Below Deck Med 7/1/24 – Steaks and Stitches

Started recapping and was like 15 minutes in and lost everything. Oh well, I have been trying to condense anyway.

Long story short, Ellie hides in her cabin claiming she’s playing ‘hard to get’ when Bri announced to her she was most likely going for this Joe guy. Did producers tell her to do that? Maybe. She doesn’t really seem like a play hard to get kinda gal but what do I know?

Aesha finds the whole playing hard-to-get notion especially funny. Or was she laughing at his eyebrows?

Imagine Ellie actually thinking she’s hard to get.

The next morning Bri casually announces to Ellie that they hooked up although I don’t think they had sex, just kissed and what not. Bri did have her bikini top off, and then things seemed to have came to a halt.

Ellie gets all in her feelings over it and thinks Bri was being conniving, and she’s kind of turning into someone we haven’t seen of her yet. An entitled mean girl brat, to be honest.

Did Bri break some sort of girl code rule? Maybe, sort of. Remember they’re not really friends, they’re co-workers. They only met a mere few weeks earlier. They were friendly towards each other, but we haven’t seen them in their cabins braiding each other’s hair and talking about their problems.

What I can’t get over is this dude being worth all of this.

Gael still struggling with communicating with her guy that someone needs to get a box of Tampax for, and stat. He’s crying like a bitch that she’s not messaging and calling him 24/7.

Maybe you should make your way to Target for some Midol.

Can’t imagine why she’s losing interest in this fucking pussy boy? Nothing more of a turn-off than a dude having hissy fits over nothing. The more hissy pissy texts he sends her, the more she’s ignoring them. Girl, I get it, and don’t blame ya one single bit.

Jono is wondering if he’s getting fired or not due to several complaints about his food, and Sandy addressing it with him twice.

My thing with him is that it’s not such a huge thing that he’s ‘self-taught’ and didn’t go to culinary school, it’s more his lack of actual experience that’s showing.

To me he’s nothing more, based on what I’ve seen, a mediocre home cook.

He seems to not understand seasonings and what goes where. Not sure why he was using cardamom in a Mexican-style rice.

Also showcasing his inexperience is that fact that he’s using online recipes. That’s fine to use the internet for inspos and templates, but an actual chef would not be following random online recipes to the letter.

Meanwhile Sandy has his replacement all but waiting at the dock. Jono is as good as done. I think he needs a lot more practice and experience before taking on a responsibility like this.

Preference sheet meeting and apparently they’ve done some reality TV. I’ve never heard of any of them. Sandy instructs to not ‘fan-girl’ and Aesha she doesn’t know who the hell they are either.

Relax Sandy. They would probably love people to ‘fan girl’ anyway. You know how reality show ‘stars’ are. They love that shit. Sandy should know that.

They have asked her to do a vow renewal. You know how much she loves this. Anything that puts focus on her.

I’m going to find a way to make this about me…

The ceremony will be a Grecian theme, and they’re also requesting a runway show by the crew.

No chicken, no guests floating away.” And no poop cake Aesha should have added.

We got this.

Gael’s boyfriend’s Mr. ‘OMG you’re ignoring meeeeeeeeeeee!’ has her all stressed out. Yep those types of dudes suck the joy and life right out of you.

Her roomie, Aesha consoles her.

Aesha in her yap, says how selfish this dude must be, because the job is intense and luckily she has a boyfriend that didn’t stop emotionally maturing at age four, (imagine that! I can’t!) so he understands they can only chat here and there.

Bri confronts Ellie asking if everything is okay between them. Seriously? She needs explained to her what Ellie might be miffed about?

Ellie seems to me to be a little confused on the lines between their professional and personal relationships. She shouldn’t be throwing in her face that she has been training her, and she’s above her, when arguing over a fucking guy.

Bri seems legit shocked at what Ellie is telling her, and you would think she should have expected it.

I’m having trouble picking sides here. I know I don’t have to pick sides. I can see both points of view.

I think maybe she is overreacting considering this dude is nothing more than a hook-up. She even refers to him as “a random fucking guy.” She calls Bri a snake.

I ALWAYS get the guy!!!

Bri apologizes and Ellie does not seem accepting of it, although she does say we’re moving on.” She refers to not taking advantage of her position and assures Bri she won’t be making her life miserable over the situation. Taking advantage of her position?

This girl seems to thinks she’s the fucking captain.

As we see later, she does not move on.

Bri talks to Joe, the man of the damned hour and he plays dumb as to his knowledge that Ellie was interested in him.

Is Bri being a little dramatic sleeping in the crew mess? Maybe. Does she really think Ellie is going to cut all her hair off or what?

Joe has her sleep on the floor in their cabin, because he feels bad. She can’t run into their cabin fast enough. That seems to be what she was fishing for.

Aesha’s broken glass and cut thumb from last charter, has now turned into a whole thing since she has glass living in her thumb. I thought Sandy would throw a hissy because she hadn’t reported to her the initial injury.

Remember she went NUTS on Malia that season when she was bosun for a deckie in her crew falling while drunk when they were off duty, and his injury turned into a bigger deal than they thought after a day or two.

The guy nor Malia reported the fall to Sandy and she reamed Malia a new ass about it. I’m not saying I didn’t think it was funny, that ho needed knocked down a peg or two, but it did seem a little excessive. Like why be mad at Malia instead of the kid that fell and didn’t report it? How did she know how hurt he was if he didn’t tell her?

