Below Deck Med 7/8/24 -The Wounded Windlass

This ‘girl code’ argument continues in the laundry room between these two twelve year-old’s.

Let’s face it. Let’s call a spade a spade. Ellie has a huge ego that got shot down.

She can’t even see that this obnoxious and repulsive behavior isn’t doing her any favors or helping her ‘win.’

In fact Joe was on WWHL Monday night if you caught, that with nothing nice to say about Ellie. Andy played one of his infamous games where he was asked various questions about and he chose Bri every time, as the one he would want to be with.

Ellie was definitely belittling Bri with the wine thing and something else right after that, I forget.

Would it be okay if I make ALL decisions because I’m the SECOND STEW, and you’re not. Would that be okay with you?”

Her obsession with this second stew thing?? Not that this is necessarily anything new with 2nd’s and 3rd’s, we’ve seen it before. It’s just extra odd because she’s using hierarchy having nothing to do with work, but pertaining to banging a dude. Sorry that’s weird. It kind of makes her look like a little bit of a ho. Sorry. I said what I said.

Ellie seems to be residing in a world all her own, that she keeps referring to herself as Bri’s ‘supervisor.’

What this has to do with her making out with Joe I just don’t know.

There’s a guest excursion being planned. There’s some swim platform deckhand drama.

Ellie will not shut up. She bitches non-stop about Bri. It’s become a literal obsession. She even bitches to Joe about her. Keep in mind, she’s not pissed at Joe at all. Joe was involved in the make-out sesh, was he not? I didn’t see any gun she was holding to his head. It’s clear to see it’s nothing but a competition and ego thing to her. She’s reminding me a little bit of Ashley, AKA Trashley on Sailing Yacht a few seasons back. Not as in-your-face trashy and gross, but getting a similar vibe, where her whole existence is getting validated and banged by dudes.

Reminds me of a woman I know.

She’s coming off as insecure. Why does she care where Bri sleeps?? I’ll tell you. It’s not because it’s ‘making her look bad.’

It’s because she’s jealous and pissed she’s sleeping in Joe’s room. I don’t know how many fucking times Aesha has to tell her to drop it. If that were me, I think I would have read the fucking room by this point, and picked up on that Aesha clearly thinks it’s juvenile and just doesn’t care.

They have a job to do, and she doesn’t give a fuck about their fighting over a boy drama. Sorry for so many F bombs. But jeez I’m human!!

But I saw him first!!
I really don’t give a fuck you whiny stupid ninny!!

How have we been watching Below Deck for like ten years and never hard of a ‘windlass?’

No Ellie cannot read the room apparently. As soon as she has Aesha in her space, she again bitches about Bri. Aesha again tells her she doesn’t give a fuck, in a nice way.

Ellie is so fucking weird, and I don’t think she’s ‘acting.’ I think what you see is what you get. I can see her being kind of Kate Chastain-ish if she were to ever, God forbid be a chief stew.

I don’t get the guests always being so impatient about leaving the boat when they go on excursions. Like what’s the fucking rush? Get ya a cocktail, sit on the upper deck in the sun, and chill the hell out!! That cave isn’t going anywhere. Why would you sit in the interior grimacing and groaning?? And it’s still early in the day? Maybe it’s for effect.

Having said that, yes the deck crew, well the bosun specifically, he’s running this show, could be a little more organized.

Sandy hears the ‘at least 20 minutes’ on the radio and goes charging down.

She has her ‘pissed off-some heads are gonna roll’ gait going.

I wish it was the stews I can yell at but can’t win ’em all!

On the guests’ excursion Ellie goes out of her comfort zone and goes swimming in the cave. She’s forgetting she’s staff not a guest.

Who cares. Of course since Joe is also there, she bitches AGAIN about Bri.

I don’t mean to be a broken record, but she’s NOT pissed at Joe? And why can’t Joe say anything in Bri’s defense?

So Bri was being ‘disrespectful’ to her but Joe was not?? I don’t know why he doesn’t say something in Bri’s defense taking his part in the responsibility, like “it takes two to tango.” SOMETHING. He has the same glazed expression that Aesha has when Ellie starts ranting. Girl has zero self-awareness.

I want to make sure you know I’m still very much available should you change your mind.

Back at the boat, Aesha and Jono discuss leaving smelly farts in the galley. That’s kind of gross.

Aesha then discusses with Bri that she needs to stop sleeping in the boys’ cabin and she and Ellie need to figure it out. She threatens making changes. Dismissing one of them I guess?

