VPR 2/13/24 – Part 2

Okay here we go, part 2 of this week’s new ep.

I’m trying to stay focused on the actual episode. But no promises.

But first really quick, I wanted to add some things. I think I’m already in trouble.

I listened to a TikTok video today, so I’m not taking credit for this realization completely, but maybe partially, because I too did think this was weird.

When Sandoval was talking to Lisa about, what else, himself, he mentioned about Raquel briefly dating, fucking probably more so than dating, Nema from the now-canceled Shahs of Sunset. (if you watched the last season in 2021, you understand why. I couldn’t recap it, because there was nothing even happening.)


I was wondering why they didn’t mention he was another Bravoleb, didn’t even flash on his pic or anything. The TikToker thought Bravo didn’t want to bring attention to it, since the show was canceled. I guess that could be the reason, but how stupid is that? Who cares they had to cancel it? It was on for several years.

There are people that don’t pay attention to the podcasts (like me, but I probably should) and didn’t watch Shahs, that thought it was weird they would just refer to this guy as ‘Nema’ as if he’s Prince or something, and goes by only his first name. They should have elaborated.

Also she pointed out how bizarre is that they’re not mentioning anything Ariana has been up to since she became, sort of more famous/infamous when the affair got revealed. DWTS, several endorsements, you know, the queen of the group…

Also how the Sandwich Shop is still not open, and they’re not really addressing that.

It’s like they really need to break the fourth wall, and acknowledge the cameras, the viewers, and some of this shit that’s been going on, that is relevant to where we are now.

Okay, and then this is what I found interesting that was revealed on some of the podcasts, that when Tom was carrying on to Lisa and claiming to have felt suicidal, it was after Ariana’s Duracell commercial aired, because he was being taunted so badly at that time.

Of course, you recall, when he was listing to Schwartz everything Ariana was not doing last season, making excuses for his cheating, purchasing batteries was on the list.

Here I am understanding Sandoval again, which is embarrassing, but I get what he was trying to say. ‘Batteries’ were just an example of how she was checked out, and not contributing to the household, and laid around all day. That was the context in which he said that. It did sort of come out like “OMG she doesn’t even buy batteries, so I had to fuck Raquel!”

It came off as really dumb, so I get the ridicule. He’s Sandoval, he’s a putz, and not a good communicator.

So the interesting part, and I was supposed to be focusing, but I think this is important info, that Nema actually directed that commercial that Ariana did for the batteries.

I mean it’s all so ironic, isn’t it? The crossing of paths between all of these people. So was he already fucking Raquel when he directed the commercial? Or is that how they met? After the commercial, he was intrigued by the whole thing, and reached out to her? (aka wanted fucked) Did Ariana know they were intertwined?

So long story longer, Sandoval supposedly considered offing himself due to the ridicule of that commercial.

So what I got from the TikTok video, is that you almost have to be listening to some of these podcasts to understand a lot of the talking points, which isn’t fair to the viewers. I mean, really Bravo guys, you know I hate to break it to you, but we have jobs, and houses, and lives. I’m sure a lot of viewers have young kids, and can’t devote hours per day to Bravo. For me, it’s all I can do to sit and watch the episodes at 8 or 9 pm, and I’m trying to recap them of course, which takes another few hours. When the hell am I going to listen to podcasts?? I try to just get the highlights on TikTok when I’m sitting at red lights, literally.

I had trouble following everything the TikToker was saying, well for one thing she was really worked up, but also, because she’s listening to all of these podcasts. There was something about viewers being outside of SUR during filming? I guess on See You Next Tuesday Night?

Okay, onto the rest of the episode.

Wait, one more thing. Kind of unrelated, but this occurred to me today.

Sandoval’s beady little dead hollow eyes remind me of my ex. I was doing a little ranting and comparing, in my article last night about that, and didn’t mention it. I was thinking it the whole time he was whining to Lisa, and convincing her that HE is the victim in all of this.

I’ve actually never seen Lisa this invested in someone else’s well being to be honest with you. Not on VPR, nor RHOBH. Ever. He makes Tom tell her that he understands what she’s saying.

Promise me you understand what I’m saying.
Well, actually, I’m not really sure what contrition means.


As I said in my Part 1 – WHO CARES about Scheana and Katie ‘mending their friendship.’

She apologizes for inviting Schwartz to Emo night. Whatever, Scheana. Stop. Stop feeding this bitches ego.


We’re seeing more of Lisa this season, whether we like it or not. Schwartz drops by VP Dogs, since now it’s his turn to sufficiently whine up a storm in her ear.

I am really sad to hear about his brother Bert, who was jumped by some fucking stupid pussy that of course, would attack a small short mentally challenged guy.

And since then, he hasn’t been the same, and has developed a drinking problem.

Schwartz is acting a little disconnected from his family. He said he ‘guesses so’ when Lisa asks about his drinking being bad.

Yeah, I don’t know. I’m not going back there.

The subject quickly gets changed to Sandoval, and Lisa starts her plugging and excuse-making for him.

Lisa refers to Ariana as living her best life, and appears to have moved on, so what’s everyone STILL carrying on about, she wants to know.

