Summer House Reunion Part 1 – 6/6/24 (part 2 recap)

Okay new subject, how the girls all got along this season. This was mainly due to Lindsay being so busy tormenting and starting shit with poor Carl, she didn’t have time to pick on the girls. But alas, at BravoCon two months after Carl dumped her ass, she found that she had time on her hands so guess what? She goes after Paige, who did nothing but support her all summer even though she knew damned well Lindsay was the issue, which I don’t get. Thought Paige was a ‘tell ya like it is’ kind of gal. She certainly is when it comes to Craig.

So back to Carl’s comment to Kyle when he was ready to pull the plug, how it’s strange she got along all summer with the whole house except for him, when she has a history of being at odds with most of the girls in the house.

Well I hate to always be the one that’s right, but refer to above. She had Carl to abuse, so the girls all got a break. She was even NICE to them.

Also refer to my part 1, where her type of people needs to have constant conflict and chaos swirling about, in order to function, it’s almost like food and water to a normal person.

Lindsay interrupts Kyle with how happy she was to have the girls on her side. Seems she wanted to cut him off from going into more detail about how she has beef with almost everyone, every year (so who’s the common denominator?)

She wasn’t tormenting and making pissy comments to any of the girls because she was busy making them to Carl.

Why do I have to know EVERYTHING?

That photo she posted with all of the girls out to dinner with caption of ‘girls rule and boys drool’ okay cute, I agree, but it was TOTALLY to be like ‘in your face’ to Carl that most of the house is on ‘her side.’ Even though they really weren’t, they were just trying to be supportive. The others, unlike her, are mostly girls’ girls (maybe not Danielle) and didn’t want to kick her when she was down.

You know damned well they knew she was the problem. EVERY fucking relationship she has had on the show has gone down this way. Every one. Carl is the third or fourth. She even went all manic meltdown on a dude she had just met and was trying to hook up with two years ago, before Carl became her latest victim.

So Paige gets into it about Lindsay trying to sabotage a photo shoot that she had in Vegas during BravoCon in November. She didn’t have Carl anymore, she needed to ruin someone’s fucking day. These fuckers aren’t happy until they ruin SOMEBODY’S dang day.

The photo shoot was taking place where a friend of Lindsay’s worked at. Not sure of details of what exactly the sabotage entailed, which I’m kind of curious about. Sounds like grounds for firing for the ‘friend’ that works there I would think.

I was just mad I didn’t have a photo shoot, okay??

Lindsay plays dumb. It’s so obvious she’s guilty, rambling “What, WHO did? Sabotaging what?? I didn’t know you had a photo shoot??

Gabby looks like she knows something. She won’t speak up. She wouldn’t dare.

Must be Lindsay’s bitch, must be Lindsay’s bitch…

Paige tells her Carl told him this. She glares at him.

Carl verifies he heard her on the phone with her friend planning the ‘sabotage.’

Lindsay just can’t seem to recollect this phone call that Carl is referring to.

My God. If you’re a Team Lindsay person, you need your goddamned head examined. Who would even want to admit that? She’s Satan. Sorry to be dramatic but has no fucking soul. Period Dot.

Photo shoot? What’s a photo shoot?? Who are you again??

She accuses Carl of “lying yet again.” Why would Carl make this up?

Paige lumps Danielle and Lindsay together as ‘you guys’ and brings up how Danielle is the one that told the universe Craig had a few too many mixies at Kyle and Amanda’s wedding three years ago.

Danielle’s not denying that since Lindsay ratted her out and Danielle defends herself by saying that it was juicy.

Those two have issues with Paige due to jealousy in my opinion.

They bicker about this article on a gossip sight about Craig.

Danielle whines about Paige and the CEO of WHAT?? in her yap and calls it ‘damaging.’ Okay Danielle, well your app sucks ass. Deal with it. I really doubt it was ‘damaging.’

I feel like she’s trying to blame that comment on the fact that it’s not successful. No one wants to pay through the nose to have some so-called ‘expert’ telling them what to wear from their own fucking closet. Dumb.

Back to Craig being drunk at the wedding three years ago, like who the hell even cares? Especially at this point? OhmiGod someone was drunk at a WEDDING RECEPTION? Never heard of that happening before. Who cares.

I get it though, Paige is making the point that Lindsay AND Danielle are fucking See You next Tuesdays and obsessed with her life and making her look bad.

