Below Deck 12/12/22

So the missing cooler saga continues from last week. “I don’t know where they are, I’m not gonna do my job.” Alissa mimics Camille, and does it quite well. That was basically her response. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the cooler is kind of important, especially when she just announced she had “the cutlery and plates.” What do you need cutlery and plates for if you don’t have coolers carrying the food and beverages?? even if it was just the beverages, you’re going to feed the guests but not provide water or drinks??

The tude continues at the beach picnic when Camille refuses to do ANYTHING because she’s “not on service” when asked to merely pour wine by Alissa, while she tends to the food. Even though deckhands do frequently assist with service, and it’s not a big deal. This girl just wants to be difficult for the sake of being difficult. She’s literally not even doing ANYTHING but standing there.

yeah not pouring wine when I’m here pretending to help the deck crew

Rachel chimes in and informs her that “we’re all on service technically.” Like wtf deckhand type thing would there be to do, once the guests are brought to the beach, to eat and drink? Like bitch if you’re not gonna help just fucking leave. Guess she didn’t care that Rachel, the chef, not her boss, but pretty sure a pay grade or two or three or four, above her, also confirmed she should be helping to serve the guests.

Katie and Ross canoodle on the tender. I guess they’re official now? Officially fucking around and boatmancing, that is. The Bosun and the deckhand. What can go wrong here? Gary and Sidney on Sailing Yacht, Malia and I forget his name, currently coming to mind.

I think Rachel is entirely in the right and justified, even though it does seem a little bit snitchy. I usually disagree with that, but I’m allowing it. Fraser wasn’t there and needs told. The last time Alissa tried to go to him with her attitude, he brushed it off. I can see maybe just thinking it was the two of them maybe not hitting it off or whatever. But maybe he should have considered that it was justified, and handled it better.

Not tryin to do your job, but get that persnickety twerp in check

The beach picnic is getting wrapped up. Camille continues to stand there doing absolutely nothing. Fraser gives instructions on radio for Camille to stay and pack up. Not sure if that’s supposed to be punishment or not. It would have been an actual punishment, and funny, if he made her pack up herself. Guess that’s not logical. He’s not in charge of the deck crew.

Captain Lee is not getting around well at all, and shares that he feels he’s getting worse, not better. I don’t get how he got clearance from his doctor to Captain a yacht in this kind of shape. What the hell do I know though?

Katie seems to think Ross is not a fuck boy and is “super genuine.” Yeah okay.

Camille complains to Hayley about having to work. Hayley actually seems so far, pretty drama free, however NOT exactly boring, and is here to do her job. Imagine that. She admits she likes sitting back and watching all of the drama unfold.

Camille is going to go talk to Fraser about her concerns working with Alissa. That should be interesting, given what the was told about her from Rachel. I think it’s important that he lets her know the info didn’t come from Alissa, because I can see her being even more pissy if she thinks Alissa snitched on her.

Captain joins the docs for dinner. Alissa flirts with Ross. She is way too giddy around him. He is totally reminding me of Gary on Sailing Yacht.

Speaking of flirting, Captain is a little more flirty with this group than he usually is with the ladies on the boat who try to chat him up. Something about doctors must get him going a little? Or maybe it’s the pain meds?

I’m assuming he’s allowed to take something for his pain? As long as he got them approved.? Assuming Captains have to go the same route as the rest of the staff. We all remember Hannah, and the weed pen and anti anxiety medication that Malia snitched on her about.

That was snitching that was just inexcusable and ridiculous, and have had a bad taste in my mouth about Malia ever since. She did try to redeem herself on her last appearance last season, by overcompensating, and being overly nice and sweet. But too late.

Rachel is making a special course from each of their preference sheets. Fraser and Rachel seem to be working really well together and hitting it off. They’re both overall easy going, with a great sense of humor. Nice to see a Chief Stew, and chef not at each other’s throats, joking around, and working as an actual team.

The ladies are enjoying their specially dedicated entrees.

Camille cries to Fraser that she’s tired and wants to go to bed. Not sure. Needed subtitles with that convo. Fraser tells her okay, then complains in his yap about it. Dude step it up. You are the boss!! No she does not care nor comprehend teamwork. Just like refusing to fucking pour wine earlier when she was literally standing there doing NOTHING ~! and pouring wine? Not very strenuous.

Fraser speaks to Ross about the docking that Camille needed to be rested for. I think Ross is agreeing with him that she’s lazy. There were subtitles since they were mumbling, but not sure I was following the convo.

Camille seems to acknowledge that Fraser was annoyed with her request. Did she kind of have a point though? I hate to say it. It is going on 1 am and she has to be on deck at 7. That’s only 6 hrs of sleep.

The docs all seem to be getting along now after the wig lifting kerfluffle their first night.

Next morning. Camille enters the deck and there is literally nothing for her to do. She’s totally cool with that.

Lee confides to Rachel about his issues with his leg. He is for sure gearing up to leave the boat.

Camille – well still doing nothing. I take back my defense of her asking to turn in earlier.

She is just not the right personality and correct work ethic type for this dual deckie/stew position. It requires someone energetic, and someone that likes to be busy. Not a lazy “petty little bitch.” Kathryn from Southern Charm shout out there.

Camille check in – still nothing as rest of crew is running around getting her docked. Good thing she got rested for this. She’s ‘watching fenders.’

