Vanderpump Reunion Part 2

Continuation of the Sandoval and Katie – who does more BS. Schwartzie trying to shush Katie because she is clearly repeating things that her husband has told her, (not returning calls, not doing much of anything…) that he’s too much of a pussy to tell him. Schwartz’ feeble attempt to diffuse by saying “What she’s saying is that we balance each other out.” Funny I thought she was saying Sandoval is a lazy entitled lying piece of shit.

Ariana and Sandoval look awkward and embarrassed. “All right Katie…” says a very disgusted, defeated Tom Sandoval. He clearly had no defense, so if I were a betting woman, my money is on Katie giving us a very accurate assessment. Ariana is nervously trying to tuck her hair behind her ear, that’s in a tightly pulled bun…. hmmmmm.

Someone looks guilty as charged here.

Katie points out that they’re married and she does have a vested financial interest in the bar, even though she’s not technically an “owner.”

Raquel apologizes to Katie for a comment on WWHL, that Katie should butt out. Since they’re married she should have a say. I do agree with the part that she is bored though. She even admitted that in a scene with Lisa, about this sandwich shop.

Ariana says, “that’s bullshit.” How profound Ariana. Guess that’s the best she could do. I thought she always claimed she was so much more intelligent than the others??? Seeing NO evidence of that. I’ve been back and forth with her this season. Sometimes I’m finding her completely insufferable. Like now. Lala tells her to shut up,

Who is NOT sick of this argument.

On to something a tad more interesting, believe it or not – Raquel’s nose. She says that she finally is okay with what she thought was a botched job. Andy asks James about all of that skeevy and disturbing crap he was saying about her looks, and that being his only interest in her. James says he doesn’t want to explain it but will try ??? Andy is like uhhhh “try.”

We all know that James doesn’t like to be called out on the dumb shit that he says… He fumbles around and comes up with what he meant was that she was beautiful to begin with, and he said the “harsh version” of that, and wishes he could take it back.

Andy asks James if he really believes Raquel would leave him if something would happen to his looks.

James is getting visibly frustrated about being held accountable on these things that he DID say.

I said some dumbass shit – I get it.

He says he meant if be got a botched surgery, then she would leave him. He thought. Starting to feel a little bit bad for the dude. He really is getting called out on the hurtful things he has said, and his immature behavior. Which is something a lot of narcissists never need to do. For one thing, normal people don’t have their lives being filmed. (they tend to deny things that they say) And they normally wouldn’t stand for sitting there, being questioned and having to explain themselves. But James has to. It’s “in the contract.” and he probably needs the coins to pay for that extravagant three day engagement event.

Andy addresses Scheana’s and Brock’s meeting –He claims that he didn’t know who she was. Lisa points out that the show is “big” in Australia. Brock says “he’s country, and had NO idea.” What does he mean by that, like he didn’t have a TV? Also he was living here (obviously) when they met in San Diego. Also it was weird when Scheana says “It’s not like he was thinking, there’s that girl from the show that my sister watches…?”

That was like really specific. Very Odd.

He gets asked about the Green Card being an incentive to wanting to marry Scheana. He says that he has two years left on his ‘Investor’s Visa. ’ Lisa asks how much he had to put down to live here, and he says 500k, not cash of course, since the dude didn’t/doesn’t seem to have two nickels, he used a gym he is an owner of in lieu of the cash ? Andy asks about the confusion surrounding his constant claims that he came to the U.S. to better support his family, but hasn’t paid child support. He says that when he left to come here, he and his ex agreed that he would send money to her. There was no official “child support agreement.” So their communication had “broken down” and she began receiving government support. (Did he stop sending money then?) When he found about this, he began paying, and that was in Sept 2018, which he describes as “just before the pandemic hit.” However that wasn’t until Jan – Feb 2020. No one seemed to have noticed or called him out on that. Scheana does then correct him to “2019.”

Andy asks why he’s not seeing his kids if he’s been paying child support since “2018.” Scheana again quips – “2019” What I don’t get, is that when the show was airing he kept pointing out “I’m paying child support now…” as if it had just started. And filming was roughly 6 – 8 months ago. Which was 2021. So he had been paying for two years at that point? Confusing. Maybe because he lies and changes his story.

This all makes complete sense, I swear !!!

His answer is that he’s respecting her wishes, and she won’t let him see them until he is paying his child support. Even though he’s been paying for three years, supposedly. (allegedly) When asked to explain that, Scheana interjects that he has to be ‘caught up.’ Oh wow. Who wouldn’t love to hear from his ex, as to what the real story is. He’s asked about the domestic violence incident. Again he admits he slapped her when they were arguing. I feel a little bad for Scheana having to sit here while he explains this —-AGAIN.

