Below Deck Finale 3/20/23

You all know how much I hate to say that I was right, but didn’t I say last week when Fraser was afraid of these muscle heads, that I bet they turn out to be super nice and easy going?

Well —- ?? Look who was right, again.

The guest of honor is the most winningest body builder champ in the history of body building. Tony is stoked to have such a legend on board he says.

By the way, the Dominican trip did actually happen with Ben and Camille. I saw a pic on a chat group. I gotta say, when it seemed like she was giving him this run around on this episode, I thought she was going to bail for sure.

I can’t even stand to listen to Katie talk about Ross. It’s all she talks about. It’s excruciating. Nothing is appealing about this man at all.

Camille tells Ben via text that “she doesn’t text people.”

Jesus Christ. This chick has such an elevated opinion of herself. And I find it hard to believe that she doesn’t ‘text people.’ If I were Ben I would be so insulted by that. Like he’s just ‘people’ to her? Not to mention, what a conceited thing to say.

Right there he should’ve ditched her, and took super sweet and super horny Leigh-Ann on the trip.

Fine, then I’ll take this other trick to the beach.

Fraser comments how they’re not used to such kind lovely guests.

Yes, I guess they have had some really annoying assholes this season.

Rachel serves fucking wings for lunch? When I first saw them, I assumed they were requested.

They complain that they’re dry. So it’s bad enough that they’re wings, on a bougie yacht, but they’re also dry ass wings. Fraser delivers the news to Rachel. She does not care, she’s over the yacht chef thing, she’s over the Bravo thing, she’s over the mind games, she’s just fucking over it.

Don’t give two fucks – must be Fraser’s fault.

Ben worries over Camille’s dismissive messages. She just wanted to be an arrogant miserable bitch on this particular day, Ben. Why are you shocked?

The crew continues to be extremely interested in Fraser and Tyler’s gayness, and when they knew they were gay, how/when they told their parents, etc etc. These questions seems like so 50 years ago. I wouldn’t even think to ask a gay person these questions, unless they brought it up. It seems like such an invasion of privacy. I hate when people ask me nosy questions, that I don’t know that well, which is why I don’t do it to others.

It seems to uncomfortable to even watch, however, they do seem happy to share.

Tyler wants to come clean to his extremely conservative and religious mum about his sexuality. Hayley pushes him to call her.

Ross seems so bashful when it comes to anything athletic, or showing his body. I guess because he’s kind of mushy. You would think an admitted sex addict would have more confidence and want to walk around in a speedo.

No wonder the loser was so put off by Tony getting up at 4 am to work out every morning. Probably a tad envious of his discipline, and also his physique. What’s Ross disciplined about? Yeah we know what.

Captain Lee is such a sweetie pie this season. He’s smiling more, he’s cracking more jokes. Love it. Not barking at people, barely. There was a sec of RAH! when Ben missed the rope throw, but that’s been about it. Also love that Captain Creepazoid is gone. I wouldn’t even care if he was cranky.

Tony, the former fire twirler dude claims that he’s not a showman, like Ben. I beg to differ on that one. He seemed like a showman to me when he was displaying his skills several charters ago.

Bun & Guns competition is goin down…

Nope, not a showman at all!

And the winners are –

Third -Katie – she seems disappointed.

Second – Tony

First – Ross. Ross?? Was the goal the least muscle mass?? NO guns? Pity vote? They love his hair?

So confused.

Well I do have the best hair!

Tony got robbed. And what about Hayley? If it was BUNS & guns, like she said, she’s got the buns!

Winners should have been Tony 1st, Hayley 2nd, Katie 3rd. Maybe honorable mention for Ben.

Kind of happy about him not placing. Not a Ben fan.

Leigh-Ann just doesn’t stop shamelessly throwing herself at Ben. This girl is practically drooling. Other than that, I do like her. She seems really sweet and very hardworking. The stew jobs seem so effortless for her and Tyler. Ben reassures her that he and Camille “aren’t dating.” True, it’s hard to go on actual dates, when he’s in the middle of the ocean, and she’s in the Mississippi.

Well then fuck me already!

The body builders get ready to leave, as Fraser continues to sing their praises for being such lovely people. I love how the Brits say ‘lovely.’ I’m going to start saying lovely more.

Back to the guests’ very calm, relaxed demeanor, do I have any Legally Blonde fans out there?

Exercise causes endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people don’t go around shooting their husbands.”

Nor do they harass crew staff on a super yacht while on vacay, and demand random shit. (LaQueef, who we know doesn’t work out) They know better. They’re not all uptight and feel the need to take their frustrations out on innocent people.

The birthday boy, and body building champ seems very grateful for being brought on this trip. They also leave an excellent tip even though it was a one nighter.

Tyler calls his mom and I’m glad she couldn’t talk. I don’t know, I just feel like this is private and I didn’t feel the need to hear it. I wonder if Producers were egging him on to do this?

For some reason Fraser is going hard for Ben going for Leigh-Ann.

The crew has dinner at the most lovely outdoor water front setting See I told you I was going to say lovely! Good news, Leigh-Ann finally gets to put her tongue into Ben’s mouth. (her words)

Fucking finally !! Camille who??

Ross is acting like a fucking tard as usual.

Ben and Leigh-Ann are in the hot tub and I guess he was under the impression the others were joining. Leigh-Ann doesn’t seem disappointed that they were left alone.

They do end up in a cabin together overnight but claim that “nothing happened.” I’m not sure I’m buying it. I think there was some ass covering going on.

Net day, and everyone begins to depart. Leigh-Ann pulls Ben aside for a last ditch effort to lure him in.

I don’t get the obsession with Ben, at all. These girls have bad taste in dudes. Ross and Ben? Really??

It’s been so relaxed without Sandy Captain Sandy and her fucking mind games. Everyone that is crediting her for getting this crew in ‘ship-shape’ was not seeing the fact that she was causing most of the strife and tension (aside from the Camille and Alissa issues) that she then credited herself for rectifying. I don’t know how people are not seeing that, but whatever. Bravo ditching the reunion is quite disappointing. And their reasoning makes zero sense. That’s what leads me to believe it’s to cover for Captain Pervy.

Did you see Tyler and Hayley were on WWHL Monday, and said they were fans of the show, and didn’t realize they had to actually do the work? They thought it was all staged, and others were doing it? Did they really think that? I at first thought they were joking, but I don’t think they were.

Ben says that he is so “head over heels” for Camille, that he’s known for two weeks.

Katie and Ross say good-bye. Glad to see she did finally come to the realization that he just wasn’t that into her. Aside from fucking her.

Rachel shares that she is totally taking a break from this shit. She needs to. She needs to recover from Sandy Captain Sandy creeping her out and making a fucking fool out of her

Which I expect her to not admit to anytime soon. Maybe she’ll feel like she needs some attention in like 5 – 10 years, and decides to speak out about it, and how her creepiness has traumatized her.

I think I did capture the ‘aha’ moment on the show when Sandy was ranting and making no fucking sense, and it sunk in for Rachel on the 2/6 episode.

Wow it’s really wasn’t Fraser’s fault…

Now here’s where it gets a little sad, and kind of poignant, since we know Lee (yes I called him Lee) retires after this charter. I would have like to see him back for one more season, on one condition: in THIS super chill mood he’s been in.

The Stud of the Sea is checking OUT!!

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