Below Deck Med 6/3 Premier and 6/10/24 – The Awakening

So sorry, I missed the premier recap! I’ll do a quickie! Everyone loves a quickie!

We’re sailing in Greece! It’s a big fat Greek yachting adventure!

You all know I can’t stand Sandy Captain Sandy so I’ll do my best to not call her a skeevy creeper since she has toned it down. Bravo must’ve said ‘hey stop being a skeevy creeper please, you’re the only woman Captain we can find!

So real quick, I guess I’m glad Aesha is returning. She’s funny but really hard to understand. She also gets a little too excited.

Everyone else is new to me, other than Ellie, who was on a few charters last year to replace someone.

I remember she came on last season maybe to fill in. She likes her costumes, that I recall. I also remember her entering the yacht on her first day dressed like a floozy. I was curious what her going out outfit was going to look like if that’s how she travels.

I see we have another primadonna stew who needs to let us know she comes from a bougie family and went to a private school, and had maids and nannies and someone doing her laundry. Why these girls are deciding to become maids I really do not know. I’m guessing to be a big fish in a little sea, no pun intended.

It’s also pretty disconcerting to hear her say she’s been in yachting for two years but never made it through a season. I thought I heard that wrong the first time. Why would she admit that? And why keep getting fired? Are we learning nothing and showing no improvement? After two years?

Since Sandy Captain Sandy needs to be the center of attention constantly, I see on previews she proposes to her girlfriend on the show. 

Previews also tell me that there’s a lot of boat strife and fighting over boys.

On Ep 1, it’s a crew of British Gen Z’ers probably the first ever on Below Deck group of Z’s. They’re ‘influencers.’ One chick with all guys.

They love their wine and some shit company providing their provisions does not deliver wine.

The rich girl stew is not keeping up, and Aesha doesn’t want to ‘stress her out’ so she keeps telling her she’s doing great. It takes her four hours to press a few items.

Again much like the cocktail making, are these girls not trained? When guests are on board is not the time to learn how to iron and make cocktails.

The kids are up late drinking (not wine) and want some good greasy nachos and grilled cheeses. Yeah I really don’t know why Aesha would have left Ellie to handle this alone. Any idiot could see they were going to be a handful.

So the drink requests, grilled cheeses and nacho making are too much for her, so she tries to awaken Jono, who’s also a primadonna in his own right, and he adamantly refuses to budge. Which of course turns into a whole big thing on Ep 2.

Gael the deckie on late shift, helps her, and they manage some grilled cheeses. It amazes me that these girls seem to have little to no kitchen skills.

Also they’re supposedly bartenders and Ellie had to look up how to make a Mojito. Which is a commonly ordered cocktail. I guess there is zero formal training on how to make the 5 or 6 basic cocktails with these girls? if I were a chief stew I would be going over that immediately. I would say Margs Martinis, Mojitos, Bloody Mary’s, Mismosas Moscow Mules, Manhattans… all should be known how to be made without ‘googling it.’ I just realized all of the main cocktails start with an ‘m’.

I do think the chef was being kind of a prick to not get up and help. He did say the next day he couldn’t go back to sleep anyway, so why not just help a girl out?

I don’t THINK SO!! Don’t you know who I am??

Also to see both sides, between both of those girls, Ellie and Gael, I feel like cocktails and snacks could have been handled by them. If you can’t handle nachos and grilled cheese, that’s kind of sad.

Ellie says she’s aspiring to be a chief stew. In other words, she’ll be a chief stew next season.

6/10 – Episode 2

So what ends up happening, unbelievably while these girls are trying to figure out how to make a grilled cheese and a Mojito, is that these kids end up coming into the kitchen, and going to the bar and making their own food and drinks.

We’d rather fix something than complain.” Well kudos to that. They do say Brits are nice.

What even IS a mojito?

This is so embarrassing. These girls should have been able to handle this. They point out to Ellie how they’re teaching her how to do her job. Which they are.

I might be changing my mind. Last week I Was on Ellie’s side and thinking Jono was being a major asshole, but was he kind of right? Yeah.

Could he have still gotten up to help? Yeah.

Should Ellie have asked him a second time when he already point blank refused? That’s a definite no.

As she brags about her upbringing enabling her to have to ‘figure it out’ this scenario was not an example of that.

If she made her own Barbie Dream House when she was five, she should have been able to make Mojitos, guac, and grilled cheese sandwiches at 25. She just needed to take a breath, make the drinks they requested and let them know she’s unavailable for a bit while she makes the snacks since the chef is in bed.

And what we find out later, is that they had late night snacks listed on their sheets. They were actually better sports than they needed to be.

I feel like I’m talking this to death.

3 am they head to bed. Ellie is up until 6 cleaning up.

Just to sort of touch on both sides, many other chefs, including Ben have gotten up to make late food for the guests. It feels like the whole thing is a little disorganized and this would be something that could be cleared up in advance to get ahead of the issue, but whatever. We do have a TV show to do.