Lee is cursing and barking into the radio. Apparently things aren’t going well. The rope snaps. That can’t be good. But she gets docked.

The guests depart. Not before adoring Lee’s waist with a hot pink fanny pack, full of cash.

At the tip meeting, Lee asks for any commentary and Camille who really has no clue what a shitty worker she is, she really doesn’t, speaks up and wants clarified her deck/stew position. And complains that she “goes everywhere.” Lee tells her that is not going to change. I don’t know what she was expecting to hear. He doesn’t want bothered with her whining. Why would she bring this petty shit up to him?

Fraser calls a meeting with her and Ross. Fraser is pissed she told Captain she’s confused about her role.

I’m not sure what that so called meeting accomplished. They just told her if she’s not sure what she’s to be doing, just like, I don’t know, ASK. They awkwardly repeated the word ‘communication’ eight times and that was that. Not productive, and Fraser nor Ross alerted of her of what a shitty job she does.

Ross shares in his yap she’s like a cute puppy on deck. Good to look at, not helpful. So why don’t they just relieve her of the deckhand duties? Wouldn’t that solve a lot? It would alleviate all of her ‘confusion.’ Therefore a lot of pissing and moaning, about all of her bosses, and some of the contention with her and Alissa. Some of it. She would still suck at her job.

Lee calls someone he addresses as ‘Captain’ so we don’t know who. Ross wants to name Ben as Lead Deckhand which usually just causes problems and jealousy. Maybe with this crew it won’t though. Ben does seem like the obvious choice.

With Ross, I can see more with him why the girls would be into him over Gary from SY. Alissa strokes his hair on the van. Oh my God, stop. Katie is in the other van thinking this is her man.

Hayley, Katie and Alissa discuss him. Hayley asks Katie if she likes Ross. She answers “like, like- like him?” She seems to not want to divulge the deets. Alissa admits to flirting with him. Katie looks pissed. She needs to stake her claim.

I’m going to stab this ho if she keeps flirting with MY man!

Whoever he flirts with, is the answer” is Hayley’s remedy to the triangle situation. Okay so she’s calling this thing. Let the games begin! Neither of them know that they’ve been making out here and there. Alissa liked Ben a few episodes ago. Now she’s into Ross.

Camille sits on Ben’s lap and they make out at the table. They continue to awkwardly make out in the van on the way to the club. Where I assume the ladies will be fighting over Ross.

Katie gives Ross the green light with Alissa. Which is one of those things that girls say and they do not mean. She wants him to say that he’s into her. He sort of does. “Katie I’m most attracted to you.” Okay well, that settles that, NOT. He didn’t say he wasn’t into Alissa.

Translation: You BETTER not go for Alissa now since you kissed ME!!

Katie professes in her yap that just because they kissed doesn’t make him belong to her. She doesn’t mean any of this. It’s starting to get a little weird with these three. Ross is of course, of course enjoying this.

Alissa keeps lurking around as Katie and Ross try to talk and get cozy. It’s coming off a little desperate.

Katie confirms what I said, since I do know it all, just like Bethenney, that she didn’t mean any of the “Oh whatever it’s cool – no pressure” shit she was saying, and scolds Ross for telling Alissa that they are ‘nothing.’

Thought she just said a kiss doesn’t mean she owns him. Katie storms out of the hot tub area and down to her cabin.

She’s not mad at all, right? ?Thought she just told him to go ahead and go for Alissa, she’s not holding him back? Why do girls say shit they don’t mean? It’s our own fault.

Ross also didn’t mean it when he told Katie he was more attracted to her. He’s really not that finicky. He just wants laid. Like most dudes do.

Alissa and Ross start to make out in the hot tub. For someone who said she wasn’t that forward a few eps ago, when Camille totally went for Ben, she is being kind of brazen.

Now they make out, while standing, outside of the hot tub. Things are gonna be a little tense on deck tomorrow morning, no?

He comes inside to the bar area where Katie is, and has the fucking balls to ask her to get him a beer. She tells him to get his own beer.

Hayley divulges, and I’m glad she does, that he was just making out with Alissa. Katie grabs the beer from him.

Hayley gives him some advice to stop playing these two. He enters Katie and Camille’s room and just shrugs his shoulders when Camille calls him a player. He’s drunk. He doesn’t care. He thinks this is cute. He reminds me of someone. Other than Gary on SY. Someone else in real life.

Fras and Ross discuss in their cabin what’s looking like, sort of sex addition issue with Ross.

His issues totally surpass Gary’s. He puts Gary to fucking shame. Sorry to keep making the comparison. Gary is just a bad boy fuck boy that has chicks throwing themselves at him.

Ross is a certified sex addict. He shares in his yap what actually explains a lot, about what we’re already seeing so far. This is going to get interesting.

I think that he and Trashley from last season’s Sailing Yacht should get together. What would that be like? Can you picture it ? Not literally picture it. But you know what I mean.

He shares that was a part of some sort of polyamorous group in Bali where everyone just fucks around with whomever. These two girls really want mixed up with this? They’re going to get an STD just kissing him. He tells Fraser he’s fucked over 1000 chicks. Complains about this dry spell he’s on and “there are solutions and he’ll probably use them.” The solutions being Alissa and Katie of course. He’s gross.

Lee calls a pow wow and tells the crew that he’s leaving.

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