VPR Blurb/Sandoval vs The Girls

Before I dive into my recap, I wanted to do a little blurb, and address something.

As I said, I don’t have all day to devote listening to all of these podcasts, so I listen to some podcast highlights via TikTok.

Lisa’s plugging away as Sandoval’s personal advocate, and telling everyone to take it easy on him, he’s fragile, blah blah blah… because he told her he had been struggling with thoughts of suicide

You know, she almost had me.

Being a dumb ass empath, even though I hate fucking cheaters, (and NO I have never cheated, nor been involved with anyone that is married, jackass) I was starting to feel bad for him. And Ariana being super annoying wasn’t really helping.

My immediate gut reaction told me that was a desperate ploy at getting pity, and I think I did say that in my recap, of that scene with Lisa on last week’s episode.

Sandoval knows this is a sensitive topic with Lisa, due to her brother. And while I think he was really embarrassed when the battery commercial aired, I DON’T think he was considering offing himself.

I listened to a video made by a viewer that sort of broke it down as to how gross it is that Lisa would be exploiting her brother’s death for the sake of ratings, and to promote her businesses.

She still runs TomTom, and his name is on the damned building, even though he may not be involved anymore, and she needs to have him back in the girls’ good graces in order to keep him on the show. She definitely has an agenda.

Even though viewers supposedly hate him, we are still tuning in to see the drama unfold. Lisa knows, if he has no one to film with, except Schwartz, there’s no reason to have him on the show.

Then for her to run around and beg the girls to cut him some slack, just feels so ick.

With all due, people that love themself, don’t off themselves.

She always does tend to take the guys’ sides and make excuses for them.

And if he’s so mentally ill, and on the brink of suicide, why is he filming a fucking TV show?? Isn’t that kind of you know, serious?? Even though it’s Sandoval? If it really is truly an issue, why were we worried about ‘Vanderpump Rules?’

I think most would agree this show has ran it’s course. But I know, I choose to still watch it.

And something else I wanted to mention. I hate to point out ‘suicidal’ Sandoval did have a point with Scheana and the constant non fucking stop talking about him and Raquel on her podcast.

And did I miss her and Sandoval being such ‘great friends?’ I honestly never really noticed that.

She didn’t like it too much last season when everyone was discussing her fucking boyfriend, now husband, that has two children on another whole ass continent, that he’s not supporting, nor, has seen in three years. By the way, his fitness app tanked, so he’s basically living off of Scheana. Also, you may have heard, she removed him from the deed of her houses recently, so yeah maybe talk about that on your podcast, Scheana.

She even admits she took it too far.

But I’m sure when she enters her new 2.5 mill house, she was able to buy from exploiting the shit out of this situation, she doesn’t feel too bad.

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