We’re picking up after Jason said “replace me” when Storm told him his attitude sucks. Whatever, he’s a strange kind of dude. He needs to do some sort of self-employed, be his own boss kind of thing, from home, where he only interacts on a computer.

He doesn’t like to take orders, he thinks it’s a sign of weakness to have to ‘obey’ in a job setting. He doesn’t know how to interact with other humans, and CANNOT be part of a team.

Trash and her revelation, I’ve always had a BF since 15…” which isn’t really a revelation. She screams this personality type. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out she’s one of those, and will get serious in two seconds with every fucking guy that says hello to her. Whether she likes him or not. Dave is probably the classic example, of a dude, that she had no interest in, that just happened to be there when the BF, turned ex BF, now BF again, was getting on her nerves. And we see why he was getting on her nerves.

Most of them are probably disturbed and toxic, which is why they never last. So she’s going to start cozying up to Dave again.

Not sure why she’s not blocking that freak, after her chat with Sandy. She can’t concentrate on her job while getting berated via text, and responding all day long. All day long, he never stops.

Storm speaks with Sandy and fills her in about Jason. He’s so weird – no one told you him “change his personality.” That’s not like possible. (although he does need to.) What he was trying to say is, when you work in a team type environment, you have to be a team player. He’s so arrogant, he couldn’t even see that. Sandy tells him, “when you have personality conflicts, it’s not necessarily you, it’s just a conflict …”

I’m sure you’re delightful, but no one can stand you

No sandy you haven’t interacted with this weirdo. It’s him. He sorta looks to me like he’s regretting his decision and knows it’s him. He would never admit that. Who cares, he needs to go. He’s annoying.

I’m sure the producers picked up on this being his mindset, and knew he wouldn’t last. He’s staying for the next charter. He’s a moron.

Storm needs to stop worrying about Nat, and concentrate on his job. Tash needs to stop worrying about that deranged wacko.

Mzi has a cute moment with one of the guests. The cutest guest. He gets all flustered.

Please let me know if there’s anything you need, ANY – THING.

Jason says “that’s what I’m here for” when responding to Storm thanking them for their task completion.

All of a sudden, this is what he’s here for, he wants to interact like a decent human being now.

Lead deckhand drama will be unfolding. I think Storm is just afraid to appoint Mzi since they’re friends, even though he’s the obvious choice. So he chooses Courtney who has lesser experience. Okay. Makes perfect sense.

Why is Nat hanging and unpacking guests’ clothes, when they’re here for one night? Seems like a waste of time when they’re always bitching they don’t have enough time. Doesn’t even make sense when it’s two nights. I wouldn’t want some stranger digging through my suitcase, is my personal opinion

Of course they have someone waiting in the wings to replace Jason, since his demise was predicted.

Guests requested surf n turf when some of them don’t eat meat, and three of them don’t like lobster. Okay I am totally with Dave. That makes no sense. The ‘surf’ is typically lobster. Whatever. I know it can be replaced, but still weird collective request.

It was probably the primary that requested it. Other than a little food pickiness, seems like another batch of really down to earth and respectful guests.

There is a Maltese performer, that I think they said one of the guests knows, (or did I make that up?) Destiny, who arrives with a lot of heavy equipment.

I know they don’t air every second, but didn’t seem like Tash even offered her a drink or anything.

Not sure why Tash starts yammering about being a majorette in her yap, when talking about Destiny. She somehow manages to make it about her. She seems so into herself. Really into herself. Her yaps are so annoying, the way she talks so slow, and lovingly about herself.

So there gets to be dinner confusion. The convo between Dave and Kyle is what starts the misunderstanding. Kyle misunderstood what he said, and I didn’t quite catch the whole thing, because of his accent. But apparently he wasn’t supposed to ask if they wanted steak OR sea bass. I thought the sea bass was just for the vegetarian chick? They all request the sea bass being unaware there was already scallops coming.

They immediately complain since they requested surf AND turf, not surf OR turf, and say they want the sea bass and steak. Sounds like the hot chick is the only vegetarian.

So here’s my two cents that I know you’re dying for. When Kyle explained it wrong to the guests, and Dave said they were getting scallops as their surf, I think if he should have gone up and explained it, that they were getting scallops. I think they would have been fine.

This probably should have been conveyed by Tash actually. She would have understood what he meant. Or if he didn’t make sense how he explained it, she would have asked to make sure there was meat and seafood for everyone that wanted it. Actually Kyle should have realized that didn’t make sense.

