Real Housewives of Potomac – 10/13/24 – DUI SCHME UI!!

Picking up at Karen’s party. Mia ran to the bathroom and returned to the table suddenly perfectly fine. Karen and Gizelle half-heartedly apologize.

Mia is kind of missing the point with the girls saying she “didn’t protect her kids.”

It’s just a more eloquent way of saying that her behavior hasn’t been very motherly. Is that fair?

It doesn’t really matter what extracurricular activities they’re doing.

Missing the point, Mia.

Jacqueline and that other chick, I forget her name, comfort her in the bathroom as she is loudly wailing, they reassure her that she’s a good mom.

Her pimp hat is way too small for her head – did anyone else notice? That may have been on purpose. She looks like a fool honestly. It’s equivalent to a ‘dunce’ cap.

Why am I the only one that looks stupid?

Karen claims in her yap “it was not the inquisition party they thought it was going to be.”

Again not to be repetitive I’ll try not to say it anymore, but I really think they should replace this Karen with cardboard Karen.

Mia’s Kids don’t seem to be feeling her little ‘see I’m a great mom’ performance scene.

Mom let’s drop the act. You don’t even know who my daddy is.

Her daughter looks confused with this display of affection. She makes a face and looks back at the cameras as if she’s saying ‘this is some bullshit right here.’

She and Stacey both seemed to be trying too hard to have a ‘moment’ with their kids and the kids aren’t having it.

Who IS this lady?


Why is Gizelle always insisting on wearing these 4-inch spiked heels? She’s too curvy for those. It’s time for an update. I think production agrees, hence the zoom-in.

This chat is taking place between her and Wendy that they planned at Karen’s party.

Wendy arrives and it’s awkward at first. She’s wearing an extremely revealing crop top with feathers and looks ridiculous, Gizelle ignores her and pretends to be doing something important on her phone when she sits down, then she accuses Gizelle of farting.

So we’re off to a great start.

I guess Gizelle and Wendy have always hated each other. I should know this. It’s my job to know this. Of course their personalities would clash.

Wendy looks constipated as usual. Gizelle starts the conversation with a lot of nonsense gibberish.

Okay just admit you farted.

They flash a 2021 scene when Gizelle was gossiping about Eddie’s alleged affair, which I do believe was true. So was it messy to bring it up?? Yes but if it was out there, (and it was) then it should be discussed. Just like Karen’s DUI.

So in the end I guess they are on friendly terms now after they talk about not ‘policing feelings’ etc. Bottom line is they’re both kind of assholes so two assholes are not going to get along.

Wendy defending Mia is blowing me away especially when her behavior has been disgusting and there’s not really much of a defense, and this is the season that Wendy suddenly decides she’s good with her. Sounds like her Bravo assignment.

Wendy: ‘You want me to like Mia? Is there a bonus for that?’

They pick on this poor vertically challenged Inc dude and how they’re very creative in their social media postings to make it not obvious. Mia seems to be in the background a lot. It IS funny.

Stacy calls her daughter trilingual but she didn’t seem to know the words in Spanish in the first assignment Stacy gives her. I didn’t think this scene was too much honestly until I watched it a second time and paid more attention. It was actually strange. I posted that thought on a FaceBook chat group and a lot were defending it as being normal, but as I said, watch it again. The drilling of this poor girl in front of cameras was not cool. It seemed overly performative. Ordering her to speak in different languages and reciting phone numbers? It was awkward to watch. The viewers would have rather seen her interacting with her daughter in a natural way, minus the au pair, who also seemed uncomfortable by the way.

I forgot to tell you I’m giving you a pop-quiz.

Stacey then after this interrogation of the poor child, tries to have a touching moment complimenting how amazing she is that she “speaks English, Spanish and German” and the she semi-jokingly yells in her face. I think she had totally had it by that point with the show Stacey was putting on, literally.

Enough LADY!! Get a life!!

With the new ‘wives’ there’s always going to be bragging, embellishing name- dropping, and so forth. She announces again that her soon to be ex is German. Why is that important? They met on a plane and it sounds like it might’ve been a long-distance relationship. I could be wrong, but that’s the impression I get from hearing her talk. The separated, but still living together thing – she thinks the kid is not picking up on this? She even has a boyfriend already.

This kid isn’t noticing that she’s not home every time he’s there? He seems to travel a lot. I’m wondering if he’s ever officially left Germany. Sounds like one of THOSE relationships.


Kiearna (K, I’m probably going to go with, it’s hard to spell, that might be wrong) is back, but we didn’t see her at all last week. She drops in on Karen and brings her birthday treats

As we recall from last season, she got caught in the crossfire with that crazy Deborah weirdo fighting with Candiace, and from that she and Karen became BFF’s. We’ll see how long this lasts.

They discuss how was not invited to her birthday party, and flash on Gizelle’s excuse that she may not have room. Karen complains about getting asked about her DUI. Like God forbid she gets asked about a major occurrence that happened in her life on a reality show.


Ashley heads to new Housewife Stacey’s to see if these two will love or hate each other, since it’s usually one extreme or the other.

She has no idea of the name of the dude that cuts her grass. In all fairness, it probably is a lawn care company, but you would think she would at least know that much. Doesn’t she pay them?

