VPR Reunion Part 2 (part 1 recap)

PART 2 HERE WE GO. Probably going to be breaking this in two again.

This argument between Baloney and BlaBla hasn’t stopped in the past week.

Dear Sweet BlaBla: It’s not that Baloney ‘isn’t the same person’ on camera as she is off. Pretty sure she’s miserable and hateful in her normal everyday life irregardless of filming.

She’s not an actress. None of them are good actors. Keep in mind these are a bunch of wannabe failed bad actors that moved to LA like a bajillion other people do with hopes and dreams of being the next Brad Pitt or Julia Roberts, and worked in a restaurant.

Just because she had a confidential discussion with BlaBla expressing frustration about her friend (should have known better, none of them are bright either, you may have noticed) that she preferred not to say to her face, doesn’t make her a ‘different person’ on and off camera. Everyone vents. And let the record show that I’m defending Katie.

Ariana’s sort of half-dumbfounded look during all of this IS awkward but rather entertaining. Frustrating but entertaining because you can see she’s embarrassed.

I like how they keep zooming in on her face. Girlfriend has had NO problem defending her behavior or letting people know what is up usually, but she sits here on mute about not paying her half of the rent. Which is probably a lot, and stuck Katie with it while she was off earning a lot of damned fucking money.

I thought you wouldn’t mind covering my rennnnnnnnnnntttt. I’m really traumatiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzed.

Why doesn’t Katie stop arguing with brick wall BlaBla that has like two brain cells, and turn to Ariana and say “Yes I was pissed you weren’t paying the rent, it’s a lot of money, and I vented.” Let Ariana fucking explain herself, as she should. What are we protecting her from exactly, She seems FINE. She’s doing the damned FINEST out of the whole entire fucking cast.

I keep yelling at you to keep from bitching at Ariana.

She never even offers any remorse, or excuse or anything. Not even a flimsy I forgot, I was busy I’m sorry, I’m caught up now right?”

We glaze over it like it’s not important, and it kind of is. It speaks to her fucking entitlement issues.

Andy could’ve chimed in with “Ariana WERE you not paying your share of the rent on SAH, and why not??

I know, God forbid we should embarrass saintly Ariana. You know, she got cheated on and humiliated, (as many women do) and that makes her exempt from paying for her shit?? What rationale is that exactly? Sign me up for that!!

She doesn’t/didn’t pay her share of the 2 million $ house in which she resides, and she doesn’t pay her share of the rent on their business venture, and she gets away with it. Yeah it’s getting brought up here, thanks to Blabla but she’s not getting questioned nor held accountable really.

Must be nice having everyone pay for you while you just breeze around living your best life making money hand over fist. She’s cute so I kind of get it. Kind of.

I think she also plays the‘I’m so depressed and fragile and could off myself any second’ card when convenient, which is kind of gross.

These are the reasons I’m annoyed by Ariana Madix.

Andy sort of softball questions her and asks if it bothers her that Katie said this, as they all fiddle with their dresses.

No, it doesn’t bother me because I knew she would cover for me- because I’m traumatized, remember?

She claims it doesn’t bother her, because “we do talk about things on and off camera.” That didn’t really answer the question.

Katie looks annoyed and probably wants her to pay her the fucking money she owes, or if she’s caught up say she’s sorry at least. I think she’s embarrassed and doesn’t want to address it. That was a really vague answer to a vague question.

Of course Ariana is not going to say she was bothered by the commentary when she knows it’s fucking true!!

Andy could have worded it to where she had to explain herself. But you know she might go in the back and kill herself because she’s soooo fragile.

If I was extremely financially secure and called out for not paying my shit in front of a million people I guess I would be embarrassed too. Suck it up Ariana and address it.

BlaBla goes into her rant of “you don’t got a business and I support my child on mine. She even morphs into her ‘blackccent’ which is quite inappropriate how she does that when she’s being snarky, rude or aggressive. This is the first in many of her deliveries where she acts like she’s the first person on the planet to have a child.

