Real Housewives of OC 7/25/24 – Part 1 – Love Stinks

First random obsi: Gina’s car looks like a hearse.

She’s getting dragged on social media that her vehicle is so old and not fancy, that it has a key as opposed to the push button thing.

I would say we should ridicule her that it looks like a hearse, not that it has a key. Maybe she needs it to haul away the dead bodies of the Housewives she destroys.

Nothing to see here!

Back to this. So Gina stormed out of the coffee shop where she was sitting, as a budding ‘Realtor’ in Orange County, trying to make a good impression and all, screaming at a client about her financial problems. In public.

Sounds so very Housewives, and very Gina.

Simultaneously she calls Emily and bitches, and Jenn calls Shannon and bitches about the confrontation.

Gemily as per the uzse in the past handful of OC seasons, are such condescending holier-than-thou typical mean girl twats, and they’re seemingly taking great pleasure in mocking Jenn’s situation.

I kind of get the frustration. Jenn is clueless for a woman in her late forties. She is the poster child for why women, especially in this day and age, with divorce rates so high, NEED to have some sort of job (even if part-time) outside of the home. If not for the money, at least to use your brain, because I believe it does turn to mush if you don’t.

And not only to exercise your mind, but just maybe to have an understanding of earning money, bill-paying, and learning something new.

Her comment later in the ep at the football event that the Real Estate office is returning HER calls, (but not Gina’s) demonstrates how she doesn’t have comprehension of any of this. Having said that, I suspect Gina is making up the Realtor not calling her back to hand her a cash-paying client on a sliver platter, thing to help her story line along.

I guess in her mind it gives her an excuse for treating Jenn like this.

Jenn did explain all of this in a previous ep. and it makes sense. Jenn shouldn’t have been dependent on him like that, since she’s in the process of divorcing him, but the story makes sense.

She assumed moving into this home, husband was still going to be doling out the rent money, and since the dude lost his job which MAYBE should have been foreseen, since he works for her family, that all stopped.

We’re also learning the yoga studio is more of a ‘hobby’ than a money making endeavor. So basically she has Bravo money, which is nothing to sneeze at, however she has five kids and is trying to pay $12,000/month rent.

Can you imagine handing that out every month for RENT?

I’m ranting about the rent here more than I intended. I guess I have a soft spot for her because she really is a nice and caring person, that has made some bad judgments.

I’d rather be known as that than a fucking See You Next Tuesday screaming miserable dumb bitch like Gina.

Shannon tries to play Switzerland with Jenn explaining to her how she understands Gina’s frustration. She has to be careful because she needs to stay kissing Gina’s ass because of the DUI thing. Gina is acting all understanding for NOW, but historically she turns on Shannon on a dime.

Frustrated or not, you don’t scream at a woman like this going through a tough time. Talk about adding insult to injury. She’s certainly not the first stay at home wife/mom in a long marriage that gets divorced, and finds she’s challenged at paying for things on her own.

I fee like the same exact fucking thing even happened with Gina. Am I wrong?

She was staying home and dependent on Matt. And I’m so SICK of her false narrative BS story, that she claims “I hustled, that’s the difference…”

Please don’t do along with this. I was having to explain this to people on a FB chat group last night.

Don’t robotically repeat what a Housewife says. Especially when they’re talking about themselves.

It’s a great way to make yourself sound idiotic. I know Housewives are ‘mindless entertainment’ but it doesn’t mean we have to act mindless, does it? We should still think for ourselves and be able to weed out the bullshit these ladies spew out, and they DO spew out bullshit.

She didn’t fucking hustle people. She as a housewife, and a Housewife.

Was it like 2 or 3 seasons ago, she had some bogus fucking ‘skin care line’ that you never heard about again, and last season she started the process of getting her Realtor license. How is this hustling?

She’s been separated/divorced from Matt since 2018/2019, and it’s currently 2024, and she’s just NOW getting a job and focusing on some sort of career and making money realizing Bravo pay can be gone in the blink of an eye.

Just because she says it, it doesn’t make it true. She’s had her Bravo pay I get that, but don’t think that constitutes a hustler?

I can say I’m a doctor and it doesn’t make it true.

She literally is projecting in my humble opinion, because she WAS Jenn.

And fine, I’ll give Gina the credit she so desperately needs, since I guess it’s a contest, that she’s a LITTLE smarter than Jenn.

A LITTLE. But that’s a pretty low bar because Jenn is not very smart. She’s nice, she’s pretty but she’s not smart. I’m not saying that to be bitchy. I like her. I think she really is trying as best as she is able for the moment. Unfortunately she doesn’t have a lot of adulting life skills because she just didn’t need them. She’s 47 and never had a credit card in her name.

I’m just giving my opinion on what I observe as a viewer.

Gina is so brutal in her yaps, and with Emily. Yeah she wasn’t ‘waiting on a check’ from Matt after her separation because Matt lost his job and was sitting in jail for beating her ass. She knew there was no check.

If I couldn’t get a check, why should Jenn??


Flag football ‘event.’ This is stupid. None of these bitches even have one fucking clue about football.

Jenn shows up feeling weird of course. She knows Gina’s blabbing her financial problems to everyone.

All of the foes are like “I don’t want to be on HER team.” Okay so not to brag that I’m right again, but how dumb can you be? If you’re playing a sport with an enemy, wouldn’t it be better if they were on your team, and not playing against you?? Especially football. Like they’re all saying the same thing. So stupid.