Was the condescending laugh necessary? “I don’t know who cuts my grass. Hahahaaaaa. Am I supposed to know that?”

So she fills Ashley in on her marriage dynamic. I don’t know why Ashley is acting flabbergasted that her husband supposedly lives there. Didn’t she live with Michael while they were separated?

They talk about race and being interracial since Stacey‘s daughter also has a white father. I guess they put these two together because they have things in common. Same age range and divorced/separated, the father of their children is white and from other countries.

Stacey tells Ashley that she’s dating somebody but they haven’t been intimate, due to his heavy Christianity beliefs.

Of course trashy Ashley who gives it up on the first date, thinks that this is mind-blowing. He doesn’t want to have sex until they get married. THis woman isn’t even divorced and is living with her ex, and talking about marriage already. I was wanting to like her, but I don’t think I do. Ashley Looks like she’s about to explode over this no-sex revelation.

I don’t understand what you just said?


Karen drops in on Gizzy since they’re besties now you know. Gizelle gets messy right away bringing up old ‘Blue Eyes.’ So this guy was Karen‘s driver back in the day? Didn’t know that. Every time this dude is brought up Karen looks guilty as fuck. I don’t know why she just doesn’t blurt it out. So banging the driver seriously is a thing with these women? Wasn’t Sutton banging her driver on Beverly Hills?

I’m kind of shocked ‘Blue Eyes’ hasn’t gone public at this point. Come ON. Let’s hold the ‘Grande Dame’ accountable for something.

I am sure I have no idea what you are talking about.

She whines about the DUI arrest inquisitions at her birthday party and bitched that she didn’t like the ‘non-alcoholic Karen’ beverage reference.

Karen expresses disappointment that K wasn’t invited.

So this ‘GNA’ shit is clearly just a story line for these two. After a year no clothing has been listed for sale, and now it’s turned into a charity for ‘health and wellness’ due to her father sudden death. I think. I don’t know if they even know.

Karen really is something else.

Her audacity is absolutely off the charts.

She tells Gizelle she might not make her event because she is ‘getting an award’ but acts flippant and vague about the time, since the event is held the same day. She has to ‘look at it’ she claims. She reassures her that she’ll be able to make her event but may be late. She was obviously lying so what happens later was not really surprising.

This woman just got her DUI one goddamned month prior with multiple citations other than driving while inebriated, but is getting presented with an award?? And she’s okay sitting here bragging on herself?

This doesn’t even make her uncomfortable at all? What kind of ‘committee’ would decide to give this woman any type of award? What the fuck is happening?

In her ‘Cardboard Karen’ yap, where she looks blank and well, cardboard, she brags incessantly on herself and how she ‘gives back to the community.’

There has to be so many jokes to be made with that comment, but I don’t have energy right now.

Gizelle shares in her yap that she had gotten an invitation for this awards event previously and Karen was not part of it, so it looks a little sketchy. Perhaps she got inserted at the last minute or asked to be inserted? She continues to insist she has NO CLUE as to the time of the event.

So I’m hoping this was a production stunt, but maybe it was Karen just being her typical entitled dick. She had reassured Gizelle she would be at her event, but running late, and made no mention of inviting the others. She then sends a group text to the girls at 6:30 AM letting them know that she has this event at the same time as Gizelle’s and asks that they attend hers and she will provide transportation to Gizelle’s if they want to attend both. WOW. JUST WOW.


The GNA event gets underway That was very sad about her dad, although I am confused as to what the website is going to be entailing in reference to brain tumors. I assume by next year this time it’s still going to be an empty website with some crappy logo hats and tee’s. Not to be rude.

The breakdown of who is going where is – Mia, Jassi, Wendy, and K go to Karen’s event, and Vivien and Jacqueline attend Gizelle and Ashley’s.

Cardboard Karen gives yet another yap speech complaining about the horrendous press she’s getting, sounding and looking emotionless entitled, and pretending to be a victim.

I deserve to be honored. It is not my fault that fake deer got in my way after six cocktails.

What’s the ‘work’ that she does exactly she keeps referring to? She keeps spewing word vomit about getting this honor for all the ‘work that she does.’ Whatever lady, Can this be her last season? Wasn’t Robyn fired for this shit?

GNA event ends at nine, and the others don’t think they’ll arrive until 8-8:30, as they tell Ashley. She fills Gizelle in who is not having it.

Tell those ho’s to stay with the criminal.

DUI Karen refers to herself as “more likable than Gizelle” as the majority of the group came to support her. This was probably their Bravo orders. It’s very poor manners to do that when you already committed and RSVP’d. Duh. But we have a show to do.

Mia Stacey and Jassi head out, staying only half an hour. They enter so excited to have made it by the time limit given by Ashley, even given DC traffic and rain.

Gizelle is completely livid to see them, and basically runs over to kick them out. She even calls the big burly scary security dude over for back-up.
She’s being kind of extra about this. Like what’s this dude supposed to do with three women? Pick them up and throw them out the door?

I’m assuming the extreme reaction is because her event was to commemorate and honor her late father and Karen’s event was a fake award one month after her second DUI charge. It’s kind of understandable, but it kind of seems manufactured. Either way you would think Karen would be uncomfortable accepting an award at this point and time. Also worth noting she wanted all of the attention in the world, and still does, several years later, over the passing of her parents.

Just saying.

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