Real Housewives of OC Premier 7/11/24 -Friends Don’t Let Friends Date Douchebags

They flash on last year’s reunion and I’m reminded how utterly horrible Shannon looked. Way too much hair, too much makeup, and she looked bloated and bad.

She looks rather svelte this season, Not sure if it’s because she cut down on the alcohol or hit the OZ. Maybe a little of both.

Jenn has decided to keep Tamra at arm’s length since she’s seen how cunty and disloyal she is for the sake of a buck.

I can’t get used to Skinny Emily.A little ozempic.” Probably more than a little.

Emily’s not my favorite, if you’ve been reading my recaps, you know.

I read that Shannon’s new house isn’t so much that she wanted to downsize but there was an issue with filming with the neighbors or the owner of the house.

All three girls are now at school, so this reduced alcohol thing is probably hard for her. I’m glad to see her girls are sticking by her side through her DUI.

I did about a miniscule of a fraction of a fraction of something wrong, compared to crashing into a house while completely inebriated when I was going through a hard time and getting out of a John Janssen-like toxic relationship, and my daughter pretty much turned on me and offered me no support. No one did actually. Around the time my sister also turned on me and shut me out over this very minor mistake. I feel like no matter what the Housewives do in front of the world, their daughters always stick by them. Guess I need to be a Housewife.

It does seem like the one twin is annoyed with her, I do have to say.

She tells the story of going to John’s that night. I had read that she was out with people, and Ubered home, but forgot her phone in the Uber.

I assume she drove to John’s to use his phone for help in retrieving it. (To be fair, you can’t really call another Uber if you don’t have your phone, not that that’s an excuse, again she was extremely drunk and not thinking clearly.)

I forgot mine in an Uber car at Christmas going to my daughter’s in LA, coming from the airport. At least I had her phone to call it, and my driver who was extremely cool heard it ringing and brought it back to me. Yes, I tipped her well.

The struggle is real! Just don’t leave your phone in the uber! I wasn’t even drunk!

Anyway, she was responsible in taking the Uber home from her night out, but probably in her drunken stuper when she realized she didn’t have her phone, she panicked and thought driving to John’s to use his phone seemed like a good idea.

You know if you’re drinking and taking Ubers/Lyfts on a regular basis, it’s probably smart to have a second phone. All she would have had to do was call it and the driver would have heard it ringing and hopefully brought it back, as in my case.

That scenario makes sense, that she had Archie with her. Everyone was scratching their heads as to why she would have had Archie with her late at night driving around hammered.

He probably looked sad that she was leaving again when she just got home, and took him along for the ride. Another bad drunk decision.

I’m glad Jenn is supporting her. You need one fucking person at least to not kick you when you’re down when going through a hard time.

Judgy Tamra Judge is of course not being supportive and is pissed at her about the DUI, because you know Tamra never has too much to drink and is fucking perfect. She tends to drink heavily as well. I am positive she has buzz driven more than once,

And just to be an extra bitchy twat for money and Bravo ‘fame’ she’s buddying up with Alexis. Who she NEVER could stand or get along with. But she saw her at BravCon in November which would have been two months after the DUI, and seized the opportunity. Oh and coincidentally she supposedly started dating John two week later.

I’m loving Shannon’s twin, Stella. She seems to be 100% sticking by her mom’s side. Good for her. And she’s absolutely stunning and so sweet.

Heather and Terry crack me up with their living situation. At their ages wouldn’t you just want to be in your forever home, kick back and relax and not be constantly remodeling, renovating and rebuilding?

If Heather enjoys renovations so much, and “is always looking for new project” why doesn’t she just do real estate and flipping instead of all of this moving around constantly and living out of boxes?

You’re not supposed to ‘flip’ your actual residences Heather. Jesus. So chaotic. They look idiotic.

Also this house is in Beverly Hills, so why is she still an OC Housewife??

Also they sold the other house they spent four years building, because they don’t need ‘all of that room’ yet they’re renovating another massive house?? Complete with a movie theatre no one will use.

Make it make sense.

I can’t stand the way Heather walks for some reason. She literally looks like she has a stick up her ass. Or a sycamore tree.

They currently have three residences in the area. Why not buy a vacation home somewhere cool? What happened to the house they were building in Mexico? These two are so all over the place.

Not surprising at all that everyone is bitching and gossiping about Shannon and the DUI.

Tamra brags that “no one’s talking to Shannon anyway.” Wow what a fucking See You Next Tuesday. That sounds very sixth grade.

