Real Housewives of Atlanta 8/6/23

Sanya and Shari have a heart to heart about what’s been going on with their work and living arrangement. She’s pissed that Shari left the Mommie Nation event because she was mad at her for disrespecting her time. They hug, who cares. Seems like sister is finally getting the message and accepting the fact that she needs to get the hell out, and live on her own. Perhaps this is why Sanya treats her like a child, and the ‘little sister, ’ and doesn’t respect her time. Because she’s pretty much taking care of this grown-ass woman, who is married with two children. She doesn’t mind living off of Sanya, then wonders why Sanya sort of bosses her around. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out this dynamic. She even says she doesn’t know how to look for an apartment because Sanya always did THAT for her. What’s her husband do again? Oh, nothing. So neither one of them seem to have the life skills to make it on their own and they’re how old?? Again, she’s pissed that Sanya doesn’t give her any respect. Perhaps this is why.

Cynthia is baaack!! She meets with Kandi. She is no longer with that Mike dude that she married in 2020. It was this big huge thing having a wedding during the scamdemic, if you all remember. Should they still have it, should they not have it? Would they be allowed? All of that wedding drama, and they barely lasted two years.

Is this seriously all that’s going on??

Kandi fills her in on this movie of Todd’s which sounds to me like the most B – Est of B movies.

Kandi doesn’t get either, why Drew is going so hard to deny this fucking kiss, when who really even cares. She’s hosting some erotic naughty event, promoting her sex toy line, which she always manages to get in every season.


Drew and Ralph discuss this kiss and Ralph also agrees, who cares!! Can’t believe I’m agreeing with Ralph. Does she want him to care? Their scenes seem so forced and fake.

You can get ARRESTED for filming someone with you phone!

No Drew it’s not ‘criminal’ for Marlo go have been recording you. Where are people getting this ?? Drew is so fucking stupid so I’m not really surprised.

Kandi discusses with Sheree the possibility of Drew being dismissed from this ridiculous movie that I’m sure is going to he horrible. LaToya is invited to her event pushing her sex toys.

So Cynthia and Kenya apparently had a ‘falling out’ after the filming of RHUGT, but have since made up. I’m not sure if this episode could get any more boring.

Drew and Ralph arrive and something seems off with Ralph. I mean it’s Ralph, and he’s kind of an off dude, but something else besides that, just seems weird. I think he and Drew were already ‘separated’ during this time but putting on this fake ‘nice’ front with each other to fake like the separation is taking place during filming. Meanwhile, Drew in her yaps, keeps bitching about how unhappy they are. Yet they’re actually getting along and seeming normal in all of their interactions on camera. In previous seasons, they were practically killing each other in their scenes, however Drew would insist in her yaps and to everyone, how happy they were and this was just a ‘rough patch.’

You really want me, don’t you ???

He and Marlo haggle out whatever they’re at odds about. Her having his name in her mouth, you know. the struggle is real. He claims she was talking about him for “two days straight.” For real? Two days straight, she was talking about Ralph?? Okay. And why does she seem like she’s sucking up to him so hard? It’s gross. This is Ralph. He’s a douche.

This LaToya chick arrives, and she seems really excited to be the center of attention for thirty seconds.

Drew sits her ass on her lap, which probably wasn’t the smartest thing to do as you’re trying to convince everyone how you’re not into her, like THAT.

The best way to prove we never kissed is for me to park my ass on your lap!

They discuss Portugal, and the video that she was sent by Marlo. Then Marlo gets involved, and is accused of editing the video sent to LaToya. Yeah, don’t see Marlo doing that. I mean, she is in the ‘tech business’ and all, (yeah right) but I just don’t see her putting in that much effort, or being capable of it.

Why is it so hard to get to the truth?”

Can we like ya know, like find out the, ya know, the actual truth?? Like, totally!

Keep in mind, this ‘truth’ is about something that NO ONE fucking cares about.

This is one bad boring ass episode, or is it just me?

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