Emily awards Tamra the other Team Captain.

Because Tamra is so athletic. Not. They pick teams, junior high style.

Emily thinks the enemies being on the same team is awkward, but I think that makes more sense.

Team ‘Love?’ Who is Tamra trying to fool??

She’s echoing Gina in dissing Jenn for moving into a house “that she couldn’t afford.” What do these dumb broads not understand that what ‘she can afford’ is a cardboard box on Venice Beach?? She has NO MONEY and was depending on Will to support her and their kids. And he didn’t. This is NOT fucking complicated! These women make me feel like a fucking brain surgeon.

Shannon is annoyed about Alexis’ bragging how she’s getting boned four times a day by Jackass John.

The ladies all think it’s quite humorous, and Shannon is not amused.

How come I didn’t get boned four times a day??

I really really wish she would be acting unbothered by the this. She should not be inquiring to the others about what Alexis is saying. Clearly she’s trying hard to get under her skin.

They even are going to the same gym she goes to. You know I’m convinced that’s a narcissistic trait too. My ex absolutely GOT OFF on taking the ugly whore-hag-ho he was seeing after me to all of the places we went, and deemed ‘our places.’

Emily’s team, Destroyers beats Love.

So now that the game is over, you know the bickering and name-calling games are going to commence. I wish all of these women would stop robotically repeating “Gina has a right to be upset…” STOP. She’s making this shit up about this other Realtor.

She’s screaming at a client in public and sharing her finances on a TV show!!

They sound foolish. They should be girls’ girls and defending Jenn and Gina’s mean cunty behavior!

Gina’s on her extremely high horse and soapy soapbox still, since you know she’s a fake REALTOR and all…and helped Jenn find a RENTAL.

And not to keep sounding like the voice of reason here, but (even though I think 90% of this is made up) if Gina learned anything in her little Realtor school, other than to know the sales price of the home you’re showing, shouldn’t it be to find out your clients’ ability to pay?? And when Jenn let her know her ex is to be paying her very expensive rent prior to any divorce settlement, Gina should have declined to help her ‘find the house.’

And since fucking when do you need a licensed Realtor to get into a rental? You don’t. Unless it’s a Cali thing.

I’m so sick of this ridiculousness and we’re on Ep #3.

This is where Gina whines about her calls not being returned by this other Realtor, and Jenn calmly and very innocently tells her “they return miiiiine.”

I’m still not understanding your fake problem?

We didn’t need to use the ‘squatting’ term. She already feels shitty. Peanut Gallery Emily needs to STFU.

Gina seems to not be taking into consideration, she is out of the house now. It’s over. Move on. Is it a little ironic that she’s again 100% dependent on another man and in the exact same situation? Yes, but that’s no one’s problem but her own.

Especially now that it appears he’s part of some big baseball gambling scheme.

Emily is being so extra cunty at this table sitting across from Jenn muttering under her breath. People that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones Emily.

She’s also now not working, and Shane could wake up tomorrow and kick her ass to the curb. Yes she has a law degree, but I’m just saying she should watch this bitchy smug attitude because Ya never do know.

We learn that Ryan now even gave her his car since she couldn’t afford her car payment. This is so sad for her. Is she even still with him in the wake of this scandal?? From what I saw, she is.

Gina is so fucking manipulative. Since she knows Jenn is nice and a pleaser, she takes advantage of that, and uses Travis moving out whom she ordered to move out, as her excuses for her horrific and unprofessional as fuck behavior. Lose the pity party, Gina. Clearly, she’s trying to change the subject.

You should learn to hustle like my Trav.

Jenn is so sweet, she takes the bait, but I guess she’s also happy to change the subject.

Does she not realize she still has those stupid football black things under her eyes? Can’t someone tell her?

Heather loves hearing about everyone’s money problems as Gina talks about money being a factor as well in her issues with Travis.

I love hearing you broke-ass bitches’ pathetic stories!!

As in, he has none and Gina is getting tired of supporting him and his three kids, along with her own three kids.

Gina loves to bitch about Jenn not having financial freedom or a big money-making job, what’s Travis doing Gina?? Where’s HIS hustle?? He’s such a loser he can’t support his own three kids and is making his girlfriend pay for them.

She also loves to brag about her stellar co-parenting relationship with Matt, and Travis doesn’t have that with his ex, and there’s baggage and bla bla bla… It kind of seems unsupportive of your partner.

Also if I remember correctly, this story kind of got buried two years ago, but Gina before she stopped drinking (and probably WHY she stopped drinking) drunkenly pushed Travis down the stairs in front of his kids and his ex flipped out about it.

I think that’s when she started being so difficult. Probably because she hates Gina for doing that, despite the fact that she stopped drinking.

But now she’s throwing him out because his ex is being difficult? I guess we can’t mention that though. That story got buried last season along with Terry and his cheating. We don’t know why. Kind of not fair to Shannon who always puts her embarrassing shit out there. But, whatever.

Gina ends up hugging Jenn and fake apologizes for her fake dilemma in her fake real estate career.

Emily’s ‘you tried’ jokes in her yap about Jenn is absolutely fucking mean girl cunty and disgusting. God I want the universe to do her job and put this entitled Ozempic Head in her place. Can’t wait til she gains her 40 lbs back and Shayne ditches her. Can’t wait.

Need to break this into two…due to the ranting.

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