Gina brags she doesn’t believe in kicking someone when they’re down. We’ll see how long that lasts.

Everyone agrees Shannon should have gone to rehab and gotten sober. I’m not in disagreement with that. But she has to do it when she wants to do it. If she feels pushed into it, it’s not going to work. Sadly, I think she may have to have another rock bottom moment to realize it.


Trouble in paradise with Gina and Travis? She wants to give him the boot from her house because his ex is too much hassle. She keeps referring to ‘baggage’ that he has as if she doesn’t have any baggage. Yeah she and Matt are getting along now, but that could change on a dime. Maybe people living in (small) glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

She wants to boot his ass out because they have ‘outgrown the house’ and they can’t afford anything else. I guess the real estate careers haven’t taken off yet.


Jenn is still with this player Ryan dude which is surprising. Since filming, scandal has broken that he has sketchy dealings and is involved in some baseball gambling scheme.

She is still having financial issues since her ex is not not helping with her rent, and since he no longer works for her family, he can’t afford it either. Guess she should have seen that coming.

Ryan offers to let her and her five kids move in with him. She’s right to be apprehensive. She’s putting herself in the same position of being dependent on a man. How about get and a smaller house? If Bravo pay and owning a yoga studio isn’t doing it, then downsize. Or get a job. Stop depending on men!

It seems a little exhausting listening to her and Gina whine about not having money when they’re choosing to live in area where they are paying a fortune in housing.

What’s with Heather and the espresso martini’s suddenly? Last season I think was literally the first time she ordered one. She didn’t even know what was in them. I don’t know, Espresso? Vodka?? It’s not complicated Heather.

I want to point out I was drinking these before they were cool and trendy and before they were a Housewife thing. Not all of the time,becauset I think they’re a drink you have to be in the mood for. They’re not supposed to be an every day drink. Heather seems to think they are.

I wasn’t drinking them to prove a point that I was bougie, I drank them because I liked them. They’re great for after dinner to replace dessert, or with dessert. Also if you’re just in a place that seems espresso martini-ish.

I even make them at home sometimes too. They’re really easy. You just have to make sure you have chilled coffee and simple syrup.

Back to this, Heather brags how so very nice it is of her to invite the ostracized Shannon to her party because she doesn’t want to kick her when she’s down. Oh Heather! You’re so fucking gracious.

That kind of commentary is so on brand for Heather DuBrow. She wants a damned medal for inviting someone to her stupid boring party that did something wrong that doesn’t affect her life whatsoever.

Heather, stop playing with us. We know you need her there for the drama with Alexis, to liven up your stuffy ass party, so there’s that. And what happened to some new acting endeavor she was supposedly involved in last season that was supposed to salvage her acting career?

That’s what I thought. Dumb ass. It’s non-existent.

Would it be in poor taste, given Shannon’s plight, to say we should be playing a drinking game, taking a swig every time someone says ‘Shannon.’

I see she’s again carrying the show by being her authentic self and not being afraid to discuss her embarrassing issues on the show. Unlike others such as Heather Dubrow who forced production to hide Terry’s affair last season so she wouldn’t be ‘embarrassed.’

And does Tamra talk about her and Eddies problems? Like how they don’t have sex and he’s most likely gay and she surely realizes that now? NO.

Luckily they’re off the hook this season since Shannon was dumb enough to get a DUI. I’m sure she’s driven drunk before. If she got in her car at the level she was at thinking she’d be okay, and lucked out.

These ladies that you know, could never stand Alexis before since she’s pretentious and a complete dipshit, now are just dropping at her feet because it’ll piss off Shannon.

Alexis sort of reminds me of Teresa from Jersey in the way that she’s a total airhead and instead of embracing it, and making it her schtick, or laughing at herself, she’s in complete denial that she’s a ding dong.

Emily, Heather and Alexis have a gathering. Emily was not around for the Alexis era, but Heather certainly was, and she had no time nor patience for that woman.

Remember she was trying to tell Heather she was an anchor for Fox News? When Heather pressed her about it, she was found to have made it up.

Alexis, to me looks like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman except in subtle colors.

Heather claims in her yap that she is just DYING to ‘provide friendship’ to Alexis because her mom recently passed away. Whateverrrrrr Heatherrrr. I can’t stand all of the lies and fakery in their yaps lately. Stop taking us for fools, Bravo. We know this is all contrived, and there in NO way Heather is interested in a fucking ‘friendship’ with stupid ass Alexis Bellino. Thought she was an actress? She’s literally cringing as she’s saying it.