Andy wants to know if he feels Lala had misrepresented him during any of her rants about him. He says yes, because he was vulnerable and confided in her, and she “had her fun” with it. I sort of can see that. Lala uses my least favorite new buzzword, “triggered” as her reasoning, and Brock makes fun of it.

First time I have heard someone else making fun of the new woke overused word. Well I guess Brock and I can agree with that. It really is being used as an excuse for bad behavior. It is.

Andy asks Raquel about the situation with her mom. I didn’t really think if was confusing. Her biological mom is the sister of her adopted mom that raised her. Kate is her bio mom’s daughter – I assume they have different dads. What I DO kind of find weird about this scenario, is that she says that she has no interaction and has not seen her bio mom, only seeing her occasionally on a few holidays. My guess is that the two sisters are not very close, at all ? But wouldn’t you think they would be if she gave her child away to her? And what’s with this woman ? This is your daughter. Not sure of the reasons surrounding her giving her up for adoption, But if the woman that adopted your child was your sister, don’t you think you’d be in her life somewhat?

James admits that her family didn’t like him, when asked. He never really felt accepted. The Dad really didn’t like him. AT ALL. And the dude does NOT mince words. He told Lisa at the engagement event, he has a shallow grave ready for him. James goes on to say that at Thanksgiving he was “verbally assaulted” by her Dad at the dinner table. That seems a little sad, but I’m not going to lie, I would have paid to see that. He was bitching at him for now wearing hiking boots he had bought for him. Well sounds like he had Grandma Buttons’ approval !!

Lala is up, and gets questions on addressing all of Brock’s red flags with Scheana. Frequently.

She admits of not being an expert on ‘red flags.’ Lala seems little humbled, actually, and says that she feels “terrible, she should have been focused on looking at her own situation. Brock doesn’t seem to be super accepting. He gets a dig in about her only concern being flying around on private jets and meeting Machine Gun Kelly.

Sandy admits he had heard rumors about Randall’s infidelity. Lala says he should have told her. He is like, yeah ok Lala, as if THAT would have went well. James and Tom both have seen and heard things about his “creeping around.” Lala of course being Lala, practically blames them for her situation.

Can you imagine if someone would had approached Lala with this shit ? she would have GONE OFF !! Like , Lala have you met yourself ???

She talks about how he was never ever home, and when he was he was ALWAYS on his phone.

(THIS sounds familiar – my ex had like 32 girlfriends – no lie)

I have to really try hard to feel sorry for her… but these look like crocodile tears to me, and they disappeared FAST. She said in the midst of all of this, he “leaves for Miama” and that is when she left. So he was so devastated that his five year relationship, and the mother of his infant, found out he was cheating, that he just up and leaves for Miami? What a sludge.

Scheana and Raquel get asked about their input and Lala was feeling like he was sort of an absentee father. (But in all fairness, she was handing the baby to a ‘nurse’ constantly in all of her scenes.) Didn’t even seem like she could be bothered to give her her bottle, or breastfeed the baby. (instead she pumped) That, to me, is how you bond with your baby. I just think this chick has a heart of stone. Maybe I’m wrong.

And I think she is going to have a hard time raising this child on her own.

Raquel says she wasn’t surprised by all of this, since she met Lala as ‘his mistress.’ She makes a really good point. Lala rolls her eyes, and makes all kinds of faces, as if that’s not true. I think dating a married man, while he supports you and buys you expensive shit, is the definition of a mistress. Raquel said what everyone was thinking.

“I met Lala as a mistress so…”
Just WHO are you calling a Mistress??? I prefer Madame.

She doesn’t like it but tough fucking shit … Even over and above the Brock thing, she had her mean heartless girl moments this season. I wrote in one of the earlier posts that I was expecting the newly sober and new Mom Lala, to be grown-up, mature and empathetic. We got none of that.

She goes on about how Randall told her he was separated. She said “we were on the road” traveling about, I assume on her PJ, for two straight months. So what married man could be gone from home for two whole months?

She didn’t put two and two together ? That she never went to his house ? Again tell me why she’s surprised he was doing this to her ? Brock interrupts that she was too busy enjoying all of the ‘perks.’ Perhaps that’s why she didn’t add two plus two. She was busy adding up all of the expensive shoes and bags she was collecting, to add two plus two.

He was leading a double life for a very long time. Most likely true. So was my ex husband. Don’t even get me started on his double life. He too told this chick he was seeing that he was, wait for it, not just separated, but that we were divorced.

You would think though, in Randall’s case – he’s (sort of famous) mostly because of Lala, did anyone ever hear of him as a director ?? Does he direct like “B” movies or what ? He and Lala are both on a reality show, and in the public eye. You would have to think he would have been smart enough to TRY to control himself ? And realize he would most likely get caught ? Maybe he didn’t care.

Of course she didn’t think he was going to do this to HER? Why do women think that ?

