Real Housewives of Beverly Hills 8/25

Recapping last week :

My cup so runneth over again – this holiday dinner scene with Garcelle and all her peeps is so freaking cute. Oh and bonus scene — love those !!

The big S.C. took some time out of his busy day and stopped by.

What ??? no cookies for the big guy ? Garcelle ???

Kyle: Even though I’m Jewish now…

Kyle don’t EVEN be stepping on Leah’s toes !!!

I was reading some tweets last week about this weird neon sign in Kyle’s foyer area. I actually could never tell what it said and/or didn’t pay that much attention. “bitch please you could never be me”

Is that like a quote from the show or something? I agree with the tweeters that it seems really tacky to

hang that in your main living area? Unless you’re a teenager or maybe college-age.

Garcelle looks relieved someone else arrived. (even if it is Teddi.) It seemed tense with her and Kyle making small talk. Garcelle still pissed at her for being so douchey about that thing with her charity that Garcelle didn’t pay.

Rinna: “they were kind of pricey, but they were half off …” please rinna can. you. Shut. up. ???

Also this bit from last week: What was with the confusion over Kathy saying ‘have a gorilla?’

It’s a little bit of an older phrase, I mean it’s soooo 20 years ago, it used to be have a cow, or have a kitten, so Kathy put a spin in on it, have a gorilla.

Don’t get why no one got it.

Also don’t know why they played that clip of Kim singing about a bucket of chicken or whatever. totally unrelated,

All the fussing over what Crystal is wearing. It’s literally a long plain black ugly dress. They’re pointing that she’s showing her boobs.

Not seeing boobs. Where are the boobs?? I’m not complaining. I saw enough breasts from you know who on Sunday night. What is Teddi wearing ? It’s also ugly. It’s a holiday party. How about some red or something ?

sorry but When I rewatch, I get to see deets I missed the previous week when im tryin to watch, write and wine, and whine.

Still can’t believe that Erika has yet to apologize to Garcelle. She’s such a piece of shit.

So Kyle was joking about the chef, but hiding her from the girls.

I think this was a joke that she made all of this food, but I guess wanted them to think that.

Extra special thanks to Erika for even showing up, Kyle says.

Then Kyle asked if she ever thinks it’s a dream (nightmare) ??? That was kind of insensitive wasn’t it ?

Erika says there’s more coming, but she doesn’t know anything?? Then telling Sutton she has no access to the info, but yet there’s more coming? Also Crystal needs to stop yacking away about her dad having Alzheimer’s.

Tom is having fake Alzheimer’s, to act like he “doesn’t remember” stealing money from clients for Erika’s extravagant lifestyle. Her dad had for real Alzheimer’s.

Literally that is the only thing that comes out of Crystal’s mouth now “my dad had Alzheimer’s…and he didn’t remember shit !!” Like ok Crystal, we all know what the hell Alzheimer’s is.

Sit down and pout about being violated some more. Missing that “story line.” NOT!!!

How can she sit here with a straight face and act dumbfounded that the money is gone when she KNOWS (and so do they) about her excessive spending????

Why is Erika acting all up in arms about the ladies discussing it with others? Bitch it’s ALL OVER the news !!!!!!

I didn’t realize how the others were like poking Sutton and Dorit last week, at the table to say shit they were too afraid to say.

Erika is more angry at Tom because he’s not paying her. Because he done runned out of money. That is why she’s pissed at Tom. The only reason.

Can they stop saying “orphans and widows… orphans and widows” first of all – only because the word “widows” doesn’t necessarily mean a destitute person. It’s just getting on my nerves. They’re the victims, or the clients he stole from. Again they talk like it’s still 1950.

Erika was acting all pouty because Kyle told her it was coming, I was reading on Twitter, this is why she was dressed in the innocent school girl outfit and headband. (the headband was a big thing)

I don’t know. I guess she was dressed not how she normally dresses. She came into Kyle’s that night looking like a streetwalker.

But for real, how can she sit here with a straight face and act dumbfounded that the money is gone when she KNOWS (and so do they) about her excessive spending. Her play dumb act just does not cease to amaze me.

Teddi is getting such a bad wrap for last week , I have been seeing on Twitter. But I thought she made some sense with her input that they’re all making it about them. When it doesn’t have to do with them. I may have said that last week too.

I think Dorit is caving because Erika is laying it on THICK with the sulky and depressed and poor me demeanor.

Which is not by accident I am sure.

Garcelle’s story about her sister who never got her money in her law suit because of a crooked lawyer, and she says, “If Tom did this to people, then fuck Tom.” I really think she wanted to add at the end (and should have) “and if you even had the slightest inkling that he was disappropriating funds from his firm, and you were extravagantly overspending it on yourself, then fuck you too!!

My stance has been from the beginning that she knew things weren’t right with his money, and he had crooked dealings, but she didn’t care !! as long as he was DD’ing cash into her account for her extravagant spending, she didn’t care. And this ‘I don’t know where the money went’ now that numbers are coming out online of her ridiculous spending, is just bizarre, and making her look not very credible, and stupid.

