Vanderpump Season 5

Thought this clip was a relevant one for my ‘Mean Girl Mondays’ (even though James is part of it… but he is acting like a mean girl) Granted this was during the Lala and James hard drinking years, but I’m not seeing that as any excuse, since both are now sober, and behave not quite as badly, but still badly.

I do get that Jax was on probation for swiping $300 sunglasses, but STILL, I think between him and Schwartz, more could have been done and or/said by the “men” (and sorry if that sounds so 1950) to deal with this situation. Like come ON guys!!! MAN UP !! Schwartz wtf ??? He insulted your girl! They came to your table to harass you, and take your alcohol ! (I mean that’s where I would draw the line!!) And Jax, punching this dude out which I’m pretty sure I could even do, and I weigh 110 lbs, (did you see the kickboxing episode with Raquel??) would have been so worth a night in jail !!

James and Lala were acting like like middle school spoiled assholes and sadly, have not evolved that much, if you’re watching this season at all, you know what I mean. Now they’re both single. Not sure if these two getting together would be a good idea…

For entertainment purps only – i don’t own this video

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