Summer House Reunion Part 1 – 6/6/24 (part 1 recap)

If you really have to doubt what I’ve been saying about Lindsay, you just have to take in what she says in the first two minutes while she’s getting her makeup done.

I don’t even look at him with emotion. He’s just like a body in the room.”

Granted, by this point, it’s been several months since the break-up and wedding cancellation. But this is the man you wanted to marry and have children with.

No emotion? If you’re truly in love with someone, you don’t get over completely over them that quickly to the point where you have no emotion? Now could she have just been trying to talk tough and sound unbothered? Maybe, but I don’t think so.

Whereas Carl expresses apprehension going into it, and acknowledges his responsibility. And for me, having been in his place, by ‘his responsibility’ he probably means tolerating her for so long, to the point where his reactions were starting to be extreme, and making him appear unhinged. That’s part of their game though. Provoke provoke provoke until you lose you’re shit, then you’re insane and ‘all they did’ is blank blank blank.

He’s been planting the seeds to villainize her, Lindsay says. Woman you did that to yourself!

In one of the first episodes she got inebriated and all extra about something insignificant, then accused Carl of breaking his sobriety. Never apologized, never even acknowledged how damaging that could be. She has a very short memory, as narcissists often do.

Gabby says she hopes Carl is shitting his pants right now, and actually Carl seems confident and talking calmly to a producer, and when they zoomed on Lindsay getting her makeup done, she appears to be the one that’s nervous. So – do the math,

I’m not worried at all.
I’m just going to admit I was afraid of her.

This will probably have to be a two partner. First of all it was an hour and fifteen minute episode, and second of all I’ve noticed my reunion recaps tend to be longer because as opposed to the episodes, there’s not much filler I can glaze over.

West arrives not looking overly confident either. What a fucking schmuck he turned out to be. And I’m being nice. I’m sure I’ll be a lot less nice later.

Does he have eye patches on? What a dork. You need more than fucking eye patches to help you out here, asshole.

Okay Andy, thought since Jeff Lewis gave it to you straight, we were getting away from these over-cluttered tacky stages that look like a middle school play.

What’s with all of the lemons? It’s giving me a lemonade stand vibe, not Italy vibe.

I have to do the wardrobes and overall looks, I just do. It IS a big part of the reunions.

I wish Carl would ditch the white pants. Although he mixed it up a little by wearing a looser pair. Baby steps. I’m not feeling that gingham jacket either.

They seemed to have planned a color theme of nude/white/blush tones. I don’t hate it. Anything but black in my book.

Kyle looks good. I approve. Danielle, I don’t even know where to begin. I guess the obvious, the hair. I do wonder this and I’m going to try to find out. Maybe I’m the only one that’s curious, but does Bravo provide the hair and makeup people at the reunions or do they bring (and pay) their own ‘glam squad?’ Maybe they have a choice.

If it’s Bravo, are they doing this purposely to Danielle? This is the third consecutive reunion where her hair has been atrocious. I think her makeup is okay here. Last year it was both her hair and makeup. And this dress? Also horrible. Also ugly.

And she calls herself some sort of fashion expert? I think when Andy tells her “love the hair” he’s doing the Regina George thing. You know “I love your bracelet, where did you get it?” She looks like a cartoon character. Betty Boop to be exact.

I thought this was a costume party.

Back to the reunion makeup for a sec, this one isn’t a good example of that, but I have noticed in the past that they seem to not understand how to do makeup that’s going to be seen under the bright lights of the cameras. Especially on some of the women of a certain age. Less is more. If it’s Bravo makeup people, they’re clearly hiring whomever is the cheapest. A seasoned and talented makeup artist would know this.

I can’t get over Danielle’s hair. I’m not going to be able to take her seriously or listen to a damned word she says, that’s how bad it is.

West looks fucking stupid, which fits the bill so congrats on that, dude. Weird-ass messy hair, a wife beater and baggy suit. I get it, it’s a disheveled ‘look’ he’s going for, similar to when women do messy buns, but I didn’t think dudes tried to rock this. It’s not working at all. Not sure what his little jog thing was about as he entered. Maybe some over compensating, because he’s not really excited to be sitting here, I’m sure. He’s ready to get his ass handed to him, so he was trying extra hard to be cool.

If I make a cool entrance, Ciara will forget all about how douchey I was??