I wish Bravo Bravo fucking Bravo would stop telling them what to say. Let these bitches speak their truth.

I’ve always wanted to be friends with Alexis, Okay, I said it. Can I go puke now please?

Alexis cringingly recounts the initial meeting with John mother fucking Jannsen. However the hell you spell it who cares. I might just have a name I start referring to him by, Standby for that.

Did anyone ask? Didn’t think so. I can’t even imagine one fucking person on this planet that wonders or cares where and how they met.

Shannon doesn’t own ‘The Quiet Woman.’ I don’t even know what the hell that even means. When did Shannon ever elude that she owns The Quiet Woman?

There may be some newer Housewife or OC viewers that were not watching in the Alexis years, so let me forewarn you right now, there will be a lot of this. That was mild.

You’ll just be like – what the fuck does she mean? Is she joking? Is she serious? You’ll be hearing a lot of mispronounced words and phrases. As I said very Teresa-like.

He ends up sitting at my booth.”

I believe he probably targeted her and this may have been a calculated meeting. So she was there alone? In a booth?

Here we are, take us or leave us” also makes no sense.

Is that a real option? Believe you me, Alexis we would like you to leave us. BYEEEEE!! And take your new narcissistic entitled old man child with you.

So Emily was on Tamra’s podcast calling John a douche or something, and Alexis tells her that ‘hurt her feelings’ and demands, where did she get her info?

They flash on the scene of him getting angry sticking up for Shannon when Gina was acting like a dick. Not sure that is a great example of John acting douchey. He got a little excited, yes, but he was sticking up for Shannon as he should be. You want your guy to have your back. And Gina WAS being a dick.

Unfortunately there isn’t a lot of Bravo footage of the real John Jannsen. He was mainly a fucking twat face behind closed doors.

Of course we’re ‘going off of what Shannon is telling us’ but if you have a shred of common sense you would know that it’s embarrassing to admit that your man is mean, nasty and abusive, so 99.999999% of the time, a woman is not going to make this up.

Do you trust a drunk that just got a DUI, or do you trust my opinion?”

I wouldn’t really call that ‘an opinion.’ She was giving facts as to John’s behavior, such as not paying for anything, insulting her, and constantly ‘ghosting’ if he was pouting about something. That’s not really an ‘opinion.’

THAT all sounds familiar to me unfortunately.

I’m kind of liking how Emily is seemingly taking Shannon’s side. For the moment.

She and Heather are looking at Alexis like she’s fucking nuts.

You do know he’s cheap, abusive and a douchebag right??

Heather seems pretty far up her asshole. She ‘loves’ how she calls him Johnny J???’ OmiGod I can’t.


Shannon sees her lawyer. So is this the same attorney she set Gina up with? Probably.

Sounds like he’s cut her a sweet deal. Not sure how she’s able to drink while on probation, maybe it’s a Cali thing. If you recall when RHONY’s Lu got arrested for public drunkeness and whatever else, she wasn’t even driving, she couldn’t drink while on probation. Also when Teresa on Jersey got out of jail not even for any alcohol-related offense, she was on probation and couldn’t drink.

If she serves her three years of probation, they can enter a plea of ‘not guilty’ and the case will be dismissed?

Since when is that a thing? She worries that’s not proper punishment for what she did. Let’s face it, it’s not.

Also I think she’s just worried about what people are going to think. He claims this is a deal that’s offered to everyone. No. Don’t think so.

I’m worried the other Housewives won’t approve this punishment.

Maybe ‘everyone’ that can afford a very expensive attorney.

Also, never heard of an ‘alcohol school.’ I’m assuming it’s for people that can’t admit they’re alcoholics. I wonder if she paid for the damage to the house?

She acknowledges her hypocrisy. She kind of has to, she knows there’s the footage of her gossiping about Gina getting her DUI and being ‘no excuse for that.’ Of course they roll that.


Tamra reintroduces Sophia to us, who has just turned 18, but we haven’t seen since she and Simon got divorced because he wouldn’t allow her to be filmed, just to be a dick.

They’re getting tattoos together. Families who get tattoos together stay together?

Sophia immediately shuts down Tamra trying to whine about Sidney and gives her a very cold half hug when she starts to cry. She just doesn’t learn. I think one thing that’s been pissing her off is Tamra constantly mentioning her on the show when she has asked her not to.