Again it’s very simple. It’s called jealousy. I’ve been there with ugly bitches jealous of me and trying to sabotage my life too. It’s been going on for YEARS with me. It sucks. In a way, it’s flattering, but that doesn’t really help when they’re doing shit like trying to get you fired, calling the cops on you, yelling names at you out their window, trashily throwing themselves at a guy you’re trying to work things out with and giving yet another chance to prove he’s not a piece of shit…

Danielle admits she thought it was “juicy as fuck” and couldn’t help herself and just had to feed it to the Bravo gossip people.

Danielle said she didn’t realize Paige hated her over it. She can’t even say she regrets it when asked because this ho can never ever say she was wrong. Paige is handling it kind of epic by not even looking at her and saying she’s not mad but she sees the kind of person she is to have done something like that.

It is kind of funny. I didn’t even realize until now, that Paige never approached Danielle about it all summer, and it was early when Lindsay told her.

You don’t care enough about me to address it with me.”


Danielle, ya walked right into that.

Love that. I do like Paige, I just don’t like the way she treats Craig. If Craig was an ass then I would say you go girl. but he’s so not. He used to be kind of an ass but he turned it around. It IS possible. He looked at himself in the mirror one day and said, this is NOT the guy I want to be. I want something better.

He got serious about his pillows and business, stopped drinking excessively and became ‘a good guy.’ An actual good guy. Not one that walks around saying that he is.

Danielle is pissed that Lindsay outed her to Paige. Honestly, I don’t blame Lindsay for wanting to clear her name. Suck it up Danielle, it was SO JUICY remember?

I assume too she probably got paid for selling out Craig just for being drunk. At a wedding. I don’t think he even did anything that insane except act obnoxious. He didn’t run around naked, didn’t hit on the bride, didn’t burn the joint down, WHO CARES. If Danielle thinks that is so fucking juicy then I feel sorry for her. I mean I feel more sorry for her.

Do we have to talk about Balloon Guy?? You know Danielle if you’re listening, stop being such a fucking ho. That’s it. As women we are held to a bit of a higher standard than dudes when it comes to this shit. Trying to make Gabby feel bad about herself because she wasn’t ripping her clothes off for some dude she just met is SICK. Not all women are desperate ugly skanks with no morals whatsoever.

She tries to defend her stupid ass ‘founder and CEO’ comment and not attending to Gabby when she made her upset. She goes into the SAME idiotic diatribe she did that night. Danielle shut up, just shut up. She basically gets ridiculed and shut down.

Your ‘company’ is as stupid as your hair.


Unemployed Nurse/Model meets unemployed Sports Journalist. What is this thing West keeps doing with his tongue? Must be a nervous tick, He should be nervous.

West explains what all transpired after filming wrapped at the end of August. Seems like he’s wanting to minimize their relationship by fast forwarding to December, Andy stops him and wants to know about September October and November. What a douche. Ciara is the one that has to say they were full on dating and went to a wedding together, visited his brother together and went to his parents’.

He admits he was with other girls over the summer while he was trying to get with Ciara. This dude can suck it. What a fraud. He totally lied when he was asked this several times.

Ciara thinks she was totally used as someone to latch onto in the house making his transition on the show easier and for popularity.

With the way it all sounds and how it played out, I agree.

He got all flattered I guess you would say about all of the chicks hitting him up on social media. This ding dong does realize these were bitches trying to get on the show, most likely? Does he really think he’s all that? Does he not know he’s the short funny dorky guy? He thinks he’s a stud. He thinks that.

He told her in early December he wasn’t interested in pursuing a relationship with her after flaunting her all around his friends and family for three months.

He’s mumbling and bumbling and making no sense, in which Andy promptly tells him. Dude, just say what you did. He’s using the excuse of girls approaching him and wanting to be the new Bravo fuckboy, and not wanting to be referred to a ‘Ciara’s new guy.’

All of this advice and trying to reason with West about the dynamics of being on a reality show is so unnecessary, because he really doesn’t care. The bottom line is that he just wasn’t that into her. Period. He shouldn’t have lead her on. He shouldn’t have been introducing her to his family, if this was just a fling. That’s fucked up.

Jesse Solomon jumps in to defend his new bestie, and I get what he’s saying, it’s kind of dude talk, but he’s saying what I communicated earlier, he just wasn’t into her enough to pursue a serious relationship. I’m just wondering when he officially realized this. I think it was way before the beginning of December talk.

Ciara tells him to shut the fuck up.

Then rips West a new one and he sits there looking stupid.

Ciara, please stop giving these dorks the time of day.



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