under control until with Regina Satan George and she showed up telling her to get the fuck off the deck. There was no need for her to go back up there. Why doesn’t Katie point that out ? Sometimes she could use being a little bitchier .

Why is Satan (in her orange hoodie) back in the kitchen ? Is she like on something ? She is acting beyond drunk. What is with the money thing with her ?

she is reminding me of Glenn Close on Fatal Attraction when you thought she was drowned in the bathtub but emerged to try to shoot Michael Douglas.

Now she is assaulting poor Mzi. What is happening ? Is this the meanest person in Below Deck history ever ? (other than Kate Chastain) OF COURSE !!

Whew —- what did you all think of this week’s episode ?

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