Gina is booting Travis out of her house due to a ‘space’ issue. The poor dude is literally crying. According to what I’m seeing, they’re still together, surprisingly.

You’re kicking me out because I have baggage??


New Housewife, Katie, who’s a friend of Gina and Beverly Hills’ Sutton is on the way to Heather’s party with Gina, and who can wait for the Shannon and Alexis confrontation?

Who’s the blonde bitchy chick Shannon has with her? She’s completely ignoring her as she’s trying to make her laugh at how she’s laying in the car so her dress doesn’t get wrinkled.

Hello?? Look at me, I’m being funny???

Gina’s and Heather’s greeting is so fake/funny. I’m assuming they’re not on good terms or just haven’t seen each other or spoken for a while?

Their voices are go up like 100 octaves. “Hiiiiiiiii this is so niiiiiiiiiiiiiiice, you look beautifulllll. So do youuuuuuu.” What the hell was THAT??

Hiiiiiiii, here we arrrrrre, having to pretend we’re friends agaaaaaaain so we get paaaaaaaaaid!!

I did notice Gina dropped the nasly Valley Girl voice. She was getting DRAGGED for that last season on social media.

Gina is super excited about a Housewife that’s more broker than she is. She seems to think it hurts her budding (not) real estate business that she helped Jenn find this rental and now she’s behind on the rent. Relax Gina you’re not Josh Altman. No one cares. Negative ‘press?’ Does she know what the meaning of ‘press’ is?? She acts like she’s a world-famous Realtor??

Because I’m a world renowned Realtor. Does she know who I am?

Gina sit WAY the hell down. You just had to throw your broke-ass boyfriend out of your townhouse because the two of you together can’t afford a bigger house.

She says she doesn’t know if Jenn is aware there is an issue? Woman, pretty sure she knows she’s behind in her rent. Wow. Wonder who’s going to say the dumber shit on a regular basis this season? Gina or Alexis?

Heather is so into Espresso Martini’s, they’re the signature drink at her soiree.

Gina and Shannon chat. It’s awkward. I’m assuming she hasn’t spoken at all since her DUI. Filming must have started early 2024 since this is a ‘new year’ party. The OC season is thrown off now due to the delayed filming in the last season because of Heather making them edit out Terry’s alleged cheating conversations. They usually film over the late summer/early fall months.

Shannon apologizes for “anything and everything.” That should cover it all.

So now you’re REALLY going to stop mentioning my DUI??

I do feel the need to say this, and I know I mentioned it last season, but did Shannon bring up helping Gina with her attorney during her DUI problem a lot? Yes. 100%. But at the same time, you have to look at the reason she kept feeling the need to mention it, which was because Gina was being cunty to her non-stop and Shannon was pointing out her lack of gratitude. If Gina wouldn’t have been acting like a jackass for the past two seasons, I don’t think she would have continued to bring it up. That’s just my opinion.

Shannon decides to just tackle the Alexis thing head-on and asks to talk to her right now.

Why drag it out? Time’s a wastin.’ There are only seven minutes left.

Let’s be real, it IS the whole purpose of the party.

They need to find shade while they’re being shady, since it’s extremely warm out. The other wives try to watch and lip read from inside.

I like Gina’s input: “This man worked them both and now they’re out there and THEY gotta scrap??”

It’s so funny that everyone already is assuming John’s going to be treating Alexis shitty too. And he is.

At the point of filming, they were only a few months in, so he may have still been on his best behavior.

Shannon starts the convo by complaining about this law suit thing from forever ago, where we know Shannon, you’re out $300g and Tamra’s out 500g. Too bad so sad. I don’t even remember what the hell is was even about, do you?

Alexis takes it right to the actual issue, although I think Shannon is pissed about this too. “You’re the ex and I’m the new.”

She claims her name is not on any of the documents, regarding the law suit, which could very well be, however that doesn’t necessarily mean she has nothing do with it.

Name ’em! Name ’em!

Shannon points out the cease and desist letter (‘cist and deceased’ if you’re Tamra) that started that whole thing, was from Alexis, not her ex.

Show me the letter.”

Alexis could get a copy of the letter herself if she’s sure she didn’t send or sign it. She didn’t lose 300 grand. She wants Shannon to be over it because she is.

“There’s the door Shannon Beador.”

That sounded kind of rehearsed.

Well actually they’re outside, so…

That’s what Shannon should have said.

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