Schwartz and Katie are working out in their house, and Schwartz is crying about having to work out with his wife, and not Sandoval…
Judgey remarks: Katie needs to up the speed a little, or a lot, (is it even on ???) and Schwartz with his two pound weights ??? Is this really working out ?
(the work-out, not the marriage.)
Do James and Raquel really NEED an engagement party, when a FORTUNE was spent on the actual engagement event ????
I cannot stand that dress Raquel is wearing in her confessionals – and I like pink girly frilly things – something about it is just goofy looking. Looks like something a little girl would wear to pay dress up. Or looks like the colonial dress I wore when I was little (really really little), that my mom made, for the Bicentennial.
Raquel’s sister is visiting, and James shows a little of his controlling behavior in her presence, over her proposed bachelor party. She disapproves to Raquel. Raquel makes excuses for him.
Lala’s assistant is now on the payroll. And has sent up a mani pedi thing at Lala’s and Randall’s. Brock and Scheana are also invited. The boys are tasting scotch, and Brock admits that he is not really a scotch drinker. Lala tells Scheana she hired an assistant, and Scheana wants to know what for ? going to be handling the social media for her lip sticks. Ya know, because she’s so busy constantly handing her baby off to the night and day nurse all day.
Ok so we have ANOTHER excruciating proposal combined with the ACTUAL nuptials with Brock and Scheana. How is Scheana going to feel about this ? We know how, let’s say fussy, she is about her outifts, etc… ??
Ariana and Sandy are gardening, or pretending to be gardening. Katie visits. They reminisce about the “lawn doctor” aka Jax Taylor. Sandy is keeping himself busy by gardening, he says. Don’t they have like a bar to run ?????
Ariana and Katie discuss the ‘sandwich shop’ So valid question, because I have never even seen either of them in the kitchen? Preparing food or “sandwiches.” or anything edible really. Cocktails maybe. Doesn’t opening a sandwich shop require some sort of interest in like, Making. Sandwiches ?
Guess they’re just going to hire people to do the creative work and slap their name on it ? (“Schwartz and Ari’s”???) Katie seems more interested in the establishment being similar to Nancy Myers movies, (The Intern, What Women Want, Father of the Bride, Something’s Gotta Give…) than the actual sandwiches. i heard not one sandwich being mentioned. Are they going to feature Charly’s PB&J???? Maybe it’s just going to be a bunch of big screens playing Nancy Myers movies, and sandwiches in a vending machine, Okay I’m tired of saying ‘sandwiches!’
Were there sandwich shops in all of these movies ? okay im seriously done now.
Lala is holding her hungry baby, and is handing her off to the women “who help raise her?” yes she said that. I NEED TO KNOW — if she still has the day/night nurses/other moms caring for Ocean 24/7 now that she lost her cash cow. (yes i know she’s receiving child support …. i know !!)
Lala doesn’t have time to care for her baby, but can sit and tell James he is too controlling ? I thought GG on Shahs was bad with the handoff.
Lala calls herself “just shy of a wife …” Lala seems to think Scheana will be digging this surprise. She, Randlall and Brock are meeting in her “just shy of an office…” to discuss this. lala is weird.
The assistants will be helping to plan this engagement slash wedding thing????
James says he thought Raquel likes it when he decides stuff for her ??? she says yeah, no I hate that the most, out of all of the annoying things you do…” (sort of)
Brock approaches James about controlling comments to Raquel. Not sure why Brock was the chosen one to address this. If you missed the show, you might know already know this went over …
Sandy is coming to get his make-up done with Lala for her make-up thing. No one is surprised by this, I’m sure.
Charli and Scheana meet for breakfast. I feel like this is going to be boring. Yes Charly we were ALL bored with that same tired conversation of the dude that got a little too touchy, you told to take a hike, and he did. But were mad no one else also told him to take a hike. Yes it was boring. I must have ESPN.
Scheana was told that Brock was going to have this ‘surprise’ throw together wedding for her, but it fell through, now he’s telling her she deserves better ? But seems like it fell through, because Brock didn’t pay the piper. thought she deserved better??? AKA thought others would pay for it. He had nothing whatsoever planned other than a venue, that ‘fell through’, but this event was supposed to take place in two days??? Also it didn’t seem at all like a surprise. She has a dress!!! I’m confused. KIND of looks like he wants to fast track this wedding for citizenship, doesn’t it ?
The troops are all rounded up for James’ See You Next Tuesday thing to promote “Give Them Lala” crap. A Tweeter said it was just wholesale make-up. packaged with her name on it. Doesn’t sound like a lot of work to me ???
Lala talks about how hard she is working, to work the room… and suggest lip gloss colors. This seems exhausting. Hope she took a nap.
Good thing she has an assistant and two nannys, and doesn’t need to do shit.
Schwartz seems lost and confused tonight . He tries to help the bartenders with zesting at the event…
Little Crossover two second scene with GG and Reza, who are attendees at the party !!!!
How exciting is that??? But Did you guys see GG’s snarky insta comment telling Lala to stop trashing Randall on SM constantly??? – ‘this is the father of your child, and you chose to ignore red flags — so shut it !!!!’ I’m paraphrasing, but here is the link:
Brock continues to complain about the cost of this surprise engagement/wedding. Not sure what he was expecting. This is L Freaking A dude. What the hell did you think a wedding venue was going to cost ?
Now we’re seriously – talking —about the Penis straws again, and James’ control thing again. i don’t think i’ve ever heard “penis straws” 42 times in an hour ever before. i don’t think I’ve ever seen a penis straw!!! Now I’m curious!
The girls convene about these ridiculous foot pix – Ariana thinks Lisa is the one buying them. And ‘toe and behold’— (good one right ???) she is!!! … Lisa has several foot metaphors at her disposal, (but that one was mine thank you very much !!) that she rolls out in regards to the support of the foot pix.
Guess she was just trying to give them a leg up ! (that’s the last one I promise!)
Now Lala and James talk about the control issue – so we’ve had every pair- up imaginable tonight, discussing the cock/penis straws and whether or not Raquel will be allowed to have a bachelorette party, complete with what ?????? yes — penis straws!!!!!!!
If i were Raquel i would order 500 fucking penis straws and throw them all over their apartment !!!! Like everywhere !!!
Lala brags about her make-up line and is dumbfounded as to – ‘How did she get here ?’
Ummmmm does anyone want to chime in there ????