Vanderpump Reunion Season 9

I liked ALMOST all of the looks on the Vanderpump Season 9 Reunion.

I only have a few ‘NOT’s!! I realized that this is my first Hot or Not evaluating dudes’ looks. I’m not really an expert in guys’ attire. But I’ll do my best. These are my opinions anyway. And everyone has opinions.

I’ll start from the left and work my way over. Then go to the remotes. Assuming they were remote because they tested ‘positive’ (yet not sick…) for covid? I assume living in California, they’re all covid vaccinated. Or maybe not “fully” (new term by the way) Never any such thing as being “fully vaccinated” for a particular vaccine. One is always enough. Except for this one, for some reason. Good luck to those of you that gave in to this nonsense.

Real men wear buns and cropped pants

Brock: (aka “Brick” or “Broke” as I have been seeing on social media, from those that may not care for him) At first I was a “Not.” The loud unbuttoned shirt, cropped length trousers, the bright colored textured jacket… it seems like a lot. When he is already sort of an “extra” type dude.

Then I realized, well, he’ s Australian. I think men are more “fashionable” in Europe, and perhaps also Australia. I remember when I was in Italy in 2018, I was surprised to see so many guys in cropped pants, even dressed for work on weekdays. Then I was like, duh this is Europe – people in general take more fashion risks, and styles in Europe, and trends, don’t hit America until a few years later.

(Ex – most of the women were wearing the high waist cropped loose fitting jeans that I just became the fad here a year or so ago. ) I found this picture online of a very fashionable Aussie. Perhaps Brock is putting his own spin with the graphic shirts and velvet jackets? Not really sure. This look isn’t for everyone, and I do admire the effort, I’ll give him a ‘HOT.’ Even though it’s Brock.

This is how we do it —in Australia

Scheana: I’ll give a ‘HOT’ as well. I normally think she puts things together well, and always looks on point, for the most part. I was loving her “hair jewels” and her sexy gold dress. You may have heard her complaining on a hot mic moment about sitting on the left side. I was confused by that. I was wondering, is it similar to the status thing on Housewives, where whomever is sitting next to Andy is the “most important?” Then I saw on Twitter, that she wanted the opposite side due to her hair jewels, and the slit in her dress being more visible ? She can be a little obsessive about her looks. I think both could be seen fine being on the left. She was turning towards Brock a, lot also.

Ariana: HOT. Her sage green dress was beautiful for her coloring, and brought out her eyes. The top halter-like part, and peek-a-boo boobs added sexiness. I liked the hair pulled up in a bun thing, as a nice change of pace for her.

Real men DON’T paint their nails.

Sandoval: I guess HOT. He looked great as well. He definitely takes fashion risks, and tends to do his own thing. Sometimes a little too over the top for me. Loved the vintage suit look. I need to address the painted nails though, and call that a “NOT” for me. Sorry but too girly. I have to draw the line somewhere, and that’s at purses and painted nails. if I were Ariana I would be like, ‘please stop.’ I know you’re trying to express yourself, but too much. I’ve noticed Ariana’s fashion choices have gotten more ‘girly’ over the years, and for some reason, so has Sandoval’s.

Nanny Pinky ditched the pinky ???

LVP: (Aka Nanny Pinky) I have to say, NOT. (or Meh) Too much black !! She doesn’t usually do all black like this. Maybe she was just mixing it up a little. I do see her top had some bling, so that was good, but I wish she would have done a brightly colored shirt. I’m not sure if there was theme at all, as the Housewives sometimes follow. It seemed like a lot of black and earthy/neutral tones, except for Katie and James.

The lavender grew on me …(no pun intended) I think I like it now.

James: Okay, HOT. Honestly at first I was going to give him a ‘NOT.’ Just wasn’t feeling the lavender suit on a dude. I think these are trendy now, not necessarily in America, but he is British. I like it paired with the black shirt. And I don’t want to beat up on poor James. I’m glad it wasn’t “capri” length. Pants seemed somewhat too long and wrinkled in the group standing shot. (as were Andy’s) This reunion had to be really hard and humbling for him.

She’s got LEGS!!!

Raquel: HOT. Her dress was elegant, not too over the top. Also went with the sage green, similar to Ariana’s. Also similar to the dress she wore to her engagement sourie. Perhaps this is a trendy color now. I loved the sheer sleeves, and I like how she’s wearing her hair now in the short bob. Honestly, she has the body where she could put on a burlap sack, and still look good. #jealous.

Not super camera friendly, Looks like black fabric draped over her.

Charly: Wasn’t loving the total Black. Yawn. Too plain. The plunging neckline, high slit, and sleeve slits, I don’t think came across well on camera when seated. I also don’t think it was a good choice for the reunion due to this. Reeks desperate to me. I liked her purplish eye make-up though. I’m not going to give her a HOT or NOT. I’m going to give her a ‘meh.’ Maybe if it were a color, or had sequins or something, I may have gone for “HOT.”

Exquisite and feminine.

Lala: Also difficult reunion for her. Maybe it was best she was remote. Even through the difficulty, and one humbling moment, she managed to sling insults and sort of blame the group for the Randall problems. (for not telling her about the rumors.) But, I can’t deny, her dress was gorgeous, and her make-up was ridiculous. Wish I could have seen the whole thing. This is something that I would totally wear. She gets a ‘HOT.’ One of my two faves of the night.

Katie: SO HOT. Love love love. If I had to pick a fave, hers would be it. Two things I love, gloves and this shade of pink. Like Lala’s, wish I could have seen the whole thing. But she got it right. She went outside the box with the long gloves. And when she was bitching at Sandoval and flailing her arms around, it really showcased them. Glad she was yelling at Sandoval! Sounds like he deserved it. My other fave of the night.

Katie brought the gloves to give Sandoval the business !!!

Schwartz: Looked cute I guess. I’ll give him a ‘HOT. ‘ He didn’t do leopard print, which I’m very grateful for. He needs to stop that, and stat. I like a vest on a guy. The rolled up sleeves gave it a casual look.

Okay to wrap it up, one more ‘lady’ to evaluate, and I know she wasn’t present, but she did get a mention. (I’ll need to replace “hot” with “cute” though.) Summer Moon!! How cute and pretty is this baby?? She looks a lot like her mom, and Scheana is beautiful, so not a shocker. Adorbs !!!! I love her outfits too. Great fashion sense, Summer !!! Keep it up!!


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