The Real Housewives of SLC 10/2/24 – Nordstrom Wishes and Caviar Dreams

Do we really think anyone is upset that Mary is flying separately??

Angie fills in Shawn that Mr. Potato Head is sending flirty ‘DM’s’ to her brow girl.

Her BROW girl.

Cannot make this shit up.

Shawn pretends to be interested. At least this time he didn’t absently say “that’s great” while swigging his coffee. Or swigging whatever may be in that mug.

Did you say something??

Angie reads the DM’s which I don’t really think was necessary. Think we get the idea.

It really is humiliating when you’re dating someone you think really cares about you but is communicating with an ugly whore across the lot.

Oh wait that’s my situation. I’m sure Angie’s brow girl isn’t an ugly skanky 56 year old mentally ill whore with a host of down-there diseases.


Bronwyn is still pissed at Lisa and pouting for not having her back at the ropes course. Ropes course. Had no idea what to call that thing. It looked like a torture chamber.

I would not be getting on these random private jets. I’m sorry. Wouldn’t happen unless I was unconscious. Do they even have bathrooms?

So they arrive in Milwaukee. Heather refers to Alice Cooper, Gene Simmons and Wayne’s World for some reason

Milwaukee reminds ME of ‘Bridesmaids’ as it should any normal person. Duhhh.

You know where Mya Rudolph shit in the street??

But Mary of course because she’s Mary associates Milwaukee with Jeffrey Dahmer, who I honestly couldn’t tell you where he was from but apparently it was Milwaukee. Mary’s did lived there at the time as allegedly could smell the smell from his house.

Leave it to Mary.

I don’t know what’s with the Whitney/Mary love affair this season but it seems off. Like they have Mary friends with everyone that Meredith hates (Whitney and Angie) since those two had always been close. It doesn’t seem like they even talk really.

So clever Bravo. So original. It’s not like you’re playing this game across all of the shows or anything.

Lisa shares that Jack has been having stomach troubles in Columbia. Not sure what that’s all about.

There was a joke made on one of my chat groups I’m on, that his body is in shock from eating a hot meal every night. Or not eating fast food. She wanted to go and be with him and he told her not to come.

So the day’s two separate group plans – Bobble Head Museum which of course has meaning since Mary called Whitney a bobble head last season, when they were having a discussion/argument thing, and a casino.

I feel like a condition of Mary being back full-time was: a. She act fucking slightly pleasant and interact with the group and b. Become buddy-buddy with whom the assigned – which was Whitney and Angie.

Bronwyn loves a quirky museum. Why is that not surprising given her house looks like a quirky museum.

While getting glammed she fills in Angie how she’s so mad at Lisa.

I’m going to have to agree with Meredith that being asked to provide expensive refreshments for the group is not an example of ‘extending an olive branch.’

It’s an example of being too cheap or broke to buy your own fucking olives.

Is Whitney this dumb?? I really thinks she just likes free shit. Was it the first season where she had Lisa provide free Vida Tequila for her party, then bitched that the people she sent to serve it were drinking and goofing of?? Lisa was like ‘bitch you go the shit for free so fucking shut it.’

Heather is sticking with the fact that Bronwyn was speaking disparagingly about Whitney and she should be so mad.

They again flash on both conversations and it really was similar – what she said about Whitney verses what she said to her face.

Yes perhaps she was a little more snarky about it not in her presence, but this ‘story line’ has already expired and it’s time to bury it.

I like how Lisa is always making excuses for being Mormon and not following any of the ‘rules.’ Like it’s okay to gamble because she’s not addicted to it.

Why doesn’t she just lose this whole Mormon thing altogether? It’s so fucked up which is why it surprises me she even pretends to be one, and would allow her kid to traipse around a third-world country trying to suck people into this bull.

The other ladies arrive at the Bobble Head Museum. That is one poofy puffer vest that Bronwyn is wearing.

How embarrassing for Britani that she keeps repeating how Mr. Potato Head ‘asked her to be his girlfriend.’

He ignores her call then pretends he didn’t see it.

Meredith seems more than happy and more than excited to report to Heather that Whitney is ‘stealing’ her jewelry designs from somewhere that I didn’t really understand. Looks like one of those super cheap chintzy websites.

Meredith brags that had she consulted with her, she could have guided her through her jewelry-making ‘journey.’

So in other words she’s selling crappy generic Made in China crap and slapping her name on it.

Which is what all of these Housewife ‘businesses’ entail I’m sure. Not much work, not much effort, and not much of anything.

Why do Meredith’s boobs look ginormous when she claimed in last week’s ep that she got a reduction because she ‘keeps growing breast tissue.’

So apparently this Ali Bwa Bwa whatever is known for just what I said earlier, as Heather confirms – crap. It looks like the Shein of jewelry.

They’re selling pieces for $4 and she’s selling it for $49. Nice Whitney. Way to put in like zero work for ‘your’ business.

So it’s not that she’s ‘stealing’ the designs as Meredith frames it. She’s buying this ‘white-label’ shit in bulk and reselling it.

It’s the same shit that happened to Sheree on Atlanta. When she finally go her ‘She by Sheree’ going, it was discovered Shein has the exact same crap for a fraction of the price. That’s because she was getting her ‘designs’ from the same manufacturer, not stealing Shein’s ‘designs.’ She was selling identical items for $100 that Shein had for like $20. Shein sells them so cheap because they’re buying massive quantities whereas a smaller person wouldn’t be able to buy that much from the manufacturer. The ‘manufacturer’ being a filthy factory in China where children are paid ten cents an hour.