Her level public of ungluedness right now, complaining about money is so fucking cringy and unprofessional. I get wanting to buy a big house, to have a yard, your own place, the whole thing, but a 3 million dollar one was unnecessary.

I’m sure this loan was contingent on her VPR income, and that could be gone. But as a Bravoleb, she shouldn’t be publicly melting down about money. She could have purchased a still nice, but modest home for half of that knowing VPR is in it’s 11th year and maybe we shouldn’t bank on it continuing.

But again that’s where brains comes in.

Ariana continues to sit here awkwardly as the whole group is kind of talking about her like she’s not even there. You can tell she wants the non-payment of rent thing to get swept under the rug, and for the most part it does.

I really should help a girl out and own my shit but nahhhhhh – I’m too traumatized.

Ariana is funny and kind of shrewd. When she finally does speak on her behalf she totally smothers Katie in compliments and accolades so she shuts up about her rent being in arrears.

Can’t make this shit up. Why are we not talking about this more? It’s hilarious. Everyone is focused on BlaBla looking and sounding foolish, which I’m all for that, don’t get me wrong, but Ariana is doing a pretty good job at it in her own right. It’s just a little more subtle, and you have to pay attention.

Katie looks like she’s seeing through it, and her face totally says it as Ariana drones on about Katie’s ‘authenticity’ and she would NEVER EVER act on camera unlike how she acts off VPR filming. No one is saying she changes her whole persona. Stop trying to confuse the audience. That’s what’s going on here.

I was going to venmo the money but my phone was dead, and then the dog ate my phone. And I’m traumatized.

Luckily I’m not confused and here to explain it. I think Katie looks like she wants to punch her.

BlaBla is trying to point out that Katie purposely kept quiet about ‘Something Bothering Her’ in which she was completely justified, to protect Ariana and not humiliate her. And she’s even trying to deny it here. That’s how committed she is to this chick.

I think Katie shut up about her being a freeloader to save her the embarrassment.

Ariana should be thanking Katie and maybe sending her a Venmo. Was this kind of shitty for BlaBla to bring up a private conversation Katie had with her venting when it wasn’t even during filming? Yeah kind of. But since she did, I think it should have been addressed.

And that’s that. And I’m right.

Now Andy again, “would it have bothered you if she HAD shared it on camera??” And again worded in a way to give her an out and give a vague answer, and again of course she’s going to defend Katie because she knows Katie is right and completely justified. And she knows she didn’t pay her shit. Fuck me.

Uhhhhhhhh I’m traumatized??


Ariana’s reply and you know she wants this over with asap: “I know Katie is valid in these feelings and I understand it’s difficult” (when someone else has to pay for me because I’m a fucking freeloader and cheap, she should have added.)

Can we stop giving BlaBla the floor? She outed Katie for bitching about Ariana, she outed Ariana for being a freeloader, both are true, but it’s time to move on. Ariana is NOT going to own it.


I hope Dan is paying attention to this shit and is concerned. And if they buy property together, get shit in writing as to what she is responsible for. And hire a cleaning service. Ariana ain’t doin’ squat. She can’t even clean the cat litter.

BlaBla claims that if Katie had told her she wasn’t comfortable talking about the shit on camera then fine, but she threatened to burn her livliehood to the ground? What the fuck is that all about?? Who talks like that??

So I guess from that we’re learning, is that BlaBla told Katie she was going to bring it up on the show, and Katie went to that extreme. Katie is just so fucking extra about everything.

It’s not 100% clear but you have to read between the lines. That seems rather harsh but Katie is Katie. She clearly did NOT want Ariana to know she was bitching about her. And as Schwartzie said, it did have a lot to do with SAH, and also she wanted to remain ‘Team Ariana’ mainly because she hates Sandoval so much.

Ariana continues to make this same distorted face like she is terrified she’s going to have to talk about the rent she didn’t pay.

Camera dudes are being a little shady with their zooming in on her. They apparently don’t give a fuck about her fragile ego. You know she really should be intervening here and freeing Katie (and us) of having to sit here and listen to BlaBla, by admitting to her shit and to back off of Katie, and she sees what she did was wrong.