So this turns into a thing. Aesha goes for her break and gives THE SECOND STEW, you know Bri’s ‘supervisor’ very explicit instructions that she doesn’t follow.

Aesha is pissed and says it seems like she’s been overselling herself. I think she’s a little wacko honestly.

Ellie makes excuses for not having done what was asked. So if Bri blew off her instructions from Ellie, citing ‘oh didn’t have time, sorry’ holy schmokes, we’d be hearing about this supervisor and hierarchy thing, and how she needs to obey her because omg, she’s her supervisor, how dare she, and also did you know she’s her supervisor??

I actually think she forgot and didn’t want to say that.

I don’t know where she’s getting her “Bri’s getting away with murder” complaint. Aesha just bitched at Bri for having the wrong polo.

Aesha and Jono seemed to have formed a bond, which is great, he needs positive enforcement. Despite his midnight snack tantrum, I’m trying to give him another chance. I don’t think he’s an asshole but he was acting like kind of a princess over the midnight snacking issue.

Then Sandy jumping to his defense before knowing all of the details, as she tends to do, with that whole “don’t EVER wake the chef” bit definitely went to his head.

It’s dinner, and Mrs. Primary had some cocktails.

Is someone trying to compete with Kyle Richards? How dare she?? To be fair we did get spared the ‘splits’ on Beverly Hills last season since she stopped drinking twelve margaritas every time they went out.

Take THIS Kyle Richards!

Husband seems annoyed. Relax dude!! He seems like a fun time! NOT!! He reminds me of my grouch pissy miserable ex-BF and ex-husband. I can pick ‘em let me tell ya!! Miserable dudes with a host of personality disorders and issues. Just like this one. Just laugh dude. One million people are watching you. At least pretend to have a sense of humor. You’re probably just mad you can’t do a split, and she’s hot and you’re not! POO ON YOU !!!

Damn I wish I could do that.

It’s two of the dudes birthdays, and of course, the man that these girls are brawling over, even plays the piano.

This’ll get my bitches really goin’!!

Piano playing. Fair. Singing. Horrible. Couldn’t they have found one or two of the crew that could carry a tune, like a little? They couldn’t even get their lyrics in synch with each other. That was painful.

I didn’t see a birthday cake at all. Maybe being guys they didn’t want a fuss. Didn’t even see dessert. Guess it got cut out. No complaints about dinner this time.

One thing I have noticed recently, is that the deck crew is a lot less pissy and uptight about helping the interior in the evenings. I remember many an attitude about grabbing the trash or helping with clean-up after dinner, when let’s face it, they really have nothing to do guest-wise.

Maybe someone finally realized how it makes them look like little childish pussies crying over grabbing a trash bag or washing some dishes, when they’re literally doing nothing and the stews are running around like chickens with their heads cut off. Just don’t serve the chicken for dinner.

It’s called being a team player, and an adult.

Bri seems to have, in order to move on, just forfeited her pursuit of Joe. Probably a good idea so Ellie can shut the hell up.

We have some more boat mechanics drama, because why wouldn’t we? It’s that pesky ‘windlass’ again. If you’re curious about it, here you go and you’re welcome.

The term windlass is derived from the Old Norse ‘vinda-áss’. ‘Vinda’ meaning ‘to wind’ and ‘áss’ meaning ‘pole’. This device has been utilized for centuries in various forms, and the name essentially arises from its functionality–which involves winding around a rotating spindle.

Time to pull out the big guns that are not part of the show, the 2nd Officer and engineer. I wonder if Ellie thinks she’s their supervisor too?

Sandy compares the windlass to a spool of thread, and it’s job is to haul the anchor. It does actually look like a giant spool.

You CAN learn random shit from watching Bravo!! It’s very educational!

Oh no! Iain’s in trouble again! During all of the windlass drama, now the tender battery is dead and he was the last one to use it! Sandy demands to know whose fault this is, orders him to be awakened. She lives for this shit.

You know Sandy people do make mistakes. Like you did the season you embarrassed yourself by acting like a fucking creeper, picked on Fraser for no reason whatsoever, and pinned the departments against each other. Kinda like that, but less serious and not such unprofessional behavior.

I read (or saw a video, same thing) that Rachel is to be returning and filling in for Jono, but that’s unconfirmed.

I cannot fathom she would want to work with Sandy again after that season when she made her feel so visibly uncomfortable with her weird creepy love-bombing.

We’ll see.

Now the the line snapped!!



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