Also it looks bad on Dave, the way Kyle presented it, that he doesn’t understand what a surf n turf dinner is, when of course he does. I guess he was supposed to ask if they wanted scallops OR sea bass?

I’m not sure, I listened to the way he phrased it twice, and I wasn’t catching it. These Australian, English and South African accents, while I do love them, it’s hard to catch the little in between words when they’re talking fast. They need to do subtitles more.

Dave rushes to cook the sea bass. That seems like a lot to me, steak, scallops AND a hunk of sea bass. I wouldn’t eat all of that at one sitting.

Destiny, the performer looks a little antsy waiting for them, since Kyle promised them a third course. Finally they arrive on the deck, and she is really amazing!!

So does she just do the one song, or is that all they aired?? Because that was a lot of heavy shit to lug around for one song. The sound guy looks cranky. Guess he’s thinking that too.

Nat is bitching about Kyle not helping lug the sound equipment off of the boat. There was some Twitter bitchers saying she was being a baby about it.

But they do just show Kyle pouring shots, and Tash is leisurely wiping the counter. I feel like he could have offered, being a big six foot something guy, instead of teeny tiny Nat having to do it. If he knew they was shit to lug, yes he could have at least offered. Why would it not occur to him to offer?

His main priority are “the actual guests” Kyle says. But the entertainment was for the guests, so helping them with the heavy equipment being carried back off of the boat was actually FOR the guests.

These ladies are super low key, so if their drinks were delayed a few minutes and he apologizes

he was helping Destiny, pretty sure that would have been fine. Not to mention they requested shots that takes two minutes. Tash has to, of course make her elaborate cocktails, whether they want them or not.

Guests are doing yoga and ask when they’re eating, as they’re doing yoga.

Jason is following instructions like a champ now with zero lipping off. He knows he fucked up and has been a pain in the ass. Otherwise why the sudden thaw?? Storm is interacting with him the same, so do the math.

Nat gets pissy with Kyle. Whatever I don’t blame her. She’s pissed he’s lazy, and is getting special treatment. Kyle can be pissy in his own rite so he can quit whining to Dave about it.

Now Jason offers to take a couple hours of anchor watch off of Storm’s plate since they’re staying there and not docking. All of a sudden he wants to be Mr. Congeniality. Dork.

This selfish bastard continues to harass Tash, and I she doesn’t know how to work the ‘block’ feature on her phone, it seems.

I’m willing to try not to stab you in the eyeballs, ‘soul mate.’

She runs off crying. It’s honestly hard to feel sorry for her. She HAD to know what this dude was like, and this would most likely be the scenario, when she decided to reconcile from the boat.

Kyle runs after her. He does give her good advice and tells her she needs to focus on her job, and not this horseshit, since Sandy is watching her now.

Crew dinner out. Loser Jason stays back for anchor watch. Guess Storm took him up on his offer. I didn’t understand what he said to Jason when he offered. Accents. Wasn’t there an episode when Bugsy was chief stew, that the one stew complained she couldn’t understand her on her radio. That would be me.

They start discussing lead deak hand and Courtney assumes it’s going to be Mzi, (it should have) and asks if the promotion has already been made.

I think this is what prompts Storm to just tell them now, and get it over with. I don’t think it was a huge deal he pulled them aside at dinner. He still did it away from the crew, and it’s not like anyone was shitfaced yet at this point. Not to mention the lead deckhand thing is sort of trivial anyway.

Nat calls him dramatic as she starts a rant at the table “now is not the time nor place…”

Mzi totally thinks it’s going to be him. He’s annoyed but he’s Mzi so he’s just sucking it up.

Wait, come again

It seems like they always want to make the girls the Leads for some reason. If the girl happens to be the more experienced, and better at her job, then fine. But don’t just pick the girl, to pick the girl. Ya know?? Kind of like – well never mind. I, myself would not want a job or promotion to fill some sort of girl quota.

Mzi reassures him there’s no hard feelings, but in his yap, he shares it’s disappointing and unexpected as he swallows a huge lump in his throat.

He tells Nat he had the convo and she starts bitching at him for doing this during their night out.

Not at dinner you ninkempoop

She of course takes her criticism rant too far, and what does she even care anyway. Is she a deck hand?

Mzi still would have been disappointed either way.

He leaves the table mumbling under his breath. Honestly, they’re both super dramatic and this is not a good fit, and as with any and every boatmance, they’re of course not together anymore

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