Christ what are these ladies doing now ?? ice baths –??? James is trying different out of the box activities to help with his anger issues. Says therapy doesn’t really work for him. I can relate to that. I’ve had that dumfounded look he referred to. I’m like, welllllll??? this is why you’re makin the big bucks!!!

Where’s Sandoval for this activity ? This seems right up his alley.

James confides in his bros about his temper tantrum issues and how he’s working on it. James please just DO NOT say “I’m a work in progress…”

Lisa visits Lala about her ten year old dog that is having health issues. I didn’t know she had a ten year old dog. Lala is again holding this sound asleep baby? Like a prop? Hand off to the ‘day nurse’

I NEED to know if Randall is writin checks for her day/night nurses now that she left him. I need to know this.

Lala shares with Lisa that she shaves Randall’s asshole for when she has to “visit there…” Like Omg. Lisa isn’t the one to share this shit with. Also the viewers don’t care.

Also why was her baby born hairy? I feel like she’s said this before. And I don’t get it. They’re covered in blood and goo, if memory serves, not hair. Like hair from her vajay?

She says she doesn’t want to take time away from her baby, that she is always handing to the day/night nurse, for the feet photography, to raise funds for Raquel’s nose debacle redo.

In the end, these pics do not fare very well. Think tittie pics would have been more successful.

Charly recaps to the girls the over exaggerated occurrence of the Aussie or European dude touching her waist, that she totally handled, and put the asshole in his place.

She whines that Scheana was not loyal or something stupid. She needs something to bitch about since no one cares anymore about her (not really) ‘food issues,’ did anyone really care to begin with?

Can the Toms’ butt cracks please STOP appearing in my living room ??? Please Bravo Gods. I beg of you.

Schwartz is getting a tattoo of LVP due to losing a stupid ping pong bet with her. He is trying to do a down dog with his asshole (literally) up in the air for the tattoo guy,

“I prefer you to lay flat …” wow. Why in the holy hell would you be in that position for a tattoo?

Why is Schwartz is always making this weird ass random bets with everyone ???

I love this little girly tea party thing !!!!!!! I love all their dresses — I love Ariana’s the best. I love their gloves ! I love gloves! They should come back!

She does look like a cupcake ! She’s changed over the years, didn’t she used to be like anti-girly? And in the beginning, hated to be on camera ?

Ariana has definitely come out of her shell

Lala probably dressed like the oddball on purpose. For attention. She makes sure to point her stupid tank top out.

Charly desperately wants to make this dude flirting with her, and touching her waist at Brock’s party a thing.

Scheana says she didn’t really see it, and thought it was handled. Charly is talking in circles and making my head spin about friendship this, and hanging out with this friend that, and not trusting that friend… like girl WTF ??? STUPID. If i was giving advice to Charly right now, i would say – shut up. – I know you’re all supposed to stir up drama – but this is just DES PER ATE.

Lala feels the need to interject that Scheana doesn’t defend anyone. Then they all put their one cent in, except Raquel. She just wants everyone to shut the fuck up. But she’s too sweet, so she doesn’t say it. Here we go they all gang up on Scheana. Everyone is uncomfortable and fiddling with their hair. i thought maybe Ariana was going to defend her, but she just says, “Scheana should not be invited to any more tea parties.” In the end Lala seems to have shut it down, surprisingly.

Katie and Ariana are playing “never have I ever” for Ariana’s box/book thing. Katie says in her interview she really wants to do this sandwich shop, but

‘it’s not something she could do on her own ??’ So same Katie that has been bragging about all of her restaurant experience and knowledge??

Schwartz presents his lvp ass tatt to Katie. Katie addresses their issues of him never having her back. AGAIN.

Time for the Dreaded Pickle Ball tournament between Schwartz and Randall. Unfortunately.

There are pro players attending ? Why?

Brock is whining about James. Not doing, something, I don’t know what.

Did Charly say ‘commentating’ ???

Final: 4 – 11 ??? guess who lost ?

Lala brings up this thing between him and Brock to James, that james doesn’t want to post to Insta on his behalf ? Or be involved in his venture ? Is that the thing ??? Katie points out James may sometime need a favor. Whatever. they bro hug. (brug??) (James does expect everyone to support his DJ events.)

Lala is not ashamed to say in her interview, on record, to the world that “I have a day nurse and a night nurse to pay for, get back to making movies!!!”

BO— RING CHAT between Charly and Scheana about this ding dong last week. AGAIN.

This random dude, at least is getting his fifteen minutes. Okay maybe five minutes. Give him a full-time job !! Does he have a name?

Oh for fucks’ sake another birthday party next week, at least with Jax and Stassi off the show, we don’t need to deal with 37 birthday parties every season.

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