Erika : “yeah the victims, ummmmm, need to be taken care of” (liked the big ummmm pause there)

Garcelle says no one has mentioned the victims.

Dorit (I think) is all “I said it a lot on Saturday” for the love of christ, these bitches. She said it “a lot.” LOL

Yeah on the past Saturday, after weeks of this going on, they finally recognized the victims.

All freaking along alllllll they have cared about is why he is not paying Erika.

“why is he not paying spousal support ?” (complete with mouth wide open and hand on heart)

“you’re entitled to half.”

“why is he not paying your


“Where is the money? we have to find it.” (again nothing about the victims)

Never before scene – Kathy being the wise one with the ‘just because they have money doesn’t mean everything is perfect.’ We’ve been watching the shows for ten plus years. We’ve watched all the braggers about their money and success, and then come to find out they were really broke, not paying their taxes, etc etc…

Moving on to this week’s show:

Rinna and her empty headed daughters scene and some expensive car, saying it came from a friend ? This does not even seem worth my time.

In her interview she was smirking about this being her “problem” I guess?

The one is making come fuck me faces when she’s trying on the dress, the other announces her stomach hurts and she has to go to the bathroom.

She manages to bring up disik in her interview , twice I listened to her and still do not know what the fuck she said about the dress not being the one who is with disik’s taste? I don’t feel like this is even worth my time. Wow social climb much rinna? Pimp out your daughters much rinna??

Get -together at Erika’s for Kyle’s birthday. Erika didn’t exactly get dressed up. She’s cleaning and “making it nice” did she really say that ?

Does she have to pay Dorinda for the rights to say “I made it nice??” of course if comes up about Sutton being worried about her name, because of the way the “teams” are split up. Kyle asks if she wanted to leave Tom before this. So she starts about the cheating. She loves this narrative for the pity.

I was reading some things online and twitter, that this line makes no sense because apparently she posted on Twitter screen shots of these cheating text messages recently, however it was on an old Nokia flip phone (notice how she says she “opened up” the phone, when is the last time

you “opened up” a phone? Like 10-12 years ago ? At least right? ) so there are holes in this story of the cheating coming up after Yolanda said blah blah whatever, which was like 6 years ago.

Here she goes bitching about not having a dime. Again she doesn’t care about the dang people that he ripped off their settlements from !! she does not.

Now we’re on the get together thingy that Crystal is having for Rinna’s stupid lip gloss, because again, just what the world needs, more lip gloss brands.

The lip floaties in the pool look like vaginas. I know this because I made “lip shaped” cookies for valentine’s day one time, and took them to work, not realizing they looked like the “other” set of lips.

What is kathy wearing ? This cleary wasn’t approved by Nicki Hilton. Crystal’s dress is equally as hideous.

I can sort of see Erika’s point, I hate to say, that it is kind of ridick this whole -worrying about their reps thing. (Like the line in the old Will Smith song – “Parents Just Don’t Understand” when he’s whining to his mom “I’ve got a rep to protect”)

So back to my opinion about Teddi’s input at the table last week, it’s not about them.

It’s not their monkey, it’s not their circus. I know they’re all intrigued with it, like an Unsolved Mysteries show, and hanging on her every word, but try to comprehend, it’s not about YOU. Be glad it’s not about you.

Here we go Dorito –she realizes maybe she hasn’t had a “story line” all season. So she starts attacking Garcelle for dumb shit.

Crystal should speak up and defend Garcelle since she said in her confessional thing she understands. But of course she won’t.

Garcelle is all “ have I ????” when Dorito addresses some sort of rudeness or whatever.

I am cracking the fuck up at Kyle’s “shocked” and mouth wide open facial expressions. She is totally over -over acting. She knows the cameras are on her. So totally fake. thought she was actress, guess not a good one. this shit looks fake AF.

They rehash a bunch of meaningless shit that Garcelle said to Dorito. Again this bitch just wants attention.

It ends up being smoothed over. Whatever it was all dumb. Dorit tried to embarrass Garcelle because she’s a dumbass. Period.

Kyle visiting Kathy, and they start discussing the fact that Kyle started this tv show “inspired by their mother” without consulting with Kathy.

What even happened to this “American Woman” tv show ? It must not have lasted long. Guess it wasn’t that good. So why keep arguing about it ?

Kathy said she should have consulted with her before she did it, but they weren’t talking at the time.

I have heard that they initially weren’t speaking because previously Mauricio worked for Kathy’s husband. Then Mauricio started “The Agency” and I guess that pissed them off ?

Maybe they wanted to be the only ones that are successful?

Next week looks like it is getting “real” .

This is Erika’s moment, when she flips on Sutton, that she’s coming after her or whatever. She’s still pissed about sutton saying associating with her is damaging her reputation.

Guess she’s had enough with the little woe is me act, and

now she’s back to being a fucking snake, and taking her (money) issues out on Sutton.

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