James chimes in with a sort of an “I told you so” without actually saying it. He said when it all came crashing down, Randall had the audacity to contact him for “tips??” Lala’s friend? Not to mention it is James. Don’t think he’s the one to ask for relationship tips.

‘Something About Her’ sandwich shop – Andy asks the status. They’re moving forward and looking for investors. I’m positive Lisa will be getting involved. Probably same type of deal she did with the guys on TomTom. Where she puts in like 90% of the money, so she actually is the owner. I hope they do this. I do like the girly feminine concept. They could decorate it all shabby chic, with antique/vintage furniture, vintage pictures on the wall (pink wall of course) vintage dishes and sugar bowls. Oh my God – old cute tea pots. Serve different teas? I’m hoping they came up with some actual sandwiches by now. If you’ve been following my blog, I was getting irritated that they never had a sandwich idea.

Randall is out as an ‘investor.’ Big fat fucking fake fucking phony fucker, he didn’t even have the 150k to invest? He then hit up a friend of Katie’s (wow) to offer him the investment, and Randall was going to take 25%? So Sketchy. Remember how arrogant he was acting at the meeting with Katie and Ariana and freaking that Ariana was 10 minutes late ??? Because he had so freaking many important things to do — like hitting up random women, and offering money for naked pics. No wonder he’s broke. And he’s acting like he has 150k to throw around. Loser.

Lala gets asked about the proposal/wedding venue situation with Brock. I do think that Brock was hoping Randall (keep in mind he has everyone convinced he’s loaded) would pay for this event. (it really was a good idea) Remember how he wanted to Randall to act like they were going to a premier of one of his movies. (whatever movies he ‘makes’) So given that, I think he was on the sly thinking Randall would foot the bill. Remember, also, that he witnessed Sandoval paying for half of James’ engagement event. So I think he’s thinking – ‘so this is how this group does things??? I wanna get in on this!’

Lisa gets in here with pointing out why would you spend all of that money on a wedding, when that money should go to your kids. She thinks if he pays that back, it would get him closer to seeing his kids. But Brock doesn’t want to give that money to the “government” he says. (He owes the gov’t for supporting his kids before he was, if I’m understanding this correctly?) I don’t know that he even wants to see, or have a relationship with these kids, honestly.

Scheana does look really uncomfortable with all of this, even though she acts like this is all hunky dory. (sorry couldn’t resist) He goes on a rant that he’s been paying his child support since 2018 (2019) and supporting Scheana, and to make payments on top of that?? Are you serious ??? he says. He goes on to act like it’s ludicrous for him to be paying this money back, in addition to the child support.

He doesn’t have a sugar daddy he says ! (to Lala) He gets questioned about the ring being 25k, and justifies that by putting it on a credit card. (He does realize he has to make payments on these cards right ?)

And 25k credit card debt, it some pretty hefty monthly payments. He’s missing the point. Also he could have gotten his kids some clothes and toys, and put it on a credit card. Sorry, but Scheana didn’t need a 25k engagement ring. It is a bad look. (literally, the ring is ugly, and not a diamond) And it’s hard to justify, even if you want to be on Brock’s side, and give him the benefit of the doubt. I saw on Twitter that someone from Australia said, and posted a screen shot, where you can make child support payments/pay back the gov’t on a credit card. He just does not want to get caught up, and pay what he owes, is how it’s really looking.

Sandoval gets questioned on officiating the wedding at the engagement venue. He says he was just trying to help a dude out. Clearly they wanted to have this all on camera. Scheana starts flipping out about having “her” moment. She really is not getting the point.

Ariana defends her, that it wasn’t that big of a deal. In all honesty, though if they were doing it off to the side, just on the grounds, and didn’t make it a thing, didn’t say anything until they got home, would that have been SO bad ?? I get it, it’s still tacky. But I don’t see how that’s truly “hijacking” James’ and Raquel’s moment. And not to mention, they broke up anyway.

Katie and Ariana start to fight about Ariana defending Scheana, because she “doesn’t care about engagements or weddings…” She gets pissed at that and more yelling ensues.

What are you talking about?? I love weddings and engagements !!!!

Lala is wondering why everyone is “so worked up” over this ? And mocks them.

Really Lala?? You’re the one that seemed to think it was a pretty big deal at the party? You were like “Oh My God…” I think she can’t take it when she’s not the center of attention.

Her eye rolls, and disgusted and dismissive faces she keeps making, are annoying me. Doesn’t she have a new sugar daddy to go find ? Honestly if she wasn’t rolling her eyes at everyone’s statements, she was laughing at them.

They wrap up with a toast of one of Sandoval’s custom drinks. James looks like he wants to throw up.

Brock guzzles his and takes Scheana’s ??? I don’t know about this dude.

Not sure what the future holds for this show.

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