This was a point of the TikTok video too that I referred to. Nothing is mentioned about Ariana. She’s living her best life in what way?? Honestly from what we’re seeing, it doesn’t really seem like she’s ‘living her best life.’

What’s all the fuss?? She’s making bank and seems to be over it.

Sandoval should be ashamed of himself for lying to Lisa that he was suicidal. Over being made fun about fucking batteries?? Suck it up asshole. Typical. I think Schwartz knows it’s crap too.

She invites Schwartz to Lake Tahoe and encourages him to invite everyone.

Oh my God here we go. Cast trip. Oh Joy!!!


See You Next Tuesday night at SUR. Schwartz shows up, not working this time. BlaBla demands to know if he was ‘invited.’ He doesn’t need invited to come to SUR, BlaBla. It’s a public place. This is no exclusive crowd who gets to listen to James DJ.

Move over ‘California Sober’ that’s so 2023, now it’s ‘sober-curious.’ Which is when you’re still drinking, but not really.

BlaBla forgot her pants. Crabby Baloney and Ariana arrive.

Shortly after, Sandoval and his new bestie, Kyle (great ANOTHER Bravo Kyle) come tearing in, he claims he wants to be apologetic and humble. Mmkay.

Him and his new little friend get an intimate table to have dinner. So cute.

Schwartz rolls out his plan, and invites everyone to Lake Tahoe. He makes sure he tells them EVERYONE is invited, so they all need to get over it.

Come on guys, it’ll be a jolly good time!

Ariana right away – “I don’t want to be anywhere near you or Sandoval.”

Okay, so am I insane here for saying, ‘Ariana, then don’t go! Don’t fucking go!’ Actually it would make sense for her to stay back, if Sandoval is going, because BOOM she is rid of him, and doesn’t have to be trying to avoid him.

Schwartz points out, how she lives with him so is it that big of a deal??

But of course, there’s this ‘mediator’ (is that Ann?) so they don’t have to interact.

I feel like she really enjoys saying that.

Have I mentionedddddd we have our peopllllllle, running interferrrrrrrrrence????

BlaBla questions his loyalty to Sandoval. Schwartz explains it that they have been friends for ten plus years and he doesn’t want to toss him aside for making mistakes.

Okay so this is what I think is funny, and apparently no one else does. I made some posts on FaceBook chat groups, making jokes about Jax telling Sandoval, “you’re not the number one guy in the group.” Which sounded a lot like Schwartz telling Ariana she’s ‘not the queen of the group.’

Why no one was like – “Oh Okay Jax!” – I don’t know. Totally would’ve broken the ice in that moment when everyone was all tense.

Anyway when I posted this on the chats, everyone just commented about Ariana and Schwartz, and I was like “does no one get my joke???” What is wrong with those people? I can’t be the only one that thought of that.

I agree with Schwartz about Ariana’s ego being over the top. No it’s not ‘boundaries and strength’ it’s ego from all of this attention that she’s been getting non-stop. It’s getting to be too much. We get it. Sandoval cheated. But girl, your relationship started when he was with someone else. She’s not completely innocent. She thought that was all kind of funny to do that to Kristen.

And she knew he had a history of cheating.

Just listen to her in her yap, “If I don’t want to be around my ex, I literally don’t have to.” True! So just don’t go! No one’s making you go. Have a fucking party in YOUR HOUSE. Have this new dude over, and fuck him in every room. Fuck him on the counters! Use your imagination, girl! She’s such a stick in the mud!!

Scheana goes to the restroom, and passes by Sandoval’s table. He asks to speak with her.

The best part about this scene? Little throwback to all of the fights and confrontations in the back alley of SUR back in the day!

Anywho, they awkwardly talk about their outfits, he compares her look to Shania Twain, then they dive into it. Scheana bitches at him for blocking her on Insta. Let’s get the important things out of the way.

He drones on about being in a bad place at that time. Probably when the battery commercial dropped. Scheana accuses him of not being remorseful, and he feels he has.

He brings up her podcast, and how shitty it is how she’s relentlessly using his mistakes and plight to make money. So, he does have a point. It’s coming off as kind of – desperate on her part. And I have to again make the point, is Ariana really okay with it? If it were me I would be saying “shut up about my life!”

Scheana agrees it was too much, and there was a certain point that she stopped.

She suggests he also stop trying to capitalize on it as well, in his concerts singing about Raquel and Schwartz and whatever.

It ends with Scheana advising him to be humble, as Lisa did. I feel like he goes in and out of it. One second he knows he fucked up and he’s so sorry, and the next second he’s making excuses and wanting pity.

What do you think, you’re Elvis or something???

Sandoval lets her know the interview with Nema was inappropriate and was really hurtful to Raquel.

Nema was definitely looking for his fifteen minutes, seems like to me. Whatever she told him was in private.

We all know that Sandoval did say the open relationship thing. We don’t need her to be playing the do gooder, that she claims to be, by making sure ‘it’s out there.’

We know Sandoval’s a fucking turd. We’re not surprised. What Ariana was even doing with him for so long, I don’t even know.

She’s literally trying to play the “I did it for the greater good” card.

No, girl, you did it for the rent.

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