I think that was typical unprofessional Sandy Captain Creepy rearing her ugly head, and letting her personal feelings get in the way of her job. I think she was crushing on Malia and was sexually frustrated.

So anywho that was the long way of saying I’m surprised Sandy didn’t reprimand her for not reporting the injury when it happened. But we know she’s inconsistent as fuck. Had this been Hannah, all hell would have broken loose. I guarantee you that.

So Ellie’s reassurance that she was moving on and wouldn’t let this interfere with their working relationship was totally a bunch of malarky because she has a shit fit because Bri tells Joe to take the box of wine to the sun deck.

Ellie insists she was undermining her instructions, but she was not at all. That was a completely fabricated accusation.

She bitches at her in the laundry room again for telling Joe where to put the wine when he asked her.

Ellie says she’s shocked when Bri speaks up for herself and tells her to knock it off.

Sandy’s doing her lurking and hears Bri complaining to Jono about Ellie’s snarky remarks.

Aesha’s back, with stitches in her thumb, and in time for guests’ arrival. Her first stitches.

Bri fills Aesha in on the where to put the wine drama but doesn’t really go into the source of the issue, unless she’s assuming Aesha knows.

Bri tries to talk to Ellie and it goes nowhere. She’s insisting Bri was ‘telling her what to do’ when she was not. Ellie is obsessing over this second/third stew hierarchy at nauseam. This is why both stews should be on an even ground. They’re fucking maids. It seems so unnecessary to have a first and second toilet scrubber. Sorry.

The guests don’t mention what TV show they have been on. They don’t seem at all pretentious and ‘don’t you know who I AM?’

Jono is preparing sushi for lunch which makes me kind of nervous. He mentions being an architect a lot, I’m noticing.

They loved the sushi. I feel like lunch is his strong suit. Dinner not so much.

Joe struggles again with his Lead Deckhand’ duties. He has Gael telling him what to do during the anchoring. You would think he would have caught onto all of this by now. He seems not very confident.

It’s time for the Grecian vow renewal and it’s actually kind of cute. Marsha is a three-time breast cancer survivor and every time she and her husband take a vacay, they have a vow renewal.

Sandy’s trying to sell us that since she survived kidney cancer (that’s the first time I’ve heard that) that she doesn’t ‘lose sleep over what she used to lose sleep over’ and is grateful for each day, and changed her outlook of life… Whatever Sandy.

What the hell did she USED to lose sleep over?

Is she forgetting this thing called you know, FOOTAGE, of past bizarre and erratic behavior, and definitely getting all bent out of shape multiple times over NOTHING?

What the fuck is wrong with this woman? It must be nice to be so delusional that you really believe whatever random shit comes out of your mouth.

She thinks just because she’s recently made changes to her on-camera behavior that erases all of the unhinged and unfair shit she’s done over the past several seasons?

I notice she’s much nicer to the interior than she has been in the past, and not constantly telling them they suck and comparing them to the deck crew. But I guess she only did that when she didn’t like the chief stew. (Fraser and Hannah) This woman is a joke. I try to be nice, but I have my moments when she says something so utterly fucking asinine that I can’t help myself. Not sorry. I was due for this.

Not to one up you but I had cancer too.

Okay moving on, the wedding is so cute. What a sweet guy he seems to be.

They are not bashful about their kiss. Aesha does not seem too pleased about their PDA. I don’t know if that face was necessary. Old people can make out. She survived breast cancer three fucking times, she can do whatever the hell she pleases, within reason of course.

Old people kissing – NOOOOOOOOOO!!!

What is this red shit Jono puts on the plates? I find it an off putting color. Paprika?? And the steaks, I would have seared them on the stove before putting them in the oven.

Of course the primary chick gets the steak that’s dry. Unless everyone’s was, and they just didn’t want to complain. It doesn’t look overcooked. He shouldn’t have done the entire cooking process in the oven.

His dessert looks much better than the last two. Primary Chick doesn’t want to throw Jono under the bus when Sandy asks how the dinner was. She seems really cool. It’s possible she could’ve just gotten a bad cut. I still don’t like that red shit he puts on the plates.

After dinner, it’s the runway show. Ellie, Queen of Costumes has one she wants to wear. I’m sure it’s slutty. She does realize this is just for fun and not serious? And should be tasteful?

Aesha shades her OF account in her yap. I don’t know what the hell is taking her so long to get this shit on. I also don’t know why Aesha keeps calling for her. Who cares, it’s over. She looks like an idiot. She can’t even walk in the stupid Wal-Mart boots. She looks like fucking hooker.

BIG mistake – HUGE.

The dudes are all looking at her like – you know what they’re thinking. Not sure the dominatrix look was appropriate.

How YOU doin’?????

Bri wants to have a sleepover again. I think she just wants to be in the room with Joe, but at the same time, Ellie is making things really awkward for her with her silent treatment and pissy remarks.

Ellie is annoyed Bri is making her look bad not sleeping in their cabin.

They try to have a chat again, and Bri tells her she has been belittling her.

Ellie freaks out at that being a ‘strong word’ (it’s really not) and doesn’t want to continue listening.

I would say that whole thing about the box of alcohol placement was extremely belittling, telling her she had no right as the third stew to make any decision whatsoever without consulting her, because she was mad over a guy.

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