Maybe admitting to, and blaming it on the Scandoval entitlement of expecting everyone to bend over backwards for her.

I feel like she knows that too and can’t bring herself to do it. It’s kind of sad. I think it’s pissing Katie off actually, that Ariana doesn’t speak up and own her shit. Saying that Katie is ‘valid in her feelings’ isn’t really owning her shit. That’s a fucking cop out. And a round about way of saying you were wrong without saying you were wrong.

Hello? Still traumatized.

Katie doesn’t answer to any of this which is very telling, she just pulls at the neck of that dress. Andy asks where they go from here, and BlaBla answers they’ll still be good. Well Thank God for that.

Andy points out that she looks pissed. She defends herself as not wanting to be told what to say to the cameras.

Ariana says nothing, and takes no responsibility for this predicament she put Katie in of blindly having her back when she had every right to be mad. And why wouldn’t she have given her notice she would be going to NYC for several months?

That’s finally over. Good job Ariana. Katie had your back and you can’t say one fucking word to own your shit. What a dick. I feel bad for Dan stuck with this lazy-ass freeloader. Surely that guy can do better.


Moving on the Scheana/Schwartz drunken kiss many many moons ago in Vegas. We have to rehash the whole thing when I’m pretty sure we get it.

Scheana does this flex as she’s grinning ear to ear, of how every guy in the group has hit on her. She shares a similar Sandoval story back when he was with Kristen. Does she think maybe this has to do with that they thought she was kind of a ho?? And not so much that she’s hot and irresistible?? Also they were all drunk when they did it, and claim to not remember. Yet, she’s so proud.

I know what boys like, boys like ME!

We have to look at Katie grimacing at all of this and Scheana having to AGAIN explain and list the obvious fucking reasons why she didn’t share this with her ten fucking years ago.

Katie, you have divorced this man, and it’s been a year. You have hooked up with countless dudes for the past year while throwing a hissy fit every time Schwartz spoke to another girl.

Yet we’re wasting more energy getting worked up over this juvinille shit.

Katie in a pretend coy way shares she’s had sex with Max more than once, who is Schwartz’ BFF as he puts it. It’s funny how Schwartz doesn’t really give a fuck and is able to sit and laugh about it.

Housewives’ hypocrisy doesn’t hold a candle to Katie Baloney’s.


Lake Tahoe trip – ‘not the Queen of the group.’ Who cares. This was early in the season when Ariana was on her super extra high horse, as opposed to the pony she exited the season on, when she claimed she wouldn’t speak to anyone who spoke to Sandoval, because that would giver him ‘access to her.’ As she continued to live with him, and be in the public eye so he could get access to her ‘info’ via this internet thing. Also he didn’t really care. Also she lived in the same house. Did I mention that. Sorry I’m on BlaBla’s side with the ridiculousness of that.

Andy asks Ariana why it seems she has gotten an ego since the affair. You think she’s going to admit to an ego problem?? She couldn’t even own her blowing off her rent payments. And that shit’s on paper. I’m sure there are bank records of Katie shelling out the whole fucking payment month after month, while she was off playing Roxie Hart with her sudden burst of energy that I’m still confused about.

She blames Schwartz for starting that? Seriously? She thinks Tom Stupid Schwartz is capable of persuading people a certain way??

I don’t know, maybe it was her walking around telling everyone what to do whilst pretending to be devastated when she wasn’t at all devastated once the initial shock wore off, ten days later.

Ariana has to remind us again she didn’t watch the show. That annoys Andy it seems. It was probably too cringy for her to watch herself acting like an idiot and making no sense.

Addressing Scheana and her fake heartfelt need to be Sandoval’s BFF again, is such a waste of time. It was clearly their marching orders and now that filming is over, they’re all pissed at him again.

Ariana claims that she understood Scheana’s feelings and whatever, who cares.

BlaBla again with being the only single mom in the universe. The difference between her forbidding last year any of the guys speak to Randall, and Ariana doing kind of the same with Sandoval, is that she has a CHILD.