Gabby’s got it all hanging out, a lot of side boob and midriff. Her dress is rather ugly and unflattering actually. I’m sure she’s done after this season, which is fine. They’ll have to find another fake friend for Lindsay. Lindsay and Ciara definitely went for ‘revenge’ looks. Gee that’s something new.

He’s going to want me back now I just know it!

Amanda looks meh as she usually does. Her body is amazing and she can wear anything though, so she still looks good.

I’m going to be getting into this later, but I just don’t get Ciara looking like she looks and going for these loser fucking guys. Can someone pah-lease find her a suave successful man of color that doesn’t fucking play games, and appreciates this woman? Granted she’s a little boring, and a little lazy, but she’s a sweet girl and fucking ridiculously gorgeous. Just get a housekeeper and definitely don’t expect her to ever have a job. That’s why I said ‘successful.’ The fact that she let this dorky little dweeb bulldoze her is so pathetic.

When ya look like this you can snag the really hot chicks…

I forgot to comment about Paige’s dress. It’s fine. The mesh midriff is kind of cute. It’s a little basic though.

Danielle claims her stupid app is going well but I’ve heard otherwise.

Kyle will be cutting the mullet, so that’s something to look forward to.

Ciara will not stop caressing and stroking her weave. These women need to have their hands tied behind their back for the reunions I swear.

Okay so we dive right in.

On behalf of all of America, (and several other regions) I am so happy you’re not getting married.”

When they start getting into the gory deets of the magnitude and volatility of their fights, I can’t even believe either of of them would think a marriage and possible baby is okay.

As per uzse in these relationships, the one that’s problematic, doesn’t care to see it, or rectify it. They’re happy as a fucking lark. Why? They thrive on the chaos and conflict. It’s what makes them happy, seeing their partner distraught. You know like a NORMAL person is happy having a fun day with their partner, interacting in a healthy way, talking without arguing, not playing fucking mind games, and not bitching about the most miniscule fucking incident.

They’re living the fucking dream. Meanwhile their partners are fucking suicidal. The fact that Carl remained sober throughout this relationship is so admirable.

The normal one in the relationship is the one that’s tortured and apprehensive about taking the next step, such as living together or marriage. Because we know we can’t control their emotions and anger, and every day is unpredictable.

Andy asks Lindsay first about the break-up ‘experience.’ Kind of a dumb question. I don’t think either one of them know how to respond.

Lindsay mutters “him talking over me.” Okay Lindsay. I mean, we have to talk over you motherfuckers. And you’re right, why bother because they don’t hear nor comprehend one damned word anyone is saying.

I am confused about Carl’s claims that it wasn’t necessarily his intention to break up with her that day. So if this was just yet going to be another one of their circular conversations, why have cameras in??

Or, if you want to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe when he presented his concerns about their constant fighting, if she could have reacted differently and acknowledged that he’s right, this is no way to start off a marriage, took some ownership and indicated she would try to do better, maybe he would have not broken up with her altogether.

But I think he knew this wasn’t going to happen, so I wish he would be honest. He was pretty certain it would go exactly how it went. He got heated immediately because I think at this point, and if you were watching every week you should certainly understand, he had just had it. And Lindsay just sat there playing dumb and victim.

Lindsay is making all kinds of shocked and surprise faces. So in light of her flat stomach complete with painted on muscles, I’m assuming the pregnancy thing was a rumor. I haven’t heard anything else since it started swirling around the time that she was on WWHL, which was probably about a month ago, around the time this was filmed. So who knows. If it’s early she wouldn’t have been showing at this point.

Gabby interrupts, very passionately defending Lindsay. Girl, not your monkey, not your circus. Take a seat. Take another seat. Coming to her defense like this is so stupid, and just makes you look like her bitch.

Lindsay told me to say this!!

Amanda’s body language listening to Lindsay is hilarious. Keep in mind Carl has been confiding in Kyle, and I’m sure he has been sharing the skinny with Amanda, so she knows how full of shit Lindsay is.

This bitch is exhausting!

And the fact that she doesn’t bat an eye, or is even embarrassed at saying that first thing in the morning when she woke up that day, she walked into ‘his room’ to ask why they were filming.

‘His’ room? So these people that were to be getting married in two months were already sleeping separately. And Lindsay doesn’t see a problem admitting that to the world.

Can’t make this shit up. She said it like it was no big deal and normal.

