Vanderpump 1/11/22

The engagement party is in the works. They are excited for the “Meet the Parents 2.0” They keep saying they are excited. I think they’re excited.

Apparently James’ mom got sloshed at Thanksgiving few years back at the initial meeting. Yikes. Well she is also clean and sober now too, so THAT shouldn’t happen. They discuss Brock’s and James’ little weird tif last week.

Brock’s work-out app promotion thing is also in the works. The ladies are all getting glammed. If they’re on a budget, is the pro glam squad necessary?

These ladies are all quite capable of doing their own hair and make-up.

Lala brings up to Katie that he’s willing to pay for this photo shoot, but not the engagement/wedding event. I would disagree with that critique, because I think it’s smarter to put money towards you business (in order to make money…) then blow it on a party These two have no clue about business, and need to shut up. If they think spending money on a party is more important than putting money toward growing/starting his business then they’re really dumb. They just want to bitch about Brock. But this is an instance where he’s working hard and trying to get something going for himself. Since you know, he came to America to make life better for his kids.


Brock and Sheana are signing their pre-nup, and Scheana is talking non stop about her retirement account, and how she’s keeping that, her and Shay’s marriage. She tells the story for the TENTH FUCKING time about how he wouldn’t sign the divorce papers until she gave him half of the money. That’s so embarrassing for him. And she has to say it every. Single. Week. The attorney dudes are exchanging glances. I think they are hearing the adults- talk -in the Charlie Brown -cartoons -noise -right now. While planning where they’re going for dinner.

Does this dude even understand what he’s signing?

Brock seems to not understand how pre nups work, with his commentary about her retirement account.

I think there’s a paper clip on the floor…

Oh wow Good Luck Scheana …

They say it’s odd to have a couple in signing their pre-nup that aren’t even engaged yet. Do you guys remember Katie and Schwartz doing theirs ? And neither one of them had any, like money, or property or anything. Legit – the cost of the pre-nup was more than their net worth. I wonder if it’s the same attorney ? Because that attorney, too, was like – “first time we had a couple signing a pre-nup, that have no money.” I don’t even think they had cars. It was ridiculous.

Katie meets with Randall, about the sandwich shop. Ariana is running a little late due to signing refi papers. It’s a whole big thing, and he’s being a dick, and yammers into his phone to set a 30 minute timer, and says he has many other important things to do.

The moment I have been waiting for!!!! Katie does actually present a sandwich idea! (sort of) The bread will be fresh baked. That’s a step in the right direction! Now we just need something to put IN BETWEEN the fresh baked bread girls. Maybe Ariana and Katie are a little savvy. They’re already naming a sandwich after him. Randall likes the name, and the concept, and is excited to have his own sandwich!

A Randall sandwich. There’s a joke in there somewhere given what we now know. He relaxed and seemed interested, after he got over his tantrum about Ariana being five minutes late, and went on about his importance. I mean, really, he’s sort of ‘Lala’s boyfriend’ at this point. Now he’s Lala’s ex- boyfriend.

I wonder if he’s still involved in the girly sandwich shop, and if that makes things weird post break-up ? I wonder if there is even is a girly sandwich shop ? I’ll have to check that out.

Brock proposes to Scheana at the apartment building balcony? At first I thought it was at the attorney’s office. Now THAT would have been funnier ! Right? All the attorney dudes leave the conference room? And Brock gets on one knee right there after signing the pre nup?? Then one of the dudes bring in champagne??

In the interview slimy Brock slips and says “when we get divorced…” OH MY FREAKING GOD.

So apparently the proposal was worked around Scheana getting her nails done. That’s different. Scheana’s like, “I just got my nails done, so I thought it was coming…” Holy shit these two are weird.

Perfect timing babe, I coincidentally just got my nails done!

I still don’t like this ring. It looks like costume jewelry. I can’t believe he paid 25k for this.

Sandy is having second thoughts about tht wedding within the engagement party. Yeah no shit. He feels caught between a ‘Brock’ and a hard place. Good one.

Schwartz is wearing animal print again in his confessional.

I always judge when I see the ladies on these shows with 2 – 3 large suitcases for a few days, but do I pretty much do the same exact thing ? Yes. I do. And I always say I’m not going to, but I like to have options. And you have these shoes that go with that outfit, and those shoes with this outfit, and that other outfit for just in case you don’t feel like wearing that. And a few jackets for the various outfits, in case it’s chilly at night. Oh and hats. Before you know it, there is a huge suitcase and that can barely close, and one or two smaller ones. And shoes take up so much space. Then there’s your make-up and toiletries. It’s tough being a girl!

Ariana tells Sandy that she didn’t like the way James grabbed Raquel’s wrist after the lovers’ quarrel with him and Brock. So she called Raquel to discuss. Of course James hears. So why would you try to have a “private” FaceTime convo with someone when the person you wanted privacy from is home? In a small apartment.

I didn’t catch that he aggressively yanked her wrist. She needed to dump his ass. I am so happy she didn’t marry him. I was even saying, before the news broke, that after watching the episodes airin, g and things he was saying in his interviews, about the nose drama, and watching his aggressive temper always flaring, I couldn’t fathom her actually marrying him. No one wants to put up with some loser that yells and has anger issues ! And he’s not going to change. It’s not even a ‘maturity’ thing. He will always act like this.

They arrive to the venue – this place is beautiful!! I wanna go. I wanna go !!!! It looks like Europe !

Romeo Romeo… !!
Well they’re never having a wedding, but at least they got two engagement events…

Dear PBJ loving Charly: you’re not supposed to chug wine.

This isn’t Yellow Tail Moscato. This isn’t a frat party. It’s a winery and a grown up party. She keeps calling the other girls out on sipping their wine like normal people are supposed to, She posted on Twitter to let us all know that the reason she hasn’t been on the last few episodes was because she had to isolate because of Covid. I don’t mean to bitchy, but did anyone miss her ? Maybe this is why she’s chugging wine. She hasn’t been out in a while.

Sandy discloses to Brock that he’s a bit nervous but determined to power through with the secret side wedding. Charly seems a little schwasted already.

Scheana comes into Tom and Ariana’s room to discuss the secret wedding, and Tom is visibly shook and sweaty. He is having reservations, but again, seems to plan to go forward.

I’m a little scared of James. He’s been kind of cranky lately.

Ariana stirs the pot about James behavior lately over dinner. Of course this isn’t the time, but there is a reality show to film. James apologizes to all. It blows over.

Charly is STILL chugging her wine like tequila shots. And STILL making fun of the others for being lame and NOT chugging their wine. I didn’t take notice if she ate any of the food, since the evolving of her palate episode. Where is this phantom boyfriend ?

You bitches better step it up !!!

Next week’s previews – Lala spills the tea to James ???? Scheana is going to be PISSED !!!! You better hide behind your purse!


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