BlaBla that’s not why. Even if if there were not a CHILD INVOLVED you would have said the same fucking shit. The custody battle has nothing to do with Schwartz playing pickle ball with Randall one fucking time. What the hell do you think Schwartz would tell him that has anything to do with your child? Besides nothing. Nothing. Just because you say it BlaBla, doesn’t make it true and doesn’t mean viewers buy it.

BlaBla was being egotistical narcissistic typical loud mouth BlaBla last season giving everyone directions as to what they could and could not say and do because she HAD A CHILD. Unless you have A CHILD you just don’t get it. She has A CHILD that she thought was going to be her golden ticket and she was going to lie by the pool for the rest of her life in a free house after she ditched him in a few years.

Yes BlaBla I know YOU have a child and I do not.

Randall is giving her a hard time with whatever they’re arguing about custody-wise simply to be a pain in the ass. Maybe if she shuts the hell up about how terrible he was in bed for five minutes he’d back off. Or not. Funny she didn’t mind nor mention how ‘terrible’ he was in bed when she was getting designer duds, flying on this PJ, that we’re now seeing wasn’t even his, and living the dream in her Hollywood home.

I’ve said it before 800 times and that’s not going to stop me from saying it again. BlaBla was so pissed and ‘traumatized’ by Randall simply because she thought she was the player and she was being played. Fucking end of story.

Enough with the boundaries already. Jesus Christ. I’ll be so flipping happy when we forget about that word and move on to a new buzzword.

Now there’s insult exchange on the comparison of BlaBla’s ‘boundaries’ verses Ariana’s ‘boundaries.’ Because it’s a competition, you know between these two and their break-ups.

Did you say you have a CHILD???

BlaBla we know. You make so much more sense and your boundaries and issues are so much more different because you have A CHILD.

Having said that because I do like to make fun of BlaBla, I agree with the confusion of Ariana’s sleeping down the hall from Sandoval and had a new dude five minutes later. But haven’t we done this to death??

Ariana asks if there was an issue with Katie dating after her separation from Schwartz. I see Ariana’s point as to why is BlaBla harping on me about Dan, this is what everyone does post break-up. Starts seeing someone else immediately.

To me, though if you’re truly devastated and hurt as she’s claiming to be, that’s NOT what you do. You don’t immediately look for a re placement if you’re truly mourning the loss of your partner.

Remember Ariana you threatened to off yourself if Sandoval broke up with you only a few short months prior, so yes you ARE getting side-eye and some viewers are wondering about your credibility. This viewer thinks that threat was simply so you could continue to lay on your lazy butt all day while Sandoval wrote out checks.

Which is a huge insult to people who actually struggle with suicidal thoughts, or to the families of people that lost someone to suicide. That goes for Sandoval to who I believe used it for pity and *** as well.

It’s gross. Stop it.

BlaBla brings up Charly’s comment in fucking 2022 about BlaBla being pissed she fucked and had a kid to the wrong guy, looking for a payday, which was 100% accurate and it’s what I’ve been saying. Charly probably copied me.

Yes Ariana laughed at that, BlaBla because it’s what EVERYONE on the cast thinks, but is not saying.

Ariana points out they talked about that and she apologized and BlaBla argues that it didn’t air. Ariana points out the lunacy of acting like because it didn’t air it doesn’t count as happening.

Whatever, BlaBla is clearly desperate for this to be the BlaBla show, and honestly she’s kind of succeeding.

Who cares about that stupid picture in Tahoe?? Does Scheana not realize she will never ever ever get asked to do Dancing With The Stars? The more she talks about wanting it the more she will not be getting it.

I would laugh if they ask Brock after seeing his little weird jig thing he did on the finale.

Scheana does this weird thing pretending she’s way too busy to do it anyway even if she were to be asked. She has ‘plans with the band’ so maybe next year. Katie makes a face at that. All right Katie we know she can’t sing. You also can’t make sandwiches, or smile.

Another Katie constipated fucking face because Jo will be joining the panel.

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