I don’t know why Sandy immediately goes all in defending the chef before she even knows the details and says yeah that’s not going to happen” when she gets filled in by Jono’s roomie, Iain.

My understanding is that she’s getting called out for being a hypocrite and not being consistent because in the past she has supported waking the chef. My theory is that since she was so mean and nasty to Fraser, a gay man (I think she was put off by him) in a previous charter, and has a history for siding with (and creeping on) the cute blonde stews, she overcompensated and went too hard against Ellie, taking Jono’s side. It’s a stretch but it makes sense to me.

Still no wine on the horizon.

Speaking of wine, Jono bitches up a storm to Aesha about Ellie waking him up to prepare snacks, and she points out they had late night munchies on their preference sheet. So THERE!!! BOOM!!!

He gets a deer in headlights look. You would think he would be remorseful, but he’s really not.

Can we not mention that part again?

Also if Aesha was aware of this, why did she not make sure that was squared away before she went to bed leaving Ellie all alone. There was a lot of ball dropping actually. I feel like reading and comprehending the preference sheets have been a bit of a challenge lately across the board with several chefs.

And we’re still talking about this.

Sandy approaches Jono about the wake-up incident and you would think he would have acknowledged that he overlooked making sure snacks were prepared before going to bed. But, he doesn’t. Sandy tells him going forward, make paninis, throw them in the fridge and the stews just have to cook or reheat.

This dude even goes so far as to piss and moan that he couldn’t fall back to sleep due to ‘anxiety.’

What a fucking ass.

Why are these dip shits obsessed with Rose’? Like there’s champagne and every liquor available, and these stupid dudes are crying about Rose.’ Would you like a tampon to go with your Rose’?

Aesha addresses ‘the awakening’ with Ellie and one would think she would be on her side, no question, since she knows it was part of their preference sheet. To me, that gives her every right to have awakened him for not doing his fucking job. I keep going back and forth, I know.

We dont wake the chef and we don’t speak to the guests.

Sandy has the idea to ask a nearby anchored ship if they can buy some Rose from them.

Is this real I wonder?? She should have sent the girls to do this, like Gael and Ellie perhaps instead of these stupid smelly boys. The girls probably could have gotten it for free. Have Ellie throw on one of her slutty outfits.

Next time send some hot girls.

So now it’s tense between Ellie and Jono, so we’ll see where this goes.

Bri has misplaced the guests’ clothing. She goes to her cabin and has a moment.

I just can’t wrap my head around these guests that are on these charters for a mere 48 hours or less, why they even have to have laundry done? I realize these people are probably doing other traveling, I assume before and/or after they leave these yachts, so I don’t think it’s the stews responsibilities to take care of a weeks’ worth of their laundry.

All they should really be having to do is pressing things they’re wearing on the charter that gets wrinkled in their suitcases. If they’re not wearing it on the charter it’s not the boat’s job to do their fucking laundry. So there !! These girls have enough to do and they’re not these peoples’ personal assistants.

Aaaaand we’re docking. Aaaaand you know what that means. Lotsa nail-biting tension and drama. Joe the lead deckhand doesn’t know what distances he’s to be calling.

There is some sort of rope drama.

No worries, it’s the very dramatic docking!

Joe has some excuse for fucking up the rope thing, and Nathan calls him out for being full of shit. I have no idea what he was even saying the problem was.

Tip meeting and Sandy reprimands Ellie in front of everyone, which she should not have done, over the chef awakening. And the way she says it is so ick, thirty seconds after she praises Aesha for her kindness.

It is getting kind of annoying, this clutching our pearls and “oh no you NEVER wake the CHEF!!” I know his job is important, but he’s not saving lives. It’s not that big of a deal.

They were asking for like three of four things initially and there was no way Ellie could prepare all of that. And since when is ‘never wake the chef’ a rule? I think it’s a case by case situation. Many a Below Deck chef has been awakened to prepare food when guests get drunk munchies.

And why isn’t Jono getting told about not reading the stupid fucking preference sheets?? This is pissing me off.

I just made up a new rule today to never EVER wake the chef.
I made up a new rule for the chef to follow the preference sheet.

Jono taunts her as they’re walking away, “just know not to wake me up EVER again.” He then feels like it came out kind of harshly, possibly, then follows it up with “I am empathetic that you were under a crazy situation.”

I feel like Ellie is being set up to have a meltdown. Which she does, but quickly seems to get over it.


Dinner is on a roof top over looking the town, under the setting sun.

None of the crew are American, which means there should be so much less drama, but doesn’t seem like that’s going to be the case.

Gael shares with Aesha that this boyfriend she’s been bragging about is kind of a long shot for it working out. Nathan is very interested in what is being said.

No one is blacked-out so that’s different.

Gael gets flirty with Nathan. They decide to meet where there are no cameras, to canoodle I assume. Sorry Boyfriend, you snooze you lose.

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