She says that after she asked, he then went off on her for 45 minutes about canceling the wedding. So that should have given her a clue why they were filming you would think.

So this argument sounds like it got pretty ghetto pretty fast.

And when she said he was ‘screaming at the top of his lungs’ you have to kind of take that with a grain of salt, after watching the season. If Carl got emotional or a little frustrated she said “OH MY GOD YOU’RE SO ANGRY AND YELLING!” When he was not angry nor yelling.

So yes, I believe he wasn’t being nice to her at that point, as I said, I believe he was at the end of his rope, but also not screaming at the top of his lungs.

They bicker at each other for a minute or so about all of the logistics about canceling a paid-for wedding, and the lease and rent payments for their apartment.

She doesn’t give a shit what she says to people, but for some reason the girls were tiptoeing all around her all summer.

This is dropped for now but it’s going to be picked up again when they start rehashing the many house arguments. Lindsay will manage, as they always seem to do, talk us to death, and bring up Carl’s faults, and not take any accountability and deny shit that was said and what happened on camera, right before our eyes.

Why was Ciara so smitten with West? Oh he’s funny? That seemed to be it.

Maybe she should try going for NOT funny guys? Funny is overrated anyway.

A lot of so-called ‘funny’ guys hide being that as their mask so they can reel you in before they start acting like their true despicable selves.

I do keep going for the same losers.

When they flash on last season and Kyle saying to Carl “be careful what you’re dealing with here. People don’t know the real side of Lindsay, she’s an evil conniving bitch. Good luck to my best friend because you’re a fucking psycho.”

I don’t know if he could have been more accurate.

This was after she and Danielle ganged up on Amanda for no fucking reason whatsoever.

That scene got played after Andy asks about how Kyle and Carl’s friendship is now back to where it was before Lindsay intervened and fucked with it. You know, just for fun. Convinced him to quit his job, just for fun. Then harassed him about not having another job immediately, just for fun. See what I mean? Chaos and conflict. They will manipulate every aspect of your life to make sure you’re in a constant state of panic.

Oh boy the Flower Boy saga!! Can’t wait for that! NOT!

Carl immediately looks sullen and annoyed. You know damned well Lindsay dictated the whole thing.

Lindsay said I wasn’t allowed to have Kyle in the wedding party.

Before this even gets started, here is my take on that, because this whole back and forth about it between them is excruciating.

I think because as we saw, and as he’s admitted, he was afraid of Lindsay and went out of his way to try to make sure she was getting her way. I think while she may have never said the words “I do not want Kyle as part of the wedding party or else” I think Carl knew it would make her happy for him to not be, so he was trying to be compliant. I think he would have really have liked him to be groomsman, but just wanted to pick his battles. Moot point I know.

So maybe when Lindsay presented the ‘what if someone can’t make it last minute’ concern, maybe Carl jumped at the chance of using that for a reason to try to involve Kyle. But flower boy? Which WAS Lindsay’s idea. Wasn’t there something else? Maybe read a poem? Tell a funny story? Or anything else.

I’m assuming he went along with this just to keep the peace.

Kyle answers as to what his thoughts were about it. While he understands he wasn’t made the officiant, as Carl was at his, he did expect to be a groomsman since their friendship was back on track, and he was hurt by the exclusion.

I feel like Carl is really agitated during this conversation because he feels embarrassed and stupid that he let her guilt him into not including Kyle

Lindsay seems to me like she is responsible for the decision in the way she defends it by saying very seriously, “it was an adults only resort.” Which makes no sense. Andy quickly points that out by saying that doesn’t mean you assign the role to an adult? Come on Lindsay. Stop playing with us. Just fucking own it. And Carl should own that he was being a pussy and went along with it.

So Lindsay breaks it all down and says that all nine spots were taken by Carl’s many friends which pushed out Kyle right away since she didn’t have eleven bridesmaids. That’s how she’s trying to present it.

I’m actually wondering who in the hell her nine bridesmaids were. She cannot have nine friends. And I don’t think any of the Summer House girls were included. Paige wasn’t even invited. I hope that gets addressed at some point, because that was fucked up in my opinion.

Lindsay claims it as her idea to do something with the Summer House guys, Kyle, Luke and Andrea. That confuses me because Andrea and Luke aren’t even in the house anymore. I don’t think Carl is even close with them.