Why do I gotta know everything?

Well besides Meredith of course whose “been in the business for fifteen years and won multiple design awards.”

That’s because she went about it as a true passion and wanted to market her own design ideas, and Whitney, well didn’t go that route, let’s say.

She went the quick, easy and cheap route.

Apparently Angie is really excited about the Greek basketball player. I feel like there are not a lot of those right? Why are these ladies so into basketball? Is it a Utah thing? Since they’re not allowed to do anything else?

They head to the game. Who wears skirts and stripper heels to a basketball game? Why, Housewives of course.

We learn Mary wears a supersized tampon when she’s out and about to hold in her pee.

What’s worse than pulling out a dry tampon?? Maybe having to spend the day with Mary.

Moving on to another gross subject – how this Britani chick keeps feverishly calling Potato Head like a pyscho. Like stop calling!!! Jesus. Stop groveling to this loser. I just wanted to see your handsome face.” Please. Gross.

Angie decides now is the time, (as we knew she would pick the worst time to do this) to let Britani know what she knows about him. She fills in Bronwyn and they collectively decide she needs to know right this second. Not after the game.

Grown women that drink Coke concern me. And for some reason Mary is wearing a glittery ‘Coke’ shirt. What is going on?

Angie proceeds to show Brownyn the messages she has screenshots of.

Receipts – Proof – Timeline – Screenshots!!”

Sorry couldn’t resist. Britani pretends to overhear.

Angie fills her in and she runs to the bathroom crying over this toxic dysfunctional relationship with this ginormous head dude (figuratively and literally.)

Any dude that does this shit is a fucking pig. A disgraceful disgusting pig. At least ‘brow girl’ sounds like a little cutie. Not a woman that looks like the Wicked Witch of the West. Some guys just aren’t choosy. Not that that makes it better, if the girl is cute, but it does make it less puzzling.

Apparently this dude also ‘loves’ whomever is giving them the most attention and offering up the goodies in that moment. Even if she’s the town ho.

Meredith consoles her in the bathroom. She describes in her yap how it ‘seems like’ there are a lot of break-ups and reconciliations.

She also said which sounds familiar – “maybe he breaks up with her when he wants to hook up with someone else.”

Meredith, you could not be more correct. That’s exactly what he’s doing. Then he can use the excuse ‘we weren’t together’ even though he’s the one that started some senseless bullshit to be in fighting, arguing or temporarily ‘broken up’ status.

I hope this dude gets run over by an enormous snow plow. Certainly she is not still with this man. I’ll have to look that up.

This sounds like a toxic fucking relationship and a horrible way to live. I read that women with these types of dudes get addicted to the constant fights and making up.

Meredith advises her to take ‘time for herself.’ Yeah she’s not going to do that. She’s going to beg and grovel which will make him treat her more shitty. You can tell by her expression she is not listening to this advice. Then she tells her to date other men, which contradicts ‘taking time for herself.’ The last thing she needs to do is date other men.

Yeah soon as this game is over I’m calling him crying and begging.

Again I can’t get pics due to my technical difficulty I’m having. I need to call my cable company to see why I’m getting this weird error.

Lobster corn dog? I’m definitely intrigued.

Lisa and Brownyn chat. How can there be two Housewives named Bronwyn? (other is previous on OC) Have you ever known a Bronwyn? What would possess anyone to name their baby that?

I looked it up and it’s Welsh and means ‘fair blessed breast.’ Okay. I reiterate what would possess someone to name their baby that?

Back to this – Bronwyn seems to be doing a bit of retaliation and ratted Lisa out to Meili new chick, a friend, that Lisa was making fun of her outfits.

I mean she dresses very Utah, like they all dress.

Lisa was making fun of the fact she’s known at Nordstrom for a lot of returns So whatever – she has four kids she’s feeding and clothing. Maybe she’s buys dresses or outfits, wears them once and returns them.

I guess around these bougie ladies, that’s the biggest deal ever. I personally wouldn’t do that but to each their own. Mostly because I’m a bad liar.

Okay so you know you have to have a sense of humor when it comes to these ‘story lines’ and so forth, and just roll with it, I know. But sometimes the unrealistic-ness cracks me up (Britani did this earlier as well about Potato Head.)

Meili claims to hear from the entire way on the other side of the room in this extremely noisy space with the game blaring, that she hears Lisa and Bronwyn discussing her.

She marches over and asks Lisa how she feels about her outfits. Wow this is getting more and more ridiculous.

So the point in all of this and there is (barely) one, is that if Lisa can make snarky comments then so can Bronwyn, and she shouldn’t be held to the fire about what she said about Whitney.

She is kind of right.

Lisa apologizes for not supporting her at ‘the rope course.’

Brownwyn says in her yap this Housewife thing could be a problem in their friendship. Well THAT never happens on Housewives!!

Heather gets involved now because we definitely need that, when we have Meredith already in the peanut gallery chirping in defense of Lisa.

Bronwyn gets a little stern with Heather, who looks at her like ‘don’t you know who I am?’

This commentary she made about Whitney is so NOT worth all of this.

Whitney IS extremely and excruciatingly dramatic. It’s like the running SLC joke.

Whitney herself even laughed about it when Bronwyn brought it up.

Bronwyn is coming off as the calm voice of reason and I’m kind of not hating it. She points out in her Ronald McDonald yap that they’re all talking about each other, where she deems herself the ‘best-dressed.’

Cheeseburger, fries and a shake please!!

I was able to get some pictures from the TV. They’re not the best but they’re something.

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