The Real Housewives of OC – 9/19/24 – It’s a Dog Eat Dog World

I’m forewarning you, I’m not very sympathetic with Emily and her issue with Heather’s fashion show. If you are then that’s okay, we can agree to disagree.

Even though I’m right.

But MY God in the same fucking episode she made yet another disgusting yap dig at Jenn when she offered to pay for the coffee and food for the group.

Like what does thick-headed entitled Emily not fucking get that the woman is no longer behind on her rent because she no longer lives there, and is no longer paying rent?

Her digs over Jenn are so fucking TIRED. That whole story line and poor Gina, it ruined her life because she got he into the rental, is so four weeks ago.

We’ve moved on Emily. We get it. You’re rich, she’s not. FUCK ME!

Could this broad BE any more superficial and shallow??

And this is why I don’t think I could care any less that she feels insecure about her body and the rest of the group being thin, and she’s not.

She tried being thin. It didn’t work. But she tried. Sorry had to pull that one out again. I think it’s funny.

Lucky you, more on this later when the scene comes up.


Pretty sure people probably don’t appreciate it in Cali when you snag their lemons? I’m allowing it. Gina is cracking me up this season in her yaps.

She does need to put the brakes on crying about Travis every time she’s confronted about something though.

I think she needs to lose Travis. He sounds like a pussy. She should take accountability for some things first.

I like that Emily and Gina aren’t being cunty to Shannon this season for a change. Guess Bravo figured it’s the least they could do for her. Since Tamra’s marching orders are to be bitchy, and then there’s you know the ‘trying to make Alexis happen’ thing.

Gina’s super proud of herself that she gets dressed every day now. I guess at 40ish she decided it’s time to adult. Good for her.

Gina fills her in on the end of the trip since Shannon left early. I’m sick already of Gina acting like it’s so freaking far-fetched that she would say, possibly even half-jokingly, that being friends with Heather may help her real estate career in the way of Heather tossing her some names here and there. Of course she thinks this. I feel like anyone normal would probably think that. I wish she would just admit it. We already know she’s not real friends with Heather.

Her defense being “Heather has brought me nothing, I have asked for nothing.” Okay – so not the fucking point. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t hope that Heather does hook her up with someone looking for a 10 million dollar house.

Does she not realize this or does she just think we’re stupid?


I’ve never seen Emily walk so fast as she comes tearing into the breakfast place demanding three eggs and sausages NOW.

I think the girl at the counter is thinking the same thing. Like calm down lady, the food’s not going anywhere. You’ll get your sausages.

Katie and Jenn order a salad and avocado toast, just pointing that out, for no particular reason.

I have body image issues but load me up with sausage.

This is the scene where Jenn offers to pay for the orders and Emily makes fun of her to her face with “I’m gonna venmo you…”

Then in her chubby sausage arm yap she lays into her hard calling it “a nice gesture” but again as I mentioned above, bringing up the rent thing again because she just can’t help herself. It makes her feel so much better about her miserable self. And that smug smirk on her face every time she says it. She makes me wanna puke!!

Have I mentioned she couldn’t pay her rent??

Oh no she is NOT talking about being poor again. Can’t wait for the bus story. AGAIN.

You know that bus that she throws her poor mom under every five minutes.

Jenn complains about her oldest son being bratty and not wanting to follow rules. I don’t think “lay the hammer down” is a saying is it? Lay down the law? Is that what she was trying to say?

Housewives get sayings wrong more than they get them right.

So I guess Johnny Jackass is now fine just owning the fact that he’s blackmailing Shannon and referring to it as an ‘insurance policy.’

I’m kind of shocked Emily has to look up on her phone that extortion is illegal in California.

Emily starts whining about the fashion show. About the dress being a 12, they had sent their measurements to Heather, and if her measurements translated to a 12 in this particular brand, then so be it. Perhaps the sizes run large. Who even cares. As much as it pains me to say this, she looked really good in that black dress. She actually looked thin in it. I don’t know why she would give Alexis the satisfaction of comparing herself to her.

Black is of course, slimming and it fit her like a glove, regardless of the number on the tag. I reiterate WHO CARES EMILY. These fucking skinny women don’t want to hear your tales of woe about your weight and your size. They don’t wanna hear it. I don’t want to necessarily say Katie and Jenn don’t care, but I really don’t think they do. They’re probably wondering why she’s ordering sausage as she complains she’s not as small as the other women.

I’m not sorry if that sounds bitchy. I feel like I’m saying ‘sausage’ as much as she says ‘rent.’

Pay no attention to the sausage on my plate.

She felt like she was going to ‘court?’ That honestly didn’t look like a dress that an attorney would ‘wear to court.’ It looked like the basic black that they all always wear.

Also she doesn’t work so she’s not ‘going to court.’

She’s literally grasping at straws for talking points and it’s hard to watch. I don’t know how to explain to her being the only one in jeans.

That did seem shady on Heather’s part. It also could have been a production planted situation so Emily could keep complaining about her body, even though she did lose weight. Even though it should be obvi that we’re sick of it.

The picture did look kind of odd with Emily being the only one in jeans and everyone else is black.

What also makes it look like it was over-produced is that of all jeans to bring, she brings light wash denim instead of a darker denim or black, which would have been dressier. She knows that.

At any rate, I’m sick of hearing about it, I’m sick of talking about it.

Emily should be sick of talking about it. She should be sick of talking about Jenn not paying her rent too, but she doesn’t seem to be.

The fact that she feels comfortable talking about her sadness over feeling excluded and not ‘fitting in’ with the group in front of Jenn after the way she’s been treating her is astounding.


Heather is name-dropping away at a benefit for GLAAD that she is presenting an award at. And what do we have here? Why a Housewife crossover of course. Salt Lake’s Meredith Marks is also presenting with Heather.


Tamra’s daughter Sophie and Katie’s daughter did meet like they talked about and have actually hit it off.

Tamra always has to try hard to be inappropriate and be the center of attention for some reason in every single fucking scene. It seems a little immature and desperate for attention.

I love that the daughters had their own yaps.


Shannon and Vickie rehearse for their show minus Tamra, who’s perfect you know and can’t be seen with someone whose gotten a DUI.

Would I go to a ‘Shannon and Vickie’ show? I don’t think so. Not to be rude. But hey if people are, then you go girls!

I really do wish Shannon would not having to be ordering cocktails every single time she walks out the door. I’m trying to be in her corner but she makes it hard.


I feel like Jenn’s kid maybe needs his car privilege taken away if he’s not coming home when told and coming home at midnight on school nights.

He tells her he wants to live with his dad in a one bedroom apartment because he doesn’t like that he has ‘rules’ since they’ve moved there.

So the kid had no curfew prior to moving in with Ryan? His ‘space’ isn’t being respected? This kid seems like a spoiled brat to be honest.

Stay tuned for Part 2!!!

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