Lindsay contradicts herself in her lengthy explanation. Andy points this out. I think he has her number, and is not too fond of her. Thirty seconds ago she had nothing to do with the decision, now she’s saying it was her idea.

She bitches about how Carl said in his yap, Lindsay didn’t want Kyle to be a groomsmen, however she never actually said that.

My takeaway not that you asked, is that it was a vibe she was putting out. He complied to please her. Period. Not complicated.

She tries to sell us that if Carl wanted Kyle to be the best man, she claims she would have reacted with “Great!”

Give me a fucking break, bitch. Can I tell you how she would have reacted? This is what she would have said in a very condescending tone:

You want KYALLLLLLLE to be your BEST MAANNNNNN after everything that he said about me last summerrrrrrrrrrrr?”

You can just hear her saying that. Then she would have proceeded to ruin the day by having a tantrum, and accusing him of not having her back, and guzzled a bottle of Rose.

Carl simply wanted to avoid the awkward conversation and likely argument, and excluded him until this Flower Boy ridiculousness was born. Which was even more insulting than not including him at all. And Lindsay absolutely knew that.

Carl’s side is something she leaves out. When they were discussing how many in the wedding parties, he initially had Kyle on the list and eleven guys total, and Lindsay didn’t have that many bridesmaids so she said ‘how about Kyle as a Flower Boy?’ This totally contradicts Lindsay’s version. I don’t know why Amanda steps in and defends Lindsay. Have your husband’s back and not this fucking bitch’s. Last summer was water under the bridge and Kyle apologized.

Show of hands as to who thought Carl was afraid of Lindsay. All hands go up, even Carl’s. Lindsay has her hand raised, laughing. It’s hilarious, Lindsay and you wonder why he can’t get a boner? You want your man ‘afraid’ of you but you expect the sex to somehow be good? You expect anything about your relationship to be good when you’re basically emasculating your dude on the daily?

Same with the reverse situation when the dude is a prick. He seriously somehow expects his partner, wife, girlfriend, whatever to be into having sex with him when he’s constantly putting her down and pissing and moaning about something. Don’t work that way.

Lindsay says he’s “afraid of tough conversations.” Yeah when you’re in a relationship with a fucking tyrant, who isn’t capable of an adult conversation, yes.

Carl is back with Loverboy which we all now know, and saw coming. I think the dude just needed a break. Maybe that’s how he should have even presented it last year in the first place, instead of letting Lindsay talk him into hating Kyle and ditching his position altogether.

Here we go, what I’ve been saying. I feel like I commented, and posted a lot on this, and felt like I was in the minority. Andy says there has been a lot of speculation online from viewers that Lindsay encouraged him to quit his job when maybe, as he said he’s a ‘pleaser’ and wanted to make her happy, quit when he really didn’t want to.

In my opinion, Carl does feel like she pushed him in that direction, but doesn’t want to say it, because a. she’ll pitch a fit, and yell “I never SAID THAT!!!” because she never said those exact words, much like the groomsman thing, and b. It will make him look like a complete pussy to have altogether left a fucking job because his boss called her out on her actual deplorable behavior and treatment of others, and she didn’t like that.

Whatever, Carl covers for her and refers to her as “a supportive partner” citing that he made the decision on his own. She was looking worried and staring daggers at him, when the question was presented.

Shit he’s not gonna rat me out is he?? I really did make him quit.

What’s funny is, again all of her coaxing and shit talking of Kyle (and Amanda, she even threw Amanda in there as horrible, just for good measure) was all aired last season. All anyone has to do is play last season. Someone with more time on their hands should do that and come back here and comment that I was right. I just recall being SO confused. I was thinking I sure as hell wouldn’t be talking my man into quitting his job before he had another one lined up. How fucking dumb is that? Especially if I had a rent payment to the tune of $13g a month. I thought that was the figure that was dropped last year, if I remember correctly.

You can almost see her breathing a sigh of relief after he answers that it was his decision. I mean yeah. At the end of the day, it was HIS decision after a LOT of her in his ear and making the situation seem a lot worse than it was just because she was pissed at Kyle.

He’s STILL afraid of me.

The smug ass look on her face after he covers for her, I just want to smack it off.

My speculation is also that perhaps he was under the impression since she was going so hard at leaving, that she didn’t want him to be 9-5 and was okay with him screwing around doing endorsements. I’m sure like three days later when she said, “okay that’s done, so what other job are you getting now?” He was probably like “uhhh come again?”


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